One (Jewish) State Plan

I worked with Mike Wise 10 years ago when he was developing this plan. He is convinced that it is the way to go as opposed to Sherman’s “humanitarian Solution” i.e compensated emigration for Arabs. Ted Belman

The One State Plan was proposed in 2003. In January 2005, it was confirmed that fewer than 1.4 million Arabs lived on the West Bank. The fact that fewer Arabs live on the West Bank than in green line Israel has dramatic implications and is discussed elsewhere. Though the Plan made no proposals with respect to Gaza, the unilateral disengagement in August 2005 and the war in Lebanon highlight the urgent need to resolve the status of the West Bank.

One State Plan, Annex West Bank, Regional Representation, and Citizenship
Michael L. Wise, Fall 2003′

Israel must resolve the status of the West Bank. 

Previous proposals to resolve the status of the West Bank have failed. Terrorism and its leaders will flourish and attract followers if the State of Israel continues to pursue short-term solutions. Israel can no longer permit the West Bank Arab population to remain in an indeterminate ill-defined status. A clear, well-defined and permanent solution must be implemented. Efforts to destroy the terrorist infrastructures on the West Bank should continue, but they do not solve the underlying problems.

Destroying the terrorist infrastructure may create temporary lulls in the ongoing violence. But, new terrorists will appear as a consequence of the perceived plight, condition and state of limbo represented by the status quo in the West Bank. West Bank Arabs in the prevailing circumstances will continue to struggle against what they perceive to be an occupation force. It is unrealistic to expect that West Bank Arabs will tolerate, coexist or condone a situation in which they are indefinitely treated as stateless persons. A people in a state of limbo, without passports, limited rights and subject to a strict police force will be receptive to demagogic, brutal and corrupt leadership. The PLO/PA, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad, whose primary purpose is Israel’s destruction, have captured the loyalties of the West Bank Arabs.

The status quo on the West Bank is bitterly opposed by serious minded persons across the Israel political spectrum, West Bank Arabs and the international community. Even Prime Minister Sharon acknowledged that there has been a state of “occupation” of the West Bank for 36 years and concludes that it is unacceptable. On May 26, 2003, he said, “You cannot like the word, but what is happening is an occupation — to hold 3.5 million (sic) Palestinians under occupation I believe that is a terrible thing for Israel and for the Palestinians.” Whether one agrees or disagrees with the PM’s formulation, no public relations can possibly justify even a benevolent presence on the West Bank by Israeli forces. No matter how violent and irrational the behavior of West Bank Arabs, criticism of an occupied people will never be generally accepted.

Mrs. Tony Blair has said, “As long as young people feel they have got no hope but to blow themselves up you are never going to make progress.” Ted Turner has made this predicament crystal clear and said, “The Palestinians are fighting with human suicide bombers; that’s all they have. The Israelis … they’ve got one of the most powerful military machines in the world. The Palestinians have nothing. So who are the terrorists? I would make the case that both sides are involved in terrorism.”

In the face of massive internal and external pressure, the Israeli government has elected to submit (in spite of Sharon’s often muted 14 conditions) to “quartet” pressure and pursue an alternative road map to Oslo. The “Road Map” was proposed as a way to end the “occupation” and as a way out of the current dead end. In view of the ongoing and prospective failure of the Roadmap, other solutions have surfaced.

The architects of the Oslo Accord have published the Geneva Accord, a “Draft Permanent Status Agreement”, more terrifying version of the two-state solution than offered by the Oslo Accord. As discussed below a two-state solution will inevitably lead to a major and tragic war between Israel and its neighbors.

Other proposals to deal with West Bank Arabs have suggested severe punishment and/or transfer of the terrorists to unspecified locations. MK Eliezer Cohen (Yisrael Beiteinu) said, “This is war, not just terrorism, and we must fight back accordingly. They are fighting us with all of their resources and weaponry, and we must do the same. Our army knows exactly what to do, and it is time to do it.”

The Elon Peace Plan puts Israel in the unrealistic position of changing the nature of its Jordanian neighbor. The Plan states, “Jordan is Palestine. The Arab residents of Judea and Samaria can be transferred, without removing them from their homes. They will be granted citizenship in the Palestinian Arab state with Amman as their capital.” Unfortunately, though the Hashemite family that rules Jordan may be displaced in the future, it is not realistic to suggest that Israel can intercede now to implement such a transition.

Among other things the Elon Plan proposes:

1.      Acceptance of two countries for two people on two sides of the Jordan. The Jordanian/Palestinian state with Amman as its capital, and the Jewish state with Jerusalem as its capital.

2.      Arabs remaining in Judea, Samaria & Gaza will become citizens of the Jordanian/Palestinian state. Arab Palestinians holding Israeli citizenship will be offered alternate citizenship in the Jordanian/Palestinian state

3.      If the Arabs of Judea, Samaria & Gaza breach the terms of this plan, they will be expelled to their state on the other side of the Jordan River.

