A Very Dangerous Game  

Barbara Diamond | October 21, 2024

The news of the past few days in Israel has been explosive. The almost accidental killing of Yahwa Sinwar has been greeted around the world with massive relief. The head of the Hamas serpent has been severed. The rest of its body is left twisting in the wind. That is not to say that Israel’s war with Hamas is over… but it has decimated the leadership, leaving small armed cells which are being rooted-out along with the weapons which remain in Hamas hands. We will know when the work is completed…quite simply, when the rockets from Hamas cease.

The massive leak of top-secret Israeli -shared information from the Pentagon has thrown a wrench into US-Israel relations. In a world of digital hacking, those who have sought to do damage to Israel’s plan to attack Iran can claim that Iran stole the information, rather than someone within the U.S. Military chain of command or the White House, leaking what had been shared. An internal investigation as to “who is at fault” will no doubt be a complete cover-up as previous investigations have been when they embarrass the powers-that-be.

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October 22, 2024 | 8:58 pm | Comments »

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Israel wins. Iran club loses  

Stay on target.

J.E. Dyer, a retired Naval Intelligence officer, blogs as The Optimistic ConservativeOctober 20, 2024

In the aftermath of Yahya Sinwar’s death, it’s easy to get distracted by both the incessant deluge of new events and the erroneous but common assumption that “ending the war” is now about getting the remaining hostages back.

In the interest, precisely, of not being thus distracted, I want to keep this brief and start not with a summary from the last 24 hours, absorbing though its details may be, but with a direct statement of priorities for the immediate future.

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October 22, 2024 | 5:17 pm | 1 Comment »

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Israel must finish Hamas off  

Peloni:  There can be no substitute for total and complete victory with a permanent Israeli security presence over the entire Gaza Strip including the complete control over the Philadelphi Corridor.

Seth J. Frantzman | October 18, 2024

Masked Hamas militants (Getty Images)

The death of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar in a clash with Israeli troops could help transform Israel’s war efforts against Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

It has been a difficult year for Israel fighting this long war. Both groups have been aided by the Iranian regime, which has supplied them with weapons and backing. Iran has also been helping other terrorist groups and militias in Yemen, Iraq and Syria, its goal being to surround Israel with threats, and chip away at Israel’s defences. Drones have attacked from Iraq, ballistic missiles have been fired from Yemen, terrorists have crossed into Israel from Jordan. Today two terrorists tried to infiltrate Israel from Jordan’s Dead Sea area. They were killed in a clash with the IDF.

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October 22, 2024 | 6:41 am | 1 Comment »

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Kamala Grew Up Around Terrorists  

The untold story of Kamala’s grandfather and her childhood in Africa.


On the last leg of her African tour, Vice President Kamala Harris paid a visit to an otherwise unremarkable office building in Zambia. Her staff and local embassy personnel had spent a great deal of time looking for it and everyone was hoping it was the right place.

Kamala, with her Jamaican and Indian roots, needed a tangible connection to Africa to win over African-American voters and convince them that she was one of them. And everyone settled on the office building as being the next best thing because it was the former spot of the building where she had once stayed as a little girl with her Indian mother on a visit to her grandfather.

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October 22, 2024 | 6:31 am | Comments »

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Jews cannot rely on others to survive.  

Peloni: A truly exceptional commentary.

@CaptainAllen tweeted the following: 
Click on Photo for video 
George McGovern

Jews cannot rely on others to survive. George McGovern (Senator, Presidential Nominee & Historian) flew bomber miss

ions over Auschwitz, targeting nearby oil factories & admitted it was moral failure not to bomb the gas chambers, the crematoria, or the railways/bridges to Auschwitz.

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October 22, 2024 | 1:00 am | 1 Comment »

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Israel Strikes at Hezbollah’s Iran-Backed Banks in Lebanon  

Peloni:  Nothing like properly incentivizing the Lebanese to act in their own interest.  Now let’s see if they will do so, of if they will remain on the sidelines.

Click on Photo for Video:

FDD | October 21, 2024

Latest Developments

Hezbollah has stockpiled up to half a billion dollars in cash in a secret bunker under a Beirut hospital, Israel revealed on October 21. In a televised briefing, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesperson Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said that a site hidden under a residential building in the Bekaa Valley and used to store cash and gold worth tens of millions of dollars was among the targets in Lebanon struck by the Israeli Air Force (IAF) on October 20. But, he added, as yet untouched was a stockpile of up to $500 million in cash and gold in a secret Hezbollah command bunker located under al-Sahel General Hospital in the Lebanese capital.

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October 22, 2024 | 12:50 am | Comments »

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Trump is Uncle Sam!  

