At War with Islam

In 2006, View from the Right posted an article called Separationist.  A year later it went one better and asked Is Separationism Too Liberal .

In the following article, “Westerner,” arguing that the Separationist policy does not go far enough, lays out a new, radical strategy for defending the West from Islam. As I have been saying since VFR started, I am interested in all reasonable proposals—meaning proposals based on reasoned argument, no matter how extreme they may appear—on how to protect our civilization from the religion of Muhammad.

by Westerner
In recent years, several knowledgeable writers—including Serge Trifkovic (The Sword of the Prophet) and Ibn Warraq (Why I am Not a Moslem)—have described what Islam is actually like, both in theory and in practice. It is not a religion of peace, but rather an intrinsically expansionist movement, and serious Moslems wish to establish the rule of Islam over the entire globe. They will accept temporary truces, but are resolutely determined to continue their struggle until total victory, and will utilize whatever methods are necessary to achieve that goal.

The nature of the Islamic state that they seek to impose on us is clear, both from their ideology and from their history. It will not include either freedom of speech, or freedom of the press, or freedom of religion, nor will it include equal rights for women. Those non-Moslems who are neither killed nor forcibly converted, will be dhimmis (lacking the normal rights of citizens, and subject to special taxes and humiliating treatment). Since Muhammad himself held slaves—and, indeed, enslaved formerly free persons—it will be blasphemous to allege that slavery is immoral. No vestige of our democratic system will endure.

However, although the writers mentioned above correctly state the nature of the Islamic threat to our country and our way of life, they do not say how we can counter that threat. The same is true of such other writers as Melanie Phillips (Londonistan) and Mark Steyn (America Alone).

Larry Auster is somewhat better, because he not only takes the Islamic threat seriously, but has a plan of action for defending our society. He suggests (quite sensibly) that we should defend ourselves against terrorism by refusing to accept immigrants from Moslem countries, and sending home those who are already here. He also suggests that we must destroy the Iranian nuclear facilities, and should prevent any other Moslem from acquiring nuclear weapons.

However, although Auster’s suggestions are advisable, they are still inadequate. Even if an American president (and a sufficient number of congressmen) were to become convinced that Auster is correct—and even if the president proceeded to carry out those suggestions—the world would still contain a sizable number of Islamic states, most of which contain a large, powerful Islamic establishment dedicated to the spread of Islam throughout the world. Furthermore, many of those states possess enormous reserves of oil, and the wealth that those reserves lead to. In a few years, that American president would leave office, and sooner or later would be succeeded by a leader who is less convinced that Islam is a mortal threat to us and must be opposed by such firm measures. Auster’s suggestions, therefore, even if adopted, will only bring us a brief reprieve.

We cannot be safe unless Islam is crushed; that is, so reduced in strength that it can no longer threaten the free world. To some readers, this may seem impossible: How can a movement which boasts of 1.2 billion followers ever be crushed? But we should not despair. Remember, just a few decades ago, the Communists ruled far more territory—and a considerably larger fraction of the world’s population—than the Moslems do today. The West is far stronger than the Moslem world, and if we use our assets wisely and act boldly we can crush Islam permanently. Our overall strategy for doing so should include the following steps:

1) We should start by thoroughly destroying the Iranian nuclear facilities. (Yes, we could triumph even if Iran obtained nuclear weapons, but only at a far greater cost.)

2) Next, in order to protect our homeland from Moslem terrorists we must adopt a policy of not accepting any immigrants (or even tourists or students) from Islamic countries, and by deporting all foreign Moslems who are already here, whether illegally or legally. (It is not that most Moslems are terrorists, but rather that most terrorists are Moslems, and that by keeping Moslems out of our country we can greatly decrease the frequency of terrorist attacks in the United States.)

3) We must make it an invariable policy that we will not permit any predominantly Moslem country to build or obtain weapons of mass destruction. (Pakistan obviously represents a special case, since it already possesses nuclear weapons. However, even though the present government is reasonably friendly to us, we cannot permit them to keep those weapons, nor the facilities producing them.)

4) There are various ways in which we can eventually reduce our (and Europe’s) dependence on Middle Eastern oil. However, those programs will take decades to carry out. The only way in which we can quickly break both the financial power of the Moslem states and our dependence on their oil reserves is forcibly to seize the oil fields in the Middle East.

