There is no way Israel can launch an attack on Iran without the US knowing

By Tomer Devorah

How a U.S. Radar Station in the Negev Affects a Potential Israel-Iran Clash

On a desert hilltop in the remote southwest of Israel stands a compelling argument against any notion that the Jewish state will launch an attack on Iran without the United States. The discreet complex atop Mt. Keren is a U.S. military installation, and the 100 U.S. service members who staff it are the only foreign troops stationed in Israel [except for these].

...The small, rectangular-shaped portable radar peeking around a concrete blast wall is so advanced it can see over the horizon, and so sensitive it can spot a softball tossed in the air from 2,900 miles away. (Tehran is a mere 1,000 miles away to the northeast.) On Mt. Keren, the X-band radar is indeed pointed northeast, toward Iran, where it could detect a Shahab-3 missile launched toward Israel just seconds into its flight — and six to seven minutes earlier than Israel would know from its own radar, called Green Pine.

…Six additional minutes increases by at least 60% the time Israeli officials would have to sound sirens that will send civilians scrambling into bomb shelters. It also substantially increases the chances of launching interceptors to knock down the incoming missile before it reaches Israel, ….

All this is possible, however, only if U.S. officials choose to share the information, because only Americans have eyes on the radar. And if it’s difficult to imagine a U.S. commander-in-chief choosing to withhold an early warning that could save civilian lives of a close ally, both sides recognize that if the Iranian missiles were launched in retaliation for an Israeli air strike, the onus might be on the Israeli government that set such events in motion. In any event, military officials and outside analysts say that uncertainty can only inhibit any Israeli impulse to “go it alone.”

…the chain of command is American….If their computers recognize an ascending fireball as a hostile missile launch, U.S. commanders maypass the information to their Israeli counterparts.

The entire system is of course built on the assumption that they will.

…the Israelis are keenly aware that, in this case, information is power, and Washington has the right to withhold it. “We share a lot, but there’s a valve on the pipeline, and it’s a one-way valve,” says a Western military official involved in the program.

The workaday reality of the U.S. radar — it has been operating since 2009 — also undercuts the notion of Israel launching a surprise attack on Iran that would also take Washington unawares. Not only does it see all traffic at Israeli air bases, it would certainly detect any large scale or other unusual patterns, including preparations for a massive air assault. Allowing the Americans that capability was a trade-off Israeli officials conceded only grudgingly, as TIME reported when the radar installation was announced in 2008.

“It’s about the United States hugging the Israelis,” says an American missile expert outside of government. The intense military cooperation between Washington and Jerusalem, which both sides agree is the closest it’s ever been, not only helps assure Israel’s security. It also tethers Israel’s military to the Pentagon.

…But the X-band radar installation offers both obvious advantages and what one Israeli official termed “golden handcuffs.”

December 2, 2013 | 7 Comments »

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7 Comments / 7 Comments

  1. Netanyahu invited the US government to re take Nebatim and set up the radar system there.
    He was not forced at all.
    That base was originally constructed by the US as part of the “peace treaty” with Egypt.
    I was there several times at that time.
    We will endure betrayals of Heritage and destruction from the unJew in chief as long as he remains there and the combina continues. Why do you folk ignore that he selected as his main supporters Barak, Beinish, Peres, Livni, Weinstein, Shai Nitzan, etc?
    We said it many times and has not changed except that time is running out.

  2. I thing to observe here is that this super-duper radar installation is portable. This is not a fixed US installation in Israel. A really exciting radar installation is going to be permanent. It could be that they have an independent power supply since the installation is portable. But the fact that it is portable says a lot. Let’s guess that a more permanent installation was discussed and refused. The US ABM systems in NATO countries are permanent.

    If we want to complain, it might be over the fact that Israel, once again, is acting the guinea pig. Notice the mention of radiation suits.

  3. This thread is moot, since between AWACS and satellites, an Israeli raid would be rapidly picked up anyway.

    The best possible element of surprise would be timing – for Israel to conduct a raid on Xmas Eve or Xmas night, although based on his recent decisions, I doubt Bibi would do that.

  4. “The discreet complex atop Mt. Keren is a U.S. military installation, and the 100 U.S. service members who staff it are the only foreign troops stationed in Israel… “

    Why are they allowed there at all?

    Whose country is it?

  5. sabashimon Said:

    If and when the time comes, I have a strong feeling that that instalation will experience inexplicable power issues.
    Does anybody really think we didn’t foresee the possible issues here when being forced to agree to having this system here?

    You place too much credence in Israeli officialdom that seems to have an inexhaustible reservoir of faith in America despite repeated American betrayals of Israel! See Ehud Olmert’s ranting about Israel declaring war on America as evidence of this kind of perverse psychology that afflicts the Israeli elite. Now you’re really talking about “golden handcuffs!”

  6. Idiotic IDF officials have subcontracted Israel’s security to Washington.

    Israel therefore can’t take any independent offensive measures without the US knowing about them in advice.

    Don’t hold your breath waiting for the radar station and its crew to be expelled from Israel.

  7. If and when the time comes, I have a strong feeling that that instalation will experience inexplicable power issues.
    Does anybody really think we didn’t foresee the possible issues here when being forced to agree to having this system here?