The Middle East Masquerade Party

Do not be fooled by the participation by Qatar and Saudi Arabia in the anti-ISIS coalition. Not only is Kedar bang on but he neglects to mention that these countries view ISIS as a Sunni response to Iranian Hegemony. Ted Belman

By Mordechai Kedar, INN

KEDARA masquerade party is a social event in which participants’ faces are covered, allowing them to say and do all the things they would either be ashamed or afraid to say if they could be identified. A mask frees its wearer from limitations that derive from his status, identity, family situation, past, friends and even the ideas he ordinarily defends. It gives him a new identity, a different one, untouched and free of constraints.

Some participants even change masks during a ball, giving themselves another identity and further liberties that differ from the first false image created by the previous costume they wore earlier in the evening. Masks allow their wearers to lie to others present at the party without anyone being able to notice them blush and blink their eyes. The only way to know the true identity of participants is to tear the masks from their faces. And that is what academicresearch is supposed to do.

The Middle East is one big masquerade party, and all those taking part in it wear masks that are intended to project a false image to the outside world. Each participant changes his mask in accordance with the masks worn by the others around him, acts and speaks as the others do, even if he said and did entirely different things a day earlier – because today he is wearing a new mask. The truth remains hidden, and can only be exposed by expending much effort on research. There are some participants who wear multiple masks, one on top of the other, until they fall off and reveal the true face hiding beneath them.

The most striking example and largest mask of all is that of the “Pan-Arab Nation”. Every Arab will tell you that there is a vast Pan-Arab Nation, characterized by a deep feeling of togetherness, based on a common language, a glorious past and joint aspirations. This is the premise behind the founding of the Arab League and its activities.

Except that the reality is very different. The idea of the Pan-Arab Nation never succeeded in replacing the loyalties of many Arabs to traditional, secondary frameworks such as the tribe, religion (Muslim, Christian, Yazidi, etc.) or sect (Sunni, Shiite, etc.). Outwardly, they claim “we are all Arabs”, but within, behind the masks, Arabs battle one another, murder one another due to tribal, sectarian and religious differences as well as for reasons of self-interest. The Arab League’s weakness derives from the shallowness of the Pan-Arab idea, from the fact that it is nothing but a thin, transparent and easily cracked mask.

Recently, now that the “Islamic State” has entered the ballroom, several new masks have appeared on some old and well-known faces. At the head of the masked group stands the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani.

Qatar has been among the main supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood and its offshoots for years, including the funding of terror organizations such as al Qaeda and its “daughter” organizations. Qatar’s support for the Muslim Brotherhood and militant Islamic organizations stems from the deep-seated belief that they represent the real Islam and that their final goal – to establish Islamic rule over the entire world – is a fitting and just one that it is important to support. That is how Qatar has become the main funder of the many Jihadist organizations working in Syria, Iraq, Libya and the Palestinian Authority.

The above has not prevented the Qatari’s from wearing a pro-Western mask and being home to the main US airbase in the Gulf, Idid Base. This provides them with American defense for their territory and for the gas wells from whose profits they fund the Jihad media channel, Al Jazeera and the Sunni terror organizations – those that butcher their victims, even if they are American.

Qatar also funds American think tanks, like the Brookings Institute, so that these will purchase an objective academic mask and cover the real faces of those participating in “research” studies.

In order to affix its modern, liberal and moderate mask, and cover up its Wahhabi fundamentalist, terror funding, Qatar has been organizing annual scientific conferences for years in its capital of Doha. Qatari money allows those who attend these conferences to wear smiley masks and join the masquerade, abiding by the rules laid down by Qatar.

The last few weeks have seen the start of an American attack on the “Islamic State” and Qatar has been forced to don the mask of a country that has joined the war against the terrorist organization that it actually funds. Even the Americans have proclaimed that Qatar is taking part in the war, but this, too, is a mask, because no one has any idea of Qatar’s role in the US-Arab “coalition” formed against the “Islamic State”.

And while we are at it, what exactly have the other Arab states in the “coalition” done– Saudi Arabia, the United Emirates, Bahrain and Jordan? Do they have a part to play beyond wearing a mask whose intention is to keep them from criticizing the Christian, Western infidels that are attacking the true Islamic faithful carrying out the Prophet Mohammed’s wishes and following his teachings and example?