The states bordering the Persian Gulf are all weak, and if we make up our mind to do so we can easily seize the regions where most of that oil is located, drive away the people who live there now, and produce the oil ourselves. These, of course, are acts of war, and would be immoral if done solely to enrich ourselves. However, the Moslem world is already at war with us, and we are fully justified in taking such actions to defend ourselves and our way of life.

5) Our government must then embark on a policy of persistently denouncing Islam. We should repeatedly state and broadcast that Muhammad was not “the messenger of God,” but rather was a false prophet. We should also tell the world that he was a bloodthirsty tyrant, and a cruel, greedy, and lascivious man. (The truth of these statements is amply documented by ancient Arab writings.) Islam cannot be defeated if, in an attempt to avoid hurting anyone’s feelings, we continue to ignore these truths and continue to speak of Islam and its founder respectfully.

6) Finally, we must demonstrate—in an absolutely unmistakable way—that the Moslem religion is not favored by God. The most convincing way of doing this is by (after suitable warnings) totally destroying several Moslem holy sites, including Mecca and Medina. We should announce in advance the dates when those places will be destroyed, and that Allah is either unwilling or unable to protect them. We should then, using nuclear weapons, proceed to vaporize each of those sites in sequence. (In order to avoid unnecessary loss of life, the first two or three such sites should be sparsely populated, and the inhabitants of Mecca and Medina should be given a reasonable length of time to evacuate.)

Since most Moslems believe that the truth of Muhammad’s statements were demonstrated by his military victories, the total destruction of those cities cannot be reconciled with Islam. It is therefore probable that over the course of a century the number of Moslems in the world will drop drastically. Some Moslems will convert to other religions; some will become agnostics or atheists; and those who remain “Moslem” will break up into many small sects. In any event, bereft of military power, oil—and the diplomatic power that brings—and money, Islam will lose much of its appeal and will cease to be a menace.

It may be objected that this program involves the killing of a large number of people, many of them innocent. So do all wars. We did not choose this war; it has been forced on us. And just as we were justified in killing millions of Germans and Japanese to achieve victory in World War II, we are justified in killing large numbers of Moslems to maintain our independence and freedom from the Islamic menace. Note that our victory in World War II did not occur until about eight million Germans—and a similar number of Japanese—had been killed, a far greater number than would be killed by the program suggested here.

Of course, this program cannot be carried out by the United States—or any coalition of Western nations—until there is sufficient popular support for it. The purpose of this article is not to cause the immediate adoption of this program, but rather to create an understanding of what needs to be done. It is vital that when an American president is elected who understands the gravity of the Moslem threat, and is willing to take strong action to counter it, he uses that window of opportunity to deal a crushing blow to Islam, so that the threat does not continue.


To this list I would add that Israel destroy the two mosques on the Temple Mount and rebuild the Temple. Of course all Muslims would be banned from entering the Temple Mount.

October 29, 2012 | 38 Comments »

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38 Comments / 38 Comments

  1. @ Lance Silver:

    Two things I take exception to.

    The West in many periods of history did oppose Islam, Sometimes they even succeeded.

    There is no such animal as Judeo-Christianity.

    There is Judaism and there is christianity. There is almost no connection between the two and all Western countries ascribe to the christian ethic and morality not Jewish.

  2. Canadian Otter – 1,400 years of appeasement led us to 911 WTC and the Arab Spring. Islam is the antithesis of Judeo-Christianity and must be deakth with with overwhelming strength and education.

  3. @ Canadian Otter:
    I would like to upgrade the information if I may. Cleared beforehand.
    I worked for many years with Uncle Sam’s military Avionics Programs as a Senior-Fellow Engineer. Before moving on I was for a long time posted at Albuquerque, NM, home of the Sandia NL and the Kirtland USAFB.
    The following information is openly accessible in INTERNET, other information remains restricted.
    The US military has been developing microwave and other non lethal weapons at those locations and associated industries since the 60’s. The vast EMP, by any other means, platforms there are the most complex in the world. Including massive aircraft such special issue Boeing-747 specially equipped for research. There are open entry massive archives at the University of New Mexico Site detailing much of the past Programs including names.
    The newest ground and structure penetration techniques have been developed from the latest airborne radar technologies and have been published since 1980 onward.
    Oil searching systems penetrating hundreds of meters into the ground use that as well.
    Israel has done its home work. The question is WHY it has not used it… Nor has the US. I mean, the Beer-Lambert Law, etc. is not a new one…

