Mass Migration planned by Globalists

By Hugo Schmidt-Fischer

You may want to study the treatise “Replacement Migration: Is it a Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations?” It is only meant as a rhetoric question, the answer according to the UN is a resounding yes, and the migratory streams, everything you are witnessing today it is all detailed in that little piece of work.

This was written in 1999, and issued around 2000 courtesy of the office of Mr. Joseph Chamie, Director, Population Division, United Nations, New York 10017, USA.

Truth is, the forerunners of the EU were already working hard on generating mass migrations starting with the late 1970s oil shock. The former EC (European Community) thereupon constituted the Euro-Arab Dialogue. It later culminated in the Barcelona Declaration of 1995 and the subsequent creation of the Union for the Mediterranean which cemented the earlier 1980s agreements to allow Arab mass migration into Europe.

Sometime in 2011, Internet outlets began picking up on reports from the so-called Arab World that Obama was planning upheavals that would result in over 50 million mass immigrants to the West. For a while it sounded crazy. But Obama supplied the upheavals, and NGOs, essentially, funded by governments, got working. In Europe, it is well on the right path.

More is heading your way. In what is called the ‘GLOBAL COMPACT FOR SAFE, ORDERLY AND REGULAR MIGRATION’, an ‘INTERGOVERNMENTALLY NEGOTIATED AND AGREED OUTCOME’. For short, the UN Global Compact on Migration.

Accordingly, ‘Heads of State and Government and High Representatives’, are scheduled to meet in Morocco on 10 and 11 December 2018. They will reaffirm the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants.

CAUTION! We may not in future, be able to discuss such issues in public.

According to article 17, the Compact must ‘Eliminate all forms of discrimination and promote evidence-based public discourse to shape perceptions of migration’. Evidence based… take this to mean that public discourse must fit to certain criteria, determined by …whom one must ask. Paragraph c) goes into more detail.

c) Promote independent, objective and quality reporting of media outlets, including internet- based information, including by sensitizing and educating media professionals on migration-related issues and terminology, investing in ethical reporting standards and advertising, and stopping allocation of public funding or material support to media outlets that systematically promote intolerance, xenophobia, racism and other forms of discrimination towards migrants, in full respect for the freedom of the media.

Got that? Governments are called to stop placing ads in newspapers and publications that do not conform to the official policy of migration. That means no job ads for positions, no publications of tenders, no public announcements by the States on media outlets that do not adhere to the general policy.


We are talking about 25% – 40% of a newspaper’s income. In the age of declining subscribers and Internet, this means a death sentence to any newspaper that will not toe the line.Suffice to say that every word can be backed up.

  • The global compact by the UN, agreed to by member governments, to be signed December 10th 2018 in Morocco, can be found at the following link:

    The UN report on Replacement Migration based on 1999 research and eventually published in 2001 can be found in bits and pieces and must be added back to one piece on:

    The long series of agreements between the Arab World and the EC, later the EU , within the framework of the Euro-Arab Dialogue institution, a EU sponsored body with thousands of employees are well documented in Bat Ye’ors Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis. Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Press, Madison NJ, 2005.

    Regarding the planned flooding of 50 million refugees into the West, there are a series of Youtube interviews with Avi Lipkin, dated about 2012. While Lipkin’s forecasts have not always borne out, this one actually has. And it was not based on his projection, but on his wife Rachel’s monitoring of newscasts in the Arab world in 2011 predicting what was to follow.

    As for activities of the NGOs, it is common knowledge they are for two thirds government funded, Soros’ immense financial engagement notwithstanding. In that respect, NGO is an oxymoron.

    The involvement of NGOs in the migration business is well documented. From chartering ships, to providing migratory route maps in Arabic, to running support offices along the routes, to doling out mobile phones and pocket money, the examples are too numerous to list here.

    This does not even include the actual stoking of the so-called Arab Spring, designed to unleash a mass migration in tandem with the bombing of Libya and the provision of arms to rebels throughout the Middle East. A good example is the work conducted by the Hanns Seidel Stiftung, a German NGO that prepared activists for the overthrow of the Mubarak regime. This took place all over the Middle East, with potential new leaders invited to participate in workshops not only in Germany, but also in Washington.

    The so-called Spring revolutions far from being spontaneous, were well planned, and scheduled to coincide with a migration prepared, committed to and wished for by official policy, since decades before.

  • October 23, 2018 | 4 Comments »

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    4 Comments / 4 Comments

    1. Do they think that relocating their factories in the “Third World” will expose them to possible nationalization by “local” non-Western governments? Or do they want to avoid having to pay bribes to non-European officials in order to operate? Do they worry that “glonalization ” of their industrial resources will reduce the value of their currencies? Do they think it will be cheaper to bring in cheap labor to their existing industrial plants in Europe than to build new ones eleswhere, as the American industrial firms do? Or are they just catering to wealthy Arabs and Iranians who have invested in their own companies? Weird , self-destructive behavior whatever the motives.

    2. But Michael S, the Islamist show no interest in taking orders from the European and American elites, or promoting their interests. Much the contrary. Maybe the elites are just self-destructive and have a death wish. Weird.

    3. Thanks, Ted, for republishing Hugo’s talk-back posts as a lead article.

      Hugo’s research does seem to confirm my belief that European elites are concerned about the declining and aging populations of their own countries, and see Islamic immigration as a means of repopulating them. They seem to think that this is an easier way to replace a shrinking labor force than encouraging their native populations to have more children.

    4. Hugo,

      There can be no doubt, that the current migration crisis — at the US southern border for certain — is premeditated, planned and VERY well financed. Just this latest “caravan” of migrants, being distributed cash, water, rations and rides every mile of the way by mysterious “NGOs”, is literally the equivalent of moving an entire division of light infantry. Most countries of the world cannot mobilize a march on that scale, let alone “non-government” actors.

      When something like this modern “Volkswanderung” is clearly being orchestrated by interested parties in high places, it’s fair to wonder what’s behind it all. In brief, wealthy, well-placed people in places like the media, academia, information technologies and state bureaucracies have conspired (in places such as DAVOS, the CFR and the Bilderberger Group) to craft a new world order in which THEY call the shots and the rest of us are worker ants.