These proposals to resolve the current state of limbo have fatal flaws. A two-state solution will create an entity that is dedicated to the destruction of Israel and enable that state to prepare for and commit violence. It will underwrite and support terrorism, lead to another war of attrition and finally to a major regional conflict. Moderate West Bank Arabs cannot displace terrorists who will claim credit for the establishment of the new independent state. The ultimate consequences will be exceptional violence and a demoralization and/or destruction of the State of Israel.

No Arab organization or leader, even those who profess to recognize Israel’s right to exist, has ever fully recognized the right of a Jewish State to exist anywhere west of the Jordan River. In today’s world it is highly unlikely that such an Arab organization or commitment will emerge.

There is a need for a reasonable alternative fully under the internal control of the State of Israel and I propose that:

A.                  Israel formally annex the territory west of the Jordan River exclusive of Gaza, and make it an integral and irreversible part of Israel.

B.                  Arab residents be offered the options described below to become citizens of Israel.


Annexation will provide a clear and well-defined status for West Bank Arabs. At the time of Annexation, the PA will no longer have a reason to exist and it and all terrorist infrastructures will be outlawed and dismantled. The PA and other terrorist organizations will be subject to Israel law and be dealt with in the same manner that all countries deal with internal subversive, treasonous and criminal organizations. Israel would no longer police the West Bank as an “occupation force”. It is important to understand that after Annexation, Israel will have significantly greater flexibility in dealing with issues and problems on the West Bank. Those problems will all be viewed as internal problems of the State of Israel and not problems subject to constant international scrutiny by those who view the West Bank as “occupied” territory.

For many historical and other reasons, Gaza is explicitly excluded from Annexation and Israel should immediately withdraw from Gaza in an orderly manner. The Gaza border would continue to be well defined and well protected. Possible alternatives for Gaza include a status as an international free-trade zone and/or, annexation by Egypt, creation of an independent and expanded entity with the cooperation of Egypt and the addition of part of the Sinai, or ultimately becoming an added region of Israel.

A group of experts will analyze issues relating to Gaza separately.


It is essential that the process and strategy of offering Israeli citizenship to West Bank Arabs must be very carefully planned, including its timing, demographic, geographic, historical and social factors. Citizenship will include all the benefits currently available to the citizens of Israel including: health care, education, welfare, economic incentives, employment, social safety nets, voting rights and others. The responsibilities of citizenship will include a public oath of loyalty to the State of Israel. The procedures and the details of the citizenship offer will be determined as an internal matter by the State of Israel. Each country determines its own citizenship rules and there are many models ranging from extremes like Switzerland where citizenship is often not granted for several generations, and the extremely restrictive standards set by Islamic States to the more liberal standards applied by other countries. Since the process will be phased in over time, the possibility to adjust the procedures appropriately will be available as circumstances require.

The key element is clear. The question of how to deal with the West Bank population will be converted to an internal Israeli matter and not the subject of global concern of “do-gooders” protecting an “occupied” population. From a humanitarian perspective, social services available to the West Bank population will meet the highest global standards.

West Bank Arabs who do not wish to accept Israeli citizenship will have the following choices:

1.     Swear a public oath of loyalty to the State of Israel and remain as non-citizen residents with limited rights.

2.     Those who do not commit to abide by the laws of Israel, must leave for Gaza, Jordan or to other Arab countries. 900,000 Jews left those countries since 1948[1] (often with only the shirts on their backs). Israel cannot and should not tolerate persons who will not commit to abide by its laws.

As the irreversible nature of Annexation is made clear to West Bank residents, persons with vested interests in land, businesses, homes and families will probably seek Israeli citizenship instead of facing the consequences of lesser rights or expulsion. Those with little or no vested interest will have to make a decision to accept the above choices or the following option. The active participation of Israel and other countries to provide a one-time subsidy of $5,000 per person who decides to live elsewhere will be made available. This sum is well within the budgets currently available for short term solutions or “fixes” currently being pursued. For example, the anti-terrorist barrier at a estimated cost of $1.5 billion equals the cost of payments to 300,000 men, women and children. A “refugee” family of ten would receive $50,000. A possibly irresistable offer! This offer is only sensible as part of the broader framework proposed herin.

It is reasonable to presume that given the choice of Israeli citizenship, many West Bank Arabs will choose life, peace and the pursuit of happiness that citizenship provides. In the current environment, with no alternatives other than those offered by brutal and violent organizations including the PA, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Fatah, Tanzim etc., it is not surprising that West Bank Arabs appear to support violence and terror.


It is not too late to undo past blunders. In 1948, after the Arab world’s rejection of the UN partition Plan of November 1947, the West Bank was occupied by Transjordan. In a unilateral decision of the Jordanian Parliament in April 1950, East Jerusalem and the West Bank were joined with Transjordan to form the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Except for the United Kingdom and Pakistan, the world did not recognize that annexation.

