Identity and Reality

By Victor Rosenthal

This morning I picked up a book from my philosophy student days, “Identity and Reality,” by Emile Meyerson. It’s a book about the metaphysical foundations of science, but the title inspired me.

Everyone has an identity in the sense of their answer to the question “what are you?” Almost everyone has a need to find, adopt, or construct an answer. Often it’s a list of things: a mother, a Jew, a football fan, a plumber, and so on. Recently “gender identity” has been added.

There is no national identity with a longer pedigree than that of the Jewish people. For millennia Jews have had a unique language and religion, and a tradition that connects them to the Land of Israel, which (according to that tradition) was given to them by Hashem. Religious Jews explicitly remind themselves of this three times a day.

This makes “Jewish” a very desirable identity. As Jimmy Durante said (about something else), “everybody wants to get into the act,” despite the anti-Jewish attitudes that Jews have to deal with. Jewish identity is so sought-after, that one of the popular themes of antisemites is to claim that they are the “real Jews” and we are Khazars or just fakers. If a Jew chooses to live in the Land of Israel, they have additional prejudices against them. Recently a European “anti-fascist” said that as an Israeli Jew, I was “stealing the very air I breathe.”

But still, the Jewish identity is attractive because – here is the connection to the book I picked up – it is solidly grounded in reality. Lots of people hate Jews and even want to kill them, but no identity is better documented. Indeed, one of the most important parts of the cognitive warfare that is being waged against the Jewish people by its enemies is the effort to break down that identity; in particular, to disconnect us from the Land of Israel. So, for example, Palestinian Arabs go out of their way to destroy archaeological evidence of ancient Jewish provenance in the land, as they have done at the Temple Mount and numerous other sites.

Mahmoud Abbas has always insisted that “Jewish” refers only to a religion, not to a people, because a people can have ties to a particular land, and if there were a Jewish people, this would be their land. This is why he objected so strongly to the condition that he recognize Israel as the state of the Jewish people, although he claims to recognize Israel’s existence. This is why the PLO has never agreed to the formulation “two states for two peoples,” although it claims to support a “two state solution.”

Tribal identities are important to Arabs, but attempts to forge a pan-Arab identity among Arabic speakers haven’t been particularly successful, because, for example, North Africans, Egyptians, and Syrians have little in common. A great deal of energy is put into the attempt to establish that there is a historical “Palestinian” identity, but the people who identify as “Palestinians” today have diverse origins, with many of them relatively recent (after 1830) migrants to the area. There is very little that is specifically Palestinian in their culture (as opposed to tribal, Arab, or Muslim), other than elements that developed in opposition to Israel. They didn’t even self-identify as “Palestinian” until the 1960s. That is not to say that there cannot be a “Palestinian people” – give them another 3000 years, and if they still remember the Nakba, they may become as well-established as the Jewish people.

The Palestinian argument is that we, the Jews, appeared from Europe in the 20th century and “colonized” a long-established indigenous “Palestinian people,” ultimately taking their land by force, driving most of them out of their homes and not allowing them to return. The Jews, according to this story, are not even a people, just a bunch of Europeans whose made-up religious myth connects them to what is actually the Palestinians’ homeland (I am not sure how they account for the more than 50% of Israelis who previously lived in various Arab countries).

Like all “Europeans,” the story continues, the Jews are white racists who exploit black and brown indigenous peoples like the Palestinians. Justice therefore requires that the Jews should give up control of the land to its “rightful owners,” the millions of descendants of the Arab refugees of 1948.

The Palestinian story is wildly wrong on several points. First, there were several ancient Jewish commonwealths in the Land of Israel, and some Jews always were present during the millennia in which the land was under the control of various outside powers. Doubtless some of today’s Palestinians are also descended from ancient residents of the land, but the great bulk of Palestinian families arrived much later. So the claim that Arabs are “more indigenous” than Jews is false. Arab families with names like “al Musri” (Egyptian) or “al Haurani” (Syrian) and numerous others testify to their origins.

Second, when the Zionists arrived and began developing what would become the Jewish state, it was not in the possession of the Palestinian Arabs – there was never a sovereign Palestinian entity in the land – but was a colony of the Ottoman Empire. Most private land belonged to absentee owners. Shortly thereafter the British Mandate was established, and the Arabs, led by Amin al-Husseini, who later cast his lot with Hitler, violently tried to prevent the advent of Jewish sovereignty. When the British were forced out, the Jews defeated the Palestinian Arabs and the Arab nations that invaded (who were interested in grabbing territory and kicking the Jews out, not in setting up a Palestinian state). The Jews did not “colonize” Palestine – they decolonized it, by ejecting the British.

Third, by the time the British left and the Arab nations invaded, the Palestinian Arabs had been fighting with the Jews for several months (with the connivance of the British, who preferred that the land come under Arab control). Much of the Arab elite fled early in order to avoid the conflict (some went to summer homes in Lebanon). The poorer Arabs fled for various reasons, including fear induced by propaganda about Jewish atrocities – which was not difficult for them to believe, since their own leaders planned to do the same to the Jews if they got the upper hand. Some Arabs were expelled (Lod or Lydda) because their towns or villages fought on the side of the Arab armies. Some 500-700 thousand Arabs left for various reasons, but there was no overall plan to expel them. In some cases (Haifa) Jewish authorities asked non-belligerent Arabs to stay.

After the war, only a few were allowed to return. The new state simply could not take the risk of allowing hostile Arabs to return and reignite the war. This was a classic ethnic conflict over land, and the usual result of these is either that the weaker side becomes refugees, or the winner massacres the losers. The leaders of the Arab nations did not hide their intention to massacre the Jews if they won. The 800,000 Jews kicked out of Arab countries at about the same time suffered a similar fate to the Palestinian Arabs.

