Israel should have zero tolerance for incitement

Incitement is the root cause of terrorism. Israel should have zero tolerance for it

By Moshe Dann, INN

Since Hamas has admitted its role, the answer is obvious.  But others are major contributors, especially PA incitement, the PLO’s Fatah, its armed wing, terrorist groups like Islamic Jihad, Al Aksa Martyrs Brigade, Hamas’ Israeli branch, the Islamic Movement, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Wakf (the Islamic Authority).  They have created a culture of Jew-hatred supported by the Arab world. It’s called Jihad. This isn’t new, but two critical factors have been overlooked.

There are two important explanations for the outbreak of Arab terrorism.

First, the connection with prisoner exchanges – just as occurred previously.

Releasing thousands of unrepentant, dedicated Arab terrorists and criminals back into Israeli society results in violent uprisings: e.g.  the Jibril Agreement in 1985 which led to the “first Intifada (1987-88);” prisoner releases and further concessions in the mid and late 1990’s led to the “second Intifada” (2000-2003); and over a thousand Arab Palestinian terrorists released for Gilad Shalit (2011) created the basis for the current wave of terrorism.

The second explanation is connected to the rise of radical Islamic movements like ISIS, which has mobilized Muslim extremists from around the world and has – so far — defeated far more powerful opponents. Their success has inspired other Muslim terrorists.

Hamas’ survival and its continued ability to attack Israel is also a powerful factor fueling terrorism.

Allowing Hamas to take over the Gaza Strip after the “Disengagement,” allowing it to rearm, allowing its Israeli branches to flourish in Israel, and allowing a constant stream of incitement by PA institutions, its leaders and its Arab representatives in Israeli political parties – all encourage Arab terrorism.

Israeli government policy is complicit. Despite condemning Palestinian incitement, the Prime Minister’s Office and the security establishment have done little or nothing until now to stop it.

For years, the police have treated Arab stone-throwing and fire-bombing as a nuisance, rather than a crime. This neglect has allowed violence to spread and infect an entire generation.

As harassment of Jews who visit the Temple Mount and violent attacks by Arab gangs escalated, the police tried to ignore the problem until it became a dangerous daily confrontation.

Rather than holding Palestinian leaders responsible for attacks against Jews, the government, until now, seems to prefer talk rather than action. This only encourages violence.

The Ministry of Defense has also been culpable. Instead of protecting and supporting IDF soldiers, the government and especially the IDF have put them in harm’s way.  For example, sending a few soldiers to confront mobs of rioting Arabs is an inadequate response.

Pro-Palestinian foreign activists are permitted to assist violent attacks against IDF soldiers – like violent confrontations at places like Nebi Saleh. Why aren’t they arrested and deported? Why aren’t Israelis involved in such actions arrested? Why are foreign and Arab activists and “journalists” allowed to harass IDF soldiers?

Instead of eliminating terrorist rock-and-bomb throwers and providing safe roads, the government prefers a Band-Aid approach to the problem; it subsidizes replacement and protective windows. As anyone driving along the narrow roads through Judea and Samaria knows, there is almost no police presence to protect Israelis from wild Arab drivers or rock and bomb attacks. Placing cameras on the road can’t insure safety and replace police.

And then, there is the daily indoctrination and incitement by the PA and Palestinian educational institutions.

According to reports, there are about a thousand Islamic Wakf schools in eastern Jerusalem and many more throughout Israel; although state-sanctioned, they have an anti-Israel and anti-Jewish agenda.  Two dozen Palestinian colleges and universities have the same agenda, including Al Quds University in Jerusalem, which is supported by Brandeis University and Bard College.

UNRWA schools throughout Judea, Samaria and Gaza, as well as anti-Israel NGOs supported by the EU, NIF, and church groups have the same agenda. In addition, PA TV offers daily anti-Israel and anti-Jewish programming which fuels terrorism.

That Arab Palestinians are opposed to Israel’s existence and wage war against Jews is clear; they proclaim it proudly. That Arab and Muslim countries and the EU promote this is also clear. Yet, the media does not report it. Instead of presenting terrorism for what it is, the media showcases “violence,” as if there is no difference between perpetrator and victim.

