The New Middle East  

By Ted Belman 

I first met Mudar Zahran in Jerusalem 10 years ago in the home of a friend of mine whose mission it was to invite people like me to meet him. We decided to keep in touch. Mudar wanted to force King Abdulla II to abdicate thereby enabling Mudar to change Jordan into a Republic under his Leadership. 

I gave Mudar a list of our demands and he readily agreed. 

We waited until Trump was elected and decided to make our move. We wanted Trump to bring this about by his executive action Just as Obama did to install Morsi in power in Egypt. 

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July 26, 2024 | 1:47 am | 19 Comments »

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In the International Arena there is no Rule of Law, only the Rule of Power  

Israel’s title deeds to the land west of the Jordan R. are of no value unless she has the power to protect them

The US State Department and the UK Foreign Office ignored those rights in the thirties and forties and instead promoted the Arab cause and continued to do so after Israel’s Declaration of Independence.

By Ted Belman    June 24. 2024

I recently critiqued an interview of Prof Jeffrey Sachs by Judge Napolitano on US policy  with respect to Gaza.

The Judge started out by referring to ”the slaughter that was going on in Gaza”. How can he be so ignorant? It has been proven repeatedly that there is no slaughter or genocide in Gaza. In fact, Israel has the lowest kill ratio of any war previously by a factor of at least five.

Surprisingly he spoke respectfully about Ben Gvir and Smotrich. Read more…

July 26, 2024 | 12:23 am | 20 Comments »

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J13: Who ordered the hit?  

Tierney’s Real News | July 26, 2024

Since the CIA was formed in 1947 as an independent spy agency, there have been numerous political assassinations, attempted assassinations, coups and roughly 30 mass shootings in America. Do you think that’s a coincidence? I do not.

In the 1960’s, four major political assassinations – John F. Kennedy by Lee Harvey Oswald, Martin Luther King by James Earl Ray, Robert Kennedy by Sirhan Sirhan and Malcolm X by Muhammad A. Aziz – were all immediately ruled by US intelligence as carried out by “lone gunmen” with personal, not political, motives and no connections to the US Government. Right.

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July 27, 2024 | 3:13 am | Comments »

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Rabbi Herzog: Here’s More  

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July 27, 2024 | 2:26 am | Comments »

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Iran is funding the pro-Hamas protests  

Who is funding the pro-Hamas riots in major cities? The state sponsors of Hamas in Tehran.

Daniel Greenfield | July 26, 2024

Daniel Greenfield

After failing to mention it in previous briefings, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines finally issued a press release admitting that “Iranian government actors have sought to opportunistically take advantage of ongoing protests regarding the war in Gaza” by “posing as activists online, seeking to encourage protests, and even providing financial support to protesters.”

Haines, a veteran of the Obama and Biden administrations, then went out of her way to defend participants in the pro-Hamas movement even though they are working with America’s enemies. (As did Kamala Harris)

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July 27, 2024 | 1:01 am | Comments »

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Israeli strikes in Yemen put us all past “Go”  

Peloni:  This is highly recommended reading.  Dyer provides a granular review of the Israeli attack on Yemen and explains that this attack has acted to advance the possibility for the US to quickly end the Houthi reign of terror on international shipping and in Yemen.  Israel’s assault on Yemen targeted many of the oil storage farms in the Houthi controlled territory, providing a massive logistical quandry for the terror enclave.  Should the US choose to act, it could lead to strangling the Houthis into submission.  Since the Israeli attack, the US and Britain have already conducted their own followup attack which was clearly inspired by Israel’s strategic coup d’grace.  There is a great deal of valuable details shared in this report which also includes the description of the Houthi’s own on site UN supervisory mission.

First into battle.

J.E. Dyer, a retired Naval Intelligence officer, blogs as The Optimistic Conservative.

July 24, 2024

The Israeli Air Force struck a fuel depot in Houthi-controlled territory at the port of Hudaydah, Yemen on 20 July 2024.  Al Masirah video via CNN.

Inevitably, emerging events demand comment before moving on to the main story here.  The story is worth the telling. And even more so because of the excellent speech PM Netanyahu gave to a joint session of Congress today, and the mobs marauding in the streets of Washington, D.C. outside, pulling down the U.S. flags at Union Station – to replace them with “Palestinian” flags – while shouting “Allahu akbar” and waving the black flag of jihad, or ar-Raya.

