Obama goes nuclear on Iran Deal opponents

By Daniel Greenfield, FPM

Obama has decided that two wildly unpopular policies, one foreign and one domestic, will be the final legacy of his wildly unpopular administration. The domestic policy is gun control. The foreign policy is Iranian nukes. While Americans will be disarmed, Iran will be getting ready for its ballistic missiles.

Ramming through wildly unpopular policies is what this administration does best. More than anything else, this administration will be remembered for the mix of bullying, smears, pop culture distractions, outright lies, bureaucratic sabotage and blatant lawbreaking with which it achieved its policy goals.

Iran is no different.

The sales pitch is going badly. John Kerry has probably managed to dissuade more senators by testifying than he would have if he had taken the fifth. A viral video featuring the Iran lobby’s Thomas Pickering lecturing failed movie star Jack Black on the importance of the deal earned all the wrong kind of laughs.

Too many Democrats are still sitting on the fence. Some have come out against the deal. So the White House is looking for weak points in a potential coalition against the deal.

Its opening move is a classical “Divide and Conquer” strategy that tries to split pro-Israel Democrats from Republicans. The Democrats are being told that a rejection of the deal means war with Iran. If they don’t back the deal, they will be warmongers. Those who oppose the deal with Iran will face the same anti-war coalition that targeted those Democrats who supported Bush’s overthrow of Saddam.

The deal is too unappealing to be sold on its merits, so it is instead being presented as the only alternative to a war. Obama and Kerry love nuance when it comes to finding all the positive sides to making deals with Iran or the Taliban, but quickly abandon it at home in favor of a polarized argument in which opponents of their latest terrorist appeasement are warmongers and traitors.

Jewish Democrats, in particular, are being told that Israel and Jews will be blamed for such a war.

John Kerry has already come out and said that Israel will be blamed. That’s nothing new for the Democratic Party. It wasn’t that long ago when Senator Hollings was claiming that Bush had invaded Iraq and passed tax cuts for the “Jewish vote”. To Jon Stewart, Obama referenced the Iraq War and suggested that the people against the deal “are not going to be making sacrifices” if there is a war.

That type of rhetoric sounded better coming from politicians who had served in the military, instead of a career community organizer who refers to a “Corpse-man” and uses Marines as umbrella stands.

Jewish Democrats who oppose the deal will be “Senator Lieberman-ed”, primaried by the left, smeared and added to the list of neo-con warmongers. Non-Jewish Democrats may be allowed a place at the table, like Kerry or Hillary, but only after they serve a penal term of appeasement as Secretary of State.

The Pollard release meanwhile begins the process of splitting Republicans from a pro-Israel coalition. The leverage is once again accusations of treason. Obama’s supporters showed where their argument was bound to end up when they spread the #47Traitors hashtag targeting Senators opposed to the deal.

Israel certainly hadn’t arranged for Pollard’s release. The administration isn’t being accommodating or trying to win over anyone. It’s calculatedly turning a former spy into a talking point during a debate involving Israel to add weight to the treason talking point.

July 31, 2015 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. 1. Iran is already at war with the USA as well as Israel. Obama is giving an enemy a gift without any real possibility of that gift doing good, rather than harm.

    2. The Democratic Party will be labeled as the party of defeat and friendship for terrorists if the deal is not overturned and any veto overriden.

    3. Obama won’t admit there something very powerful in the World, the ideology of Islamic Fundamentalism and definesthe Fort Hood, Pentagon and World Trade Center, Bengazi as isolated incdents, which they are not. Obama forced Murburak out and put Morsi in leading to the persecution and deaths of thousands of Coiptic Christians of Egypt. Obama was a member of one of the few outwardly anti-Semitic Churches of Chicago. Obama promised to used force against Syria’s Assad but did not when Assad used chemical weapons. This nuclear deal follows a pattern.

    4, The agreement is traitorous, because it transfers technology and military assistance to a leadership that continually defines the USA as an enemy.

  2. Jewish Federations (including LA Federation) are opposed to the Iran deal.

    Also 50 LA Rabbis Call to Congress: “A Responsibility to do Better.

    Fifty of the most prominent Reform, Conservative, Orthodox and Independent rabbis in Los Angeles have signed this letter to congress and the senate. Please read their letter and share it with your friends. They are unified on this issue: “we strongly support and heed the Jewish Federation’s recent call to action to express our collective opposition to this dangerous agreement.” http://www.jewishjournal.com/rabbi_yonah/item/50_la_rabbis_call_to_congress_a_responsibility_to_do_better

  3. President Barack Obama is using anti-Jewish language to sell the Iran deal.

    Some critics made that claim a week ago, when Obama complained about “the money” and “the lobbyists” on the other side of the debate over the Iran nuclear deal. This week, Obama proved it.

    On Thursday, Obama led a conference call with left-wing activists in which he repeatedly railed against his political opponents by using the old canard of rich Jews using their money to exert control.

    Accusing critics of the deal of being “opposed to any deal with Iran”–i.e. of advocating war–Obama railed against “well-financed” lobbyists, as well as the “big check writers to political campaigns,” and “billionaires who happily finance super-PACs.” He complained about “$20 million” being spent on ads against the deal—a subtle reference to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC–whose support he had repeatedly courted when running for office).

    Some of Obama’s references were thinly-veiled attacks on specific (Jewish) individuals—columnist Bill Kristol, for example, the Weekly Standard publisher and former New York Times resident conservative who served in the George H.W. Bush administration, and also helps run the Emergency Committee for Israel, which opposes the Iran deal; or billionaire Sheldon Adelson, who is a prodigious Republican benefactor, super PAC donor, and well-known hawk on Israel issues…


    If it waddles like an anti-Semitic duck and it quacks like an anti-Semitic duck and it stinks like an anti-Semitic duck…

  4. And when the Iran deal opponents fight back, who immediately attacks them on Obama’s behalf?

    Mitt Romney.

    Jeb Bush.

    Karl Rove.

    The corporatists whose financial sponsors are drooling over the opportunity to get their covetous hands on the $150 billion Obama is giving to the jihadists.

    There is sedition at play here. It is being perpetrated by “American” corporations and the bipartisan gang of amoral politicians they own.