Trump’s team to PA: ‘There is no Palestine, Jerusalem is not your capital’

By: World Israel News Staff January 3, 2017

Trump’s team is reportedly in contact with the Palestinians but has set a new tone regarding negotiations with Israel.

President-elect Donald Trump’s transitional team has recently been in contact with the Palestinians on how to proceed with diplomatic negotiations.

Israel Radio, in a report on Tuesday, quoted sources within Trump’s team and among Palestinian Authority officials who affirmed that the contacts were taking place.

In the report, an unnamed “senior official” working for Trump is said to have asked a senior Palestinian official why they would object to moving the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to western Jerusalem.

The official replied that there should be a parallel move, that Washington should establish a US embassy for “Palestine” in eastern Jerusalem and one for Israel in the west side of the city.

The Palestinians envision the eastern side of Israel’s capital as its own. Moving the embassy to Jerusalem would be the final death blow to the failed peace negotiations, the Palestinians have threatened.

The Trump official reported replied that

“there is no Palestine, and Jerusalem is not your capital. If you stop the incitement to terror, put in place full economic transparency, stop acting unilaterally at UN bodies and accept a US embassy in west Jerusalem, we (the US) would consider a US diplomatic mission in Ramallah and call upon the Israelis to enter into serious negotiations with you on a long-term relationship.”

The Palestinian official then demanded that Israel stop construction in Judea and Samaria, as well as in eastern Jerusalem, adding that negotiations for a two-state solution based on the pre-1967 borders should promptly commence.

According to sources from both sides, the two senior officials agreed to stay in touch, while no final commitments were made.

January 5, 2017 | 48 Comments »

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48 Comments / 48 Comments

  1. @ Ted Belman:

    OK. How is it like this?

    This clever guy targeted the CIA for gutting like a fish from different angles for a very very long time. Just how successful was he? Does anybody even know? Remember when the CIA was the Left’s bogeyman? Now they are defending it. These well-placed moles will do anything to stop Trump from smoking them out and reversing this. They must be laughing up a storm for using the remains of the former Soviet Union as their Canadian Bacon (more apt than red herring if you understand the reference)

    ” As a congressman, Leon Panetta, current director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), proposed the CIA Accountability Act in 1987. That bill would have increased GAO’s oversight authority of the CIA.”
    “House Moves to Increase Oversight of Intelligence Community”
    ““CIA Director Leon Panetta, President Obama’s nominee to serve as secretary of defense, keynoted the conference of a pro-Soviet, anti-war group during the height of the Cold War…Panetta also honored the founding member for Peace and Freedom, or WILPF, which was once named by the State Department as a “Soviet front.”

    …Panetta was a member of the United States House of Representatives from 1977 to 1993, served as Director of the Office of Management and Budget from 1993 to 1994…”
    “Powell wrote that in the 1980s, Panetta commissioned the IPS to produce an “alternative” budget that dramatically cut defense spending.”
    “An indefensible defense budget”
    “Obama’s deep cuts could lead to a U.S. military defeat”
    By Ed Feulner – – Monday, March 14, 2016

    -“Obama’s Historic Defense Cuts Spell Disaster”
    by BEN SHAPIRO25 Feb 2014
    “…served as Director of the Office of Management and Budget from 1993 to 1994, and as President Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff from 1994 to 1997…”

    Here’s the other related one that got sent to moderator purgatory:

    @ stevenl:
    Was the CIA responsible for false allegations that there were WMDs or false allegations that there weren’t?
    “…The Plame affair (also known as the CIA leak scandal and Plamegate) was a political scandal that revolved around journalist Robert Novak’s public identification of Valerie Plame as a covert Central Intelligence Agency officer in 2003.[1][2][3]
    ‘In 2002, Plame wrote a memo to her superiors in which she expressed hesitation in recommending her husband, former diplomat Joseph C. Wilson, to the CIA for a mission to Niger to investigate claims that Iraq had arranged to purchase and import uranium from the country, but stated that he “may be in a position to assist”.[4] After President George W. Bush stated that “Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa” during the run-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Wilson published a July 2003 op-ed in The New York Times stating his doubts during the mission that any such transaction with Iraq had taken place.[5]…”
    And recall the articles about the post Saddam government selling its stocks of uranium yellow cake and much later Isis getting its hands on Saddam Hussein’s stocks of chemical weapons. But why didn’t they say they found anything at the time? is the obvious question.
    Sometimes, as in Edgar Allen Poe’s famous short story, “The Purloined Letter,” the best way to hide a secret is in plain sight. There is a wikipedia article about the story though it doesn’t mention this principle.
    Here’s a related article on that thought I found by googling: Purloined letter politics hiding in plain sight:

