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  1. An Open Letter to Attorney General Loretta Lynch

    Dear Madam Attorney General:

    Just as Zika Virus has entered the Continental USA, so has corruption seeped into, what used to be, an above reproach Federal Agency, the Department of Justice. AG Lynch. You and FBI Dir. Comey, both Appointees of President Obama, have apparently become the President’s pawns to protect a guilty felon, Hillary Rodham Clinton. It’s time to take remedial action, admit that you are under President Obama’s thumb, and indict Ms. Clinton on all charges.

    Neither Dir. Comey, nor yourself, are willing to indict Ms. Clinton, and yet Dir. Comey admits to The House of Representatives that Ms. Clinton is guilty of theft, perjury, treason, and other felony charges. The Statutes do not rely on “intent” for authority to prosecute.

    You have chosen to allow corruption of the Rule of Law, by allowing Ms. Clinton to be above the Rule of Law; a two-tier system, if you will. Dir. Comey even stated that if anyone did the same crimes, they would be sent to prison (my paraphrasing). This is tantamount to Obstruction of Justice. You, Madam AG, did not recuse yourself so that you could remain in total control. Had you recused yourself, the Asst. Attorney General would be in control, and the outcome might have been different.

    Is it possible that “Pay to Play” is happening in your own House? I’m not speaking of a monetary exchange (although that’s still to be determined), but rather, a new career advancement. From my perspective, that appears plausible. If Ms. Clinton is not indicted, she remains a possible candidate for POTUS. If she becomes the POTUS, there is a distinct possibility that you, Loretta Lynch, would be appointed by Ms. Clinton, to a Seat on the Supreme Court. If Ms. Clinton is indicted, the Supreme Court offering goes away.

    Now. What about James Comey, your Subordinate? How does he benefit? For starters, he gets to keep his career, under Ms. Clinton’s POTUS watch if she’s elected. Beyond that benefit, your guess is as good as mine. But we do know that Dir. Comey is a Director of a large bank, HSBC Holdings, that has donated to the Clinton Foundation. Hmmmm. And then???? We learn that Bleachbit was used to wipe clean Hillary’s private servers. Isn’t that the “Intent” that you, for some reason, couldn’t find to indict her? You now need to indict her, or you and James B. Comey, are as corrupt as she is, and must resign or be impeached.