Cherie Zaslawsky

To understand what’s unfolding in this election year, we need to view Trump not only as a candidate, and not merely as a man, but as a symbol—as if he were the personification of Uncle Sam brought to life in an attempt to save America from a passel of formidable enemies, both foreign and domestic, that seek to destroy her.

Simply put: this election is between a return to the America we loved and lost in the Color Revolution of 2020, and the last phase of a Communist takeover of our nation, as predicted by Khrushchev back in the 1950’s: “We will take America without firing a shot… we will destroy you from within.”

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October 22, 2024 | 12:30 am | Comments »

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The Neo-Liberal Consensus Is Coming Apart  

Peloni:  Highly recommended essay.

By  |  October 20, 2024

The global Covid response was the turning point in public trust, economic vitality, citizen health, free speech, literacy, religious and travel freedom, elite credibility, demographic longevity, and so much more. Now five years following the initial spread of the virus that provoked the largest-scale despotisms of our lives, something else seems to be biting the dust: the postwar neo-liberal consensus itself.
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October 22, 2024 | 12:20 am | 3 Comments »

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The dignity they so rightly deserve  

Obama’s equivalency between American notions of justice, tolerance and human dignity to that found in Muslim countries was quite simply shocking. And Harris is going down the same road.

The terror tunnel in Lebanon  IDF spokesperson

Some polls say that American Vice-President Kamala Harris has a reasonable chance of becoming the next American president at the November elections.

America then might be governed by a leftist and Islamist, who thinks that Middle East peace depends on Israel (presently under attack on many fronts) agreeing to a Palestinian state next to Israel – which could do what Hamas did, in accordance with its Charter, on October 7, 2023, massacring Jews in the worst way since the Shoah.

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October 22, 2024 | 12:10 am | 2 Comments »

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31,000 Mail-In Ballots Requested At Ineligible Addresses!  

Peloni:  Take note that this is just one layer of the multi-layered fraud playing out in just one state in just the early hours of what is now a very lengthy voting session with more than two weeks left in which this chicanery should be expected to expand even as we are watching it, in Wisconsin and likely every other state as well.  The fraud is real, it is deliberate,  it is  material, and it is overwhelming, with already more than 1% of expected Wisconsin ballots already having been entered into the fraud system for NGOs to cast against Trump’s re-election.  So, how will Trump deal with the steal the second time around?

Who the hell is requesting a mail-in ballot at an undeliverable address? Watch the 2024 steal!

Omega4America | Oct 21, 2024

Mail-in ballots are being requested, by the thousands, in locations which are undeliverable – in Wisconsin.

If nobody is there, who the hell is requesting that ballot?

This is the heart of the 2024 STEAL – and it is happening in plain sight, for the world to see.

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October 21, 2024 | 5:07 pm | 4 Comments »

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No, President Macron: The UN did not create Israel  

Peloni: Excellent retort to the inbred antisemitic mentality which has scarred French society for a thousand years, as personified by the French premiere.

If it were within the power of the UN to create states, an Arab state would have arisen in 1948 alongside Israel, whether or not the Arabs agreed. Op-ed.

San Remo Conference Delegates  INN: HIstorical

A number of Western leaders seem to think they know what is best for the State of Israel, and frequently admonish and attempt to bully the Israeli government to follow their dictates.

The Editorial Board of the Wall Street Journal reminds us that President Biden harassed Netanyahu about stopping the war in Gaza, strongly advised him against launching a military attack against Hamas, and even after the IDF’s obvious military success, sought to intimidate him from advancing to the city of Rafah, where Yahya Sinwar was believed to be hiding. The paper concluded that “if Israel had taken Mr. Biden’s advice, Sinwar, Nasrallah, and the rest of the Hamas-Hezbollah leadership would still be alive.” Arutz Sheva writer Gary Willig wrote of the next war that would have ensued.

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October 21, 2024 | 8:11 am | 1 Comment »

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Fighting back: Combatting the global rise in antisemitism  

Analysis: Since October 7, global antisemitism has surged, with sharp increases in vandalism, threats and assaults against Jewish communities; countries like Germany, Argentina and South Africa have seen significant spikes

Brigadier General (ret.) Amir Avivi |

Pro-Palestinian rally in Austin, Texas (Photo: Brandon Bell/Getty Images)

Global antisemitism has spiked since October 7 amid Israel-Hezbollah tensions, raising concerns for Jewish communities. There has been a notable rise in acts of vandalism, threats and assaults against Jewish communities, synagogues and community centers in many countries across the world.