    I might add, haven’t you ever had the experience of searching all of your home for something like a watch or a phone or your keys, say, without being able to find it, only to happen upon it later in plain sight but positioned at an angle that you wouldn’t have expected to see it in if you had been looking for it? We often only see what we expect to see. Or are led to expect. That’s one of the things that makes the professional magician’s act possible. Remember Saddam Hussein playing games with the inspectors? Remember how his army just dissolved? Do you seriously think he left no one behind to continue rear-guard work?* Only a fool would think that they could withstand our frontal assault. Our enemies haven’t thought that way since WWII or maybe Korea. Israel’s since the Yom Kippur War.

    Since then I see you posted the Debka piece about Trump vs. the Intelligence community. An earlier piece seemed to side with the Intelligence Community. I understand that you periodically like to juxtapose articles from the other side to get us thinking and talking but it might save some unnecessary distraction if you mention it at the time if that’s what you were doing. Because it’s not always the case, as with the article about a proposed new territorial compromise.
    By the way, it just to occurred to me to mention that during WWII, Soviet partisans would dive under German tanks clutching lit molotov cocktails and blow themselves up with the tank. They also left partisans behind, some pretending to be civilians, when they withdrew during the initial German invasion. Iraq, like the pals and the arabs generally, were Soviet clients, recall. It’s not a stretch to assume that’s where they learned the tactics of suicide bomber and appearing to retreat while leaving behind rear-guard saboteurs. As for the universally believed story about Stalin’s breakdown because he had dismissed and even punished reports of betrayal by his German allies? Maybe it was smoke and mirrors. Or maybe it wasn’t but his subordinates planned for the worst. Then again, maybe they expected it. That couldn’t have been done without advance planning, organization and very special and innovative training.

  2. @ Sebastien Zorn:
    I have nothing against posting videos though a link would be preferred. I like the videos because they are a relief from the intensity of this site. I often post videos which are nostalgic or entertaining.

    As for the Panetta article and others like it, post the link and say why. Also include the money quote but don’t cut and past the whole thing. Readers can click on the link or not as they desire.

    I give a lot of latitude for what people comment about. My guidelines herein set out are easily followed.

    I believe that the comments are an important part of Israpundit and are appreciated by many readers. Thank you all who contribute to them.

  3. @ Ted Belman:
    Thank you for the “magic touch” comment. (Oh, I see that was Pinchas Baram – thanks where it is due, the comments to both) It should be really easy to skim what doesn’t interest you. Professors — and graduate students — grading papers can tell at a glance, the A papers from the C or Fs without ploughing through the whole thing. Same thing in judging music auditions which I have done. If it’s not a close call, 5 seconds in, ten, tops, Thankyou! If that. Sometimes from the first note.
    I read some of the articles even before they are posted here because the main patriotic Jewish and Israeli websites and listserves post them. These are, after all, reposts. The reason I like this site is precisely that there is intelligent conversation here amidst all of the silly chatter. And the chatter is not mostly so childish and uneducated that it fails to provide a moment of comic relief to enable renewed focus as with the garbage on the other sites. All of the other sites I have visited have comment sections that are usually not even worth a glance.

  4. @ Edgar G.:
    But then we have allies like Mike Huckabee who believe in it. I think my three favorite quotes about religion – by one guy, Lin Yutang, who introduced Chinese classical literature to the West and Western Humor to China, one of the best selling American authors of 100 years ago (still in China and Taiwan, I met a Chinese student here who was studying him at Columbia. He was my secular Jewish father’s guru. (don’t knock it, Shaked and BB come from secular families) ), cover it nicely:

    1)”It’s not so much what you believe in that matters, as the way in which you believe it and proceed to translate that belief into action.
    Ch. I : The Awakening, p. 8″

    2) “Such religion as there can be in modern life, every individual will have to salvage from the churches for himself.”
    p. 397

    3) “I feel, like all modern Americans, no consciousness of sin and simply do not believe in it. All I know is that if God loves me only half as much as my mother does, he will not send me to Hell. That is a final fact of my inner consciousness, and for no religion could I deny its truth.”
    p. 407