Other Arab countries have not relinquished their claims to the West Bank and Jerusalem. In 1967, after the Six Day War, Israel expanded and annexed the municipality of Jerusalem, but did not deal with the status of the West Bank. Arabs living there were left in a state of limbo that has become fertile ground for terrorists who continue to seek Israel’s destruction.


An important collateral benefit to Annexation will be a reversal of the trend of many Israeli Arabs who are beginning to display serious signs of disloyalty. It is not surprising that Israeli Arabs faced with the apparent inevitability of a terrorist Palestinian state have severe concerns that they will ultimately be branded as traitors or collaborators with the hated Zionist enemy. Those concerns weigh heavily on them and strongly influence how they conduct themselves as Israeli citizens. Similarly, after it became clear that there was a probability that the status of Jerusalem was subject to negotiation, the attitude and conduct of its Arab population underwent a dramatic change. That change was created by the serious concern about the ultimate status of Jerusalem’s Arab population and how a future terrorist state would reward their cooperation with the Zionists.

If properly planned, a consequence of Annexation, similar to the consequences of every aliyah in Israeli history, is that an expanded Israeli population will spur economic growth. In addition to the historical expansion factors associated with immigration, it is reasonable that partnerships with Arab citizens will eventually help Israel become a major economic and political player in the Middle East. Every wave of immigration to Israel caused internal concern. However, eventually, all immigrant groups contributed in various ways to Israel’s strength and success.


1.   Demographic: Arab fertility rates are high and some predict that in the near future there will a Jewish minority west of the Jordan River.

2.   Political: Israel’s political parties are concerned that they each will lose its power base.

3.    Global reaction: The world will object to Israel solving its problems unilaterally. The idea of a Palestinian state, envisioned by the authors of the Road Map, implacable foes as well as friends of Israel, and those who have not given up on the Oslo Accords, has not been abandoned.

4.    Jewish State: How can Israel preserve itself as a Jewish State? (slight variant of objection 1)

The details of Annexation and implementation of the citizenship plan must be carefully designed to assuage these and other concerns. Issues to consider include: 

i. The rights to Israeli citizenship, including voting, would be phased-in up to a period of 15 to 20 years.

ii. Citizenship rights would be phased-in with appropriate guidelines and qualifications including age, place of birth, place of birth of parents or grandparents, education, employment, criminal record, health record, village or city of residency and other metrics or standards.

iii. Citizenship and its attendant rights and privileges must be implemented with financial and operational cooperation of international organizations.

There are currently about 5.5 million non-Arabs in Israel, 1.1 million Israeli Arabs, and a maximum of 2.1 million Arabs on the West Bank. If two-thirds (2/3) of the West Bank Arabs become eligible for the new citizenship status and one-third (1/3) opt for residency status, there would initially be a maximum of 2.5 million Arab citizens out of a total population of 8.7 million. (Note that the citizenship will not be granted overnight and will be closely monitored over time). Jews have prospered over the centuries under much more difficult numerical relationships in environments that they did NOT control. These numbers are based on the best current estimates and do not include future fertility, morbidity or emigration/immigration factors.

Historically, fertility has been almost impossible to predict, especially in the current volatile local and global environment. Indeed, in the last 5 years, two of the most startling declines in fertility have occurred in Egypt and Iran. As modernization and westernization is introduced into the West Bank, fertility will plummet. Other significant factors and unanticipated events will inevitably impact the relative growth of populations in a rapidly changing world.

Since the establishment of the State of Israel 1948 and before, all demographic calculations and forecasts of the disappearance of Israel or of the impossibility of a Jewish majority in a Jewish homeland have been mistaken. Immigration of Jews from Arab lands and Russia, and other unexpected demographic factors were not foreseen. There is no reason to rely on unreliable fertility forecasts as the prime factor to reject a sane solution to the current intolerable situation. If Annexation is not pursued, the combination of an external and internal enemy population reproducing for the sole purpose of destroying the State of Israel is not difficult to foresee. After Annexation, as an internal matter, government policies and incentives can be employed to encourage normal fertility.

In October 2003, Mahathir Mohamad, the Prime Minister of Malaysia demonstrated a very profound understanding of demographics. He claimed that “Jews rule the world by proxy” and “get others to fight and die for them.” He also said that Jews “invented socialism, communism, human rights and democracy” to avoid persecution and gain control of the most powerful countries. Mahathir said, “1.3 billion Muslims cannot be defeated by a few million Jews…because we are discouraged from learning of science and mathematics as giving us no merit for the afterlife, today we have no capacity to produce our own weapons for our defense. We have to buy our weapons from our detractors and enemies.” The Prime Minister understands that raw numbers of people is only one element in analyzing populations and societal trends.