  4. The True Clash of Civilizations

    The TRUE CONFLICT OF CIVILIZATIONS we all suffer and in which the West dies is the conflict of its ruling elites and their fictions, the pathocracy that is the postmodern State. The pathocratic State uses the bogie of jihad, enabling it with money, weapons, diplomatic apologetics and prestige to undermine its host culture & to justify increasing ‘security measures’ that displace civil rights.

    Many people remain blinded by endemic violence in the Islamic world particularly as it is magnified by the media, notwithstanding media and academic apologetics for that violence. They similarly are dazzled by the iterations of Samuel Huntington’s tome touting the ‘clash of civilization’ between Islam and the West as the core fact of our times. The entire industry of ‘pragmatic and tough-minded experts’ that sustain this apocalyptic haze confounds the true dialectic conflict of our time and the fact that it is a CONFLICT WITHIN WESTERN CIVILIZATION that is the primary datum. First some background so this ugly truth can be seen in context. Read the rest

  5. @ Alexander Gofen:
    This is part 1 of the comment blocked by Spam Filter. One major problem is that governments seem to decide not according to their countries’ interests, but those of an elite. For example, they relaxed financial laws, then watched with indifference as financial institutions engaged in the reckless gambling that led to a crisis. Nobody was held accountable and punished. On the contrary, the same institutions were showered with more money and they continue to gamble as usual, with taxpayers’ money. So how could we ever expect them to deal with the Muslim invasion if Muslim money flows into politicians’ pockets?

  6. @ Alexander Gofen:
    One major problem is that governments seem to decide not according to their countries’ interests, but those of an elite. For example, they relaxed banking laws and then watched with indifference as financial institutions engaged in the reckless gambling that led to a major crisis. Nobody was punished. On the contrary, the same institutions were showered with more money and they continue to gamble as usual with taxpayers’ money. ~~~ Our populations are under a spell. People who are alarmed at the Muslim invasion and advocate for a change in policies are intimidated into submission. That only leaves ultra-radicals such as Neo-Nazis to stir things up, which does not bode well either. It’s hard to get from here to a point where governments will actually do what’s best for their countries, when they are so utterly corrupt.
    PS – The economic elite continued to do business with the Nazis, even as they were destroying Europe.

  7. @ Donald freyman:
    Donald freyman Said:

    If you [phoenix] would be King of the world-What would you do, Nuke the Moslem world? By your standards, might we Nuke Harlem, Nuke Porto Rico, Nuke Mexico. These people also kill and rape. perhaps Nuke Chicago.

    Donald, the analogy you offer is inaccurate.

    Both Muslims and Westerners rape. But Western societies place moral blame on all the individuals that commit these heinous acts, whereas Muslim societies excuse some rapes.

    On account of this difference alone, we are justified in viewing Muslim societies as morally inferior.

    Donald freyman Said:

    How do you [phoenix] spell racism. You ought to be ASHAMED.

    Criticism of religions is not racism.

    Religions are sets of beliefs, and we have a moral right to criticize any set of beliefs whatsoever, therefore religious beliefs too.

  8. @ the phoenix:
    It is really fascinating in a suicidal way of sorts the way the West has allowed some of the most bizarre waivers to be given to the cult of Islam.
    Somehow, while the open practice of no other Religions is allowed in Saudi Arabia, for example, and even approaching Mecca or Medina by “infidels” could result on instant death, we not only allow Mosques, Midrassas, schools, etc to flourish in our lands, but even finance that to one extent or another. WHAT?!?
    Why is that the case I ask.
    Islamic countries must be made to face demands for instant correction by they opening their lands to other religious practices. In the open and freely w/o any sort of limitations.
    Should that not be effected, then all Islamic Mosques, educational, and other centers must be destroyed. They do not understand other ways or means.

