Obama is losing it

By Michael Goodwin, NY POST

An Important change is happening in the presidential race — the belief that Mitt Romney could actually win is spreading. There is a growing confidence among his supporters, and the polls are starting to pick up a shift in his favor.

There is another indicator, however, and it is far more reliable. The left-leaning media is getting hysterical, launching over-the-top attacks on Romney and moving to protect President Obama as they see the public turning away from their man.

A CNN anchor compared Romney’s statement that “marriage is a relationship between one man and one woman” to George Wallace’s statement in 1963 that he favored “segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.”

An MSNBC guest compared Ann Romney to Hitler and Stalin.
The New York Times, faced with the fact that its own poll showed 67 percent of voters suspect Obama supported gay marriage mostly for political reasons, buried the story on the bottom of Page 17. And not until the 16th paragraph did it mention that the poll found Romney leading Obama by three points.

Then there’s the Newsweek cover that slapped a rainbow halo on the man it called “the first gay president” — an image that captures the quest to grant Obama messiah status.

The echo-chamber quality to the hysteria is of a piece with media cheerleading on the president’s gay-marriage stance, the lack of curiosity about how it came to pass, and what it means for the election.

Pundits and headline writers widely hail him as “brave” and “courageous” for “evolving” to yes, but Obama had little choice after Vice President Joe Biden announced his own support. True courage comes only when the choice is voluntary and there is another option. Acting when you have no other option is not courageous.

Moreover, the fact that Biden apologized to Obama for forcing him out is barely noted by the kudo chorus. The apology sequence doesn’t fit with the narrative of Obama “courage,” so the press ignores it.
Strange, too, that Obama declared gay marriage a civil right, but insisted it should be left to the states. His political allies are scratching their heads over that one — it’s a civil right or it’s not — but the media haven’t pursued that incoherent angle either.

Nor do his cheerleaders seem curious about whether he will support Harry Reid and others who want to include a call for gay marriage in the party’s official campaign platform.

A further twist adds more confusion. Obama said the law designed to leave it to the states — the Defense of Marriage Act, signed by Bill Clinton — is “unconstitutional.” So, is he going to propose another version? Nobody seems to care.

Whatever you believe about gay marriage, and I happen to support it, the media double standard is doing Obama more harm than good. Accusing Romney of using his stance as a “wedge issue” while painting Obama as a hero for his doesn’t pass the smell test.

Worse, Obama is falling into the adulation trap. His focus on gay marriage for the last week, complete with holding fund-raisers in Hollywood and having his campaign sell T-shirts celebrating the issue, adds to the perception that Obama is far more liberal than he admits.
Most important, it once again puts him on another page from the issues most voters care about — jobs and the economy.

The upshot is that Romney, simply by standing still while Obama whirls like a dervish at a private party, is consolidating conservative voters who were unsure of him in the GOP primaries.

Still, it must be said there is a certain logic as to why the media is so riveted by gay marriage, and why Obama, having taken the plunge, is talking about little else.

What else can the media possibly praise him for? And what else can he talk about?

Certainly not his record. So for now, it’s gay marriage — and bust.

May 17, 2012 | 10 Comments »

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10 Comments / 10 Comments

  1. Romney has made it obvious that he refuses to put the gloves on against Obama. The question is, is he just another putz like McCain who refuses to heed Leo Durocher’s famous words that nice guys finish last? Or was he given the nomination simply to take a fall?

  2. The only poll I am going by is on election day in November, I dont trust and I dont believe polls, and I want obama to be voted out on election day by the voters, all that matters is what happens on election day.

  3. It takes no courage in this day and age whatsoever to come out in support of gay marriage. The media and popular culture which set the standards for what is accceptable in society are universally gay friendly and rip to shreds anyone who dares to believe in traditional marriage and family. Rather it takes far more courage to oppose gay marriage.

  4. Romney needs to win Virginia, Ohio and Colorado in order to win the election. The last I checked, he was still trailing in those states. If he can’t win Virginia, which has been turning into “D.C. Annex” in recent years, he needs to pick up Iowa and Minnesota, or some such combination. It amazes me, that Republicans have had trouble winning in the Corn Belt

  5. As I’ve stated consistently, Barack “The Impostor” Obama is not one to be trusted at all. This is why he appears at the university, he can only purloin votes from airhead college students who have been taught under the Marxist underpinnings of the educational process. Romney has a vulnerable underbelly, don’t deny this, either. There are those who say his world will come crashing down before the election.
    What I do worry about is a recent BBC poll that places Israel right up in the ranks next to Pakistan and North Korea on the favorability index. We are not loved in this world by 24000 people who voted in this BBC poll, are we? One can straddle the narrow line between love and hate for only so long. Taking umbrage at such a poll is nothing but self destruction. Israel, my Israel, is treading on very thin ice and if left up to the likes of one Barack Obama, a man we do NOT know at all, lo and behold, we are in deep trouble. We can only control parts of this world at any one time, is this our time?

  6. So called but not homosexual marriage–and the fringe minority with their money will not get Barack Obama elected!

    Most Americans [most human beings] are not in favor of homosexual perversions!

    Barack Obama and his Marxist confederates are governing against the will of the majority of the American people.

  7. @ Nate Patok:

    Those who genuinely believe in and support Barack Obama–are either profoundly ignorant of his record and or profoundly mentally ill–Barack Obama and his inner circle are insane sociopaths!

  8. Barack Obama is easily beatable–his record of deliberate destruction won’t get him many votes; mass ignorance of his record will get him many votes! [If John McCain wasn’t a pathetic Marxist whore–he would have won.]

    I wouldn’t put a suspension of the election past Barack Obama and his evil confederates [comrades] as they would like to permanently suspend the United States Constitution!

    If not the above–widespread vote fraud can be expected–as many of the state secretary of states who are Marxist democrats would be working for Obama.

  9. This article is pretty accurate. Romney can win, and may win. I don’t think it helps Obama when people like the black lesbian comedienne Wanda SYkes go on Jay Leno to say stupid, nonsensical things about Romney. The reverse is the case.