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October 21, 2024 | 8:00 am | Comments »

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Bill Ackman is a billionaire hedge fund manager from New York who endorsed President Trump recently. He’s been a Democrat all his life. He made a list of 35 actions that have been taken by Obama-Biden-Harris and the Democrat party that he disagrees with and believes are destroying America from within. This list is the reason Ackman chose President Trump and MAGA over the Democrats. It’s a great summary to share with your liberal or independent friends and family.

BILL ACKMAN: A number of my good friends and family have been surprised about my decision to support Donald Trump for President.

They have been surprised because my political giving history has been mostly to Democrats, my voting registration has typically been Democrat – in New York, you must be registered to the party in order to vote in the primary, and usually the Republican candidate has no chance to win – and many of our philanthropic initiatives have supported issues that are consistent with Democratic priorities.

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October 21, 2024 | 12:53 am | 3 Comments »

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Israel Begins Strikes on Hezbollah Financial Centers  

Peloni:  The assault on Hezbollah’s financial empire represents an important undertaking in pursuit of the toppling of the Hezbollah regime.  It is noteworthy to reflect upon the lack of interest being expressed by the Lebanese to do more than scurry out of the way as they pretend an incapacity of any agency in this matter.  Of course, they have choices, but they are at present choosing the wrong choices, much as Tony Badran explained they would do.

Seth Frantzman | October 20, 2024

Long THREAD: Israel will begin a wave of strikes in Lebanon that target a key financial conduit run by Hezbollah which serves the Shi’ite community.

“Residents of Lebanon, the IDF will begin attacking infrastructure belonging to the Hezbollah Al-Qard Al-Hassan Association – get away from it immediately”

This is the “al-Qard al-Hasan Association (AQAH) – the financial arm of the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah.” You can read some background here.

October 21, 2024 | 12:30 am | Comments »

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Leak of Sensitive Intelligence to Iran Shakes Israel’s Plan to Hit Iran and More  

Peloni:  Skullduggery within the US Intel community provides a telling cost of the US-Israel coordination which does more than impair Israeli operations against Iran, as it casts a further pall upon the US-Israeli alliance.  Grasping the permanence of the US Bureaucratic state, and the lack of accountability within the US establishment, how could Israel knowingly come to trust the US with its secrets in the future?  As the usual stage players in Congress stammer with their routinely meaningless fits of furry and empty demands for accountability, the damage thus far incurred is neither fully known nor even necessarily at an end.  And the implications of this not too subtle betrayal is no doubt being weighed carefully by nations looking to coordinate more closely with the US, and those who are already captured in such a coordination as is Israel.

Stephen Bryen | Weapons & Strategy | Oct 20, 2024

Israeli F-16 Fighting Falcon Launches Rampage Cruise Missile

“Middle East Spectator,” is a pro-regime Telegram outlet based in Tehran, as all media channels based in Tehran are – by law. Last week, Middle East Spectator leaked two sensitive intelligence documents   The documents originated in the US National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), and the information pertained to Israel’s preparation to retaliate for Iranian missile attacks.

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October 21, 2024 | 12:25 am | 8 Comments »

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North and South Carolina Report Ballot Issues  

Peloni:  Mafia leadership is the result of a lack of oversight and a lack of accountability for illicit behavior, which is why the fact that we are seeing the same tactics which were publicly novel in 2020 being played out once more before our very eyes.  The desperation of such unrestrained leadership will play out in the coming weeks and the only question is how might the American public come to reestablish the principle of consent of the governed in an age marked by such obvious use of arbitrary power to counter them doing so.

Sundance | October 19, 2024

When you consider the probability that both govt and private sector are generating ballots, then you evaluate ballot centric issues accordingly. County level ballots from two different feeder sources can present a problem at the scanning and tabulation stage, if there is any variance to them.

South Carolina – Berkeley County issued a statement Wednesday, Oct. 16, announcing certain voters are receiving duplicate absentee ballots. The announcement included that the county’s Department of Elections and Voter Registration is in contact with the state election commission about the incidents.

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October 21, 2024 | 12:20 am | Comments »

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Upton Sinclair’s THE JUNGLE: American history, censored and forgotten  

Francisco Gil-White | The Management of Reality | Oct 20, 2024

Photo on left by Unknown Author licensed under CC BY-NC-ND . Photo on right by Unknown Author licensed under CC BY-SA.

  • Upton Sinclair’s novel The Jungle depicts the suffering of industrial workers in the Chicago meatpacking district in the early 20th century.
  • They were treated like slaves—or worse.
  • But why? Were the US bosses psychopathic?

The system of political capitalism, as some theorists have named it, or crony capitalism, as others call it, saw a full flowering in the United States in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.1

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October 21, 2024 | 12:15 am | Comments »

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