Report: Netanyahu May Form Israeli ‘Republican’ Party

T. Belman. I am all for this but will depend on how decisions are made and what policies will be followed. What will be the bottom line on settlement construction and conceding territory? Kahlon, Bennett and Bibi fit well together. This article makes no mention of Shas and UTS which between them have about 12 seats. So they are not automatically in. So they would be pitted against Lapid and Liberman. But even if such a party was formed it would still have to have a coalition of about 65 seats. The key question is would the “Republican” Party get more seats than the three parties currently have. Is Liberman’s Party that toxic?

Political revolution? Veteran journalist reports PM talking with party heads about copying American two-party system.

By Reut Hadar, INN

Senior journalist Yossi Verter reported on Friday in the leftist paper Haaretz that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is considering forming a politically right-centrist bloc of parties to run on a joint list in the next elections.

In recent weeks in meetings with the heads of parties in his coalition government, Netanyahu has raised the possibility of forming a “Republican party” conservative bloc based on the American two-party model, according to Verter.

Netanyahu reportedly said in the talks that “only in this way will it be possible to rule. Like in America: two parties, two blocs, right and left.”

The prime minister has enjoyed warm ties with the Republican party in the past; in the last elections his campaign was even managed by a Republican strategist from the US. Netanyahu’s opponent Yitzhak Herzog of the Zionist Union has likewise used Democratic strategists in campaigns.

It is highly likely that Netanyahu would be able to convince Jewish Home chairman Naftali Bennett to form a joint list, particularly since Bennett and Ayelet Shaked of his party worked for Netanyahu in Likud before moving to Jewish Home. Their party gave a poor showing in the last elections as Likud surged to 30 mandates, further adding to the chances they would be open to the move.

Netanyahu apparently will also want to see Moshe Kahlon’s new Kulanu party join his “Republican party.”

“The public wants to see us together,” he has reportedly told Kahlon frequently. “Together we are 40 mandates easily, we’ll add another party or two and that’s that.”

However, according to the report, the prime minister doesn’t want to include members of the Tekuma faction of Jewish Home led by Uri Ariel in his new bloc, apparently viewing them as a unelectable body that will scare away votes.

He also doesn’t want to join with Avigdor Liberman’s Yisrael Beytenu because it still has its roots decidedly in the Russian Israeli population, making it more sectoral. The decision may also have to do with the fact that Netanyahu’s joint run with Liberman in early 2013 saw a weak performance, and in the current elections Liberman refused to join his coalition.

September 11, 2015 | 11 Comments »

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11 Comments / 11 Comments

  1. The people keeping that scum up there deserve scum all over themselves. Netanyahu destroys all and as such his political base must be destroyed. NOW!

  2. Will Herzog join Netanyahu’s government?

    According to this information, Netanyahu agreed to give Herzog an impressive bundle of ministerial portfolios, including the foreign, justice and defense ministries. The agreement stated that the Zionist Camp would fill the posts in another year and a half, after the current government completes half a term.
    Netanyahu admits that if he does make such a move, it must be for the long term. He needs time if he is to succeed in replacing his voter base on the right with a similar or parallel base in the center.
    Netanyahu is, in fact, very concerned about the renewal of anti-Israel boycott initiatives in the European Union and is prepared to change his skin to stave them off.
    In talks with Herzog, Netanyahu refused to commit to removing Bennett from the government, preferring instead to say, “HaBayit HaYehudi Party would exit gradually.” First, he would take the Justice Ministry from his longtime enemy Ayelet Shaked. Then, once the diplomatic process is restarted, Bennett would reach the inevitable conclusion that his time is up.


    In response to these reports, HaBayit HaYehudi reportedly said Sept. 11, “If this happens, we will make Netanyahu’s life miserable from the outside.”

    Bennett and HY lost all credibility when he accepted the eunuch ministry whereby he could have no effect on YS or settlement. BB destroyed the right already, from within. He has already moved to the center and the right is left out in the cold with nothing. I see the euro sanctions being BB opportunity to forge the union with the “zionist camp”. it will be also Herzogs excuse to his constituency and Herzog will say he got BB to agree to restarting Peace talks with LIvni in charge; which is where BB was in the past. The only threat to the left wrt YS, etc is from Benetts party which is now nothing. Shaked has already had her wings trimmed along with Bennett,and we hear nothing from within likud for YS. They rubber stamped the fake arrests of Jews. The settlers will be the sacrifice and the scapegoat, libeled as terrorists and hounded. Those who voted for BB in the panic brought this into being, but Benett has proven himself to be a zero of no relevance.

  3. Israel will still not ending up being two party system unless threshold becomes at least 10% of votes to be seated in the Knesset.

    The USA system is cooked for two parties because in a Presidential race only Dems and Repulican nominees automatically get on the ballot in every state. This makes it an enormous undertaking for a third party candidate to get on the ballot in all the states.

  4. Most of us conservatives and right-wingers in the USA understand the the two-party political system is overdue for falling apart, and that the cutting-edge leadership in both parties shall be under control of dynamic non-politicians such as Donald Trump, Dr Ben Carson, and Carly Fiorina, on the Republican side, and ideology-driven outliers such as Bernie Sanders on the Democratic side. I have supported conservatives since my senior year in high school in Chicago, when I served as a volunteer at the Republican Party convention that year, as an aide to party delegates supporting Senator Robert Taft of Ohio. He was certainly a man of great principles. But everybody liked Ike, and he was all but anointed as President of the United States.

    In any case, one would think that Rosh HaMemshela Binyamin Netanyahu would have far more important concerns to occupy his time these days, other than restructuring the government to resemble that of this particular country, which routinely fails to come up to his diplomatic expectations regarding the State of Israel.

    Arnold Harris, Outspeaker

  5. The demo are crypto-socialists (socialists are antisemites). The republicans have so far shown ineptitude, impotence and incompetence. What is so great in America politics?

  6. So BB loves the political marasmus he sees in America! The demo are really crypto-socialists and the republicans have shown ineptitude, impotence and incompetence (3 Is).

  7. It will result in diminished representation. This is an idea which should have waited for release until a Republican success in STOPPING the Iran Nuclear Deal. There should be standards of ethics rigidly enforced to prevent anything that could be interpreted as corrupt. Some call them Combina Mutants. Whatever name you wish to give them are the problem. This is a diversion from the failure to STOP Obama. do not be fooled. So what are you going to do now Bibi, about Iran, of course. If Netanyahu has an overwhelming urge to be a Republican he should ask Trump for a job and move out of the way. dumb ass idea, smoke screen, quite transparent.

  8. Using the GOP as a model for a political party is like using Roseanne Barr as a model for a beauty pageant. The world needs one fewer Republican Party, not one more.

    Emulate the Tea Party, Netanyahu. The Republicans are going the way of the Whigs.