Demographics is a very complex issue and its meaningful study does not lie solely in counting people. One of the more unbalanced demographic situations in the Middle East exists in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. More that 75% of its population claims to be “Palestinian”. No one knows if or when the ruling minority will be overthrown and when Jordan will be established as a Palestinian State occupying the East Bank of the Jordan River. However, it is not unreasonable to presume that after Annexation, Palestinians will understand that if there is to be a Palestinian State it will be on the East Bank and not the West Bank of the Jordan River. The impact of a Jordan/Palestinian State on the entire question of citizenship and demographics will be very significant. It would be irresponsible for Israel to make any agreements in today’s environment that would impact the possibility of a genuine two-state solution: a Jewish State on the West Bank and a Moslem State on the East Bank.

Nonetheless, the question of one man one vote must be addressed. After all, Israel is and will remain a bonafide member of the world’s representative democratic states, irrespective of the ultimate composition of Israel’s citizenship population. The following discussion addresses an answer to the question: How can Israel remain both a democracy and a Jewish State?


The United States has the world’s longest lasting and vibrant representative democratic forms of government that protects the inalienable rights of individuals and minorities. The approval of both houses of Congress, the House of Representatives and the Senate is required for all legislation and expenditures. Each of the 50 states elects two members to the Senate and a number of House Representatives based of its population. For example, the states of Rhode Island with one sixtieth the population of the state of California and the state of California, both send two Senators to Washington. Additionally, the President of the US is elected by the electoral college. As we all remember, Gore received almost a million more votes than President Bush, but was finally defeated.

Most functions of government are the responsibility of local and state governments. Broader responsibilities including defense, international dealings etc. are handled by the central government in Washington. Disputes between states are resolved by the Supreme Court. Each city, county and state has a lightly armed police force to preserve law and order.

Israel should create a similar governing structure. An upper and lower House of the Knesset, each consisting of 60 members, should be created. Israel should be divided into 15 districts, three of which should contain predominately Moslem populations. Each district would send 4 MKs to the upper house of the Knesset and based on population considerations an appropriate number of MKs to the lower house of Knesset. The Prime Minister should be elected by the majority of the MKs.

Another option is that the Knesset remain with one House but that its MKs be elected as described above. For example, let us consider a situation where Israel’s voter population becomes 60% Moslem and 40% Jews and all voters vote strictly based on the religion of the candidates. The regions would elect 48 Jewish and 12 Moslem MKs. The proportional elections would elect 36 Moslem and 24 Jewish MKs. Net results: 72 Jewish and 48 Moslem MKs. it is far from clear that all issues before the Knesset would be decided on purely Jew vs. Moslem grounds. Other ideological aspects would often be asserted.

With respect to day-to-day matters, the local councils or boards would have full responsibility, all within the national framework. For example, educational standards would be centrally legislated but would be locally administered.

The above structure, for the very long term will preserve the Jewish nature of Israel, provide full rights and local governance for non-Jewish populations and allow everyone to become a productive member of society.


The Law of Return to the Jewish State will remain unchanged and available only to Jews. Arabs are or should be welcome and free to live in any of 22 Arab countries, just as Jews are welcome and free to live in one small Jewish country. As determined by an appropriate panel, other defining characteristics of a Jewish State would be made the subject of irrevocable structural laws of the State of Israel prior to Annexation.


Israel should be spending resources on developing and rebuilding the West Bank social infrastructure, instead of building fences and amassing weapons. Nations with a vested interest in a peaceful resolution to the current conflict will be invited to participate in the development of a prosperous and advanced West Bank society that will engage in science, trade, and commerce and become a source and spur to regional prosperity.


Expeditious implementation of Annexation is essential. The following (not necessarily in order of importance) could create significant additional pressures on Israel and make the decision of Annexation more difficult:

1.       The global situation is rapidly deteriorating. Political, financial, and social crises exist worldwide.

2.       The risk of Bush losing the November 2004 US election. Even a Bush reelection does not assure continuing American support. And the apres Bush?

3.       Growing political influence of the Euro/Russian alliance inimical to Israel’s interests.

4.       A rising anti-Israel anti-Zionist and-Jewish sentiment because of the “occupation”.

5.       Global terrorism and its impact.

6.       Mounting internal economic, political and social pressures in Israel resulting from limbo status.

7.       Israel is being position as an Apartheid occupier and is being summoned to World Courts and other forums in a manner reminiscient of South Africa.

The opportunity to remove the terrorist leadership and to simultaneously offer a normalized environment for West Bank Arabs is available. If Israel does not act now and proceeds to facilitate an interim two-state solution, there is little doubt that it will have to fight a major war with the new terrorist state and its treaty partners. After the next war, Annexation will appear even more attractive, but why not act now and avoid the suffering and the tragedies of another war? Israel must move forward now with Annexation, a fair and just solution, before it loses another opportunity.