  9. @ the phoenix:
    Most likely it’s not the reasonable Geert Wilders types that will turn things around, but neo-Nazis, as those in Greece and Germany. Much can change in Europe in a short time. It will happen by contagion, once one of those parties gets to power. My otter-sense tells me it’s a sure thing.

    Today on Breibart: “An extremist party in Ukraine, well known for its attacks on Jews and foreigners, won a large number of parliamentary seats on Sunday thanks to an election pact with Yulia Tymoshenko’s Fatherland Party”. (Sorry, no links. I’m under extra scrutiny by Spam Filter today.)

    I visited Zurich once in the 90s, when Switzerland still had strict immigration laws. Perhaps you’d like to tell us about Geneva these days.

  10. SHmuel HaLevi Said:

    all Mosques and any other of Islamic centers outside Islamic countries must be shut down.

    symbolism is of paramount importance.
    i do not think that ‘mere’ shuting down those hate centers would sufice. they should be converted to something which is extremely antagonistic to muslims (a dog pet store?, a pork ‘research facility’? hey! a strip joint?) or at the very least destroyed.

  11. In reply to Ted, Comment 16

    I wrote this (and other) my articles for nobody’s order: just to post on my own blog, and then to offer it to whoever would like to publish. So far it was only a small Russian language weekly KSTATI (To the Point) which published “The Imminent” in 2008. The current version is a bit updated.

    Yes, the necessity (or even inevitability) of an all-out war against islam and its oil sources comes to mind and becomes obvious for a few authors. However the main prerequisite to realization of this war (the war for preserving the civilization) is the RESTORATION (!) AND RE-ASSERTING THE JUDEO-CHRISTIAN NATIONAL IDENTITY of the United States and to the Christian national identity of the Western Europe.

    Yet alas, the opposite is happening. The Judeo-Christian national identity of the West is being vigorously destroyed: in America from the Left and from the Right both!

    Actually, America is on the way of demise, which I analyze in this comparative analysis:

  12. @ Canadian Otter:

    It’s starting in Europe already, with political parties that aim to stop the invasion and maybe even repatriate their Muslim population.

    dear otter,
    i WISH it were as you just said.
    sadly though the picture is slightly different:
    gert wilders must defend himself physically (24-7 body guards) and ideologically [his movie fitna, even though 1000% truth, put him on the defensive from the dutch ‘justice’ system for inciting hatred (is donald freyman dutch? 🙂 ]
    in england, as you know, tommy robinson is now in jail!! but anjem choudarry is free!!
    (i wonder if donald freyman is happy now)
    also, on a personal note, i have just recently returned from geneva. the last time i was there was 10 yrs ago.
    it is just mind boggling the blatantly obvious ‘demographic changes’ that i have seen…
    not a pretty picture.

  13. Spam Filter has blocked my four-line comment plus one link. Ted, your Spam Filter has a sadistic streak. It blocks my comments just for the fun of it. I can almost hear it snickering. 🙁

  14. AMAZING NEW WEAPON – Successful test of EMP missile – With Video – “The experimental missile fired bursts of high-power microwaves at several target buildings to fry the computers and electrical systems inside during a test at the Utah Test and Training Range on Oct. 16. In the near future, this technology may be used to render an enemy’s electronic and data systems useless even before the first troops or aircraft arrive.”
    Israel needs to develop its own – ASAP

  15. @ Donald freyman:
    Lets see if we can clear a bit of the inane chaff out the picture.
    I assume that you are aware that Islamics do not just murder. No Sir. I have seen it with my own eyes. They would, frequently, take a young one, male or female and rape, assault/torture and eventually slaughter them in front of their families and then proceed to do the same to the rest of the family. Not long ago a monster from that cult bought two poisonous snakes and had them bite to death I believe three of his small daughters…
    Of course you know what they did to Ambassador Stevens before or while they murdered him, do you? You want a detailed recitation Mr. Freyman?
    You also know what the perverted beasts in Iran intend to do, they plainly say that, to us once they get a nuclear bomb or more.
    Remember what they did to their own that protested?
    Now. What would your reaction be if your family is facing those prospects?
    Tell us Mr. Freyman.
    Save us the chants of “racism” if you do not mind.