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July 26, 2024 | 9:23 am | 3 Comments »

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Rabbi Herzog Provides Explanations and Greater Detail  

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July 26, 2024 | 8:26 am | Comments »

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Increasing Ties Between Iran and Armenia  

Peloni: This is an important 4-part Thread.  Armenia is an ally of Iran, a close ally which is getting closer.  This move seems curiously timed to be coordinated with their recent move closer to the West, which is also proceeding with their own Iranian pivot.  The double reinforcement of these connections with the menace from Iran continue to demonstrate a certain disregard for the safety and security of the Western world in general, but most specifically for Israel which stands at the demarcation line between the presumed civilized West and the known barbarity of Iran.

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July 26, 2024 | 6:50 am | 2 Comments »

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J13: The Site  

Tierney Real News | July 21, 2024

Hopefully, by now, you’ve had a chance to review the first two segments of my report on the assassination attempt against President Trump: Who Ordered the Hit? and J13: The Protection Team.

Did you know that the Secret Service was told to cover Jill Biden’s tiny event in Pittsburgh, being held at the same time as President Trump’s rally, which she announced at the last minute, and abandon Trump’s rally? Who made that call?

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July 26, 2024 | 6:01 am | 3 Comments »

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Trump Addresses the Assassination Threat Against Him From Iran  

July 26, 2024 | 5:45 am | Comments »

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Team JD Vance Begin Announcing Policy Proposals, Starting with Elon Inspired Carbon Taxes  

Peloni:  So is it to be deja vu all over again?  Perhaps this is the best choice we have to have any choice in securing the future, but we should go into such a possible Faustian bargain with a full awareness of what we are doing and what the limits of victory might portend.

Sundance | July 18, 2024

The group who promoted, pushed and ultimately influenced the JD Vance nomination consisted of: Charlie Kirk, Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Bill Ackman, David Sacks, Chamath Palihapitiya, Jacob Helberg and of course, Vivek Ramaswamy.  On the inside of the Trump orbit, the network had Jason Miller and Donald Trump Jr also promoting JD Vance.

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July 26, 2024 | 3:12 am | 14 Comments »

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It’s Far from Over  

By David Prentice | July 25, 2024

Image: cagdesign via Pixabay, Pixabay License.

The second candidacy of Ronald Reagan was the last time things have gone so well for a Republican campaign.  We are in a time of a turning tide, a time where the Stalinist left is being exposed, where leftists are in disarray, and where American ideals long buried are being resurrected.  Trump’s miraculous skirting of death has opened the eyes of many people to the evils we face.  Breitbart’s saying that politics is downstream from culture is finally reassuring for those not on the left.  Our nation is waking up from its slumber.

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July 26, 2024 | 1:38 am | 6 Comments »

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Bibi Calls for the Formation of Abraham Alliance  

Peloni:  Do recall that Mudar advocated for the formation of Middle East NATO during Ted’s  JORDAN: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE: The Jordan Option Revisited

July 25, 2024 | 10:09 am | 4 Comments »

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Sen. Warren’s Bill Proposes Congress Turn Over Legislative Power to Bureaucrats  

Taking power from Congress, the courts and people, giving it to bureaucrats.

Daniel Greenfield | July 25, 2024

People already complain that Congress doesn’t actually legislate. Sen. Elizabeth Warren has a solution, just get rid of the Supreme Court decision striking down ‘Chevron deference’ and just turn over legislative power to the administrative state.

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July 25, 2024 | 7:06 am | 2 Comments »

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Netanyahu to Congress: War on Israel Is a War on the United States  

Nick Stewart & Richard Goldberg | FDD | July 24, 2024

Latest Developments

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared that Israel’s war in Gaza and against Iranian proxies was not a clash of civilizations but a “clash between barbarism and civilization,” during a July 24 speech to a joint session of Congress. Netanyahu — who tied the late British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in addressing Congress for the fourth time — also emphasized the strong U.S.-Israel alliance against those who aim to destroy both nations.

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July 25, 2024 | 7:02 am | Comments »

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Rabbi Herzog Discusses Egypt  

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July 25, 2024 | 6:37 am | 3 Comments »

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Who is J.D Vance?  

MG Paul E Vallely, US Army (Ret)

Who is J.D Vance? He’s The Face of the New Republican Party Going Forward!

by George Mcclellan July 17, 2024

Guest Editorial:

Suppose you read Hillbilly Elegy when it came out in 2016. Were you shocked that the memory of a poor boy from Ohio’s Appalachian area, hard up against the Ohio River, about J.D’s life, would become so compelling that even Ron Howard made a movie out of it? Who could possibly care about the poverty-stricken poor whites in Appalachia’s Rust Belt? The Ohio voters did, enough to make him one of their US senators.

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July 25, 2024 | 1:56 am | 6 Comments »

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