Pamela Geller, woman extraordinaire

T. Belman.  I met Pamela in the spring of 2008 in New York City. We were both attending a pro-Israel lecture. We also attended a CAMERA Annual Dinner as guests of Eli Hertz and sat at his table. Pamela and I were both fighting the election of Obama by writing the truth. Pamela went on to write, along with Robert Spencer, The Post American President. And that is not all she did.

She went on to establish herself as one of  the most pre-eminent critics of Islamization. Everything she writes is based on the facts. Her many critics distort what she says and lie about her. Even threaten her.

She literally has dedicated her life to defending America and Israel and truth.

Over the years, we have kept in touch. I pray for her safety.




One very popular and important journalist who is ever present in American politics, sociology, and economics is the political activist Pamela Geller, the founder of the organization Stop Islamization of America. Born in 1958, Pamela Geller resides and works in New York City.

She is an American journalist who specializes in many continuing issues with the United States economy, sociology, and the politics of Barack Hussein Obama. Geller’s popularity is based on the fact that she is well known for the investigative, truthful reports she writes regarding Islam and jihadists. Pamela Geller is the founder, editor and publisher of, now and President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) and Stop Islamization of America (SIOA).


She is the author of The Post-American 6 Stop Islamization of America sometimes appears as Stop the Islamization of America. 6 Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America, with Robert Spencer (Foreword by Ambassador John Bolton) (Simon & Schuster: 2010); Freedom or Submission: On the Dangers of Islamic Extremism and American Complacency (ebook, 2013); and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance (WND Books: 2011). She is also a regular columnist for World Net Daily, the American Thinker, and other publications.

Pamela Geller is the president of the American Freedom Defense Initiative, which she co-founded with Robert Spencer. This organization is considered to be a hate group, specifically an anti-Muslim hate group. It was the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) that regarded the American Freedom Defense Initiative as a hate group because Pamela Geller is well known for standpoints against Muslim-militant-terror jihadism that is the core part of Islam. Her Muslim and Islamic issues surrounding the jihad-spread of Islam and Geller’s views towards Islam have imposed a lot of controversy relating to her, as well as the topics at hand.

There is a large public army of defamers who are constantly baying at her. Such controversy was very visible in 2013 when the United Kingdom and the British Government denied Pamela Geller an entry into the country because they felt that her being there would portray an unfavorable image due to her views on Muslims and Islam.

Pamela Geller is also a co-author with Robert Spencer of a political book that carried a very controversial title: The Post American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America, published in 2010. This book became very controversial on a political status primarily because the contents of the book were addressed towards the Barack Hussein Obama administration in the form of thorough critiques regarding the free market economic system, the right to freedom of speech, as well as issues surrounding United States foreign policy.

In her books, articles, and interviews Pamela Geller always makes sure that controversial topics are comprised of factual information obtained through adequate and accurate research. If there is not enough adequate evidence to support any of her 7 claims, Geller will not bother to address the issue because she only deals with facts whenever she puts a news report together, especially if it is as politically controversial as the ones found in The Post American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America. Regardless of the way certain critics may view her as being controversial when it comes to the subject of politics, Pamela Geller has very good reasoning behind her profound work in the field of journalism that actually derives from a most patriotic approach. Pamela Geller and her small staff spend a great deal of time researching and finding the facts on any given political issue that in some way has a significant political impact on the American people, as well as the American economy.

Pamela Geller is not simply voicing her personal opinion on political issues such as Muslim militant extremists and Islam. She is actually conveying information that is based on credible research, given facts, economic statistics, and the truth, which is what the American people want in any kind of news or informative report. It is because of this drive to find and put out the truth about ongoing issues in the country that pertain to the subjects in which she and the American people have an interest, that Geller can be regarded as a true American patriot of political journalism. For her higher education Pamela Geller attended Hofstra University on Long Island, New York. However, she left the university before she could complete the full length of her college degree. This was because she committed most of her time to conducting research and journalism work at the New York Daily News.


Pamela Geller carries with her a high acumen for the field of business which is a primary reason for her success in politics as well as journalism. While Pamela Geller was working with the New York Daily News, she gained a remarkable amount of experience in the rigorous field of financial analysis where she was able to become fully aware of the economic trends that correlate with any given statistics and financial statues. Making herself very familiar with such complex information allowed her to relate the results of given financial aspects to the political decisions that were being made by the American federal government, as well as the individual state governments.

8 Knowing how to make such connections gave Pamela Geller the mental advantage of being able to see how well the federal government was administering the country and making the correct decisions, because all of the consequences of any political decisions made, showed in the financial data which she studied on a continuous basis during her time working at the New York Daily News. Whenever Geller studied specific forms of financial data in the numerous analyses she conducted, she was able to see how well the American tax dollars were being spent, if such tax dollars were being spent appropriately with proper responsibility, and if such expenditures were in accordance with the research and financial data she analyzed. After spending enough time at the New York Daily News as an effective financial analyst, Pamela Geller moved on to another venture in the advertisement and marketing field of business. Because she was very familiar with the economic and political trends of business going on in the United States of America, Geller established a respectable news outlet for the New York Daily News.