  16. PART 2 – To The Phoenix:

    I’m not so sure about the US, though. Muslims are more dispersed, more out of sight. Their takeover is more insidious. With only a small number they’ve managed to infiltrate into the Pentagon, White House staff, and into the pockets of Congressmen, state and county officials. And the media, of course. Patriotic resistance has little chance of success with all the police-state type of laws that are being enacted. People are being closely watched, disarmed, and intimidated into submission. Some guy was left stranded at a Hawaii airport recently because, unbeknownst to him, he had been put on a no-fly list. He had never been a threat to anyone, or broken any laws. He just happened to be a prepper.

  17. @ the phoenix:

    surely there will come a point in time when, that part of the population that WISHES to follow the above outline, will have reached the boiling point, and then…all bets are off.

    It’s starting in Europe already, with political parties that aim to stop the invasion and maybe even repatriate their Muslim population. In Europe they live in close proximity of one another, so clashes are inevitable. The economic crisis is the trigger.

  18. “Another problem is that the Jihadis are not the only danger.”

    No, but jihadists are the IMMEDIATE danger. “As you carve and then polish.”

  19. @ terence:
    Islam is a centripetal cult.
    Islam follows a rather crude equivalent to the “Little Red Book” and not it physical anchors include no more than three monumental Icons Saudi Arabia, minor ones in Iran, etc.
    The Western Judeo-Christian civilization leadership and that of other denominations must convey to the Islamic leadership in the harshest terms an ultimatum including to the top level Religious/political Islamic cadres to extract their invading hordes from Western countries and cease and desist from any form of aggression against those they identify as “infidels”. They must also immediately stop any form of attack on minorities in their countries.
    Failure to comply must be followed with unquestionable and rigid acts to force them to comply or else.
    In Islamic countries there must be absolutely free access to other religions. Should that no be the case, all Mosques and any other of Islamic centers outside Islamic countries must be shut down.

    Dialogue with murderous beasts serve not purpose.

  20. @ terence:
    wrote: “The U.S. and allied forces terence

    The U. S. and allied forces were so busy in Afghanistan and and Iraq, both China and Russia have developed economically and militarily to the point that they are now challenging American interests and influence around the world.

    Apparently Terence must be ignorant of world history during the last 60 years, as he seems quite unaware of the fact that both China & Russia (when it was known as the Soviet Union) have and had always been “challenging American interests and influence around the world” since the 1950’s! For instance (to jog your memory): the Korean War (China, early 1950’s), the Cuban Missle Crisis (Soviet Union, early 1960’s), the Vietnam War (China & Soviet Union, 1960’s to mid 70’s). These are just a few of the most well known historical examples of Chinese & Russian “influence” in the world.

  21. @ Alexander Gofen:
    That’s a major article. Who did you write it for?

    Besure to read Yamits comment #10 and the links within it.

    Feiglin was in New York at the time and wrote about it. He said that as soon as he heard Bush say we should all prey in our churches, synagogues and Mosques he knew the US had already lost the war.

  22. @ Donald freyman:

    If you would be King of the world-What would you do, Nuke the Moslem world?


    By your standards, might we Nuke Harlem, Nuke Porto Rico, Nuke Mexico.

    where, pray tell did you get this idiotic idea?

    These people also kill and rape. perhaps Nuke Chicago.

    What typical liberal garbage where equivalency is being vomited on the keyboard!
    You, Donald freyman are the kapo I was referring to on another post, ready to “report to the authorities” a comment that to your oh so sensitive and enlightened little self, sounded like ‘incitement’ ….
    You would throw fellow travelers to the Muslim crocodile to be devoured, so you would ingratiate your little self to them, hoping to be spared….
    So if anything,

    You ought to be ASHAMED

  23. @ the phoenix:
    If you would be King of the world-What would you do, Nuke the Moslem world? By your standards, might we Nuke Harlem, Nuke Porto Rico, Nuke Mexico. These people also kill and rape. perhaps Nuke Chicago.

    How do you spell racism. You ought to be ASHAMED.

  24. @ terence:

    Even Iran is not about to invade any of its adversaries.

    ehm, you are SURELY joking. aren’t you? terence.