    @ Ted Belman:

    Oh, and Ted, I think you should take the material about Leon Panetta out of moderator purgatory. I spelled it out for emphasis. I believe this pro-soviet mole going back to the 80s is the one who transformed the CIA into the dangerous instrument of treason that it is today. After leaving Congress where he advocated reining in the CIA through the budgetary process, he was Clinton’s budget director and then chief of staff. He was Obama’s first CIA chief and then Defense Secretary. He commissioned a KGB front think tank to write a proposal for gutting the military budget when he was in Congress. Which Clinton and Obama did to an extent that was extreme even for Vietnam and Post-Vietnam era dems. Underlines the hypocrisy of the dems’ outrage at Trump’s justified suspicions of the newly manufactured “Intelligence” community. The “Manchurian” CIA.

  5. @ ArnoldHarris:
    Thank you. Yes, I am ultra-careful to research everything. And I correct myself when I realize I am wrong. I have been lambasted for taking the trouble to do that, as well. Intellectual honesty and not expecting people to take your word for “facts” is what it is all about. Otherwise one is just bloviating. Or as we used to say back in the day, “intellectually masturbating.”

  6. @ Edgar G.:
    I googled it. It appears to be some kind of “Jews for Jesus” site. I didn’t make an issue of it because I really don’t care what people believe as long as they are on our side. Besides, by the time people reach adulthood, they believe what they believe anybody who thinks they can convert adults, except for the handful going through “the dark night of the soul” and who are looking for something else anyway, is welcome to wallow in their delusion just so long as they are not too noisy and intrusive about it.

    As for the rest, poetry and metaphor plays as important a role in culture as prose in helping people to understand a situation. Probably more. For the most part, people think what they think and then look for the arguments to support that. I stopped posting to liberals on email threads. If they even read them they don’t believe a word of it. But, strategy, tactics and innovative legal arguments that must be answered in the public realm are important. Perhaps someone in a position of power or influence will, in turn, be influence. George W. Bush and the neo-cons with their obsession with the forms of “democracy” was influence by a book Natan Scharansky wrote. For example. Reagan’s guru was Milton Friedman. Obama and Clinton’s, And probably Kerry, Gore and the rest, Alinsky. The rest is “sound and fury signifying nothing.”
    I was posting links but somebody bewailed not being able to post videos. Six of one. It’s just how you copy the link.

  7. ltrail Said:

    The Hebrew word “Brit” means “Covenant”. The Hebrew word “Ha Dasha” means “The New”. So it totally means “The New Covenant” or what Christians call, “The New Testament”.


    I really must apologise, I was being deliberately “ignorant”.. I knew well what you meant, but I could not allow it to pass without, in my own subtle way, pointing up the fact that it has been this very book, YOUR bible, which has been the sole cause of the thousands of years of slaughter and persecution against my people, the Jews…who deserved none of it.

    Today, T.G. we are more civilised and understanding. Bible criticism is long established, and you and I are completely free to believe what we want to, but to me, it is a kind of sacrilege to mention THAT book on these pages. Your heart is good and strong for the Jewish People, but I believe that it would be, without that book, because of your own innate humanity.

    I apologise for offence given to you by my diatribe, but had to express it.

  8. xxx

    And Ted, on another point, my opinion-for what it’s worth- those who post on this site do NOT generally have limited time…they have plenty. Nor do those who come to read the often absorbing posts. YOU obviously MUST have VERY limited time in fact I don’t know how you find the time to do what you do, allowing that you are involved in many other things… The Dancing Astaires and Benny Goodman item is an extreme one-time extravaganza. We all are normally more modest.

    And if Mr. P. B. would take a little hint in good faith, I always see immediately anything I will not be interested in, and skip it right away. I am not so dense as to need to read it before I see I don’t want to, or play a video that interests me not.

  9. @ Ted Belman:
    Sebastien IS a bit overboard in the post which featured Fred Astaire and a variety of others, about which Baram complained. (I’ve seen his complaints elsewhere too-can’t remember where). I’m also never interested in that stuff myself, my musical tastes and nostalgia are quite different; but I’d never be so crass as to publicly complain. This is an extreme for Sebastien. I believe that the originator of posting out-of-context-film and song clips was begun by another person.

