2000 yr old Damascus Synagogue looted and burned

The 2,000-year-old Jobar Synagogue in the Syrian capital of Damascus was looted and burned to the ground.

The Syrian army loyal to President Bashar Assad and rebel forces are blaming each other for the destruction of the historic synagogue, according to reports on Sunday.

The synagogue is said to be built on the site where the prophet Elijah anointed his successor, Elisha, as a prophet. It had been damaged earlier this month by mortars reportedly fired by Syrian government forces.

The rebels said the Syrian government looted the synagogue before burning it to the ground, Israel Radio reported Sunday.

The government said the rebels burned the synagogue and that so-called Zionist agents stole its historic religious items in an operation that had been planned for several weeks, the Arabic Al-Manar Television reported, citing the Arabic Syria Truth website.

April 3, 2013 | 6 Comments »

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6 Comments / 6 Comments

  1. Moslems destroy anything un-Islamic. Its what they do. They invade, conquer, commit genocide and destroy. As racists, the West does not condemn the Islamofascism that is rampant, as the Moslem is sub-human and is to be pitied. The Moslems violence is not only tolerated but denied: religion of peace etc!

  2. yamit82 Said:

    Not only is the Long exile of the Jews coming to an end but all physical symbols of that exile are being eradicated….
    I see this destruction in a positive light. There is no need to consider rebuilding a synagogue when there are no Jews nor will there be in the future. What we have witnessed here in Syria is no different that what has occurred in every country where Jews have settled. What happened to all those Jewish cemeteries? One of the reasons for the Hebrews wandering in the desert for 40 years is to erase the memory of Egpt from the minds of the Hebrews who after experiencing the hardships in the desert wanted to return to Egypt. They forgot how difficult they had it as slaves. The next generations would never look back because for them there was no nostalgic pull of going back embedded in their collective psyche.
    Antisemitic Incidents – 2012

    Antisemitic Incidents – 2011.wmv
    Same with historical artifacts like the Synagogue. Forget it and look to the future in Israel.

    This is no different than Kristallnacht. There are no Jews left in Syria though for the Arabs to murder in a pogrom! Let’s be thankful enough to recall these are the Jew-hating Arabs Israel’s morons wanted to hand back the Golan Heights.

  3. Shy Guy Said:

    Latest from Pat Condell: I’m offended by Islam

    Shy Guy,

    When the collective Jewish idiots in Israel stop mourning anti-Semitism, then the long Jewish night of Exile will come to an end. Rejoice, Jew! G-d sends you signs to show you the way ahead and the wilderness and all the crooked places shall be made straight and all flesh shall witness the glory of G-d!

  4. Not only is the Long exile of the Jews coming to an end but all physical symbols of that exile are being eradicated….

    I see this destruction in a positive light. There is no need to consider rebuilding a synagogue when there are no Jews nor will there be in the future. What we have witnessed here in Syria is no different that what has occurred in every country where Jews have settled. What happened to all those Jewish cemeteries? One of the reasons for the Hebrews wandering in the desert for 40 years is to erase the memory of Egpt from the minds of the Hebrews who after experiencing the hardships in the desert wanted to return to Egypt. They forgot how difficult they had it as slaves. The next generations would never look back because for them there was no nostalgic pull of going back embedded in their collective psyche.

    Antisemitic Incidents – 2012

    Antisemitic Incidents – 2011.wmv

    Same with historical artifacts like the Synagogue. Forget it and look to the future in Israel.

  5. This is horrible! Of course there will be no protection of these ancient relics when barbaric hoodlums run amok and national security falls apart. The priceless and sacred contents may never be recovered, but it is incumbent on world Jewry to someday rebuild this treasure. With photos and personal accounts of interior architectural details, a good semblance of the original can be duplicated. There is precedent for this, and it is my fervent hope that someday the Temple Mount property can be likewise restored.