Annexation is only a matter of time. It will take place either:

1.       Now in a reasoned, planned, systematic manner,

2.       After one or more mega terror attacks on Israel, or

3.       After the creation of a new terrorist state leads to a major regional conflict.


Some Source Documents

Sample annexation resolution: Annexation of Hawaii- 1898 


The Balfour Declaration – November 1917 


The Palestine Mandate – July 24, 1922 Counsel of the League of Nations 


UN Plan of Partition with Economic Union – November 29, 1947!OpenDocument


Official Road Map Text

[1] House of Representatives Resolution 311 calls for the international community to recognize the plight of 900,000 Jewish refugees expelled from Arab countries. It also calls on UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency) to establish a program for resettling the Palestinian refugees that have been shamefully exploited by the Arab world. UNWRA currently funds their continued cruel existence in camps for political ends.


November 11, 2013 | 22 Comments »

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22 Comments / 22 Comments

  1. @ mikewise:
    Walk before you run.

    Just getting the Knesset to annex Area C or large parts of it would be monumental. The risk of including another 1.5 million or 2 million Arabs as part of Israel who would have the right of free movement and right to live anywhere in Israel is a danger to the whole state in spite of your plan. Plans on paper do no make these people willing to cooperate day to day with Jews.

  2. @ Bear Klein:

    Find creative solutions to area A & B (e.g. maybe autonomous city-states with local governance in any peaceful areas).

    all within the context of a formal declaration of Jewish sovereignty in Judea (and Samaria)!
    end the “occupation” nonsense once and for all.

    by the way, unfortunately, we always manage to confuse issues. why add the name Samaria? If we all call the “disputed territories” Judea, it would eventually become obvious to all that Judea belongs to the Jews!!. Does Samaria belong to the Samaritans?

  3. Bear Klein Said:

    I say as per Bennett’s plan annex Area C where their are about 40,000 Arabs and 400,000 Jews.

    I think this is a good beginning but the govt of Israel appears to beleive that the open vacant lands in C belongs to the arabs. we are pissing into the wind.

  4. The danger of absorbing all these Arabs is crazy in Area A &B.

    I say as per Bennett’s plan annex Area C where their are about 40,000 Arabs and 400,000 Jews. This land provides the security and we have the right to it. This will provide security to the Jewish towns already there and more people will be comfortable moving there.

    There needs to be a detailed and careful process about providing Israeli residency and eventually citizenship to the Arabs there.

    Loyalty oath, Hebrew knowledge, background check with no family members who have belonged or belong to terrorists organizations. Vetting period of at least 10 years or use the Swiss model of 15 years. Swiss model requires citizen sponsor also (this should be considered). Those who do not qualify will be assisted with relocation elsewhere.

    Find creative solutions to area A & B (e.g. maybe autonomous city-states with local governance in any peaceful areas).

  5. The danger of absorbing all these Arabs is crazy in Area A &B.

    I say as per Bennett’s plan annex Area C where their are about 40,000 Arabs and 400,000 Jews. This land provides the security and we have the right to it. This will provide security to the Jewish towns already there and more people will be comfortable moving there.

    There needs to be a detailed and careful process about providing Israeli residency and eventually citizenship to the Arabs there.

    E.G. Loyalty oath, Hebrew knowledge, background check with no family members who have belonged or belong to terrorists organizations. Vetting period of at least 10 years or use the Swiss model of 15 years. Swiss model requires citizen sponsor also (this should be considered). Those who do not qualify will be assisted with relocation elsewhere.

    Find creative solutions to area A & B (e.g. maybe autonomous city-states with local governance in any peaceful areas).

  6. @ loonwatchexposed:

    1. After your assimilation plan has been put into action, civil war (Syria type) wouldn’t ever be a possibility? A ‘yes’ or ‘no’ will suffice.

    no airtight solution is possible, but informed people must choose between alternatives. keep your friends close by but keep your enemies even closer….
    why do you believe that the arab population of Judea will be more problematical once they understand that the two state nonsense is gone.
    there will be no upside to violence. indeed with the beautiful arab spring all around israel, why have the residents of Judea watched quietly. they thank their lucky stars that they live in an israel controlled environment? why?

    with respect to Hanen Zoaibi:
    with the two state nonsense we have provided upside to trouble makers. when the oslo game is over, they will be shouting into the vacuum. of course, those who do not approve of Jewish sovereignty will be offered a multitude of choices starting with gaza and points south, east and north.

    once jewish sovereignty has been declared and enforced, the choices will be very clear: abandon the failed 100 year agenda to throw the jews into the sea, or do what is best for their families and neighbors and become active paricipants in a booming society.
    it will not take place over night but it will be inevitable.

    2. Responding to your quote here

    no doubt, the Arab and other minorities will be assimilated into the Jewish majority. the success of the state will only grow as the Arab minority seeks to participate in the remarkable success.

    Would you say Hanen Zoaibi is assimilated? That is only one example. I can think of many more.

  7. i do not fault anyone posting here for not reading the PLAN in its entirety and then making uninformed statements.
    but please reread the following:

    Annexation will provide a clear and well-defined status for West Bank Arabs. At the time of Annexation, the PA will no longer have a reason to exist and it and all terrorist infrastructures will be outlawed and dismantled. The PA and other terrorist organizations will be subject to Israel law and be dealt with in the same manner that all countries deal with internal subversive, treasonous and criminal organizations. Israel would no longer police the West Bank as an “occupation force”. It is important to understand that after Annexation, Israel will have significantly greater flexibility in dealing with issues and problems on the West Bank. Those problems will all be viewed as internal problems of the State of Israel and not problems subject to constant international scrutiny by those who view the West Bank as “occupied” territory.

