Column One: Responding to the slaughter

The horrible truth is that all of the anti-Jewish slaughters perpetrated by our Arab neighbors have been motivated to greater or lesser degrees by Islamic Jew-hatred.

By Caroline Glick, JPOST

terror1What we are seeing in Jerusalem today is not simply Palestinian terrorism. It is Islamic jihad. No one likes to admit it. The television reporters insist that this is the worst possible scenario because there is no way to placate it.

There is no way to reason with it.

So what else is new? The horrible truth is that all of the anti-Jewish slaughters perpetrated by our Arab neighbors have been motivated to greater or lesser degrees by Islamic Jew-hatred. The only difference between the past hundred years and now is that today our appeasement-oriented elite is finding it harder to pretend away the obvious fact that we cannot placate our enemies.

No “provocation” by Jews drove two Jerusalem Arabs to pick up meat cleavers and a rifle and slaughter rabbis in worship like sheep and then mutilate their bodies.


No “frustration” with a “lack of progress” in the “peace process,” can motivate people to run over Jewish babies or attempt to assassinate a Jewish civil rights activist.

The reason that these terrorists have decided to kill Jews is that they take offense at the fact that in Israel, Jews are free. They take offense because all their lives they have been taught that Jews should live at their mercy, or die by their sword.

They do so because they believe, as former Jordanian MP Ya’qub Qarash said on Palestinian television last week, that Christians and Muslims should work together to forbid the presence of Jews in “Palestine” and guarantee that “not a single Jew will remain in Jerusalem.”

Our neighbors are taught that Muhammad, the founder of Islam, signed the treaty of Hudaybiyah in 628 as a ploy to buy time during which he would change the balance of power between his army and the Jews of Kuraish. And 10 years later, once his army gained the upper hand, he annihilated the Jews.

Throughout the 130-year history of modern Zionism, Islamic Jew-hatred has been restrained by two forces: the desire of many Arabs to live at peace with their Jewish neighbors; and the ability of Israeli authorities and before them, British authorities, to deter the local Arab Muslims from attacking.

The monopoly on Arab Muslim leadership has always belonged to the intolerant bigots. Support for coexistence has always been the choice of individuals.

Haj Amin el-Husseini’s first act as the founder of the Palestinian Arab identity was to translate The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and serialize them in the local press.

During the Arab jihad of 1936-1939, Husseini’s gangs of murderers killed more Arabs than the British did. He targeted those who sought peaceful coexistence with the Jews.

His successor Yasser Arafat followed his example.

During the 1988-1991 Palestinian uprising, the PLO killed more Palestinians than the IDF did. Like Husseini, Arafat targeted Palestinians who worked with Israel.

Since Israel imprudently embraced Arafat and the PLO in 1993 and permitted them to govern the Palestinians in Judea, Samaria and Gaza, and exert direct influence and coercive power over the Arabs of Jerusalem, the Palestinian Authority’s governing institutions have used all the tools at their disposal to silence those who support peaceful coexistence with Israel, and indoctrinate the general public in Islamic and racial Jew-hatred.

Much has been made of the recent spike in incitement of violence by Palestinian leaders led by Arafat’s successor Mahmoud Abbas. But the flames Abbas and his comrades are throwing would not cause such conflagrations if they hadn’t already indoctrinated their audience to desire the destruction of the Jews.

You cannot solicit murder among those who haven’t been taught that committing murder is an act of heroism.

Today Israel must take swift, effective action to stop the slaughter. The damage that has been done to the psyches of the Arabs of Jerusalem and their brethren in Judea, Samaria and Gaza, cannot be repaired in a timeline relevant to the task of preventing the next massacre.

This means that for the time being, on the tactical level, Israel’s only play is strengthening its deterrence.

Israel faces two major constraints in meeting this challenge.

First, the European Union and the Obama administration, as well as the US foreign policy elite, are obsessively committed to a policy of empowering the Palestinians against Israel.

