Report: 78% of Jerusalem Palestinians live in poverty

Haaretz says

    According to Association for Civil Rights in Israel, main reason for the poverty is the high unemployment rate – 40 percent of the men are unemployed, as are 85 percent of the women.

First of all, the Report is by a Leftist HR NGO. Am I repeating myself?

Secondly all the reasons mentioned blame Israel’s policies. No allowance is given for the fact that Arab terror necessitates our policies or that the Arabs have a policy in Jerusalem and elsewhere of confronting us rather than cooperating with us.

Who says they won’t be happy to emigrate if given the chance, especially to the New Jordan.

May 20, 2012 | 14 Comments »

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14 Comments / 14 Comments

  1. @ L. Mansfield:

    The Jews came to Palestine to establish an independent Jewish state and in such a way to disengage themselves from the ghetto mentality they were subjected to in Europe and the Arab countries.

    Yet, several generations later, they have managed – with the help of their neighbors – to establish a new ghetto in the Middle East surrounded by walls and fences.

    I guess you can say the same thing about any nation who fences their borders or build high fences between neighbors in suburbia. Every gated community could be called a ghetto: Palm Springs, Beverly Hills etc. It was never the actual walls that were meant to be replaced but the mentality of those inside those Ghettos. Guess what … You can’t change an inbred mentality which developed and now exists over 2000 years and change it in one or two or a few generations. The ghetto mentality always asks the question what he did wrong when the gentiles treat him like shite. If one Gentile calls a Jew a donkey he might ignore the taunt if two gentiles call a Jew a donkey he buys a donkey saddle.

    Think of Israel this way HP. More Jews were murdered in a single day during the years 42-45, than Israel has lost combined since 48 .

    Now a non Ghetto Jew might say I don’t give a shite what thay call me; and do what he must even if what he must do does not meet the approval of anyone else; stupid self hating Jews in particular. It might mean killing our enemies! It might mean driving some out some by force others by coercion! It means a Jewish life here always takes precedence over a non Jew especially when the non Jew is an enemy that would slaughter any Jew he could lay hands on and if not support others who would could and do.

    Keep scoffing because it must really eat out your kishkes when every time the reverse of your hoped-for predications reverses itself and the opposite occurs often beyond rationality.

    Based on your track record of dire predictions for Israel and we Jews here 0-1000… keep predicting, it seems to have a positive effect based on results.

  2. The Jews came to Palestine to establish an independent Jewish state and in such a way to disengage themselves from the ghetto mentality they were subjected to in Europe and the Arab countries.

    Yet, several generations later, they have managed – with the help of their neighbors – to establish a new ghetto in the Middle East surrounded by walls and fences.

  3. Israel supports the idea of a unified Jerusalem, which in reality means controlling and absorbing some 300,000 Palestinians in east Jerusalem – a policy that also contradicts the very essence of the desire to establish a Jewish state. In addition, it contradicts the Israeli refusal to admit more than a few thousand Palestinians refugees within a future agreement. The original 300,000. Palestinians has grown by leaps and bounds.

    Can anyone tell me, HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE?

  4. One of the more interesting suggestions I ever heard from Rav Meir Kahane, during the more than five years that I knew him before his assassination in New York in 1990, was that all social services in Israel should be administered primarily be the religious establishments.

    That would mean no more Jewish money being poured out to goyim who not only hate Jews but who would destroy the Jewish state if given half the chance. Let the Arabs who made a mad dash to acquire residency in Jerusalem get their social security, medical care, free food and whatever else from the imams, mullahs, whatever and whomever. And if that doesn’t work for them, let them boogie their way right out of the country.

    Now that I know what I think I know, I’m not surprised that the Judenrat of the Knesset of 25 years ago conspired to outlaw the Kach Party. Rav Kahane never compromised over authentic Judaism, and I respected him all the more for that. I sincerely hope one day that the people of Israel will make it impossible for any such Judenrat ever to come to power again in Jerusalem. It wouldn’t necessarily have to be a revolution, but a social, cultural and political evolution surely is needed.

