Condell attacks Muslim Jew hatred – RIGHT ON

March 21, 2012 | 18 Comments »

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18 Comments / 18 Comments

  1. Clinton says:

    I was just on his website, I take it back I would not vote for him for US President, he doesn’t (sp) believe in God

    My reply:

    Separation of Church and State means that an atheist would be a good leader of the United States. Divinities made up by prophets should not be used as the basis of morality. Yes it works, because no one can ultimately contradict unknown powers or metaphysics they do not understand. But humans should not have the chutzpeh to make up religions, and back it up with “because god said so.” Cultures are beautiful because they can be a moralizing and unifying force that does not forcibly ground people’s beliefs toward one system and set of laws. This does not mean that Israel should separate Synagogue and State, because it was made to be a Jewish State so that Jews can defend themselves. But an atheist may still be a great leader, as long as s/he is a tolerant humanist.

  2. @ Ted Belman:

    I notice your didn’t remove the prejudiced comments trashing atheists or Condell so no universal respect to human beings.
    But that is to be expected.
    It doesn’t matter, it was quite insightful to put 2 and 2 together, I had an epiphany how American and Western Civilization is based on irrationality – noting much has changed since they huddled in caves in per-historic times – it looks like something genetic. Its’ beyond religion – the masses believe things without knowing and can be indoctrinated into believing anything. It explains the effect of the Elite’s MSM brainwashing in it’s ability to inculcate mass delusions and the ease it is to indoctrinate people into self-destructive behaviour hero-worshiping fascism. You can make them believe anything crazy and they do.
    I don’t know why some individuals escape, perhaps that’s just it they escape – by sheer luck some escape brainwashing – nothing to do with how smart they are.

    So there is no point writing rational things to the masses. Condell shouldn’t bother speaking, it can have no effect, the mass psychology cannot be reached, perhaps some individuals can but they are not relevant.

    Human Civilization is fatally flawed with something self-destructive. Rational individuals that somehow escape the mass influence are absolved from caring about it.
    It’s pointless to write rational things for mass groups, human beings can’t be saved from themselves. One just has to dis-involve oneself from political and mass culture as much as possible and inure oneself to watching the killings and elimination of societies and understand that is is part of something larger, irrational and un-fixable.
    Genetics probably cannot catch up to reality for millions of years, evolution will probably need a more stable species.

  3. Max, I removed you comments trashing G-d and those that believe in him or trashing Judaism or Christianity because Israpundit is not the place to debate those things. Israpundit shows respect to bible believing Christians and Jews.

    I also restrict Christians about making arguments based on the Gospels. Such comments are offensive to Jews.

    Those are my ground rules.

  4. I applaud Condell that he speaks out against islam, but God Word says, I leave it at that

    Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

  5. Clinton says:

    I was just on his website, I take it back I would not vote for him for US President, he doesn’t (sp) believe in God

    In other words he’s sane. That’s why he sounds so rational.

    I’d feel a lot safer, if G_d would move to another planet.
    He could leave us a big sign in the sky “I’m not here, don’t worry about it” – That would be nice.

  6. I was just on his website, I take it back I would not vote for him for US President, he dont believe in God

  7. Very Erudite. Gotta send this to a couple of miscreants though I’m gonna have to research where it came form.

  8. Iran knows it has nothing to fear from Obama because they know Husayn is a good,a really good,muslim