Demolition order not a precedent

The reason being is that it was based on a recommendation from the Government. There is no reason why the government can’t change its mind and apply to court to contest the matter or pass by-pass legislation. Ted Belman


Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein on Sunday held a lengthy discussion on a solution for the Ulpana neighborhood’s evacuation. He then presented the problems raised during the meeting to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The meeting was attended by senior officials in the State Prosecutor’s Office, government officials, military elements, international law experts and the cabinet secretary.

Weinstein also addressed the question of whether Netanyahu’s plan will serve as a precedent for future outpost evacuations.

He stressed that the High Court ruling on Ulpana is not a binding precedent as it was based on the state’s consent. Additional discussions are expected on the matter.

The officials discussed the possibility of moving the neighborhood to an abandoned military base and it was decided to further explore the matter’s feasibility.

Senior legal elements said there was a problem in setting up a neighborhood on military territory. Firstly, the land, which had been expropriated by the State for security reasons, cannot now be used for other purposes. Secondly, there is the issue of original landowner, who may claim the land back at some point.

June 4, 2012 | 12 Comments »

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12 Comments / 12 Comments

  1. @ steven belsky:

    Israel is benefitting financially in the millions of shekels through attempting to satisfy world opinion.

    That is a contentious and specious argument. Make your case and I will refute it.

  2. @ rongrand:

    The hell with world opinion.

    Where was world opinion when 6,000,000 Jews were being slaughtered?

    Where was world opinion when Israel was defending the land G-d provided for them.

    Where is world opinion when Hamas and Hezbollah are raining rockets into Israel?

    The hell with world opinion.

    Absolutely correct. I could not agree more fully. Where was world opinion when the Jews were expelled from Great Britain?

    Where was world opinion when the Roman Catholic church forced million of Jews to convert, or when millions of Jews were murdered by Catholic crusaders?

    We Jews were never compensated for our enormous suffering. And the Papacy still is backing the Arabs against the Jews.

  3. Laura Said:

    I don’t think its about satisfying an abstract legal principle, but rather its about satisfying world opinion.

    The Jerusalem Post admitted in an editorial today, its not about the rule of law or justice, its about making the Jew-hating world like Israel. It will take glee in cruelty and suffering Jews inflict upon their own people. Will it change how the Jews are perceived by the world? Not at all.

  4. @ Laura:

    but rather its about satisfying world opinion.

    The hell with world opinion.

    Where was world opinion when 6,000,000 Jews were being slaughtered?

    Where was world opinion when Israel was defending the land G-d provided for them.

    Where is world opinion when Hamas and Hezbollah are raining rockets into Israel?

    The hell with world opinion.

    Start by kicking the Arabs the hell out of Israel.

    Continue to build communities.

    If the present government is not interested in securing all of the Holy Land then they should resign, if not then they should be run out of office.

    Get rid of the secular progressives in government.

  5. In Israel – the only solution being considered is to kick innocent Jews out of their homes to satisfy an abstract legal principle that in reality is neither fair nor just to any one.

    I don’t think its about satisfying an abstract legal principle, but rather its about satisfying world opinion.

  6. @ NormanF:

    the Jewish people will survive the syphilitic cowards that dominate Israel’s present government.

    Maybe but then to what purpose survival?

    My gut says that every soldier and reservist in the IDF that has a strong connection with the Y&S, should resign where possible and those who can opt out of combat units should do so, Those who can avoid military service should do so. Let the Children and grandchildren of the government, it’s leaders along with those of the SC and the Left and their children defend the nation.

  7. @ NormanF:

    Israel’s government has nothing to fear from the Jews and it has plenty to fear from its own Supreme Court judicial dictators, hostile world opinion and the Arabs.

    Fear of the Jews is key. Since they have no fear from the Jews, the Supreme Court rules. Reverse the situation and everything changes and I mean everything. The nationalist Jews religious and secular are responsible for lack of fear of the government of Israel past and present. Playing by your enemies rules never wins the battle not to mention the war itself.

  8. yamit82 Said:

    My hope is that the removal or demolition will be a casus belli for a redux of Amona. I want BB and his government to fall and if he is so stupid insensitive and cowardly it’s past time he is deposed.

    I usually agree you this would be for the best. But with BB controlling three fourths of the Knesset’s seats, I don’t see the government falling when it violently assaults Jews. Israel is headed into dangerous waters. In the end, the Jewish people will survive the syphilitic cowards that dominate Israel’s present government.

  9. Yamit,

    Nadav Shragai has written the logic of events are forcing BB into a series of “mini-disengagements” – there are 10000 Jewish homes in Judea and Samaria built on “private land.” For this reason, the much-mooted “local solution” to Ulpana and Migron solve nothing.

    Of course the Israeli Left and the Arabs are overjoyed. The Jews are retreating from their own land for reasons no good attorney can explain in a sound bite.

    The irony is an unelected Israel Supreme Court has imposed anti-Zionist policies upon Israel’s government, which has meekly chosen to go along with the Court’s outrageous diktat than override it and protect Jewish land rights.

    I fully expect Ulpana, Migron and all the rest to be evacuated. Israel’s government has nothing to fear from the Jews and it has plenty to fear from its own Supreme Court judicial dictators, hostile world opinion and the Arabs.

  10. My hope is that the removal or demolition will be a casus belli for a redux of Amona. I want BB and his government to fall and if he is so stupid insensitive and cowardly it’s past time he is deposed.
    From IUN (Israel Uncensored News)
    Ulpana compromise: it’s not about houses

    The government approved a plan to move houses from Ulpana hamlet, doomed to destruction by the Supreme Court decision, to the nearby legal settlement.

    The plan is entirely wrong. The whole issue of outposts is not about one’s living conditions, but staking the land. Removing houses from that land busts their purpose. For propaganda reasons, it would be much more expedient to let the government destroy the houses, if it wishes, rather than accept the compromise, which in fact amounts to capitulation.

    June 3, 2012
    Police disarm Jewish defense unit

    Yitzhar fightersReacting to videos recorded by ultra-left NGOs, police confiscated weapons from five members of the rapid response team of the Jewish village of Yitzhar. These teams act as semi-official self-defense units.

    Disarming the defense team leaves the embattled village still more vulnerable to Arab attacks, which happen almost every week, from firebombs and rocks to attacks with knives.

    No Arabs were disarmed, and in any case nearby Arab villagers are armed to the teeth.

  11. The cruelty and stupidity of the Israeli government in dealing with this issue has to be seen to believed.

    In a normal country, the government would pay the previous claimants just compensation to avoid harming the present occupants of the property.

    In Israel – the only solution being considered is to kick innocent Jews out of their homes to satisfy an abstract legal principle that in reality is neither fair nor just to any one.

    Only in Israel is cruelty, stupidity and lack of common sense the default approach to dealing with problems that could be settled without disrupting any one’s lives. Do the people in the Ulpana deserve this treatment from their own government?

    That is a question no one Israel can give a reassuring answer to.