The Spanish parliament’s decision to go ahead with its planned vote to recognize the “State of Palestine,” just hours after the massacre at the Bnei Torah Kehillat Yaakov synagogue in Jerusalem’s Har Nof neighborhood shows that the EU’s dedication to strengthening the Palestinians against Israel is entirely unrelated to events on the ground.

They don’t care who the Palestinians are or what they do. For their own reasons they have made supporting the Palestinians at Israel’s expense their top foreign policy priority.

Similarly, US President Barack Obama couldn’t contain his compulsion to pressure Israel even in his statement condemning the massacre. Even there, Obama called on Israelis and Palestinians equally to restrain themselves.

Obama’s unabated hostility toward Israel was brought to bear on Tuesday afternoon when the State Department restated its rejection of Jewish property rights in Jerusalem and its desire to see the homes of terrorist murderers left intact for the welfare of their terror-supporting families.

On Tuesday, Israel’s social media outlets were filled with angry rebukes of Western media outlets from CNN to MSNBC to CBS, to the BBC. All these networks, and many others, did everything in their power to explain away the synagogue slaughter as just another instance of a cycle of violence. That is, they all sought to frame the discussion in a way that would lead their viewers to the conclusion that the slaughter of praying rabbis was justified.

While appalling, the coverage was not the least surprising. The Western elite media’s devotion to their false narrative of Israeli culpability for all the problems in the region is absolute. Networks would rather wreck their professional reputations than tell the truth.

Together with the EU, the American policy elite and the Obama administration, the media place Israel’s leaders in a bind. Every step they take to defend the country and protect the rights of Jews meets with automatic and libelous condemnation.

The other impediment Israel faces in deterring anti-Jewish violence against its citizenry is its own weakness. Since the inception of the phony peace process, Israel has continuously rewarded the Palestinians for their murderous violence against its citizenry.

From Israel’s transfer of control over all the Palestinian population centers in Judea and Samaria, to its forcible expulsion of its own people from Gaza, to its repeated releases of terrorists from prison, to its continued transfer of hundreds of millions of shekels in tax revenues to the PA, Israel has showed the Palestinians at every turn that far from being punished for murdering Jews, they will be rewarded for doing so.

Given the US and European support for the Palestinians, Israeli declarations that there will be no future releases of terrorists have no credibility. If terrorists aren’t killed on the spot, they can assume that they will eventually be released; if not in exchange for an Israeli hostage, Israel will release them in an attempt to placate the White House.

But even with these constraints on its actions, Israel can take steps to deter its hate-filled enemies from attacking.

Since the current campaign of murder is being carried out by terrorists largely acting on their own accord, the measures Israel adopts to stop the attacks should be directed primarily against individual terrorists. As for action against the PA, it needs to be credible, consistent and directed to where it will hurt Palestinian leaders the most: their wallets.

With regard to the individual terrorists, the government has made much of its intention to destroy the homes of terrorists. While it sounds good, there is limited evidence of the effectiveness of this punitive measure, which is a relic of the British Mandate.

Rather than destroy their homes, Israel should adopt the US anti-narcotics policy of asset seizure.

All assets directly or indirectly tied to terrorists, including their homes and any other structure where they planned their crimes, and all remittances to them, should be seized and transferred to their victims, to do with what they will.

If Israel hands over the homes of the synagogue butchers to the 24 orphans of Rabbi Moshe Twersky, Rabbi Kalman Levine, Rabbi Aryeh Kupinsky and Rabbi Avraham Goldberg, not only will justice be served. The children’s inheritance of the homes of their fathers’ killers will send a clear and demoralizing message to other would-be killers.

Not only will their atrocities fail to remove the Jews from Israel. Every terrorist will contribute to the Zionist project by donating his home to the Jewish settlement enterprise.

Just as Israel has repeatedly buckled under US pressure to release terrorists from jail, so it has bowed to US pressure to continue to fund the PA by transferring the tax revenues it collects on goods imported to the PA.

