Putin to Arab League: Palestinians have right to state with capital in east Jerusalem

Putin also spoke on the importance of synchronizing the efforts of the Arab League with those of the United Nations, the United States, the European Union and Russia.


Putin Cairo

Girls walk past a banner with a picture of Russian President Vladimir Putin along a bridge, in central Cairo. (photo credit:REUTERS)

Moscow will support the Palestinians in their efforts to build an independent state with a capital in east Jerusalem, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin said on Saturday according to Israel Radio.

Speaking at the 26th annual Arab League Summit in the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheik over the weekend, Putin said that “Palestinians have the right to establish an independent and habitable state with a capital in east Jerusalem.”


He further vowed that “Russia will continue to contribute to achieving this goal through bilateral and multilateral channels.”

Putin also spoke on the importance of matching and synchronizing the efforts of the Arab League with those of the Middle East Quartet, composed of the United Nations, the United States, the European Union and Russia.

In a phone call with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Putin spoke of developing the relationship of the two nations with a focus on Iran, whose foreign delegation is currently engaged in pivotal negotiations with world powers over its nuclear program.

There were no reports that Putin and Netanyahu had spoken on the subject of Palestinian statehood, the prospects of which the Israeli prime minister had diminished during his recent election campaign when he vowed to not allow the Palestinians a state as long as he was in power and as long as the current unstable circumstances in the Middle East persisted.

The Russian leader had already been on a state visit to Egypt in September during which he was interviewed by Al-Ahram and asked what Russia had done to bring about a solution to the issue of Palestinian statehood.

He had reiterated Russia’s support for the Palestinian’s failed resolution brought to the UN Security Council in December which called for the end of the occupation of the West Bank and a full Israeli withdrawal to pre-1967 lines by 2017.

March 30, 2015 | 13 Comments »

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13 Comments / 13 Comments

  1. As imperfect and messy as democracy is it still better than alternatives. Stability, Power, improving living conditions over the long run – Does anyone compare to the USA.

    Canada, Australia, UK also seem to be having a fine long term run on a system of government.

    Do they have threats? Do they have imperfections? Do they to make change to respond to the threats? Is the USA two party system full of issues?

    I will still take these democratic government systems over the power monopoly systems of Russia and China everyday of the week. Those who disagree could follow Snowden to Russia.

  2. Bear Klein Said:

    Life in Russia is so great for Russians.

    Ditto for China , but they won’t waste a good body if it has some usable organs. The rest of Arnold will make probably be turned into pig fertilizer.

    Democratic systems can be ruthless and powerful with the enemy as well they don’t need to be totalitarian. After all we produced Patton, Sherman’s March to the Sea, Bomber Harris’s European Firebombing, McArthur who sadly was refused permission to nuke Beijing, and Americas the only Country that tht had the guts to use some nukes and vaporized several million Nips into twwinkie Dust.
    Ah, Bomber Harris where are ye now?
    Don’t underestimate America and Canada – we just need a colon cleanse and we’ll be right as rain.

  3. Life in Russia is so great for Russians. Disagree get thrown out of a building. Russian is the type regime that always flips on its head because it is so inefficient and corrupt over the long term they always collapse.

  4. If you want his approval, that’s very easy. Fill Eastern Jerusalem and Area C with Jews, bankrupt the “Palestine Authority” and separately negotiate with the local Arab clans a system of autonomous local control of the seven large cities of Shomron and Yehuda, while turning Area B into the same kind of status Israel presently uses to control and Judaize Area C.

    Then invite the Russian leader to Jerusalem for some celebratory event, combined with some deal in which Russia sells Israel a flock of their superb Sukhoi fighter-bombers and Israel supplies Russia results of some of innovative scientific work conducted in the Jewish state. In other words, a win-win situation for Israel and Russia too.

    While there is much in what Arnold writes about Stalin as a great leader I disagree with very fundamentally but not right now or here to these brain dead (specific and isolated in actuality) branch of the Zionist movement, thankfully not at all ALL like that

    But when you look at the outlook of the likes of Yamit or SHmuel then you just keep silent. They would not understand and above all are so OLD and set in their (US IMPERIALIST ways) they could care less. Their life is a dogma.

    Yet I am struck by the above two paragraphs.

    Putin just moved in and took over Crimea. It was an existentialist issue for Russia. He said to Obama it is time to fight, you willing? And Obama has been known for picking weak opponents (Mubarak, Gadhafi etc – thought Assad would be the same but was wrong)

    That is what Israel needs to learn but cannot.

    Laura a Jew living in US – total reactionary Imperialsit US type. Main argument is always Fuck You!

    Yamit and SHmuel trained in US and never really left it…took their reaction with them with which they seek to poison Israel.

    They cannot see things from position of Putin and the Russians.

    There is an old saying “You can take an Irishman out of the bog but you cannot take the bog out of an Irishman”

    You can take these Jews out of American Imperialist set-up but you cannot take the American reaction out of the Jews

    Applies so well to Yamit, Shmuel and Laura

    I would say Arnold every word you wrote in those 2 memorable paragraphs are correct. So true.

    But Yamit rots away his useless life in Negev. Laura turns out to be doing WHAT exactly in America.

