By Ted Belman

Trump dominated. That was good.

He failed to attack her sufficiently on
– Bengazi,
– the Iraq deal
– email scandal
– Clinton Foundation

A lot of missed opportunities.

She attacked and he defended for the most part. He attacked her and she ignored his attacks. He should have counter-punched instead of defending himself. Big mistake.

I was disappointed.

So far (10:00 PM EST), The Hill (establishment), CBS (liberal), Time (liberal), Fox5 (New York), Slate, Heavy, Breitbart, and Drudge all say Trump won the debate. Yet there are others who said he didn’t

September 27, 2016 | 10 Comments »

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10 Comments / 10 Comments

  1. The Second Presidential Debate Will Try Something New

    Search and vote for questions about issues that are important to you! The “town hall” debate will feature questions from the Internet — ABC and CNN moderators agreed to consider the Top 30 questions voted up on this site! Watch the debate right here on Sunday, Oct. 9, at 9pm EDT to find out if they chose yours! NOTE: Questions must not name or allude to a candidate and must be able to be posed to either candidate.

  2. @ Ted Belman:
    If he talks about everything during the first debate, there will be nothing to talk about for the 2ne & 3rd debates. He wants to please the mass media who make megabucks while hating him! Only HYPOCRITES cut the hands that feed them. The mass media (MM) demonization of DT increases his appeal to the people! The MM have fallen in the trap while making $. Will they show their TAX????? He will be the next President!

    Donald to Hillary: U are fired! (Final vote).

  3. whatever happened to jobs, firing american workers and having them train their foreign replacements… Mcdonalds just fired hundreds of accountants and replaced them with foreigners. Its like he forgot everything which counts.

    Perhaps he should admit to being a poor debater and only give interviews…. saying that debates dont get out his message only show that a crook like hillary who is a speechster can do wel; at debating. also, he does not want to get waylaid on endless birther and race, misogeny, he said she said. If a debate avoids substantive issues, as this one did, and instead distracts with red herring trivia about insulting the first black president its a waste of time. He can give a series of interviews where he deals with all the substantive issues.
    Why be the patsy of the bought media who apparently control the debate material and move it to trivia, plus they appear to feed one side the questions prior. Those on the fence are not gettin a thorough presentation of hillary incompetence, poor judgement and crimes.

    there are so many serious substantive issues and none of these were discussed in the debate…. the debate followed the dem playbook of deflecting with superficial BS, the questions were designed to avoid substance and focus on the already known democrat distraction points… for the dumbed down who vote on appearances.

  4. After the debate, all his surrogates kept repeating the line that he was a gentleman for not mentioning her support of Bill. It sounded like the Democrat echo chamber. I didn’t like it. He alluded to it in the debate. The surrogates were playing catch-up.

  5. Hillary had the script memorized. Trump didn’t have much of a script. Its like he left the teleprompter for the impromptu.

    And yes he was not articulate. She gave him so many great openings and he only saw a few of them.

    I think he was prepped for defense, ie where he was vulnerable. So he kept offering a defense.

    On cyber security he should have talked about her lack of security with her emails.

    On his tax returns he could have speculated as she did with them, about her pay for play and so on.

    Donald is very strong on interviews. His debating skills don’t match up.

  6. Here is an excerpt from a trump campaign email I got claiming they won the debate:

    m confident that we’re going to win this whole thing on November 8.

    Because I know that the American people are sick and tired of Washington’s corruption.

    And last night’s victory was a win for the millions of families across our country who are fed up and starved for real change.

    …It was a win for the families who worry about their future as taxes, insurance, the cost of living, and our national debt skyrocket.

    …It was a win for the police officers who puts their lives in harm’s way every single day.

    …It was a win for our heroic veterans who deserve the treatment they earned.

    …It was a win for the American citizens who’ve seen the interests of other nations put above our own.

    …It was a win for the factory workers who’ve watched their jobs ship off to Mexico and China.

    …And it was a win for the tens of millions of patriotic, hard-working Americans whom Hillary thought she could write off as “deplorable” and “irredeemable

    problem is I dont remember him discussing these points at the debate.. although I missed the beginning

  7. Ted, I agree with you completely… missed all major opportunities to discredit and inform on all the major issues which disqualify her. I was very disappointed and he did worse than I expected. He is still rallying and preaching to the choir and saying “beleive me” which sounds like a used car salesman. He needs to stop rallying those who already know and decided and inform those on the fence who have taken their info from MSM and remain undecided.

    When she spoke of cyber security he should have shown how ludicrous it was that someone who already proved that she cant handle cyber security is saying what she will do… he should have shwn what she did to compromise cyber security.
    Same with benghazi he could have shown how her porr cyber security led to the death of americans, possibly involving espionage of MB huma through email access, then huma muslim world league connections and hillary lying video. He could have talked about arming the jihadis from benghazi
    He could have turned around the stiffing of workers by saying they werent stiffed they did not do their jobs competently and unlike the gov he does not pay for poor work.
    Generally he displayed a poor command of language eg talking about her experience as bad experience… she did not experience a bad experience, we did, because she acted incompetently and made poor judgements over and over showing that her quantity of experience cannot substitute for incompetence and poor judgment… it does not make her better.

    On the race issue.. again he was poorly prepared.. he should have focused on her using the race card but never improving their lot and on his black endorsements.

    generally he was poorly prepared, unable to use language well,

    He needs to bring out the facts of clinton foundation, benghazi, more flooding with muslim immigrants, Huma MB ties, muslime teror nations donations, etc etc etc…. use a debate question to link to other related issues… bring very damaging facts to those on the fence with little knowledge of her screw ups that the MSM covered up

  8. I think Donald Trump did a very good job and won the debate. it was merely the opening round, Ted. I think you will be less disappointed with Trump’s performance as time goes by. He kept his composure, which was more important that scoring every point he could. Yes, he could have gotten more out but it might have not come off as “presidential’, which is what the other side was hoping for.Yes he could have gone off on the Clinton Foundation and blamed Clinton with regards to Benghazi, but it would have been an error. Very intelligent was not responding in kind to Clinton’s personal attacks, he may have won the election on that one too, superb class act, Bravo Trump!
    The public is well aware of these details and she was prepared for those bullets, which threw her off. Trump intuitively understood that such would have alienated women, especially blaming Clinton for the deaths in Benghazi. Let them think of it themselves. There is plenty more time for that.
    Trump won the first debate and has two more to fill in detail. The moderator was obviously spinning the debate for Clinton, it seemed as though it was always Clinton who had the opportunity to take her time, Trump neutralized that advantage very nicely and remained polite enough, more than i could have been.
    The Lester Dolt not so subtle bias backfired and so went his garden variety tainted journalistic integrity.