    On another point, how is one, now “REINED” in to posting a max of 300 words, know without counting, how many he’s sending. I sometimes ramble a bit myself; you are normally always very patient and forbearing, but if I got guillotined by your computer I’d be rather put out. Sometimes to express or develop an idea on an article or post, can’t always be done in shorthand.

    And…for some reason lately every damned thing I post, short or long (always uncontroversial) goes right into moderation….for absolutely no reason.

    This short note comes to well over 100 words-words of 3 letters and up…..

  10. @ pinchas baram:
    I agree. I have been thinking of late that I would reign in the worst offenders. This comment energized me to do so.

    People have limited time. I want them to read what I have posted and not be distracted with other stuff that a couple of people post.

    So from now on I will insist that people do not post articles but they can post the links. And they are welcomed to make an argument dealing with the content of the post or my preface but they should keep it under 300 words. Finally they can post links to videos but not the videos themselves.

  11. I have mixed feelings about the talkbacks here. Some are on point and are savvy, others are rants which go on forever,or are full of back and forth trivial chitchat, sometimes with loaded sarcasm.

    to the reader who’s relatively new and has limited time, some question arise: who are these alter kakas that jabber so much, over and over? is that what this website is, a jewish tavern with lots of jewish blarney? and if it isn’t, why isn’t there a word-count limit to the talkbacks?

    as for SZorn, he’s like a master of ceremonies at a party, with lots of Eddie Cantor-like jumping around qualities, and with a magic touch when it comes to homing in on cute filmclips. but again, is that what this website is for? in a word, he’s “too much.”

    conclusion: I intend to continue to read the articles Ted presents. usually, I also read talkbacks here and on other sites. but no more on this site. way too energy-draining and time consuming.

  12. ltrail Said:

    Yes. I suppose that’s possible. However, I have faith in two books that thus far are infallible: the TNCH, and the Brit Hadasha.

    Are you a christian or messianic? You insult us by placing our bible with yours!!

  13. @ bernard ross:

    Have been saying it for years and it relates to all Israeli governments and PM’s since Ben Gurion…… They all use outside power to justify their bad decisions and corruption. “We had no choice Big Brother whether Uncle Sam or France even Russia etc.

  14. @ bernard ross:

    Send them to Germany, Italy . Holland or France they want them and I am prepared to supply all the rowboats for such a purpose. The real problem are less the Arabs in Y&S but the Arabs in Israel with Israeli citizenship they must become the first priority as they are the most threatening.

  15. @ ArnoldHarris:

    Re-Read my comment. My criticism was for the extraneous and incessant out of context additions he submits unrelated to the topic of the thread… in this case in one comment some 4 clips that you and other found entertaining but I and am sure others not. I called it a distraction and used your comment as an example and you know I am correct. As for his comments on point when I care to agree or disagree I will. Entertainment as you must agree belongs in chit chat not on most of his comments on almost every topic and every thread. You don’t agree or like my criticism? Tough, but being critical of me in this instance shows your bias and also shows you didn’t read carefully what I wrote or didn’t understand it and it’s not the first time. Have a nice day Arnold.

  16. @ Edgar G.:
    The Hebrew word “Brit” means “Covenant”. The Hebrew word “Ha Dasha” means “The New”. So it totally means “The New Covenant” or what Christians call, “The New Testament”.

  17. @ yamit82:


    I have been writing, reporting, arguing and commenting for many of the decades of my more than 80 years of life. So, in order to put matters in their proper perspective, I will defend you on certain points despite your frequent commentary intemperance on this blogsite. Because your intemperance in print does not even come close to the scale of some of the blistering nastiness that I have witnessed, and not infrequently, have wasted my time arguing against. How’s that for fairness, Yamit?

    As for SZ — I nickname just about everybody in order to save keystrokes — I laud him because of the clarity of his arguments, many of which lead me to think that he goes to the trouble of researching his topics before he commits them to online print. I happen to agree with most of his summations. But even if I had disagreed with him, I should feel compelled to give him credit for the ways in which he makes his case.

    Do yourself a favor, and think about all if this before going into nastiness mode, especially so in regard to some trivial point raised by any of a number of other commenters on Israpundit.

    Arnold Harris, Outspeaker

  18. @ ltrail:
    Please enlighten me. I have several times lately seen you mention Brit Hadasha. That mean a new brit, which I do not understand.

