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  1. Obama is only concerned with the cost of deterring Iran. He needs the money to go on vacations in Hawaii and all his gimmicks.

  2. And now the world is paying the price for rejecteing Jewish refugees from certain death, like St. Louis, etc. in WW2 era – Arabs

  3. PM Netanyahu made two crucial points in his AIPAC speech:

    1) Sure, they say, Iran is cruel, but it’s not crazy. It’s detestable but it’s deterrable. (It is not)
    2) I think it’s time we started talking about the costs of not stopping Iran. ( Would be suicidal)

    On May 7, 1940 Leo Amery spoke in the Commons, attacking Neville Chamberlain’s government, quoting Oliver Cromwell: “You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!”

    On May 10, 1940, Winston Churchill became Prime Minister.

    There is nobody to play Leo Amery’s role today. But it is obvious that Netanyahu is destined to play Churchill’s role and become the leader of the Free World, and with that happening Obama does not stand a chance on Nov 7.

  4. Max, I understand English well, but can’t make heads or tails of what you’re saying. Are you making a pitch for bottled water, or what??

  5. Netanyahu gives genocidal bible story to Obama. “Book of Esther given to Obama by Netanyahu: not so hidden message, …

    Yeah, that was the point, maybe Esther can help out yet.

  6. Bibi’s skin pallor looked bad. There is fear beneath the blustee. Obama doesn’t like him, doesn’t trust him and is counting on the fact that the American public is equally repulsed. I think Bibi is toast.

  7. Netanyahu was too diplomatic in pretending that Obama is supporting Israel.
    I wish Netanyahu had made some mention of the immense help Israel has been to America and her being our most supportive ally.
    Obama tries to claim he is a big supporter of Israel and he lies. The missing element ins all this is the failure of the American Jewish leadership to confront Obama on his duplicity and hostility regarding Israel. Many gentile supporters of Israel would also join in but Jews must first take the lead.

  8. I listened to it in full.

    Bads news nuclear duck is walking…

    . Hmmm things don’t look too good for anyone anywhere, I’d say stock up on lots of bottled water and canned goods and start digging deep holes.
    And watch out for those imported cars abandoned in parking lots – never know what kind of bang those engines are in a while . might be an Iranian Nuke.
    Dec. 21, 2012 might come early this year.

    I don’t think Esther’s gonna help much she’s be gone too long.
    Another thing to remember about the Americans – in 1939, 83 percent were inf favour of REFUSING sanctuary to Jewish refugees from Germany.

    That was before America was infected with Islamification and had an Islamifying President.