The government is finally trying to stamp out the fires of terrorism, but is seemingly unaware that it has provided some of the fuel by allowing Palestinian anti-Israel and anti-Jewish incitement.  Temporary actions will prevent the fire from spreading, but, without a determined policy to remove the incitement fuel, the fire will reignite.

The inability of a society to defend itself is the second stage of its demise; the first stage is its unwillingness to do so.

The author is a PhD historian, writer and journalist. His book of short stories, “As Far As the Eye Can See,” was recently published by the New English Review Press.

October 26, 2015 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. The reaosn BB does nothing is due to his under the table understandings with the GCC. he maintains a soft approach to the pals so as to avoid the conflict taking too much attention. the GCC in turn keeps arab press coverage dampened, has its proxy egypt leash hamas, and is able to continue to recruit jihadis for its war against the shias instead of against Israel which is the usual choice for jihadis. BB hopes for the combined behind the scenes action of the GCC, Egypt and abbas to dampen the attacks before he has to do something which may elevate the conflict. the GCC jihadis drew out and weakened hezbullah and Iran but Israel may have missed a window of opportunity to deal a death blow to hezbullah before the russian entry… as now Liberman rightly observes:

    Liberman: Syria fighting will be over soon, Hezbollah will turn its sights on Israel

    BB did nothing in every theatre: Iran, hezbullah, hamas, the PA, the Mount of muslim abused jews…….. BB seeks to hold the fort,, sustain Jew abused status quo’s….. the jews are the boiling frog in the pot of BB’s paralysis like a deer in the headlights

  2. zero tolerance for incitement

    NO….. not zero tolerance for incitement….. zero tolerance for anti semitism…. incitement against Jews. the key words are left out
    If the word incitement only is used we will continue to have the currrent ludicrous spectre of Israeli PM’s , DM’s and pres. continue to stalk phantom non existent Jews. the problem in Israel is not islamaphobia but the abuse of jews by muslims.
    it is absurd that jews make aliya to Israel to experience the same muslim anti semitism and attacks which they suffer in france. Jews need protecting in Israel not muslims.
    In Israel there must be xero tolerance for anti semitism, for Jew hatred, for jew incitement. No anti semite should be allowed to live in Israel, NOT ONE!
    In muslim countries heads are chopped off for disrespecting Islam, synaguogues dont exist, jews are cowering dhimmis. they dont worry about what the world thinks.
    Jews are daily being stabbed while we wait for BB to “consider”.

    Sources: Netanyahu considering revoking residency from east Jerusalem Arabs

    LOL, BB makes another step in reverse, going backwards from his previous MO of making announcement of actions which never happen…. now he is even more non committal by making announcements of “considering” things which will never happen. Every day he stalls action to conduct house to house searches, to confiscate weapons, arrest criminals and incarcerate anti semitic muslims into his new admin detention.
    of course Liberman clearly sees BB’s BS:

    Liberman said that Netanyahu does not intend to, nor is it possible to, “revoke, across the board, residency from all residents of east Jerusalem.”

    “My wish is that we revoke citizenship from all those involved in terror. That is possible, and that is what must be done,” Liberman said.

    He said that the fact that the Netanyahu government has failed to even outlaw the Islamic State’s Northern Branch, which Israel holds is behind much of the incitement that has sparked the recent wave of violence, proves that the prime minister’s consideration of revoking residency from east Jerusalem Arabs is not serious.

    Liberman calls to revoke residency of terrorists whereas I call to get to the root incitement of terrorism against Jews: anti semitism. Revoke residency and citizenship of anti semites in israel which will also rid Israel of the anti semitic arab MK’s ludicrously allowed to sit in the Jewish knesset. this will get rid of the jordan appointed wakf at the mount.

  3. In addition to corrupt and cowardly Israeli officials there is the U.S. government which funds the PA and the schools that indoctrinate hatred of Jews. Leftist Jewish organizations in Israel and the U.S. fund anti Israel activities. Jewish leaders in Israel and the U.S. are too timid to tell the full truth in support of Jewish rights.