By Ted Belman
Israpudniks know that I have blamed the US for the Ukraine War and not Putin. I lost many supporters as a result. Nevertheless as time went on more people are agreeing with me.
I believe that the tide is turning. The pressure of sanctions is hurting Europe far more than Russia and the EU is unravelling. So is NATO.
Russia has completed it mobilization of 300,000 reservists and they are beginning to be deployed. The West is running out of ammunition and armaments to give Ukraine. Winter is fast approaching which means that the ground is hardening and also Europeans will soon be freezing.
If the West doesn’t capitulate now and accept the annexation of the 4 provinces and Crimea by Russia and lift sanctions, Ukraine will also lose Odessa and thus be landlocked.
In Feb 2016, I co-authored with Alex Maistrovoy, Contemplating, a US-Russia Alliance. Now it appears that we should have contemplated an alliance between Europe and Russia. This article gives a lot of historical background.
Two years later, we collaborated again with a four part series focusing on RUSSIA AND THE NEW ME -Part IV: Can Russia be induced to use its UN veto to protect Israel
Part I: The USSR and the Old Middle East
Part II: The Russian courtship of Israel during the first two decades of this century.
The recently I posted, Russian ambassador says Israel need not worry about Moscow’s ties with Iran
I agree.
I also agree with what Putin had to say in his recent speech about rejecting globalization.
Exactly so.
The present problem is that American leadership can’t get over that Putin is not Hitler. They, the leftover neocons as well as the Obama leftists and GOP idiots have no understanding of history. Their knowledge of war is limited to WW II and they don’t even understand that one. Accordingly in their vacant minds the logic is simple:If Putin is Hitler there can be no negotiations. It’s unconditional surrender, period. This of course is never going to happen. And by the way there is no comparison between Putin and Hitler. In fact any time I’ve heard Putin speak he sounds very rational and infinitely smarter than ANY American or Canadian leader or legislator that I’ve heard.
If there’s any analogy to any previous war it’s clearly WW I. Historians continue to debate the causes of WW I but stupid leadership is clearly among the primary causes. That’s where we are today so hold on to your seat.
thanks for your long response. We agree on the bad guys, yes if we started naming them, we would run out of ink. 🙂
As to Russia and the lack of care for the Ukraine’s. Russia is their own nation and culture, and it will do no good judging them by the American standard. We (USA) have much blood own our hands. I do not agree Russia is finished nor do I agree they are in dire straight’s as you suggest. Do they seem to be having problems? Yes! But, the news media writes story’s without any facts or evidence, they read like a Tom Clancey novel and the media passes these off as if they are factual. They do have unauthorized and Unnamed sources that they quote. Me thinks they just make the stuff up! At anyrate, the show is not over till the fat lady sings.
A few days ago, Ted had a link to the Speech given by Putin. You should go read it and give the man an unbais look at what he is saying. Could he be lying to the whole world? Yes! Every American president in the last 60 years has lied to the world, so would you place them in the same class as Putin? Some of them if not all have started wars to overthrow other countries, invaded other countries and stolen money from other countries.
Putin is reported to have said a few days ago that the west needed to talk to Russia and other major powers about the fate of the future world. He said, the historical period of the west’s undivided dominance over the world affairs is coming to an end. This I believe and has been my general opinion since coming out of China after of years stay some ten years ago.
But time will tell what plans HaShem has for Putin.
It’s kind of hard for me to have any real emotion for Ukraine. Kind of like feeling sorry for the people of New York and Chicago. When all three of these places get tired of the leaders who have created their mess they will rise up and replace them. As to caring ……. sure, I care but there is nothing I can do. I’m sending all the tax dollars I can afford and as to praying for them I need some advice. Do I pray for God to kill Putin or Zelensky?
As for your grandchildren, we will pray for HaShem to keep them safe.
@Michael S. How can you suggest I’m not genuinely concerned for the people of the Ukraine. I’m hurt.
Really? Why? Is this a virtue signaling contest? Didn’t the early Zionist movement come into its own by playing imperialist hegemonic powers off against each other? “No we won’t appeal to you for the right to buy land and settle. You’re immoral,”they should have said?
“No, we won’t help British imperialism expand its hegemony into the Ottoman Empire.” Weizman and Jabotinsky should have said?
Hi, Tanna
Let me try to keep this response as short as possible. First and foremost, I should say that, despite the gory destruction and loss of life the Putin and Biden have jointly caused in the Ukraine, I view the entire enterprise as a red herring, orchestrated by Joe Biden’s handlers to draw attention away from his awful performance as a President, and from the US elections that will actually make a difference in this and many other matters.
Your latest post first: I believe the nugget of this verbose article is,
Russia is already defeated. Why should the West want to duplicate what Putin has already done? The Russian economy is a wreck, and its people are miserable. Freedom and justice do not exist, in a way that Americans are accustomed to. Russia, as part of the Soviet Union, was an industrial power; it now is an oil-only economy like Venezuela, Nigeria and Angola. The fact that libtards in the US and Europe aspire to become bigger failures than even Putin, in no way lessens his failure.
