IDF was in the right and the EU was in the wrong

By Noga Gur-Arieh, Jewish Journal

Last Friday, Reuters reported that IDF soldiers “threw sound grenades at a group of diplomats, aid workers and locals in the occupied West Bank, and yanked a French diplomat out of the truck before driving away with its contents.” The Diplomat, Marion Castaing, was quoted saying: “They dragged me out of the truck and forced me to the ground with no regard for my diplomatic immunity. This is how international law is being respected here.”

According to the report, Khirbet Al-Makhul, where this incident occurred, “was home to about 120 people. The army demolished their ramshackle houses, stables and a kindergarten on Monday after Israel’s high court ruled that they did not have proper building permits.” And added that “Israeli soldiers stopped the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) delivering emergency aid on Tuesday and on Wednesday IRCS staff managed to put up some tents but the army forced them to take the shelters down.”

This article was posted on a website of an international news agency, which is supposed to be impartial. However, it is nothing but another biased news report that serves the anti-Israeli propaganda. Time and time again, foreign media fall into the anti-Israeli web of lies and instead of being a messenger of truth, the guardian of democracy; it disguises opinions and biased points of view as solid facts.

This report only shows part of the truth, conveniently matching the message Reuters wanted to pass along: Israel as a vicious ruler, whose army takes illegal and inhumane action in the name of democracy. This is yet another attempt to demonize the IDF, its soldiers, and the country it represents and fights for.

The truth is, the foreign diplomats’ attempt to erect tents in the area was an illegal act, for the Supreme Court ruled building there was illegal. When people are disgracing a Supreme Court rule in a democratic state, any state, what should the state do? Stop the illegal act. Israel is not different than any other democratic state. Therefore, IDF soldiers arrived, but the activists teased them, violently objected while throwing stones and striking the soldiers. Accordingly, the security personnel contained the violence with riot dispersal means, and that was enough to feed the foreign media’s need for targeting the IDF. Pictures of the French diplomat lying on the ground with soldiers surrounding her, aiming a gun at her forehead were published, and the public was fed with a story of a strong army preventing humanitarian aid from innocent Palestinians.

Reuters assumed that no one will ask any questions. They assumed that no one will care that the gun in the picture is not really aimed at the diplomat, or that she and her fellow foreign diplomats bused their diplomatic privileges, or that the IDF soldiers are 18 and 19 year old teenagers who were trained to defend and protect, not to offend. As readers, we tend to accept news reports as solid, impartial truth, but we must remember that news are created by people with certain opinions. When it comes to Israel, the media enjoys feeding us with lies or partial truths, and sell us the story of an aggressor and a victim. It is a story readers find easy to “swallow,” instead of the very complicated truth. [..]

September 26, 2013 | 11 Comments »

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11 Comments / 11 Comments

  1. bernard ross Said:

    Jews will perpetually revisit the gates of aushwitz while still debating if the enemy wants him dead

    I was tossed out of Saturday School, at age 12,for expressing just such sentaments!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. It can be no surprise if viewed as part of the ongoing euro/christian war against the Jews. Apparently the only ones who cannot accept it or even see it are the Jews. There is no difference between goals, agenda, tactics and strategies being employed now and those which were emplyed for 2000 years. The main vehicle always employed by them in this war are lies and libeles aginst the Jews. they knew they were lies then and they know they are lies now. Figure it out and name the greatest enemy of the jews. The Jews are unable to fight this enemy effectively because they still cannot se him. The Jews find every rationalization and explanation possible to avoid seeing the dame old continuing pattern which would wake up any normal people. Imagine, 70 years after the last holocaust, after 2000 years of the same behavior, the Jews still buy the same BS. It is a red herring to argue the right and wrong of such events, what is important for jews is to recognize that there is an agenda, a war, and to develop strategies and tactics to neutralize the enemies obvious agenda. Otherwise the Jews will perpetually revisit the gates of aushwitz while still debating if the enemy wants him dead. Wake up and smell the ashes, identify and name the enemy who is consistent and has no hiatus in his dirty deeds.

  3. This article was posted on a website of an international news agency, which is supposed to be impartial. However, it is nothing but another biased news report that serves the anti-Israeli propaganda. Time and time again, foreign media fall into the anti-Israeli web of lies and instead of being a messenger of truth, the guardian of democracy; it disguises opinions and biased points of view as solid facts.

    This report only shows part of the truth, conveniently matching the message Reuters wanted to pass along: Israel as a vicious ruler, whose army takes illegal and inhumane action in the name of democracy. This is yet another attempt to demonize the IDF, its soldiers, and the country it represents and fights for.

    From our Friend Charles Martel

    Bowing to the Muslims. Defecating on the Jews.

    “As a company, Reuters is deeply hostile to Jewish nationalism and Jewish claims to Jerusalem. The agency hires, trains and retains reporters, writers, editors, and managing editors who uphold an agenda intended to undermine Jewish territorial claims, while advocating for Arab Muslim claims, and employing sophisticated propaganda techniques in their stories to advance this agenda with audiences.”

    The Journal of Applied Business Research
    Principles Of Trust Or Propaganda?

  4. Shalom Eisner was railroaded out of the army for defending himself.

    Then again in situations like this, the Jew becomes crucified on the cross of world opinion, made to pay the price for the world’s sins.