Assuming that the government is too weak to stand up to the Americans, at a minimum it can see that the money is properly used.

To that end, the Knesset should pass a law permitting Israeli terror victims to sue the PA for actual and punitive damages in Israel courts. The sums awarded to the victims should be taken from the tax revenues Israel collects for the PA. The law should apply retroactively to all victims of Palestinian terror carried out since the establishment of the PA in May 1994.

Not only should the law permit Israeli terror victims to sue the PA. It should dictate actions the Justice Ministry must take to assist them in bringing suit.

Israel should also revoke citizenship and residency rights not only from terrorists themselves, but from those who enjoy citizenship and residency rights by dint of their relationship with the terrorists.

Wives who received Israeli residency or citizenship rights though marriage to terrorists should have their rights revoked, as should the children of the terrorists.

Since Tuesday’s massacre, aside from Abbas’s phony condemnation, the Palestinian leadership and public from Fatah to Hamas have been unanimous in their praise for the atrocity.

Today Israel is powerless to influence the hearts of our Arab neighbors. But we can influence their minds. We can deter them from attacking us.

The actions set forth above: asset seizure, revenue seizure and citizenship/residency abrogation for terrorists and their dependents are steps that Israel can take today, despite the hostile international climate.

If the government and Knesset adopt these measures, they will rectify some of the damage Israel has inflicted on itself by showing the Palestinians over two decades that they will be rewarded for their aggression.

If our leaders fail to take these or similar actions, and suffice with complaining about incitement, their condemnations of the murder of Jews will ring as hollow as those sounded by the BBC, Obama and Abbas.

Caroline B. Glick is the author of The Israeli Solution: A One-State Plan for Peace in the Middle East.

November 21, 2014 | 38 Comments »

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38 Comments / 38 Comments

  1. dweller Said:


    You seem to spend a lot of time rolling on the floor is it a case of epilepsy or because besides a computer you can’t afford furniture either???

    Try the salvation Army. Yes dweller your explanation of your plagiarized quote does not stand up to scrutiny nor logic you are a plagiarizer and a fabricator as well. There is no reason to assume everyone is familiar with the source of the Lyric you lifted without attribution and no matter how you slice it you lifted it took credit for it. You stole intellectual property and took credit for it. Makes you nothing but a low life thief and liar. A moralist prig who should clean up his own furniture less house before criticizing anyone else.

    Want more bones Fido???

  2. @ dweller:

    Everything you write is Bullshit, stupid opinion based on nothing except what[‘s in your very sick libido.

    Sick Libido as in obvious sexual preference for members of the opposite gender and the only question is do you have a preference for little boys as well as men? Twinki

    Sit Fido Sit!!!!

  3. @ yamit82:

    ” I don’t even care about grammatical errors or spelling mistakes…”

    Nor do I — except when they significantly alter the intended meaning.

    “You are on the other hand compulsively pedantic in your posts as if you might be graded on them.”

    That’s just your backhanded but transparent way of complimenting the quality of my writing. Because I’m not quite as sloppy as you are, you pronounce my precision ‘sour grapes.’

    ” and have little compunction about correcting and grading everyone Else’s comments and grammar as well.

    ‘Grading,’ no.

    Correcting, occasionally, but only when an error alters or obscures the meaning — as sometimes happens w/ your comments. When it does, I alert you. (You have no clue as to how many syntactical & grammatical errors I OVERLOOK in a single blogging session.)

    “In any case rather than offer your mea culpa and admit to err…”

    You’re just frustrated that you can’t pressure me into admitting to a non-existent error — yet there is something distinctly wicked and kafkaesque about the ATTEMPT (especially when it’s so plainly intended to relieve you of culpability for doing the REAL THING, and in spades).

    To offer a mea culpa when I have not in fact erred would ITSELF constitute an error. Aint gonna happen, pancho.

    “I admit to my faults…”

    ‘Admit’ them to whom?