Another mask is the Saudi one. The monarchy’s founder, Abdul-Aziz ibn Abdul-Rahman al Faisal al Saud, for whom it is named, used exactly the same procedures that today’s self-appointed Caliph Abu Bakr el-Baghdadi, the head of “Islamic State”, uses. Eighty two years ago, Ibn Saud established his monarchy, and his army, called “al-Ikhw?n” (the Brothers) consisted of cruel camel riders who decimated any tribe that refused to join the Ibn Saud coalition, doing the same things to their unfortunate sons and daughters that we see happening in Iraq and Syria.

Has anyone in Saudi Arabia ever condemned Ibn Saud, his militia or his methods?  Of course not, but that doesn’t prevent the Saudis from wearing a mask of condemnation against the “Islamic State.”

For decades, the Saudis have been spreading the Wahhabi, fundamentalist Salafist version of Sunni Islam throughout the world, using oil monies that they are paid by the West. In other words, they use Western funds to spread an ideology that sees the West as heretic, materialist and permissive, one that predicts that it will collapse and fall.

Behind a “charity” mask, they fund mosques, schools and Islamic charitable organizations all over the Western world, in order to encourage Muslim immigration to the West, intending to gain control over it with time, just exactly as Mohammed, the founder of Islam, did in the city of Medina, the place to which he fled in 622 C.E. from his birthplace, Mecca. He moved to Medina, gained control over it and built an empire. This is the method the Saudis have been bankrolling for years, hiding behind the mask of “economic cooperation with the West”.

The Saudi peace initiative of 2002, adopted by the Arab League, is another mask that the Saudis used to try to hide behind after it turned out that 15 of the 19 perpetrators of 9/11 were Saudi Arabian.

The “Palestinians” are another mask created by several Arab tribes who live west of the Jordan, after Israel liberated them from the illegal occupation of Jordan in Judea and Samaria and of Egypt in Gaza.

Today it is clear that the “Palestinian nation” is no less a mask than the “Syrian nation”, the “Iraqi nation”, the “Sudanese nation” or the “Libyan nation”. They are all covers for a tribal, ethnic, religious, sectarian reality – divided, feuding and flowing with rivers of blood that only dictators – with strong security forces under a “nationalistic” or “socialist” mask – can possibly control.

Erdogan’s Turkey wears the mask of a respected NATO member, but does not take part in the organization’s operations in Islamic or Arab countries. Erdogan the Islamist once wore a mask portraying him as the Alawite heretic Assad’s best friend, but showed his real face from the day Assad began publicly murdering Sunni Muslims. He is now a known enemy of Assad who provides aid to the forces rebelling against the Syrian dictator and facilitates the transfer into Syria and Iraq of the Jihadist butchers of Americans who arrive in Turkey from all over the world.

The “democratic” mask allows Erdogan to be accepted internationally, barring in Egypt, where President Sisi takes pains to look behind the mask and see the dark Islamist hiding behind it.

Israel, to its regret, is also forced to attend the masquerade ball. After US President Obama’s Cairo speech in June of 2009, Binyamin Netanyahu had to wear a mask supporting the establishment of a “demilitarized Palestinian state”, although he knew that there is no such thing as a demilitarized Arab state.

He talks to Mahmoud Abbas while both their faces are masked: Abbas wants a Palestinian state from the sea to the Jordan River, built on the ruins of the Jewish state of Israel, and Netanyahu knows what everyone knows – that a Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria will become another Hamastan, by way of elections like the ones in January 2006, or by the violent means employed in Gaza in June 2007.

America created a mask that portrays it as leading a “coalition” against the “Islamic State”. This mask was born after two American citizens and one Briton were beheaded. The thousands of Syrians and Iraqis beheaded by the knives of the “Islamic State” did not cause the Americans go out to war against this terror state. Two hundred thousand Syrian dead did not affect American tranquility, and the US did not fire a single bullet at Bashar Assad, the mass murderer. Thousands killed by chemical weapons in Syria did not result in one warning rocket launched against the Syrian Dracula, despite repeated warnings, because Putin gave America the mask of “Syrian abstention from chemical weapons”. But when two Americans and one Briton were slaughtered on camera, a war against the “Islamic State” was suddenly justified. What a lovely mask!

The worst mask of all is the one worn by all those soul-weary people whose red faces are hidden when they say: “Israel is the root cause of all the Middle East’s problems. If Israel would only relinquish the ‘territories’, then  the wolf would lie down with the lamb, the Shiites would love the Sunnis, the Arabs would embrace the Kurds, the Libyan tribes would kiss one another, the Iraqis would cease to kill each other and the Afghans would sit around the campfire singing Kumbaya in perfect harmony.”

