Say “no” to a Palestinian state.

A Palestinian state? A destructive element in the community of nations

By Fresno Zionism

…In deciding whether establishing a new state here is a good idea, it makes sense to think about what the character of that state will be. And there is no doubt that ‘Palestine’ will be an aggressor and a locus of terrorism. A criminal culture will produce a criminal state. How could the embodiment of the philosophy of Yasser Arafat be anything else?

    The Palestinian people deserve an end to occupation and the daily indignities that come with it. Palestinians deserve to move and travel freely, and to feel secure in their communities. Like people everywhere, Palestinians deserve a future of hope — that their rights will be respected, that tomorrow will be better than today and that they can give their children a life of dignity and opportunity. Put simply, Palestinians deserve a state of their own. — Barack Obama, March 21, 2013

Not surprisingly, I disagree. Palestinians do not deserve a state.

There are many arguments against creating a Palestinian state: arguments based on Israel’s security, on the Jewish people’s historic rights to Judea and Samaria, on the impossibility of a viable Palestinian economy, etc.

I would like to make another argument, which is not heard so often because it is not politically correct: the Palestinian nation has developed a criminal national culture, a collection of aspirations, modes of thought, discourse and behavior that would make a Palestinian state a destructive element in the community of nations.

Now, please stop screaming ‘racism’ for long enough to understand that this has nothing to do with biology. A baby born to a Palestinian mother in another culture would grow up no different from anyone else in that culture. Palestinian Arabs aren’t biologically different from Arabs anywhere else in the Middle East, and indeed there is a lot of genetic overlap with Israeli Jews. I don’t believe that Palestinians are born violent, angry and dishonest — I believe that the culture that has developed along with the creation of the ‘Palestinian people’ in the past 100 years or so has made them so.

The ancestors of most Arabs living between the Jordan and the Mediterranean migrated into the region starting in the 19th century. They were brought there by an Egyptian military campaign against Ottoman Syria in the 1830?s, by famines and political upheavals in Syria, by the British (in the 20th century) to work on projects such as the construction of railroads, and most of all by the better economic conditions brought about by the British and by the Zionist yishuv.

One of the attributes of present-day Palestinian culture is the belief that history is whatever Palestinians say it is. So we have Palestinians saying that they are descended from ancient Canaanites or Philistines. This is nonsense. Some small number may actually be descended from the Arab conquerors of the 7th century, and some from local Jews or Christians converted by those conquerors. But the idea that there is a unique ‘Palestinian people’ that has lived in the region for centuries is a fable.

What brought these disparate Arabs together was opposition to Zionism. The first great leader of the Palestinian Arabs was Haj Amin al-Husseini, who stirred up anti-Jewish riots and pogroms as early as 1920. The British helpfully made him Grand Mufti of Jerusalem in 1921, and he became the face and voice of the Palestinian cause. During the war, he worked closely with Hitler, raised an SS division among Bosnian Muslims, made Arabic broadcasts to the Middle East from Berlin, and did his best to encourage Hitler to conquer Palestine, where Husseini planned to set up extermination camps for Jews.

Only the British victory at El Alamein prevented his plan from becoming reality. After the war, al-Husseini helped SS officers and other war criminals escape to Egypt and Syria where they aided the regimes in their struggle against the Jewish state. I think we can call him a ‘war criminal’ too, don’t you?

Husseini was overshadowed, though, by Yasser Arafat, one of the founders of the Fatah terror group (around 1959), who became the head of the PLO in 1968. Arafat’s Fatah still holds the record for the most Jews killed by a terrorist organization, more than Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hizballah, etc. Arafat took terrorism to new levels, popularized airline hijacking for political purposes, was wholly or partially responsible for several wars — the Black September conflict in Jordan in 1970, the Lebanese Civil war of the 1970?s, the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982, the Second Intifada in 2000, and lesser incidents like the Munich Olympics massacre, the Achille Lauro hijacking, and many more.

In possibly the greatest mistake made by any Israeli government, Arafat and his gang — who had been exiled to Tunisia after the 1982 Lebanese war — were allowed to return to the territories and set up the ‘Palestinian Authority’ (PA) under the Oslo accords. Arafat — now officially recognized as the ruler of the Palestinians in the territories — continued to engage in terrorism while he pretended to negotiate a peace agreement, and established a system of indoctrination for Palestinians in every aspect of their cultural and religious institutions and media.

The Palestinian nation was forged by al-Husseini, Arafat and others who took this disparate group of Arabs and united them under the banner of ‘resistance’ to the Zionists, and later to the state of Israel, who developed the idea of the nakba as a loss of honor that had to be avenged. They created a monster, a culture whose predominant memes are of blood and murder.

The PA continued its indoctrination campaign after Arafat’s death, promoted its invented version of Palestinian and Israeli history, its glorification of terrorists and ‘martyrs’ and its incitement against Jews. Today, Palestinian society is suffused with feelings of anger and frustration over its supposed ‘dispossession’ and continued ‘oppression’, frustration which breaks out every so often in the form ofstabbing 9-year-old Jewish girlsshooting anti-tank weapons at schoolbuses, or slaughtering whole families.