  8. Mike Wise
    Regarding the deglegitimising of Israel because of the ‘occupation’….With all due respect…One does not jump out of the frying pan into the fire.

    So you think that:-

    1. After your assimilation plan has been put into action, civil war (Syria type) wouldn’t ever be a possibility? A ‘yes’ or ‘no’ will suffice.
    2. Responding to your quote here

    no doubt, the Arab and other minorities will be assimilated into the Jewish majority. the success of the state will only grow as the Arab minority seeks to participate in the remarkable success.

    Would you say Hanen Zoaibi is assimilated? That is only one example. I can think of many more.

  9. mikewise Said:

    annexation or declaration of Jewish sovereignty ends the “occupation”.

    not really, one must plan for resistance and violence if they remain and then it will be considered a repression of a minority. Israel cannot afford to be eternally plagued with a fifth column. Historical fact rather than hopes and desires needs be observed. The israeli arabs have not been assimilated or become loyal, they merely accept what they must and wait.
    mikewise Said:

    implementation of civil law instead of military or martial law is the practical consequence.

    In theory yes but practically there will be violence resistance terror which will require martial law to deal with a population more dispersed if allowed to be citizens and freely travel, if not it will be called apartheid.

    mikewise Said:

    a state with a 2-1 Jewish majority (and growing) will not be overwhelmed by any people and certainly not by modern day Arabs.

    this assumption relies on the arabs being compliant and docile whereas facts everywhere demonstrate otherwise. The communist party represented 10% of the population it controlled. More importantly they would continue to play their role, with even more power, of the spoiler of the Jewish enterprise.
    mikewise Said:

    no doubt, the Arab and other minorities will be assimilated into the Jewish majority

    no basis in fact for this assumption. Israeli arabs have not been assimilated and facts show that arab muslim assimilation into a jewish state is highly unlikely.
    mikewise Said:

    the success of the state will only grow as the Arab minority seeks to participate in the remarkable success.

    They never demonstrate that they are motivated to participate in the success of the Jews. Just as they are now, they role will be to be spoilers of the state in which they reside. Look how they choose their leaders now. Facts must govern, observed real behavior patterns must guide judgement: hopey changey is a disastrous road.
    mikewise Said:

    the Arabs of Jerusalem would prefer (and even move) to the Jewish state.

    they may prefer, and even be instructed, to move into the Jewish state but their role will be as spoilers and only your hopes indicate otherwise.
    mikewise Said:


    this should be your guiding principle.
    There is a palestinian state called gaza and to start all the PLO politicians and militia should be transferred there because their breach of Oslo can be claimed to eradicate their right of residence which only came about as a result of Oslo bringing them from tunisia.
    Offshore gaza gas can fund development of gaza. Hamas can be left for now in charge of their main northern and southern cities, or not, and undesirables can be immediately dropped off to those areas. Israel can re seize the rest and develop those areas for transferred pals to live and to participate in the economic boom resulting from the development. that will be a magnet for them to go to gaza and be ultimately under their own govt. Hamas and fatah can kill each other in northern and southern gaza while Israel develops the rest. Anything that can be done unilaterally and remove the internal problem of the arabs from within israels borders is the most desirable for Israel.

  10. @ mar55:
    @ loonwatchexposed:

    occupation is an anathema to all and furthers the delegitimization of the state of Israel. annexation or declaration of Jewish sovereignty ends the “occupation”.
    implementation of civil law instead of military or martial law is the practical consequence.
    it has nothing to do with a so-called bi-national state. do you have a bi-national state today?
    israel’s declaration of independence clearly states that Israel is a Jewish state and all its citizens have equal human and religious rights. political rights are reserved for the Jewish people. Also, please go reread the Mandate for Palestine.
    a state with a 2-1 Jewish majority (and growing) will not be overwhelmed by any people and certainly not by modern day Arabs.
    historically countries with a 10% Jewish minority were thought to be totally dominated by the Jews. imagine a state with a 67% Jewish majority!
    no doubt, the Arab and other minorities will be assimilated into the Jewish majority. the success of the state will only grow as the Arab minority seeks to participate in the remarkable success.

    as you know every recent poll indicates that if there were an Arab state on the former west bank of the hashemite kingdom of Jordan, the Arabs of Jerusalem would prefer (and even move) to the Jewish state.
    the Arabs of the triangle get hysterical when they are threatened and told that they will become part of the PA.

    NO ARAB LEADER WILL EVER RECOGNIZE JEWISH SOVEREIGNTY OVER ONE SQUARE CENTIMETER OF PALESTINE. remember the Peel Commission of 1937? Any Jewish sovereignty in “Palestine” undermine basic Islamic replacement theological foundations (see Moti Kedar essays). it would be an admission that the moslem narrative was false.