    Arnold Harris
    Mount Horeb WI

  5. From the same news source I read: Israel ranked second most educated country in the world, study shows
    According to OECD report, 78% of money invested in education is taken directly from public funds, while 45% of Israel’s population has completed post-secondary education. If you remove the Arab Israelis from the poll it would mean that Jewish Israelis leave the rest of the world in our dust. 😛

  6. @ Joe Hamilton:

    Their mandate was to facilitate Jewish immigration to the Jewish National Homeland. But being the war criminals they were, they were an accessory to the murder of millions of Jews. I believe Jews in response to the vile Brits and their pathetic boycotts and outrageous threats to arrest Israeli government officials if they travel to the Island of sh-t, should publicize how the Brits collaborated with Nazis by violating international law and the Treaty of San Remo by encouraging and facilitating Egyptians and Syrians to trespass on the land of the Jewish National Homeland while barring the very people whose land it is. If the vermin aka the Fakestinians are poor I am very happy because they are a vile people who are no better than the Nazis i.e. they are obsessed with killing Jews. How dare you come on this site and suggest the victims of these vile beasts whose land they are trespassing on should pay them $100,000 to leave.

    British White Paper of 1939

    Read How The British double crossed the Jews.
    This document indicts the British by not just showing the results of their perfidy but how they changed their fiat mandate to screw the Jews and accommodate the Arabs. It’s the original document

  7. yamit82 Said:

    @ CuriousAmerican:
    Pay them to leave. $100,000 per Arab with passports. Many would accept.
    Since over 50% of all Arab dwellings are illegal and built with out proper planning or permits Israel need just apply the existing laws like they do with the Jews and bulldoze them into the ground, cease employing them and turn off the entitlement spigots to them, then rigorously enforce all tax collections from them, Induct every Arab into either the IDF of three years of national service, building up the country and if you want to see a mass Exodus just watch.
    Do all of the above and a few more things and they will pay us to leave.

    I agree with your suggestions. However, Israel must be bar the antisemitic media especially the BBC from having any reporters in Israel. What are Israeli Jews afraid of, if they bar the foreign press except those media organizations who are objective? This is perhaps of form of mental illness on the part of the Jews.They have been so persecuted for thousands of years that they have a type of PTSD. Israel displays an irrational fear of criticism by the very people who have persecuted Jews including Europe ,the US and all Christian nations. Without New York Der Sturmer Times and and equally repugnant BBC or the Guardian reporters present in Israel to distort if not make up totally false stories of the persecution of the Fakestinians, your suggestions could be carried out. But Israelis like the Jewish Quisling Shimon Peres, probably initially weren’t traitors but the world famous NY Times, BBC etc. play to their vanity and manipulate them. This is clearly seen in the US. For example, in the 2 wars :Iraq and Afghanistan, one of the few highly intelligent senior US Army officers ret. Colonel Ralph Peters has said on many occasions, the worst mistake the US government made in fighting these wars was allowing the media to be present in these countries. It also happens to Republican Senators. The longer they serve in Washington the more liberal and left wing they become mainly because they become addicted to the attention lavished on them by the US media which can only be described as ultra-left wing.These Republicans senators become trained like animals. If their voting record is too sensible and not traitorous/ left wing enough,they don’t get interviewed on CBC, NBC or G-d forbid:mentioned in the NY Times. Another example of this insanity in Israel is the treatment of the IDF Colonel who rightfully struck the vile Jew hating scumb-g from Denmark who entered Israel to support the baby murdering Fakestinians. It certainly has infected Netanyahu. Who would have thought Sharon would evacuate Gaza thus allowing the Fakestinian mafia gang known as Hamas whose only reason for existence to murder Israeli Jews and as typical of mafia type gangs to enrich themselves, to rule over Gaza. So not only should the hostile foreign media be barred but their must be a muzzling of the traitorous Israeli left. It is Israeli left and their traitorous media outlets like Haaretz who I believe play on Jews’ fear of the non Jew. This contributes to the Israeli government’s self defeating, insane policies such as negotiating their own suicide.

