Riyadh Summit doesn’t offer recognition

The Institute for National Security Studies, an arm of TAU, which is itself a Mecca of the Left, published The Riyadh Summit, the Mecca Agreement and What Lies Between Them. The author and by extension, TAU got it wrong.

Another substantive obstacle is the absence of an authoritative Palestinian interlocutor. The President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, supported the initiative, but Hamas leaders refrained from endorsing even the conditional readiness to recognize Israel. The question of recognition is a central feature of the division between Hamas and Fatah.

I protest. Riyadh did not propose “a conditional readiness to recognize Israel” but only “normalization”. This is no different from a hudna. The Arab countries not only refuse to recognize Israel, they refuse to talk with her.

Thus Hamas and the Riyadh Summit both refuse to recognize Israel

April 2, 2007 | Comments Off on Riyadh Summit doesn’t offer recognition

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