    And how can you ‘admit’ them when you — who reject the notion of a conscience — don’t know what they are?

    You can ‘admit’ them only in the MOMENT, as they are SHOWN to you (not two seconds later), or there is no release from them. See: David–Nathan–Uriah.

    “I admit to my… foibles…”

    Right. You just don’t think that taking — or accepting — credit for somebody else’s work constitutes a ‘foible.’ Cute.

  4. @ yamit82:

    “……You’ve got to be carefully taught!

    “Plagiarizing again dweller??? Rogers and Hammerstein South Pacific no attribution and no quotes….”

    “For one of the most popular songs of the 20th century light operatic repertoire you need attribution & quote marks???

    — SERIOUSLY, are you playing with a full deck, dorky dude?

    I could’ve easily offered attribution, but placing all the lyrics in ITALICS [as I did] should have more than sufficed — except for somebody who has internal conflicts about his OWN plagiarism, and sure enough, you busted YOURSELF.”

    “South Pacific may have been popular 40 years ago, plus minus but I doubt many will remember it today I didn’t and needed to look up where the lyrics came from.”

    Obviously you’ve not spent much time here since you made aliyah. SoPac has had stateside revivals a half-dozen times or more on major stages over the past quarter century alone. (Did the show myself a couple of times.)

    “You again are both in denial of your plagiarist tendencies and projecting arrogance in believing everyone is how you perceive them.”

    Your whole remark is nothing BUT projection. I have NO plagiarist ‘tendencies,’ yet YOURS are impossible to miss — and belittling the significance of it cannot excuse the practice. It’s intellectual thievery, pure & simple.

    “dweller unlike you I don’t give shit about credit I comment to make a point and that’s all that matters to me. “

    By which you show that you’re also a colossal liar.

    “You are about ego I’m not.”


  5. @ yamit82:

    “Xenophobia is a powerful evolutionary tool, which cements groups against outsiders”

    “Right. I guess it was ‘evolutionary’ when the denizens of Sodom wanted to phuque those ‘outsider guests’ who came to visit Lot overnight (Gen 19).

    Let’s hear it for xenophobia! — gimme an “x,” an “e,” an “n,” an “o,” a “p,” an “h,” “o,” a “b,” an “i,” an “a.” — What’s that spell?

    What’s that spell?


    Spells bullshit.”

    “Everything you write is Bullshit, stupid opinion based on nothing…

    As usual, you’re long on cheap shots. Short on substance. It figures.

    “… except what[‘s in your very sick libido.”

    My ‘libido’??? LOLROF. Suggest you look up the word before you embarrass yourself any further.

    “Xenophobia has been determined to be part of our survival mechanism…”

    ‘Determined’ by whom?

    “… it’s rooted deep in our instinct, the fight or flight mechanic of our brains.”

    If that were true, then young children would exhibit it as readily as adults.

    — Have you ever watched toddlers from differing cultures playing together?

    ” It’s to protect us from danger, so we know who and what to trust, who our family is, our herd, if you will.

    To protect SOMEBODY — but not ‘us.’

    I bolded for you the operative word in your remark. ‘Xenophobia’ is to protect ANIMALS from danger, etc.

    “It exists naturally among humans so of course it’s natural.”

    No. It is natural to animals, as that is their only nature

    — and consequently, they can pursue it without interior conflict.

    A man, however, is constructed differently. Unlike the animals, he has TWO ‘natures.’ If he pursues his animal ‘nature,’ he DOES experience conflict in its train.

    If that conflicted sensibility doesn’t impel him to question the way he exists, then he hasn’t got the sense God gave a gerbil.

    “I really think you are not only mentally ill but stupid as well.”

    Still no substance from you. Just more cheap psychobabble.

  6. dweller Said:

    For one of the most popular songs of the 20th century light operatic repertoire you need attribution & quote marks???

    — SERIOUSLY, are you playing with a full deck, dorky dude?