Between the years 1989 and 1994, Pamela Geller published the New York Observer, the news outlet she established that was one of her earlier works of journalism in relation to the political subjects which she analyzed and researched. Using the information and experience she had in her familiarity with financial analysis and politics, Pamela Geller used this news outlet to expose the truth about the expenditures of tax dollars, economic trends, and political news to her audience.

It was this early work she began in the field of political journalism that gave Pamela Geller the opportunity to become the profound, patriotic American journalist and activist that she is today. Pamela Geller’s success in politics, journalism, and news in her early works gave her a competitive advantage over other journalists and news outlets. Not only did her early experience provide her with the step-up to her current success in journalism, it was the fact that Pamela Geller made a genuine effort to make sure that whatever it was she was inscribing in her news articles consisted of the truth based on evidence, research, and accurate statistics. 9 In an interview with the Village Voice, a tabloid newspaper founded in 1955, Pamela Geller used her perspectives and feelings towards the 9/11 Islamic terror attacks to reason for her capital views on American politics.

In 2004, Geller founded AtlasShrugs, a website blog that Geller used then, and has since changed to to produce news articles relating to politics and the economic decisions of the United States Government concerning war, domestic politics, elections, changes in law, and many other topics that relate to American life. Pamela Geller’s entire web blog is dedicated to political news and journalism. There are links to news articles, various categories pertaining to those articles, quotable phrases, books related to the issues she discusses, as well as the press.

Geller is able to conduct works of research and journalism on just about any subject, even those existing outside the field of politics. An example of Geller’s journalistic work outside of her specialty in politics is the remarkable news reports she does on business.

A recent article Pamela Geller wrote was based on the Coca Cola Company and how Zahi Khouri (1938-), the Chairman of the National Beverage Company (Coca Cola) in Ramallah has a desire to boycott the country of Israel.7

By the year 2006, the AtlasShrugs blog had already acquired thousands of subscribers who were interested in the news articles on which Geller was working. There was a high and consistent circulation of comments and questions from subscribers surrounding the news articles posted on her web site. AtlasShrugs really gained a high level of interest among users when Pamela Geller reposted a controversial satire of political cartoons that portrayed Muhammad, the self-proclaimed prophet of Islam.

The political satire cartoons were originally posted at the Jyllands Posten of Aarhus-Visby, Denmark, which was a very controversial political cartoon contest concerning the caricaturing of Muhammad.8 Muslims throughout the world claimed such caricatures were defaming Islam and their prophet Muhammad. These 7 8 The cartoons can be viewed at



August 2, 2015 | 8 Comments »

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8 Comments / 8 Comments

  1. Two points are of-interest.

    First, Pamela x-posted this essay:

    Second, recalling my above-“test,” know that the hyperlink @ the end of the essay explicitly includes the “offending” “cartoon.”

    Thus, not only is Pamela receiving justified-recognition, but those who are providing it are passing muster via their behavior.

    {This contrasts with those who provide lip-service, but nothing else; in this regard, it should be recalled that Lou Dobbs of FNC showed the winning-depiction…whereas the Charlie Hebdo survivors have capitulated.}

  2. Perhaps President Cruz would appoint her to function as his Press Secretary [assuming Sarah didn’t want to relocate to D.C.]….

  3. I’ve been a longtime reader of her blog and a huge fan of Pamela’s for many years. I haven’t always agreed with everything she says, and I’ve sometimes seen (very rarely) some things that I believe are inaccurate or wrong. That is not the important thing: she is right so often, and does such an extraordinary job of bringing to us information about the depredations and brutality of extremist Islam. When others were attacking Pamela as a bigot, hater or Islamophobe, I have tried to consistently say–usually in website comments, the only forum that I have–that Pamela is a treasured and unique human rights activist. She would deserve the Nobel Peace Prize far more than a Barack Obama.

    I often find the comments to Pamela’s blog objectionable, because I do not like characterizing all of Islam and all Muslims as inherently bad or extremist. I see that in the comments below the articles on her website and I do object to the treatment of Islam as a monolith in Mr. Quigley’s comment above. Still, I believe that Pamela does a fantastic job of finding and communicating to us the danger of the large number of Muslim extremists throughout the world, and here in the U.S. As I said, she is indeed a unique and treasured human rights activist and is unfairly treated by much of the press, her extremist critics (like the Southern Poverty Law Center) and the British government, a dung pile of hypocrites, given the large number of jihadists who live in that country.

  4. The key test of presumed supporters I’d whether they reprint her cartoons; this includes the French Magazine that the Islamists attacked.