    America, Europe and many parts of Asia and Africa have many of Muslim immigrants, but these newcomers are prepared to do work that most native born will not do.I know for sure that Germany France and even Great Britain would have had a difficult time economically without work efforts of the immigrants.

    are welfare checks included in these ‘work efforts’?

    there was a time not so long ago, Jews were characterized in the the same terms as Muslims today….I don’t think any of you would want to travel along that path AGAIN.

    but of course….how could have i forgotten the contless random murders, terror attacks, rapes etc committed by jews against nonjews, in the name of their religion…

    your last paragraph, terence, is the only one that makes some sense.
    let’s not lose sight of the ball. islam IS the enemy, and as far as i am concerned, there are some 1400 years worth of retribution to be paid and ‘kol hamarbeh harei zeh m’shubach’… (somehow.. i doubt you understood what i just wrote. terence)

  25. “It is a cultural/religious war”

    Why America Has Already Lost the War

    Moshe Feiglin

    Ted Belman says:
    March 31, 2008 at 7:25 am

    I advised my list of this post with this introduction.

    This is a Cultural/Religious War

    Moshe Feiglin was in New York on 9/11. Two weeks later he wrote a profound article Why America Has Already Lost the War.

    For him it was a cultural/religious war. The same war that Israel had been fighting for a century and losing. They destroyed the greatest symbol of the West namely the Twin Towers and nothing less would do but to destroy Mecca, Medina and al Aksa Mosque in Jerusalem.

    Instead America organized a coalition to go after cave dwellers in Afghanistan, hornets if you will, while ignoring the nest. It even called the religion, that has been at war with Christianity since its inception, a “religion of peace”. It seeks to accommodate its mortal enemy rather than destroy it.

    The “peace process” is aimed at destroying Judaism’s symbols, namely it seeks to remove from Jewish sovereignty its biblical heartland and Jerusalem.

    He explained the conflict,

    Two deviant daughters came forth from Judaism but left the fold to conquer the world: Christianity and Islam. Both hate their mother and both fight each other.

    Judaism integrates the qualities of strict justice and mercy, in harmony and in proper measure. Christianity took only the quality of mercy while Islam took the quality of strict justice.

    The Moslems see with jealousy how the culture based on Christian mercy succeeds in gaining control over the world. Let everyone come and benefit from the cornucopia open to all ? to everyone we proffer the other cheek, and the whole body, in fact. Come and take your part in the wealth, come and enter the gates of the World Trade Center. We aren?t conquering you with the sword, but with gold.

    If you disagree with his thesis’ please explain how the west is to win and what winning means.

    Read all comments in this discussion.

  26. How to conquer a religion of 1.5 billion? That is the question that no one is realistically able to answer. A religion is not a nationaltistic or economic ideology and to attempt to treat it as such is a futile exercise. 12 years of continuous wars, bombings, drone attacks, land invasions has not worked and will never work. You cannot fight materially a spiritual movement. IT JUST WON’T WORK

  27. The author is quite correct when he identifies the enemy as Islamic extremists but to compare this menace with Nazi German is faulty. Germany and its allies had a powerful military, with the best air, ground and naval forces of that time. The west including the US were largely disarmed. This is not the case today. The fascists were ready to invade and conquer all of Europe and they almost did take over the continent. The jihadis are probably much more fanatic today compared to the Nazis but so what of it? So long as they are not organized into powerful nation states with all the technical no how and militarily prowess of modern,highly advanced fighting machines, the threat remains limited. Even Iran is not about to invade any of its adversaries. especially if American troops remain based in the vicinity.

    America, Europe and many parts of Asia and Africa have many of Muslim immigrants, but these newcomers are prepared to do work that most native born will not do. I know for sure that Germany France and even Great Britain would have had a difficult time economically without work efforts of the immigrants.. But just as important, there was a time not so long ago, Jews were characterized in the the same terms as Muslims today. Jews represent a danger to our values and culture. They don’t fit in they are clannish and they undermine our way of life. I don’t think any of you would want to travel along that path AGAIN.

    So just what does the author suggest to counter the wave of Islamism? Nuke Iran, Egypt, Turkey, Saudi-Arabia. Perhaps invade several more Islamic nations. Do you honestly believe that doing that would protect western interest? Such action could only further the process of destroying Western economies,and killing off and maiming more western boys as well as innocent Muslims.