    South Pacific may have been popular 40 years ago, plus minus but I doubt many will remember it today I didn’t and needed to look up where the lyrics came from.

    You again are both in denial of your plagiarist tendencies and projecting arrogance in believing everyone is how you perceive them.

    dweller unlike you I don’t give shit about credit I comment to make a point and that’s all that matters to me. You are about ego I’m not. I don’t even care about grammatical errors or spelling mistakes as long as my thoughts are conveyed. You are on the other hand compulsively pedantic in your posts as if you might be graded on them and have little compunction about correcting and grading everyone Else’s comments and grammar as well. That’s sick Barbie…

    In any case rather than offer your mea culpa and admit to err, you compound your error by use of a lame attempt to psychobabble your way out.

    — SERIOUSLY, are you playing with a full deck, dorky dude?

    It’s not about me dweller it’s all about you. If anyone her is playing without a full deck it’s you not me. I admit to my faults and foibles you NEVER!!!!!!

  7. yamit82 Said:

    am now for the first time trying to compose one of my own so pls don’t laugh when you read it.

    I would never laugh at any one writing, it’s not easy.

  8. dweller Said:

    against outsiders”

    Right. I guess it was ‘evolutionary’ when the denizens of Sodom wanted to phuque those “outsider guests” who came to visit Lot overnight (Gen 19).

    Let’s hear it for xenophobia! — gimme an “x,” an “e,” an “n,” an “o,” a “p,” an “h,” “o,” a “b,” an “i,” an “a.” — What’s that spell?

    What’s that spell?

    Spells bullshit.

    Everything you write is Bullshit, stupid opinion based on nothing except what[‘s in your very sick libido.

    Xenophobia has been determined to be part of our survival mechanism, it’s rooted deep in our instinct, the fight or flight mechanic of our brains. It’s to protect us from danger, so we know who and what to trust, who our family is, our herd, if you will. It exists naturally among humans so of course it’s natural. For most of human history, xenophobia (fear of those who are different) was a vital tool for survival. We lived in tribes and clans which, if not otherwise distinctive, adopted unique styles of dress and behavior that allowed those units to distinguish one (mine) from another (yours). These contrived differences enabled individuals to discern potential threats.

    And since the relations between groups often were predator/prey, it was a vital distinction to make.

    Xenophobia is not racism – the latter is a rationalization of the former.

    I really think you are not only mentally ill but stupid as well.

  9. @ yamit82:

    …You’ve got to be carefully taught!

    “Plagiarizing again dweller??? Rogers and Hammerstein South Pacific no attribution and no quotes….”

    For one of the most popular songs of the 20th century light operatic repertoire you need attribution & quote marks???

    — SERIOUSLY, are you playing with a full deck, dorky dude?

    I could’ve easily offered attribution, but placing all the lyrics in ITALICS should have more than sufficed — except for somebody who has internal conflicts about his OWN plagiarism, and sure enough, you busted YOURSELF.

    ” One of many I have caught you…”

    Still waiting for you to display one single, solitary, REAL one. You know you can’t. The truth is, there never were any. Homey don’t play that shit.

    ” but for me unlike you it’s no big deal…”

    Oh, please. For you, unlike me, it’s “no big deal” when you don’t get away with it.

    If you DID get away with it, however, you’d be pleased as punch to let it be thought it was your work.

    We both know you’re a thief at heart, and that realization is slowly dawning on other readers here as well.

    The original POINT, however — which of course, you have obscured with this phony diversion — was that, contrary to your claim, xenophobia is NOT ‘inbuilt’ in young children. IT’S IMPOSED ON THEM AS THE PRICE OF ENTRÉE INTO A WICKED WORLD.

    @ yamit82:

    “Xenophobia is a powerful evolutionary tool, which cements groups against outsiders”

    Right. I guess it was ‘evolutionary’ when the denizens of Sodom wanted to phuque those “outsider guests” who came to visit Lot overnight (Gen 19).