    Poisoned people.

  5. @ ArnoldHarris:

    Yes,Arnold, Hitler was a bad dictator because he was inefficient and incompetent.
    Power is a wonderful thing to worship. Power is more important than G_D.
    Remember there is but one rule in the Totalitarian State
    You Must Obey.

    Before the State you must surrender the lives of your wife,your children, your community your race and your own life.
    You must Obey!

    This means You!

  6. @ Bear Klein:

    No, BK. You got it dead wrong. Adolf Hitler was the worst enemy the Jewish nation has ever faced. The leaders of Russia and China are sometimes friends, sometimes not. But they are not crazy with hatred for everything Jewish as was Hitler. I thought I had made it clear in my previous comments that Israel and the Jewish nation must learn to play the great game of the nations from the standpoint of serving the Jewish and Israeli interests.

    In any case, Hitler was also a complete fool for having first started a war on one front, then shifting his armies to the west to take on the western European allies, then east again to attack Russia, then declaring war against the United States a less than a week after Stalin’s reserve armies had started their massive counterattack against the German armies ringing Moscow on three sides. History shows that was actually his last opportunity to win his war in eastern Europe, and he blew it.

    The leaders I admire are anything other then fools. And I think the time will come when Jewish power in the Middle East will grow to the point where the leaders of the Russian and Chinese superpowers will take the Jews a lot more seriously than anyone has done before.

    Arnold Harris
    Mount Horeb WI

  7. @ Bear Klein:

    The raw truth is, the Russian and Chinese leaderships are the only ones in the world that I admire.

    And my reason for admiring them is that they have no interests whatsoever in any cause other than expanding the power positions of their respective countries. They are driven by pure, unadulterated, totally selfish nationalism.

    I truly wish that the United States of America, land of my birth, my military service, and my taxpaying, were led by leaders such as those who command the governments of China and Russia. I truly wish also that the State of Israel, land of the Jewish nation to which I have belonged since birth, also had such national leadership.

    There is no personal morality involved in augmenting the national power of one’s commonwealth. As Stalin reportedly said one day to Dzerzhinski, his Tcheka (secret police) leader in the early 1920s:

    “One thing about power you can’t deny, Feliks; it’s the only thing in the world you can’t fake. You either have it or you don’t.”

    You don’t like the immorality of my approach to national power, BK? Show me a viable and sustainable substitute. I always can use something to laugh about up here in Wisconsin in late March.

    Arnold Harris
    Mount Horeb WI

  8. Meantime, stop kevetching about how the game is played.

    @ ArnoldHarris: – Putin is playing the traditional anti-Israel card and Pro Palestinian card that the Russians have been doing for decades.

    If you are too hypnotized by your apparent man crush or fetish with Russia and Putin to basically realize this, feel free to keep it to yourself, we will not object.

  9. Putin, who plays long-term geopolitics much better than his various American or Western European counterparts, smiles upon frequently conflicting causes.

    In the case of Israel, which he visited in summer 2012, he toured the Western Wall of the Temple Mount in company with a Russian rav, some local Israeli ravim, ran his fingers over the rough stone wall, and told the assembled Jews that he thought the history of the Jewish nation was built into that wall. Very sympathetic, to say the least.

    More recently, he is attempting to pursue Russian imperial interests in Egypt and Saudi Arabia, as well has in Syria, where he and the Iranians are the support base for Bashir Assad’s presidency against all comers. So he speaks the apparently mandatory international baloney about a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.

    Above all other leaders, this man is nobody’s fool. He probably is better aware than any outsider that the Israelis are successfully following the same kind of nation-rebuilding steps he has been using in the Caucasus against the Moslem Chechens and the Orthodox Christian Gruzim, and the equally Orthodox Christian Ukraintsi (as well as the Uniate Christians of western Ukraine who are at the heart of the troubles that restarted in Kiev a couple of years ago.

    If you want his approval, that’s very easy. Fill Eastern Jerusalem and Area C with Jews, bankrupt the “Palestine Authority” and separately negotiate with the local Arab clans a system of autonomous local control of the seven large cities of Shomron and Yehuda, while turning Area B into the same kind of status Israel presently uses to control and Judaize Area C.

    Then invite the Russian leader to Jerusalem for some celebratory event, combined with some deal in which Russia sells Israel a flock of their superb Sukhoi fighter-bombers and Israel supplies Russia results of some of innovative scientific work conducted in the Jewish state. In other words, a win-win situation for Israel and Russia too.

    And when Israel becomes sufficiently powerful one day, the Jewish nation and Jewish state of that era will know how to play the Great Game, maybe as well as the Russians do. Maybe even better.

    Meantime, stop kevetching about how the game is played.

    Arnold Harris
    Mount Horeb WI

  10. Putin’s credo: the Russians are entitled to steal other people’s lands, but the Jews must surrender their native homeland to an invented people. Once again, FU Putin.

  11. How about after Putin gives Chechens statehood? There is no basis for “Palestinian” statehood and certainly no basis for them to have Judaism’ s holiest city, Jerusalem. FU Putin!

  12. Then Purin also killed G.d and took His place.
    He should concentrate on allocating to his Islamics other people’s land within his own corrals.