    I would hate to see the result of a second brit performed on a baby. One is always at least enough. Surgeons tell us that to have to perform an operation over an already existing healed incision often results in unforseen results, and is dicy.

  19. @ bernard ross:

    I believe the reason is a valid one-as far as it goes. If we are no longer connected by the umbilical cord to the YESHA Arabs, in the the persons of the Kleptocracy, then we, Israel will have the task of taking over all the soiled, dissolute, disintegrated, running of the YESHA Arabim, and the Arab police, suddenly thrown out of their graft income, will be a huge addition to their
    in- house terrorists, but open this time.

    I believe that Netanyahu asked for the continuation of the US stipend for the mamzerim, so as to keep the extra load off his back and have the PA Police still perform their “law-keeping” duties, which, however miniscule they are, still help to ease the load which if piled day after day year after year, on the back of even a much larger and more prosperous country, would have broken it down in a few years at most..

    Te FIRST thing I would do however,is to settle once and for all with the WAKF, kick them neck and crop down the mountain-side, at the steepest part, using hob nailed, steel toed boots-with pronged knuckle-duster type outer toe guards. And kick them hardenough so that they know to NEVER COME BACK.

    THEN… with the midget kinglet and hias “parliament, laying down the strictest terms under which future relations would be conducted between the two countries. In other words start with the easiest problems, and work gradually up the long list.

    As fof the international community, tell them you are at last fulfilling the terms of the San Remo-British Mandate-Anglo-American-UN International BINDING laws and treaties, incumbent on ALL dignatiories, to aid and help to fruition.

    In other words, tell them to ” bugger off” in polite, diplomatic language.@ ltrail:

  20. @ bernard ross:

    I believe the reason is a valid one-as far as it goes. If we are no longer connected by the umbilical cord to the YESHA Arabs, in the the persons of the Kleptocracy, then we, Israel will have the task of taking over all the soiled, dissolute, disintegrated, running of the YESHA Arabim, and the Arab police, suddenly thrown out of their graft income, will be a huge addition to their in- house terrorists, but in the open this time.

    I believe that Netanyahu asked for the continuation of the US stipend for the mamzerim, so as to keep the extra load off his back and have the PA Police still perform their “law-keeping” duties, which, however miniscule they are, still help to ease the load which, if piled day after day year after year, on the back of even a much larger and more prosperous country, would have broken it down in a few years at most..

    The FIRST thing I would do however,is to settle once and for all with the WAKF, kick them neck and crop down the mountain-side, at the steepest part, using hob nailed, steel toed boots-with pronged knuckle-duster type outer toe guards. And kick them hard enough so that they know to NEVER COME BACK.

    (You all know the famous George Bernard Shaw saying that “a pat obn the back develops character…if administered often enouhg, low enough and hard enough..” …Omayn).

    THEN… with the midget kinglet and his “parliament”, laying down the strictest terms under which future relations would be conducted between the two countries. In other words start with the easiest problems, and work gradually up the long list.

    As fof the international community, tell them you are at last fulfilling the terms of the San Remo-Treaty of Sevres-British Mandate-Anglo-American-UN International BINDING laws and treaties, incumbent on ALL the signatory nations and their successors, to aid and help to fruition.

    In other words, tell them to ” bugger off” in polite, diplomatic language.

  21. Trump Adm on the path of UN-doing 68 years of Western and Muslims LIES! Or 2,000 years and 1300 years if we go back in time!
    These are the unintended consequences of the Obama fatal decision at the last UN SC meeting. There are a lot of “stuff” on what Trump and Putin can accord their violins! I hope they both like music because they may create beautiful music if they get along.

  22. @ ltrail:

    They are NOT guests, DEFINITELY not guests. They are Intruders, invaders, thieves in the night, imposers, the pox shed from the dregs of thr surrounding states.

    We absolutely do NOT want them here.

  23. the action I would have loved to have seen is Trump expelling everyone and everything related to the “pals” from the US and everything it has and does….. without comment.

    Personally I am less interested in symbols of support like the US embassy than actions of support like supporting any and all Jewish settlement in YS.

    Instead of thinking about giving money to pals to leave give land and money to diaspora jews to settle in YS. Instead of coming up with plans to improve the pals lives make them suffer in poverty and beg to leave. The last few years shows that the world could easily absorb a few million fleeing muslims.