Fourth, and finally, the whole “racism” theme is nonsense. Only a minority of Israelis ever lived in Europe. They range in color from black Ethiopians to white Europeans with red hair and freckles. Most are various shades of brown, as are Palestinians, who also include the descendants of black slaves and – if you remember her – Ahed Tamimi, who earned the nickname “Shirley Temper” for kicking and hitting Israeli soldiers, with her pale skin and blonde hair. The conflict is best described as national and religious, not racial.

But unlike other similar conflicts, the losers managed to persuade the world of the justice of their cause, with the help of the Soviet KGB, the Arab oil weapon, the liberal application of terrorism, and the exploitation of the always-present antisemitism of the west. Which is why my European anti-fascist acquaintance thinks I’m an oxygen bandit.

July 1, 2021 | 3 Comments »

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  1. There is some evidence that the Israelis did not expel the Arab population of Lod. The expulsion story is largely based on an order for the expulsion of the Arabs of Ramla and Lod sent by Yitzhak Rabin to the Israeli officers in the two cities. Rabin discussed this order in his memoirs, and claimed it was carried out, although many officers objected to it on the grounds that it was inconsistent with the Israeli doctrine of “purity of arms.”
    However, the officer whom the general staff appointed as the military governor of Lod, a Liutenant (I can’t remember his name) has given iseveral interviews in which he claimed that he did not order the Arab population to leave. Instead, the leaders of the Arab community asked twice to “organize” the departure of their own people. Twice the Israeli governor refused to allow the Arabs’ to depart. But the third time the mayor and other community leaders asked to depart, he gave them permission. The towns Arab elders then spread the word that the Arab population should leave. Most, but not all,did, according to the Israeli lieutenant. Israeli soldiers, he claimed, did not roust any of the Arabs out of their houses. They left voluntarily.

    Some Arab accounts of the exodus from Lod more or less confirm the Israeli officers’ story, although they make other complaints about the conduct of the Israeli soldiers. One complaint was that the Arabs had to “run a gauntlet” of Israeli soldiers who inspected the belongings they were carrying by hand and “frisked” their clothes, possibly searching for weapons. These Arab memoirists accuse these Israeli soldiers of stealing some items that the departing Arabs were carrying on their persons, especially watches. However, these memoirists do not say that the Israelis routed them out of their homes.

    On the other hand, the Arabs were permitted to leave with wagonloads filled with their personal possessions. Hardly the atrocity story about Lod constantly iterated in th Western press, such as the New York Times.

    THe lieutenant,
    didn’t mention Rabin or his order in his account. Wise, since by the time he gave these interviews, Rabin was already a high-ranking officer in the IDF. He would have been furious if the Lieutenant-acting governor of Lod had criticized him and had admitted igoring Rabin’s expulsion order.

    I don’t know what the situation was in nearby Ramla.

    The fact that there are such a large number of Arabs living in both Ramla and Lod today (as witnessed by the recent riots) also makes me skeptical that large numbers of Arabs were expelled from these two towns. I think it is likely that many who initially left eventually returned and were readmiited to the town by local Israeli commanders. Local Israeli commanders were given considerable discretion about readmitting refugees to their homes in what what now Israel. About 30,000 were readmitted by local Israeli military officers. I suspect that many of these ex-refugees were allowed to return to LOd and Ramla–which would help to explain why there are more Arabs living in these two towns (now cities) then there were in 1948.

  2. Young people around the globe are being assaulted with challenges to objective reality that affect their identity. Victor Rosenthal exposes a critical element of the attack by saying, “There is no national identity with a longer pedigree than that of the Jewish people.” The fact that Jewish life has been so well-documented explains why Israel’s enemies seek to obliterate Israel’s history, and why enemies of American freedom seek to rewrite American history. The world is being convulsed by a globalist information war seeking to reset the old world order and replace it with the new. America and Israel must be collapsed to impose globalism’s new world order of planetary governance. National identity, racial identity, religious identity, family identity, even sexual identity, are all targets in the globalist assault on objective reality. In the middle east the goal is to obliterate Jewish history to justify the obliteration of Israel. Worldwide, the goal is to challenge the existence of objective reality and drive people into the world of subjective reality, where like children, they can be easily controlled. If the enemies of individual freedom and national sovereignty create enough chaos and cognitive dissonance, populations will be paralyzed with anxiety and fear. Fear is the most powerful emotion to effect behavior change. If you frighten people enough, most will regress back to childish thinking and compliance. Challenging objective reality is a sinister political strategy of asymmetric warfare being used to reorder the world and regress it back to the binary feudal system of rulers and ruled. This Great Reset requires a compliant world population that will accept their new global identity. Challenges to identity and objective reality are very serious business.

  3. The conflict of Israel with the Arabs is NOT a “National” conflict, as Rosenthal wrote, and the religious aspect is the same as in most “religious” wars over the past 1500 years: the religious aspect was developed by the rulers of the warring parties to strengthen the morale and resolve of their peoples. As agreed by my Egyptian friends, the Israeli – Arab conflict is, for the Arabs, a TRIBAL conflict. The Arab culture is a culture of SHAME, and loosing territory is equivalent to loosing FACE, and this cannot be tolerated.
    The tribal culture was recognized in the Qur’an and warned against, but the Arab basic culture is stronger than the Arab religion, and all admonitions against warring against believers have been ignored since the time of Muhammad until today – as is visible in the Shiite [Iran]- Sunnite [Iraq] war.