  11. @ bernard ross:
    arab control of local municipalities does not imply full arab citizenship.
    after 46 years only about 1.5% of the arabs in jerusalem have full citizenship. the rest have blue israel ID cards.
    read the text below carefully. thanks.


    It is essential that the process and strategy of offering Israeli citizenship to West Bank Arabs must be very carefully planned, including its timing, demographic, geographic, historical and social factors. Citizenship will include all the benefits currently available to the citizens of Israel including: health care, education, welfare, economic incentives, employment, social safety nets, voting rights and others. The responsibilities of citizenship will include a public oath of loyalty to the State of Israel. The procedures and the details of the citizenship offer will be determined as an internal matter by the State of Israel. Each country determines its own citizenship rules and there are many models ranging from extremes like Switzerland where citizenship is often not granted for several generations, and the extremely restrictive standards set by Islamic States to the more liberal standards applied by other countries. Since the process will be phased in over time, the possibility to adjust the procedures appropriately will be available as circumstances require.

  12. @ loonwatchexposed :

    If you have read correctly and thoroughly all my comment – and not only the last sentence – you would have read my statement saying:

    Separation is the solution” which is an only euphemism for “They Must Go“.

    My statement is intended not only for Arabs living in Judea and Samaria, but also for their brothers and sisters living inside the State of Israel.

    As to our identity and vocation, you should know that there is no room for Amalek among us: no one-state and no two-state. Arabs in their countries. Jews in their homeland. Period.

  13. I’m in favor of Zionism and against any form of equal political rights for the Arabs.
    This is the only way to secure Israel as a Jewish State.

    Yamit (Uncle Nahum) you are right on this as usual.

    Israel cannot allow the Arabs to dilute the Israeli landscape.

    Zionism is the answer.

    the secular progressives has no place in Israel.

    Continue to build communities.

  14. NormanF Said:

    @ yamit82:

    The main flaw with the plan is it would turn Israel into a binational state. That does not work anywhere in the Middle East. Cultures are just too different and the Arabs do not have a history of tolerance and democracy. Subjecting the Jews to them is a formula for Jewish genocide. What the Arabs do to each other, they will not treat the Jews whom they hate – more kindly.

    Arabs must either have no political rights in Israel or exercise them elsewhere. There is no room for Arab autonomy within a Jewish State. The Arabs would never allow the reverse to happen and for good reason. I’m in favor of Zionism and against any form of equal political rights for the Arabs.

    This is the only way to secure Israel as a Jewish State.

    Totally agree. Mike Wise who helped Ted in drawing out this plan has no inkling of the Arab mentality. Whether they are religious or secular, Sunni or Shia, or even so called ‘moderates’ they would join together to destroy Israel even if they don’t agree on anything else. In fact that is the only thing they agree on. A binational solution would be the ultimate demise of Israel, because the war would then be inside Israel.

  15. XLucid Said:

    In conclusion, any viable solution must take into account our identity and vocation as a Jewish People, which represent the sine qua none conditions for our raison d’être in the Land of Israel.

    Even if in an agreement to bring about a one state solution the Arabs agree to this, they can later ‘change their mind’. They certainly will if they can do so through democratic means.

    A transfer of population is the only solution and it must be carried out BEFORE annexation. Simultaneously, the refugees should relinquish any ‘right of return’ beforehand. Otherwise, after annexation the world can insist that we take in the refugees. At the moment, Israel is not expected to take in the refugees. Even the anti-semitic Europeans do not insist on that.

  16. @ yamit82:

    The main flaw with the plan is it would turn Israel into a binational state. That does not work anywhere in the Middle East. Cultures are just too different and the Arabs do not have a history of tolerance and democracy. Subjecting the Jews to them is a formula for Jewish genocide. What the Arabs do to each other, they will not treat the Jews whom they hate – more kindly.

    Arabs must either have no political rights in Israel or exercise them elsewhere. There is no room for Arab autonomy within a Jewish State. The Arabs would never allow the reverse to happen and for good reason. I’m in favor of Zionism and against any form of equal political rights for the Arabs.

    This is the only way to secure Israel as a Jewish State.

  17. the Jordan option is undoubtedly the best of the worst solution to begin with.

    Actually I think that gaza is the best option for unilateral transfer. Jordan requires breaking an existing treaty. gaza is already an exisitng de facto state of palestine with borders, govt, army and sovereignty but unluckily for them : no peace treaty. Therefore Israel can do a reverse and reconquer the empty areas of gaza and start the transfers starting with the PLO who came from tunisia. The PLO can be sent to the existing hamas gaza whereas cooperative pals can be set up in new cities. Gaza has offshore gas which can finance the transfers and building of new cities. The density would be high but so is Monaco and Hong King and they are successful. Israel can manage the offshore development and build new towns with pal labor and create pal businesses from the boom. It would become an economic magnet to west bank and even Israeli arabs.