    Let’s hear it for xenophobia! — gimme an “x,” an “e,” an “n,” an “o,” a “p,” an “h,” “o,” a “b,” an “i,” an “a.” — What’s that spell?

    What’s that spell?


    Spells bullshit.

  10. dweller Said:

    @ yamit82:

    You’ve got to be taught
    To hate and fear,
    You’ve got to be taught
    From year to year,
    It’s got to be drummed
    In your dear little ear
    You’ve got to be carefully taught.
    You’ve got to be taught to be afraid
    Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
    And people whose skin is a diff’rent shade,
    You’ve got to be carefully taught.
    You’ve got to be taught before it’s too late,
    Before you are six or seven or eight,
    To hate all the people your relatives hate,
    You’ve got to be carefully taught!


    Plagiarizing again dweller??? Rogers and Hammerstein South Pacific no attribution and no quotes…. One of many I have caught you but for me unlike you it’s no big deal but for you Ha Ha phony piece of shit

  11. @ yamit82:

    “Xenophobia is a human trait no less inbuilt than a desire for ownership”

    Not inbuilt.

    You won’t find it in pre-school toddlers.

    But then something ‘happens’ to them. . . .

    You’ve got to be taught
    To hate and fear,
    You’ve got to be taught
    From year to year,
    It’s got to be drummed
    In your dear little ear
    You’ve got to be carefully taught.

    You’ve got to be taught to be afraid
    Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
    And people whose skin is a diff’rent shade,
    You’ve got to be carefully taught.

    You’ve got to be taught before it’s too late,
    Before you are six or seven or eight,
    To hate all the people your relatives hate,
    You’ve got to be carefully taught!

    “But I physically despise them in my country, seeing them in my home town and in the cities of Israel. I understand Russians and Europeans who don’t want to see Jews around, even though we have lived there for centuries. Likewise, I don’t want to see a single Arab in my country.”

    In short, you’ve become a mirror image of all those mofo’s— a photo negative.

    “Jews should not be the only suckers in the Middle East to tolerate aliens in our own country.”

    Jews are suckers NOT for ‘tolerating’ aliens in Israel

    — but for tolerating their bestial BEHAVIOR in Israel.

    If they break the law, jail them — and keep them there alone to themselves: without visitors, without distractions, without amenities.

    If their viciousness extends to capital murder, hang them.

    Word will get ’round quickly enough. . . .

  12. bernard ross Said:

    I think it is more than that: they are a hostile population.
    They are not just aliens…they are overtly hostile aliens in the mooooost way.

    Sure but I prefaced my comment with :

    Jews in Israel till now have closed their eyes to the increasing grassroots terrorism among Israeli Arab residents, and don’t see the security issue as a compelling reason for the extraordinary measure of expelling them.

  13. yamit82 Said:

    So we should honestly appeal to the real reason why we don’t want the Arabs here: for the same reason that they don’t want Jews in their Palestinian state. It is a human right to live in a morally comfortable milieu without aliens and strangers.

    I think it is more than that: they are a hostile population.
    They are not just aliens…they are overtly hostile aliens in the mooooost way.

  14. @ bernard ross:

    How I see it:

    Jews in Israel till now have closed their eyes to the increasing grassroots terrorism among Israeli Arab residents, and don’t see the security issue as a compelling reason for the extraordinary measure of expelling them.

    So we should honestly appeal to the real reason why we don’t want the Arabs here: for the same reason that they don’t want Jews in their Palestinian state. It is a human right to live in a morally comfortable milieu without aliens and strangers. We don’t want Arabs in Israel for the same reason the French banned hijjab in schools: we just don’t like to see them. We don’t want Arabs to buy land in Israel for the same reason all Arab countries ban land sales to foreigners: we want the walking ground to be ours.

    Xenophobia is a powerful evolutionary tool, which cements groups against outsiders; let the groups compete. Xenophobia is a human trait no less inbuilt than a desire for ownership: we own goods, and also identities—including national identities. We want a national identity for our state, just as France is mono-cultural.

