Part X. Iran and Necrophelia

T. Belman. This is Part X of the series, ISLAM, Our Deadliest Enemy: Time is Running Out. I have been posting one Part every day for the last week and will continue for the next week til done. These articles written by VIPs and renowned scholars devastate Islam more comprehensively than anything in print. It is intended that this series come to the attention of Trump’s committee to Study Islamic Terrorism, when formed.

ISLAM, Our Deadliest Enemy: Time is Running Out

By  Prof. Paul Eidelberg, President, Israel-America Renaissance Institute, Jerusalem and Philadelphia

Part I. Introduction
Part II. Identifying the Enemy
Part III. A Former Muslim Shows How to Combat the Enemy
Part IV. An Insider’s View of ‘Moderate’ Muslims
Part V. Beyond Multicultural Relativism
Part VI. The Theological Basis of Today’s Crisis
Part VII. Islamophobia: Facts and Fictions
Part VIII. Islamic Bellicosity and Blood Lust
Part IX. Blood Lust (cont’d)
Part X. Iran and Necrophelia
Part XI. Islamic Imperialism
Part XII. Islam: A Cult of Hatred, Especially of Jews

Part X. Iran and Necrophelia

Having recounted the savagery of the PLO in Lebanon, it should now be noted that Fatah, the most professional killers of the PLO, trained Iran’s Revolutionary Guards.[i] The training took place in Lebanon’s Bekka Valley in the 1970s. Strange that the PLO, Sunni Muslims, should train Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, Shiite Muslims whose most notorious member is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The mentality of Iran’s president is discussed in Michael A. Ledeen, Accomplice to Evil: Iran and the War Against the West (2009). Here are the salient points.

Dr. Ledeen’s analysis of Ahmadinejad’s writings provides deeper insights into what we superficially call barbarism. The key to understanding the unique nature of Islamic barbarism can be found in Ahmadinejad glorification of death, conforming to Quranic verse Sura 9:11 which exalts the Muslim who “slays and is slain” for Allah.” Ahmadinejad sees in this double entendre the most exquisite art form.  He asks, “Is there art more beautiful, more divine, and more eternal than the art of martyrdom?” (100). Ledeen reminds us that Ahmadinejad is “a veteran of one of the bloodiest wars of recent times, the Iran-Iraq conflict, which probably cost his country more than a million dead and maimed” (100).

Ahmadinejad’s praise of Iranian fighters, says Ledeen, “isn’t limited to men shot down on the battlefield in that bloody war; he glorifies what he calls ‘martyrdom’ which in truth was deliberate, criminal slaughter of many tens of thousands of young children. Some of those kids [says Ledeen] were twelve years old or younger. They were sent across the battlefields, into Iraqi territory, as human mine detectors. They walked across the minefields and got blown up…. [Ahmadinejad] indoctrinated them or hypnotized them, and he wanted them to die. Indeed, they were so certain they would be killed that these little children were provided with plastic keys that were said to open the gates of paradise….” (101). According to Mark Helprin, Iran pushed 100,000 young children to their deaths clearing those minefields. That counts 15 percent of Iran’s population as “Volunteer Martyrs”; that chants “Death to America” at each session of parliament; and whose president states that no art “is more beautiful . . . than the art of the martyr’s death” (Wall Street Journal, January 18, 2012).

Ledeen calls this barbarism “necrophilia,” a pathological love of death. He offers a textbook definition of necrophilia. “Necrophilia is defined as ‘the passionate attractions to all that is dead, decayed, putrid, sickly; it is the passion to transform that which is alive into something unalive; to destroy for the sake of destruction… It is the passion to tear apart living structures.’” [ii]

This same passion is evident in the PLO-Palestinian Authority which used children as human bombs—a practice more ghastly than the sacrifice of children by the ancient Canaanites. Clearly, the Palestinians have no cultural immunity to necrophilia—and this alone makes nonsense of any peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Returning to Ledeen, he sees necrophilia in “the language Ahmadinejad uses, especially about the Jews, the Israelis, and the Americans. It’s all about the rot of death, and the stink of death, as when he said that Israel is ‘a rotten and stinking corpse’ that is destined to disappear, and went on to proclaim, that Israel ‘has reached the end like a dead rat’”(103).

This is the Ahmadinejad that was allowed to enter the United States to address the United Nations—a venue that accommodates and dignifies despots. Ahmadinejad was also invited to speak at American universities, many of which are havens of nihilism, which is conceptually compatible with necrophilia. Finally, it should be noted that Ahmadinejad, the patron of Hamas and Hezbollah, is one of the most admired leaders of Islamdom, which seems to spawn necrophiliacs. 

[i] See Michael A. Ledeen, Accomplice to Evil: Iran and the War Against the West (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2009), 99. Pagination references hereafter cited in the text.

[ii] Ledeen, p. 103.

August 31, 2016 | Comments »

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