The Middle East’s masquerade ball is still going strong, and there are Israelis who believe that the Jewish state can build its future relying on the temporary masks hiding the faces of Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the Emirates and Egypt.

Unfortunately for all of us, Israel must relate to the Middle East as it really is. Peace in this neighborhood is not granted to those who wish for it or to a nation that truly seeks peace, but to those who seem invincible –  and to them only – that is, to those, who, without donning any mask, succeed in convincing  the other participants, including those wearing smiley masks, that they had better be left alone for the smilers’ own good.

Written for Arutz Sheva, translated by Rochel Sylvetsky

October 2, 2014 | 12 Comments »

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12 Comments / 12 Comments

  1. It appears to me that Binyamin Netanyahu is just another of the many Middle Eastern leaders who wears a mask, for purposes of attempting to fool his apparent bosses in the US government, and even worse, to fool the Jewish nation whose national rights to Eretz-Yisrael he has supposedly been guarding. And, like all such false-face leaders, he is most likely to end up fooling himself.

    What a sad contrast between the self-degraded leaders of present day leaders, matched against men and women of the caliber of Vladimir Jabotinsky, Israel Eldad, David Ben-Gurion, Levi Eshkol, and Yitzchak Shamir.

    Arnold Harris
    Mount Horeb WI

  2. yamit82 Said:

    While money is the grease it won’t protect the paymaster.

    IS who is supposed to be the most radical sunni fanatics work in collaboration with the baathists Naqbandi group likely made up of saddams ex army officers which might partly explain the lightning military blitzkrieg atypical of jihadi groups. What makes this group different was their seizing of assets like banks and oil. this could allow some straying and freedom from their controllers on the part of the group. The CIA was known for creating covert entities which were self sustainable businesses, this may be their mark of involvement. the “coalition” has apparently made the oil wells their prime objective. If IS has strayed this may reign them in. However, they will likely remain until other sunni concoctions can take over from them because without that the shias are made victors by the sunnis and I doubt that agenda.

  3. yamit82 Said:

    Even were it plausible there can’t be any control over the players and conflicting situations and agendas especial if they are all working at cross purposes.

    Not really, think about it careefully in detail:
    1-Only the controllers need to know who funds and organizes arms and logistics. the controllers do not even have to be in the field necessarily or even be known to field commanders. Clothes, food, arms,supplies,cash, ammunition, transport, et etc etc…these must all be paid for. The saudis are expert at control through Islam, they have much experience over decades in moving jihadis around at war and in collaboration with the west. control of muslims is their expertise.
    2-what is the real difference between the many sunni jihad mercenaries there now, from Nusra to IS? None of those differences prevent them from achiving the overall sunni goals of seizing territory, weakening Irans proxies by keeping them engaged and spread thin,creating instability for Iraq and syria govs, etc.
    3-Cross purposes at the bottom where the jihadi cannon fodder resides means little. the overall purposes are not in conflict. there may be some straying but that can be brought in line by various methods.
    4- there can be various explanations for sunni groups fighting each other:
    a- they are straying from their prime directive and need reigning in.
    b-a desire to bring more activate more elements into the battles; e.g. involving the kurds more actively so that when the smoke clears they will have a stronger military force.
    c-some sunni groups are subject to oversight and red tape by the internationals whereas IS is free to do anything because they are seen to be wearing a different mask form the sunni states(although common sense makes that ludicrous) My suspicion is that IS was activated because the other sunni groups were failing because they did not employ terror.
    you must remember that withou IS the sunnis AND the west would have no leverage in syria, IrAq or lebanon. also, remember that the existence of IS allows a justification of many nations to enter the arena with planes, weapons, etc. This can also be a negotiating tool with russia Iran. Meaning everyone has arrived and legal justification exists for being there, any incident or situation could morph into an overall attack on Iran and it would be difficult to know who did it.
    yamit82 Said:

    If what you contend has a serious element of truth then they are playing with fire without a fire extinguisher at hand. I am not happy!!!!!!

    first, whether my speculations are right or wrong, it is a serious “element of truth” worthy of consideration. Many anomalies can be explained through this model more reasonably than with other explanations.(occams razor). Your analogy of playing with fire is excellent. firefighters know how to play with fire, often they ignite fires to fight other fires e.g. bombing of Is can be a form of external control, giving them their limitations of operation. If the fire gets out of hand I doubt that the GCC rulers would care whether some of their sunnis are killed.
    yamit82 Said:

    I am not happy!!!!!!