Listen to or read an interview with a Palestinian — male or female, any age. You will hear about their victimization and their suffering. You will not hear that it is unfortunate that about 3,700 Jews (and a few others) have been murdered by Palestinian terrorists since 1920 (the number does not include casualties in wars, or Palestinians murdered for ‘cooperating’ with Israel). Nothing is ever their fault; it is always the Jews, the United States, the British, etc. You will never hear about a need for reconciliation; only ‘resistance’.

Look at their heroes: above all, the mass murderer Arafat, along with smaller-time murderers like Dalal Mughrabi, the exemplar for Palestinian womanhood, whose ‘operation’ only killed 37 Jews (12 of them children). Look at the reception they are giving to the murderers that Israel is releasing in response to American pressure.

Since the stupidity of Oslo, Israelis and the PLO have been ‘negotiating’ to arrive at yet another partition of the sliver of Jewish land that exists precariously among the 22 Arab nations of the Middle East and North Africa. The Palestinians have never stopped incitement and terrorism, and they have never negotiated in good faith toward an end to the conflict. They have pursued a strategy of alternating violence and deceitful diplomacy whose objective is the elimination of Jewish sovereignty.

And yet President Obama says they ‘deserve’ a state!

In deciding whether establishing a new state here is a good idea, it makes sense to think about what the character of that state will be. And there is no doubt that ‘Palestine’ will be an aggressor and a locus of terrorism. A criminal culture will produce a criminal state.

How could the embodiment of the philosophy of Yasser Arafat be anything else?


January 10, 2014 | 3 Comments »

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3 Comments / 3 Comments

  1. The Palestine Mandate,approved by 53 states in 1922 as having recognized an equitable ownership of the Jews of all of Palestine west of the Jordan River, with a legal ownership to vest once the Jews had attained a population majority in the area they were to rule. They did not want to establish a government ruled by a minority of population — they deemed that to be antidemocratic. Legal ownership was to vest when the Jews had a population majority and were capable of exercising sovereignty. It is beyond question that the Jews meet both those standards today, even though the Israeli government has not asserted sovereignty over Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem. So the question then becomes: Do the Arabs in Palestine west of the Jordan River have a unilateral right to secede from the sovereign state of the Jewish People? Hornbook International Law says they do not. When there is a tension between the right of even a real “people” of self-determination and the right of a sovereign state to territorial integrity, the right of the state has priority because the inviolability of state boundaries is and has been the mainstay of world order since 1648, the date of the Peace of Westphalia. It follows that under International Law there is no unilateral right of Palestinians, even if they were a real, rather than an invented people, to self-determination.

  2. The Palestinian people deserve an end to occupation and the daily indignities that come with it. Palestinians deserve to move and travel freely, and to feel secure in their communities. Like people everywhere, Palestinians deserve a future of hope — that their rights will be respected, that tomorrow will be better than today and that they can give their children a life of dignity and opportunity. Put simply, Palestinians deserve a state of their own. — Barack Obama, March 21, 2013

    Let’s pick this apart:

    “The Palestinian people”: No such “people”. What about the millions of Kurds that are a “people” with a distinct history, language, culture and land base. Or what about the other true peoples of the world that are under real occupation. Of that Obama has not a word to say.

    “deserve an end to occupation and the daily indignities that come with it”: It is they who are the occupiers of what is by any measure; archeology, history, international law, bible, continuous presence for over 3,000 years, Jewish land. The “daily indignities” would end instantly if they abandoned their murderous intent towards Jews.

    “deserve to move and travel freely, and to feel secure in their communities. Like people everywhere” We are talking about Arabs in the Middle East, not “people everywhere”. So show me any Arab or Muslim country that guarantees these rights that according to Obama these pali people are uniquely deserving of.

    “Palestinians deserve a future of hope — that their rights will be respected”: What exactly have they done to deserve such a future? By murdering Jewish mothers and children? By refusing every peace offer made? By existing only to genocide the Jews? By repudiating every single agreement we’ve signed with them? By revering Jew killers as the pinnacle of their society? By living off the dole of the world? What exactly? And what rights does Obama speak of that they deserve but all other Arabs in Arab countries don’t have and implicitly therefore don’t deserve? Do they respect Jewish rights of any kind? Of course not but their “rights” deserve to be respected according to the Islamist-Enabler-In-Chief!

    “that they can give their children a life of dignity and opportunity”: We all know what these sub-humans aspire for their children! That they should murder Jews – the greatest aspiration!. That they should die, die killing Jews even better! That is the definition of paly dignity and opportunity!

    “Put simply, Palestinians deserve a state of their own: Really? The two they already have then is somehow deficient. Then give them one in your back yard. Ours, or what remains of ours, after loosing 80% to the pali posers is way to small to accommodate these deserving “people”.