  18. It is astonishing all the time wasted to draw abundant plans and to find various solutions in favour of Arabs. The subject has caused a lot of ink to flow and much has been written about it.

    A contrario, Arabs did not waste their time to find a solution to accommodate Jews. They did not reformulate their everlasting solution: through Jews into the sea: simple and clear. No citizenship, no rights, no compensation.

    It is a delusion to think that granting citizenship, civil rights, or political rights to Arabs will redirect their perpetual goal. In addition, swearing a public oath will never be a guaranty of loyalty from their part to the State of Israel.

    The best example remains with the behavior of the Arabs deputies in the Knesset regardless of all the benefits granted by Israel: university studies, social care, health care, liberty, equity, high salaries, etc…

    Separation is the solution. Despite its illegal occupation of the Land of Israel, the Jordan option is undoubtedly the best of the worst solution to begin with. Because we all know, whether we like it or not, sooner or later, even Jordan must be liberated in order to make room for all the Children of Israel worldwide.

    In conclusion, any viable solution must take into account our identity and vocation as a Jewish People, which represent the sine qua none conditions for our raison d’être in the Land of Israel.

  19. This plan sounds very risky. It relies on too many pre conceived notions which may just be wishful thinking. This for example

    An important collateral benefit to Annexation will be a reversal of the trend of many Israeli Arabs who are beginning to display serious signs of disloyalty. It is not surprising that Israeli Arabs faced with the apparent inevitability of a terrorist Palestinian state have severe concerns that they will ultimately be branded as traitors or collaborators with the hated Zionist enemy. Those concerns weigh heavily on them and strongly influence how they conduct themselves as Israeli citizens. Similarly, after it became clear that there was a probability that the status of Jerusalem was subject to negotiation, the attitude and conduct of its Arab population underwent a dramatic change. That change was created by the serious concern about the ultimate status of Jerusalem’s Arab population and how a future terrorist state would reward their cooperation with the Zionists.

    What is this based on? Doesn’t Hanen Zoabi insist on being called ‘Palestinian’? She doesn’t fear being labelled a traitor. If the Arabs outnumber Jews they will side with their ARab brothers in destroying Israel through democratic means.

    You forget the surrounding nations and the real possibility of civil war, it would be easy for Iran, Saudi Arabia and other rogue nations to fund insurgencies inside Israel. The chances of destroying Israel are far higher with Arabs inside Israel than in a palestinian state.

    The demographics have to be changed before anything like this can be even contemplated. Do not even think of bringing in more Arabs through annexation. Doesn’t Egypt, Syria or Tunisia send any message to you? Once they reach critical mass they are not going to be subservient to Jews.

  20. 20% minority is too large for a small country like Israel.

    35-40% Arabs along with our radical anti Jewish left and some 400,000 non Jewish Slavs imported into Israel to counter the growing religious and Nationalist secular right could form an anti Jewish coalition in the future thereby by democratic means wrest the country away from the Jewish Zionist majority, especially if they are not politically united.

    Since The North (Galilee) already has an Arab majority, they can be expected to demand autonomy. The most radical elements from the West Bank and Gaza will radicalize the Young of Israeli Arabs even more than they are today. Annexation means we will be responsible for the whole population of Arabs already with 40% unemployment. They will break us economically and milk our already overtaxed welfare system and overtaxed productive Israeli taxpayer. We will never be able to assimilate them and the free movement of those Arabs will add to influx of Arabs into our mostly Jewish communities and neighborhoods with all the obvious negativity besides the expected rise in urban crime. Those who propose such idiocy don’t know what they are unleashing and I advise them to think it through beyond raw political demographics and think about the social and economic disaster that would be unleashed.

    First cleanse (depopulate) then annex. It’s the only way.

  21. No Arab organization or leader, even those who profess to recognize Israel’s right to exist, has ever fully recognized the right of a Jewish State to exist anywhere west of the Jordan River. In today’s world it is highly unlikely that such an Arab organization or commitment will emerge.

    this is the starting point. the second point is to think about what is good for the Jews. arab citizenship in Israel is not good for the Jews it is too unreliable. Right now there exists the defacto state of Palestine in Gaza with all the qualities of a state: boundaries, govt, army, sovereignty, etc. Send the bulk of arabs to gaza but first retake the major portions of gaza and resettle the arabs there. Start with the PLO who returned from tunisia. Let them have citizenship in gaza or remain stateless. gaza with its offshore gas can be wealthy and have density like Monaco and hong kong. They already have a state, give no more. towns can be built in gaza and incentives given to move there and offshore oil developed to finance it. It can become an economic magnet to draw the others. All the “solutions” where more than the few landowners and token arabs remain in Israel are not permanent solutions. Once they are in gaza any hostility can be met mercilessly. everybody ignores the reality of gaza as the true pal state already in existence. Send them there and then fight over the rest if they want.