    I loved to visit remote Arab villages in Gaza strip, when I traveled Egypt and Jordan’s dull dirty and dusty towns. I love the Arabs there, in dirty coffee shops and shisha holes. I can communicate with them pleasantly for hours in their broken English and my rudimentary Arabic. But I physically despise them in my country, seeing them in my home town and in the cities of Israel.

    I understand Russians and Europeans who don’t want to see Jews around, even though we have lived there for centuries. Likewise, I don’t want to see a single Arab in my country.

    They have 22 countries of their own, free of Jews. And Jews should not be the only suckers in the Middle East to tolerate aliens in our own country.

  15. yamit82 Said:

    There are many ways to drive the Arabs especially the young out of Israel

    for inspiration and methodology look to the arab controlled areas of the former Palestine mandate territory and see how they treat their Jews there(gaza, PA west bank, Jordan)
    gosh, there aren’t any Jews there!

  16. @ Bear Klein:

    “Short of deporting the Arabs is there another solution that would offer Israel security?”

    Making murder very. . . .’expensive’. . . . would be a start

    — but I’m not speaking here only of property.

  17. Glick for the first time is at a loss to offer any real solutions because she too is stuck in a western mindset of attributing Western concepts of rational behavior as irrational behavior of or enemies and suggesting what amounts to tactical policies and operations to raise deterrence against our domestic enemies.

    None will work for many reasons and the Courts in Israel will probably rule against applying most of her suggestions and the knesset would probably never legislate for them as well.

    Jews are a ME people. Israel is geographically placed in the ME and it’s about time we begin to think and understand the mentality of the people in this region.

    All terrorists will not be afforded to option of capture but shot and killed when confronted.

    Practical steps would be to apply existing Israeli law equally on the Arab minorities.


    All building without legal permit will be torn down
    All Arabs will pay taxes (they mostly don’t today)
    All Arabs will serve in the IDF or equiv national service
    Stop all public entitlements to the Arabs Arabs even if it means doing same for Jews.
    All ownership claims by Arabs to land ownership will be investigated and if no valid title the land will be expropriated by the State.

    There is no right of family reunion of anyone but Jews in Israel and Any Arab is permitted to leave Israel to marry etc. There is no right to bring from outside of Israel any Arab spouse into Israel.

    No Arab can be employed in any civil service position or by external contract unless his loyalty to the state can be ascertained positive and if there is any doubt he can not hold such positions.

    There are many ways to drive the Arabs especially the young out of Israel

  18. Turn over the property to the victims families, the children especially, take away citizen/residency abrogation of family members and suing for the revenue intended for the PA is a really good idea. I would add deportation to family members and dependents to that. Carolyn is brilliant. The Arabs (remember- there is no such thing as a Palestinian people) would probably relish the destruction of their homes just like they love death so, rather than destroy their homes which they would probably learn to live with, give them to the victims families like she says. It would be right in their face and acts of terrorism will now mean financially benefiting its victims. As I mentioned, I do think that more than just throwing their families out of their homes either through destroying them or transferring ownership, the families should be deported. Sort of like a little forced Arab deportation along with a little aliyah (repossessing of their home). Carolyn Glick hit the nail on the head- we can’t effect their emotions but we can mess with their minds. I love it. Now, someone, please do it.

  19. Israel’s leaders have shown they are incapable of protecting Israel because they still suffer from the Oslo Syndrome, i.e. the delusions of a people under siege. These leaders are also incapable of changing and must be replaced by real Jews before it is too late. Naftali Bennett and Moshe Feiglin are two leaders that come to mind as replacements.

  20. But… But… But… Those are Rabin, Peres, Ben Ami, Belin, Sharon, Livni, Barak, Hertzog, Netanyahu and the rest to this day, “peace partners”.
    How could that be that they are monstrous Islamic beasts only out to murder?
    Did our peace loving gang from Oslo know? I bet they did. They’ll tell us all about that during trials for sure.