Is the balkanization of Europe a blessing for humanity?


The former Czechoslovakia split up. The former Yugoslavia broke up into many new É States. New balkanization requests are made again in the new E states. Is it better today? Ukraine is today divided even if it is not acted on by other countries. Great Britain, Italy, France, Spain, Belgium are subject to “desires for independence”. What to think?

First, let us note that the process of self-determination of peoples was first conceived in cases of colonialism or refusal to apply the universal principles of the dominant. Today, these are richer regions that no longer want to “pay for the poorest”, such as Catalonia, Northern Italy and Flanders, for example. Should we accept this without debating it? Or regions run by a corrupt political class who wish to no longer be controlled by a central power just as corrupt? Or a clash between two nationalisms? Should we accept this as an exoticism symp athique? How not to notice that the independence of all stripes are trying to tell the European Union that they will be more docile than their Ecurrent nation-states! The directions of the regions that demand independence are those that are neo- liberal XXL!

For the capitalist oligarchy, exit the social question, long live the clash between nationalisms 

Ditto for secular and ecological issues! Forward for the development of the extreme right (Ukraine is a good example with the introduction of neo-Nazi organizations in the sphere of power under the guise of “civil society”) and soon political Islamism in former Yugoslavia. But that will be for another chronicle! 

And is the Europe of the regions so much preached by the European ordoliberals (Ordoliberalism is the iron cage of neoliberalism in the European Union) is not in itself a point of passage that they consider indispensable to suppress the resistance of e states the nation undivided domination of European oligarchy dreaming only of “free and undistorted competition? ” between different global oligarchies, each at the head of imperialism? Do workers have to gain in this project? Everything shows that the line of greatest slope remains the increase of social inequalities of all kinds in Europe with European directives aimed at lowering wages to increase real profit rates.

Everything shows that it is the European ordoliberal capitalist oligarchy which is now the spearhead of European federalization with the destruction of the few existing democratic procedures in É States nation. Thus, the future European treaty and the international treaties which will be even more overhanging the French laws in the legal hierarchy are prepared in the backs of peoples ; such as the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), which activists from the French left call the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) because they have no doubt decided that our national languageit became English – is today superior to the French laws whereas this text has not even been ratified by the French Parliament! Also under discussion is the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) – which militants from the French left call Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA) probably also because they feel more modern in wanting the English becomes the French national language  derogating from French positive law in the lowering of standards and the replacement of public courts by private arbitrations with judges formed by multinational firms. 

Yes to the public learning of regional and minority languages, not to the ratification of the charter of the same name! 

Can a language or culture must be organized in a É nation-state to thrive? If one concurs with Jaures, regional and minority languages must be able to thrive in a É nation-state, be taught in school as a foreign language for example without for that, they can have the same status as national language. So to refuse from this point of view the ratification of the European Charter for Regional and Minority Languages ??is a fair position . 

Yes to popular self-organization, not to the clash of nationalisms 

Does the media buzz about the dismemberment of néomoderniste character É States nation in regions not he would hide the decline in industrial employment (except in Germany of course!) And the selling off advanced French companies , while there can be no fight against unemployment over the period without reindustrialisation of France with energy transition?

All is good to divide the world of work , to replace the class struggle, the religious struggle, the ethnic struggle, the struggle of nationalisms. No doubt the collapse of the socialist and communist parties, the new left-wing populist strategies and the fragmentation of trade unions are good times to divert workers and their families from democratic, secular, social, feminist and ecological demands at a time when the Alternative political model is not clear in all heads!

Everything is good for s elete the É States-nations that are still an obstacle to the expansion of transnational neoliberalism. Here again, there is a strong link between neo-liberalism that only wants weak entities and the “small is beautiful” of the communist left .

Everything is good to ensure that in Flanders, Catalonia, Northern Italy, it is the neoliberal right and the bosses who are in business by summoning the left to divide to no longer be a credible alternative.

Any increase in the power of the regions will never be enough. The aim of the Europe of the regions is indeed to make it a Europe of capital without substantial opposition. 

The future of the world will not be with a supranational entity in the hands of the capitalist oligarchy with provincial and exotic sub-nationalisms for tourism. Support for capitalist oligarchies by leftist movements more or less communitarian is the worst solution. Their abandonment of internationalism and their flight forward in support of the “small is beautiful” community without solidarity is distressing. We have no other way than that of Jaurès who refused to support one imperialism against another. Today we would say neoliberalism against another. 

Let’s see the causes of this sequence 

Why did we get there? For four reasons. The first is, as we have already said above, the fact that the capitalist oligarchy seeks to divide us and calls us to support a smaller but more neoliberal neoliberalism against another to divert us from our secular, democratic goals. , social and ecological. We must not fall in the trap. 

The second is that the s neoliberal directions of the E states are not able to offer a future other than the rugged individualism of the struggle of each against all. And for that, they need to kill citizenship and solidarity to promote the fact that the link between isolated individuals is mainly effected by a recomposition around essential ethnic or religious links. 

The third is that the neoliberal directions are incapable of proposing a desirable common destiny to the citizens. All the more reason not to support them. 

The fourth is the denial of democracy in É States-nations neoliberal direction. On the contrary, we must fight this denial and not only accept the collective without democracy! 

In the face of neoliberal balkanization, let’s practice the double front against the nationalisms in conflict and propose a new global cultural hegemony 

The proletariat, the workers must refuse to enter into this war of nationalisms and strengthen their bases of support, lead the battle for a new cultural hegemony in order to form a historic majority block at the service of the workers and their families and not the service of one neoliberalism against another: to create a sphere of constitution of liberties worthy of the name (school, public services, refounded social protection), to develop an industrialization under energy and ecological transition, a secularism, cornerstone of the Social Republic, and not sink in front of the different facetss neoliberalism and its ally communitarianism. We must be able to produce a war of positions and movement. We must promote popular self-organization, generate a dialectic between the movement from below and the movement from above and not choose between elites linked to neoliberalism from near and far. Let us keep in mind these words of the International ?: 

“… There are no supreme saviors
Neither God, nor Caesar, nor Tribune,
Producers, do we save ourselves Let us
decree the common salvation …” 

November 2, 2017 | Comments »

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