    me neither, but facts are not determined by my happiness or desires. Kedar is right but he has not taken the extra step of his own logic. that extra step which portrays the paid, mercenary jihadis as useful idiot cannon fodder used to achieve political results unrelated to religion. Without that extra step one cannot see the full picture. the model I elucidate can be compared with events and outcomes to see if it explains events better than the BS we are daily fed. So far, it has worked for me for the past couple of years. Almost every incident which defies logic by the usual means so far is explainable with this model.
    right now, the west and their coalition have received the legal go ahead to operate military in the area, the IS has achieved most of the sunni goals to date. All these jihadis are floating around which could have been a jihadi war agianst Israel, that is the biggest evidence for these understandings.
    However, I agree that no permanent solutions can be based on those relationships at this time. In fact, if these relationships exist I would expect most rhetoric to continue but watch the facts to see what is given to whom because I would expect understandings to unfold as if isolated unrelated events with no or little mention of the GCC. (BB’s attempts to overtly involve them is odd at this time and I would expect them to resist that, unless things are further than I expected) The faux pal state given a couple of years ago was aa dose of fluff,; fluff is what you give when you give nothing in substance. The more noise about the fluff the more meaningless it is. Other than a faux state and a prisoner release, what have the pals got? abbas has to get them something at least in appearance.
    I’m Sgt. Friday: “just the facts, maam” 🙂

  4. bernard ross Said:

    I was really referring to Kedar’s focus on the religious aspect as being a focus and a goal in itself whereas I believe the religious aspect and employment of religious networks and jihadis is actually a vehicle for achieving political results. I see it as a tool to achieve political ends, this is why I discount the qatar Mb relations as being primarily another tool to be used by very like minded absolute monarchies with similar needs and fears. the jihadi masks allow the recruitment of various sub ideologies all of which can be controlled by one group, the monarchies.

    Even were it plausible there can’t be any control over the players and conflicting situations and agendas especial if they are all working at cross purposes. While money is the grease it won’t protect the paymaster. The Golem will devour it’s Greater sooner than later.

    From Leon Uris “The Haj”

    “Every last Arab is a total prisoner of his society. The Jews will eventually have to face up to what you are dealing with here. The Arabs will never love you for what good youv’e brought them. They don’t know how to really love. But hate! Oh G-d, can they hate! And they have a deep, deep, deep resentment because you have jolted them from their delusions of grandeur and shown them for what they are a decadent, savage people controlled by a religion that has stripped them as one commands a mob of sheep. You are dealing with a mad society and youd better learn how to control it.

    At the end of the novel, Uris has an exceptional Arab, an archeologist, admit: Hate is our overpowering legacy and we have regenerated ourselves by hatred from generation to generation, century to century. The return of the Jews unleashed that hatred, exploding it wildly, aimlessly, into a massive force of self-destruction. In ten, twenty, thirty years the world of Islam will begin to consume itself in madness.

    We cannot live with ourselves; we never have. We cannot live with or accommodate the outside world; we never have. We are incapable of change.”

    Gideon: “We don’t believe in punishing an entire village for something you did not do.” Ibrahim replies, “That proves you are weak and that will be your downfall. You are crazy to extend us a mercy that you will never receive in return.”

    If what you contend has a serious element of truth then they are playing with fire without a fire extinguisher at hand. I am not happy!!!!!!

  5. yamit82 Said:

    No I think he is saying that BB and other Israelis believe they are real and is warning against such a dangerous and foolish acceptance of the mask instead of reality.

    yes, although BB has been referring a lot to the GCC and especially it was the main thrust of his obama talk, I think he wants to bring the relationships into the open so as to get points for it. BB’s talk of the arabs being involved in peace talks with pals sounds childish to me and makes me wonder if it is just a continuation of a mask that he gives the west of always being ready to negotiate. after all, as this article says , the last conference did not result in agreements. BB appears to be calling for something that appears to me to be unlikely to happen even with understandings. Like Abbas call for a withdrawal timetable.

    I was really referring to Kedar’s focus on the religious aspect as being a focus and a goal in itself whereas I believe the religious aspect and employment of religious networks and jihadis is actually a vehicle for achieving political results. I see it as a tool to achieve political ends, this is why I discount the qatar Mb relations as being primarily another tool to be used by very like minded absolute monarchies with similar needs and fears. the jihadi masks allow the recruitment of various sub ideologies all of which can be controlled by one group, the monarchies.

  6. bernard ross Said:

    Kedar sees that masks are being worn but still explains the purpose behind the masks in terms that accepts the masks as real.

