Strange bedfellows

By Ted Belman

By a strong majority, Likud members have approved the merger of lists with Yisrael Beiteinu. But what strange bedfellows they make.

YB is anti-Arab and believes the less Arabs in Israel the better. Their slogan is “Only YB understands Arabic.” Now Liberman is on record of supporting accepting the Levy Report. Netanyahu is on the fence but most of his party want to accept it. Related to this is the question of annexation which raises the question of whether to enfranchise the Arabs in the event of annexation.

Plus it supports the desire of Russians to eat pork and have civil marriages. This will not sit well with the religious wing of Likud or their potential coalition partners.

I don’t think the merger agreement has been made public. We are left to wonder, what party has abandoned what policy

October 29, 2012 | 6 Comments »

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6 Comments / 6 Comments

  1. @ Donald freyman:

    As long as America is the final arbiter of existential matters of the Jewish state, Israel can not claim the status of a sovereign state.

    When the Jews of Israel start to show the same faith in the Creator of the Universe that they now have for the goyim, Israel’s and the Jewish peoples’ redemption will be at hand.

    May it come soon and not be too late!

  2. @ Ted Belman:
    It will be debated and America will be the final arbiter. Let us stop playing, LET’S PRETEND. I don’t have to tell you the facts of life.

  3. @ Yidvocate:
    Let me brief.Israel is not a fully sovereign nation. It has sold its soul to the American and EU devils. If these entities are not pleased with Israel’s actions, Israel will feel the consequences. there is no Right or Wrong here. It just happens to be a fact of life. AND THAT IS IT.

  4. annexation which raises the question of whether to enfranchise the Arabs in the event of annexation

    Why is this always the reflex issue, the necessary corollary of annexation?

    Yes, I know. It’s the imperative of the democratic nature of the state of Israel of course.

    But what in the world is undemocratic in permitting those Arabs to remain as a resident aliens?

    The Mandate assigned Palestine as the homeland for the Jewish people. The Arabs of Palestine were deliberately not given any political rights. The High Contracting Parties were all democracies.

    Why must the Jewish state be more democratic than these Parties?

    With 80% of these lands already delivered to the Arabs in breach of the Mandate to establish the Judenreign state of Trans-Jordan, why would the rump-remainder have to accord these Arabs political rights at all?

    Annex and let those Arabs look to Jordan for their political rights.

    What’s the problem??