  24. Sebastien Zorn Said:

    Life’s a beach. And then we die. Not to be gloomy.

    as much as I enjoy your posts and flights of fancy, I think you must admit this was very funny:

    yamit82 Said:

    Get real oops, I forgot who I am addressing 😛

    never a boring moment at israpundit 🙂

  25. yamit82 Said:

    Till now he controlled the opposition right by claiming pressure from Washington if Washington is supportive there is no one to blame.

    aha… so you agree 🙂

  26. Bert Said:

    Israeli government will again lose its nerve and possibly reject of delay Trump’s offer of support.

    BB already begged Trump publicly for a TSS before Trump is president… if Trump softens I will have no doubt it is due to the GOI and BB…. remember they always ask congress under the table NOT to cut funding to the pals. It is BB who is opaque not Trump.

  27. @ Bert:

    Have to agree with you BB needs the fig leaf of peacemaker. Till now he controlled the opposition right by claiming pressure from Washington if Washington is supportive there is no one to blame.

  28. My concern is that the Israeli government will again lose its nerve and possibly reject of delay Trump’s offer of support. Sometimes our gentile friends are more pro Israel than the Israeli government.

  29. @ Sebastien Zorn:
    What the Hell are you celebrating??? Nothing has happened worth celebrating? You may choose to be optimistic but celebratory???? Get real oops, I forgot who I am addressing 😛

  30. @ ArnoldHarris:

    Time and place for everything and you can view any of your fav entertainers on You Tube and other venues to your hearts content but does not belong out of context and I’m not here to be entertained by circa 1930’s and 40’s old time movies I know where to find them if I were interested as most viewers. That Zorn likes center stage and likes to dominate every thread even if it’s banal mundane clap trap does not relate to thread subject and therefore becomes a distraction for others who might seriously wish to contribute. Your reply proves my point what does your reply have to do with subject thread. There is chit chat for that kind of shit thank you very much 🙂

  31. The whole of Jerusalem belongs to the Jews. The so-called palestinians are usurpers, at best. They need to understand that they are Guests in the house of Israel. The land from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean Sea belongs to the State of Israel. Selah.

  32. SZ and Yamit,

    Ditto for me, about what ZS commented.

    As a small kid, I remember the movie magic of watching Fred Astaire leading Ginger Rogers on the filmed dance floors. I sincrely hope that if there’s a heaven, HaShem is discerning enough to let the two of them dance there forever. With an audience of One.

    Besides which, I have a soft spot in mu soul and my sensitivities for high quality entertainment. I could spend the rest of my life replaying YouTube tapes of Benny Goodman, Gene Krupa, Harry James, Lionel Hampton and the other all-star musicians of BG’s big band performing Sing Sing Sing in its dull 12-minute version as recorded in their Carnegie Hall concert when I was a 3-year old.

    Arnold Harris, Outspeaker

  33. @ yamit82:
    Celebration. Celebration and Thanks. Celebration and Thanks and We Deserve it for all we’ve contributed and in the face of all we’ve lost. There’s not much else to be said, is there? Bask in it while you can. There’s always more tsuris on the way. I’m sure the waves are building as we speak. Just out of sight. Life’s a beach. And then we die. Not to be gloomy.

  34. President-Elect Trump: “My Mother thanks you, My Father thank you, My sister thanks you” The Six Million thank you, “And I thank you.”

    97 My mother thanks you [“Yankee Doodle Dandy’ (1942)]

    Fred Astaire – Dancing cheek to cheek (I’m in Heaven)
    [remember to double click for full screen]

    “Cheek to Cheek” is a song written by Irving Berlin in 1935, for the Fred Astaire/Ginger Rogers movie Top Hat (1935). In the movie, Astaire sings the song to Rogers as they dance.
    Cheek to Cheek – Wikipedia

    Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers – Cheek to Cheek – 1935

    “Irving Berlin (born Israel Isidore Baline; May 11, 1888 – September 22, 1989) ‘…widely considered one of the greatest songwriters in American history. His music forms a great part of the Great American Songbook. Born into a Jewish family in Imperial Russia, Berlin arrived in the United States at the age of five…”This is the Army”, with Ronald Reagan, had Kate Smith singing Berlin’s “God Bless America” which was first performed in 1938.[5]”

    Irving Berlin “God Bless America” – The Ed Sullivan Show