    No I think he is saying that BB and other Israelis believe they are real and is warning against such a dangerous and foolish acceptance of the mask instead of reality. To base policy especially that which relies and is dependent on the perceptions of the lie is dangerous and will cost us dearly in time of testing when it counts most.

  7. yamit82 Said:

    Kedar is My Man!!!!!

    One of the thngs I found interesting in his MO on this video is that he did not get into arguing the false points offered by the interviewer but turned the tables by creating talking points from his perspective. the other side does not know how to deal with a Jew who is not even demanding his rights from them but is behaving as if the reality of those rights already exist. the rights are a given and they are the basis of his response but those rights are not in question. the world has Israel hiding behind a wall erected against their libels of jewish illegitimacy. Israel must behave according to its legitimacy rather than cautiously peeping from behind a stockholm syndrome wall. when israel speaks like Kedar then the detractor wil then be dealing with someone who repudiates their arguments from the outset and is unwilling to discuss their canards. It is absurd for Jews to discuss with anyone the insane canard of the illegitimacy of Jews living in Jerusalem or Israel. Kedars anger and abruptness is the correct response of someone who does not consider himself to be the thief of someone elses land, unlike succeeding GOI’s and leaders. the interviewer could only be speechless as Kedar mercilessly destroyed his fraudulent premises. Israel needs to leave the world speechless by asserting through action its irrefutable legitimacy. If YS is illegitimate then so is TA!

  8. Some participants even change masks during a ball, giving themselves another identity and further liberties that differ from the first false image created by the previous costume they wore earlier in the evening. ……
    The Middle East is one big masquerade party, and all those taking part in it wear masks that are intended to project a false image to the outside world………..
    The only way to know the true identity of participants is to tear the masks from their faces. And that is what academic research is supposed to do.

    this is the best analogy I have read yet for evaluating what goes on in the ME(and possibly the world).

    Kedar needs to go a little bit further with his analogy by realizing that once he accepts that this is the prime MO the ALL supposed alliances and enemies need to be evaluated in the light of their actions and not their rhetoric. Kedar sees that masks are being worn but still explains the purpose behind the masks in terms that accepts the masks as real.

    For decades, the Saudis have been spreading the Wahhabi, fundamentalist Salafist version of Sunni Islam throughout the world, using oil monies that they are paid by the West. In other words, they use Western funds to spread an ideology that sees the West as heretic, materialist and permissive, one that predicts that it will collapse and fall.

    He sees this mask of religion but does not mention that the “ideology” is merely a vehicle that has been used to raise armies of jihadis in numerous locations for decades. Afghanistan in 80’s and all the current arab springs. These are not religious wars they are wars of interests using religious dunces as mercenaries and cannon fodder. Much of the Saudi military jihadi adventures have been done in coordination with western interests. Qatar is merely another mask presenting another false image but in fact supports and facilitates the same goals as the other gulf monarchies. In this way the GCC is able to reach out and control the various sunni religous networks that disagree with each other. By focusing on the religious aspects Kedar missed the next higher level of control. the saudi wahhabi model is a political model which enables the maximum politcal and military control of the minds and bodies of the subjects. the religious clerical network of imams and fatwas allows complete subservience to the fashion fatwas of the day. today Israel is the satan, the next day it is the shia infidels(code for irans proxies). The reason that Prince Charles danced with the saudis in arab mufti is that he adores their political royal model whereby monarchs truly rule absolutely. they accomplish what he can only yearn for.

    Kedar needs to go a step further and realize that Qatar, Saudi, GCC, the west, US, Nato, Turkey at this particular ball are all on the same side and that the sunni jihadis who also wear different masks, are controlled and funded by the the same players. the different masks are to confuse the world like a peanut shell game. Meanwhile the sunni jihadi paid mercenaries of varying names and masks are the ONLY reason that the western/GCC alliance have one shred of leverage at this moment in the ME in their war with the russian/iran axis and irans proxies. the so called enemy IS has achieved most of what the western alliance set out to do. there is a new status quo in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon upon which any negotiations must now be based and this new status quo was achieved primarily by IS. these facts allow us to see behind the masks.

  9. Peace in this neighborhood is not granted to those who wish for it or to a nation that truly seeks peace, but to those who seem invincible – and to them only – that is, to those, who, without donning any mask, succeed in convincing the other participants, including those wearing smiley masks, that they had better be left alone for the smilers’ own good.

    This I believe is what the entire policy of Israel must be.