  8. The following sentence :”The vile Brits, if not for Churchill would have set up a Vichy style collaborationist government with the Nazis by the incredible arrogance in world history barring a people from their own homeland?” should read :The vile Brits, if not for Churchill would have set up a Vichy style collaborationist government with the Nazis. Even under Churchill, the Brits in the most incredible display of arrogance in world history forced the insane Nazis who would have gladly allowed the Jews to leave for Judea/Isreal by barring a people facing death from their own homeland.

  9. @ CuriousAmerican:

    Pay them to leave. $100,000 per Arab with passports. Many would accept.

    Since over 50% of all Arab dwellings are illegal and built with out proper planning or permits Israel need just apply the existing laws like they do with the Jews and bulldoze them into the ground, cease employing them and turn off the entitlement spigots to them, then rigorously enforce all tax collections from them, Induct every Arab into either the IDF of three years of national service, building up the country and if you want to see a mass Exodus just watch.

    Do all of the above and a few more things and they will pay us to leave. 😛

  10. Curious Nazi; Why should Jews pay the trespassers who don’t have any connection with the Jewish national homeland $100,000? You are a troll who hates Israel i.e. Jews. You are subtle but you are a slimy troll. The Island Nazis aka Little Britain brought these vile, vicious Muslim supremacists to the Jewish National Homeland while condemning millions of Jews to horrible deaths. The vile Brits, if not for Churchill would have set up a Vichy style collaborationist government with the Nazis by the incredible arrogance in world history barring a people from their own homeland? If anyone should get $100,000, it be the Island Nazis/Brit who should pay reparations to the surviving families of the millions of Jews murdered by both the Nazis and by the Brits. The Nazis would have not created the death camps if the Brits did what international law demanded. Their mandate was to facilitate Jewish immigration to the Jewish National Homeland. But being the war criminals they were, they were an accessory to the murder of millions of Jews. I believe Jews in response to the vile Brits and their pathetic boycotts and outrageous threats to arrest Israeli government officials if they travel to the Island of sh-t, should publicize how the Brits collaborated with Nazis by violating international law and the Treaty of San Remo by encouraging and facilitating Egyptians and Syrians to trespass on the land of the Jewish National Homeland while barring the very people whose land it is. If the vermin aka the Fakestinians are poor I am very happy because they are a vile people who are no better than the Nazis i.e. they are obsessed with killing Jews. How dare you come on this site and suggest the victims of these vile beasts whose land they are trespassing on should pay them $100,000 to leave.

  11. @ CuriousAmerican:

    Arabs of E Jerusalem were given the status of permanent residents not citizens. Before the wall was completed tens of thousands of West Bank residents by hook or crook invaded Jerusalem to gain a home residence to get Israeli status of Permanent residency. Not for the jobs so much but for the welfare entitlements we pay them.

    Most are not employable as they lack the proper skills and education and when Jews also lack those skills and education they find themselves also unemployed. The report though does not mention that Arabs prefer to do work below the Tax authority radar meaning jobs that pay under the table or blackmarket employment. Many Employers seek such workers as it saves them up to 50% payouts to the taxing authorities.

    Arabs don’t usually like to have their women work and most are either pregnant or raising many children not to mention there are not many job opportunities in Israel for unskilled female workers.

    Most Jewish employers given a choice would prefer to hire Jewish workers over Arabs.

    Most Jewish employers having been seriously burned during the last two intifadas now import most of the unskilled or semiskilled workers from third world countries. So the Arabs literally shot themselves not only in the foot but their brains as well. Most Jews including the police avoid Arab neighborhoods as being too dangerous to bother with. Very difficult for Jerusalem authorities to collect municipal taxes from the Arab residents so they don’t won’t or can’t collect them. Therefore complaints re; poor municipal services is practically a given.

    I won’t go into the PA authorities financial support for the Arabs in Jerusalem including near control of Arab education and law enforcement which is ignored in the article of Haaretz. It didn’t mention American funding through USAID, of roads and infrastructure projects not only throughout Y&S but also E Jerusalem nor the Israeli governments acquiescence to the Americans and Europeans. It does not mention that over 70% of the crime in Jerusalem comes from Arab neighborhoods and 90% of all violent crime.

    Get rid of the Arabs and we won’t be discussing this crap anymore. Get rid of Haaretz and their supporters and we won’t have to read their crap either.