    Deporting Muslim immigrants could only inflict more damage to western economies which are already in a fragile state.

    Another problem is that the Jihadis are not the only danger. The U. S. and allied forces were so busy in Afghanistan and and Iraq, both China and Russia have developed economically and militarily to the point that they are now challenging American interests and influence around the world. The author ignores this new situation and merely provides a highly simplistic view of the world today.

  28. agreed on all accounts.

    for that to be done, though, there must be a complete overhaul of the western society as we know it.
    current traitors in positions of power must be served the harshest penalty as a clear message that a page has been turned, and our civilization is under ‘new management’.

    in order to deal with the enemy, that islam is, we must first and formost have a unified entity (new government?) that totally understands this, and has the INTENT to protect the people.

    however, and that is not to play a devil’s advocate, but i cannot see it happening when a huge percentage of the population still thinks that the abomination in the w.h. is great (sorry catarin…:) ), organizations like aclu,splc, meretz, b’tselem, and the like are alive and well and under their nauseating veil of fairness and ensuring human rights to all, they are all working overtime to ensure that none of ‘westerner’s recommendations get implemented as they scream with indignation: ‘racism!’…
    and so they continue to aid and abbet the fatal metastasis of islam into the fabric of our society.

    surely there will come a point in time when, that part of the population that WISHES to follow the above outline, will have reached the boiling point, and then…all bets are off.

    i am afraid that the world as we know it will enter into a very very dark period whenthat happens.
    it is sickening to KNOW that it could have been prevented but it was not…

  29. @ Yidvocate:
    You must be in cahoots with that no-good and (bleeping) Spam Filter. 🙂

    You know, I was thinking, I could post the most subversive, revolutionary, violently threatening and inciting post, but as long as I worded it the right way, Spam Filter would not even notice. But no. The fact that I’m a lady-like, demure and peaceful otter does not make any difference. Spam Filter is programmed to fill a quota, so Ted will think it’s earning its keep. The truth is that Spam Filter snoozes all the time and wakes up only to zap my comments. Because Spam Filter works for Al Qaeda. Or some other shady organization.

  30. I’d like to know how come Spam Filter blocks my 10 line comment with no quotes, links, or anything beyond a few words in capital letters, but it lets Yidvocate’s comment with 11 lines plus spaces through?

    Yesterday it was blocking two line-comments from me. There seems to be no way of abiding by Israpundit’s publishing rules.

    By the way, Ted, which are the rules?

  31. “It is not a religion of peace, but rather an intrinsically expansionist movement, and serious Muslems wish to establish the rule of Islam over the entire globe. They will accept temporary truces, but are resolutely determined to continue their struggle until total victory, and will utilize whatever methods are necessary to achieve that goal.”

    One may not like the message, but the truth is:

    1. Islam is at war with the West (in fact with everyone who is not Muslim);

    2. In war you either win or you loose;

    3. I’d prefer to win; and

    4. It may very well come down to Western’s 6 point program.

    I just pray it won’t be too late.

    Hitler could have been stopped much earlier with the savings of ten’s of millions of lives had not appeasement prevailed for so long.

  32. UNREALISTIC and as afflicted by wishful thinking as those who believe that Muslims can become westernized. The problem with this super aggressive plan is that it COMPLETELY FAILS TO TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THE BREEDING ENVIRONMENT for the Muslim takeover of the West: Our passivity, denial and fear – and our governments’ complicity. Our societies are not ready for even the most basic self-defensive measures – much less for war. ~~~ A good plan needs to proceed in stages within a fixed, not open, timeframe. The first step is a massive campaign to EDUCATE the public through calm, sober presentations. No name calling. No hysterics. Just the brutal facts. This educational campaign must include the clear message that until Islam can prove it’s really a religion of peace – in dogma and in practice – the West has to protect itself by means of an immigration moratorium. The economic slump was a wasted opportunity. The West could have simply closed its doors with no further explanation. ~~~ An effective strategy will have to break this fatal mix of government deceit, our tendency to deceive ourselves when facing danger, and the media/educational conditioning that has indoctrinated us into believing that the West must commit cultural and national suicide to atone for racism, capitalism, imperialism, etc. etc.