Dismemberment of Ukraine? Who here is genuinely concerned about what happens to Ukraine? Ted? Peloni? Sebastien? You? My ancestors probably came from a certain shtetl in Galicia; but honestly, I am far, far, far more interested in what’s happening in China, where my grandchildren live.
Enough of this talk, then! Let’s go back to your previous post:
Let’s start at the top: Satan H. Devil. Then his minions, The Beast and The False Prophet.
Satan H. is the Father of Lies; so you can guess who the “False Prophet”. We call him “Fake News”. Do you want names? How about the MSM, the Teacher’s Union, George Soros, the WEF. How about the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the NIH, WHO, and their spokesman, Anthony Fauci? Who generates egregious falsehood in the world? Who says White People are inherently evil? that men can get pregnant? that the 2020 election was not fraudulent? that putting on a germy mask and hiding in your basement will prevent COVID? The False Prophet has so many flunkies at his beck and call, he’s hard to pinpoint; but we should all be able to agree that he is pure evil.
“The Beast” is easier to identify, because he has seven heads and ten horns. First, the horns: They are the Western Powers, who defer to one another according to an estblished order — an order which originated with the gradual dismantling of the Holy Roman Empire.
The ordering has evolved over the centuries to Congress Europe, the 8-Nation Alliance, the League of Nations, and finally to a web of associations such as the UN, the WTO, etc. The group with the biggest “teeth”, of course, is NATO; and its leader is obviously the Puppetmaster of the US.
Pick your choose on who that is. He’s slinkier than the False Prophet; but one clue is that he benefits the most from the machinations of the Fake News False Prophet.
What about those other guys? How about Xi? Putin? Khamenei? The beast has seven heads. I’m still trying to pick through that one. The horns are all of one mind; but the heads definitely are not. Throughout history, they probably included Pharaoh, the kings of Assyria and Babylon, etc. — each head seeking its own interests and warring with the others; but ultimately serving The Beast. Today, Xi and Putin are certainly among them, along with “The Beast” himself, who is the amorphous “eighth” head.
The world is full of truly wicked people — from the bully who used to beat you up when you were a kid, to the Great Bully, Vladimir Putin. They’re all “bad guys”; but there’s a smaller number, an “elite” that wants to put the whole world under the bondage of fear. This is their moment of glory; but soon they will all vanish like smoke.
You raise a good question, one that is often raised and needs to be answered. The most important issue though is whether the US or Russia is the imperialist of hegemonic power. For me that’s a no-brainer. I fear the US much more than I fear Russia.. Read Glick’s article which I just published. The US has Israel by the balls. They are our biggest enemy. Of course the US under Trump was a different US. Be sure to read the following article.
While it is true that this conflict has brought Russia and Iran together as allies, Russia has assured Israel that she is friendly to Israel and will remain so. I believe them. The US on the other hand is backing Iran financially and is trying to cut a deal giving them a path to the bomb. They want to lift sanctions. So I think of the US as our biggest enemy by far. I am not worried by Russia. Russia is standing by our deconfliction agreement and letting us go about the business of destroying the Iranian presence in Syria. On the other hand the US has forced us to capitulate to Hezbollah.
please read Rondo32 link. And then read the comments attached to that article and see if it gives you any pause. I have some old European history books from about 70 to 80 years ago, I need to see if I can find them and do some reading.
You bet. I am somewhat occupied currently, but should have some more for you tomorrow or later today. Here are a few to start with :
Putin calls for postponement of separatists’ referendum in eastern Ukraine
President Zelensky Suggests Ukraine May Pursue Nuclear Weapons To Counter Russia, Putin Responds
From the book “Frontline Ukraine” by Richard Sakwa:
Michael, Who are the bad guys…. name them please. It’s getting hard to remember who’s on first.
@Peloni You cited events I am unaware of. Could you provide some documentation. please.
Hi, Flamenco. You said,
An answer, then another question. Of course, you wanted to focus on the new question. Granted. But the leading answer directly negates The intended point of Ted’s OP! As Steve Bannon has often said,
The headline is,
Finit. End of Story I. Having said that, of course, one could write an encyclopedea about
That’s a story that few here want to broach, including Ted.
BTW, Is Russia just the Bad Guy in Ukraine? Let’s not forget the Tableau that Putin has created with his invasion and annexation: the ALTERNATIVE NEW WORLD ORDER built around Russia, China and Iran. Pardon me for not being awfully impressed by the prospect of this ANWO, as some here are. It is truly an evil club, an exceedingly evil club:×1024.jpg
But as you have inferred, there is a “real” bad guy alongside it, one in which Jews are unfortunately vastly over-represented, namely, the NWO aka “The West”. As I have said elsewhere, I expect the NWO to defeat the ANWO, and that in the near future. Afterwards, if I am not mistaken, what you call the “real” bad guys will attack Israel, and they, too, will be defeated.
@Ted How do you factor Russia’s strategic military, diplomatic, and economic alliance with Iran and all of its proxies in to your equation? How’s that going to work, in practice?
Burisma was a money laundering affair which made Hussein O and crime boss Biden multi-millions. Skimming off the bottom. Biden bragged about the billion giveaway IF Ukraine fired the prosecutor who was fighting to shut down Burisma. So, it worked out very nicely then. Why not do it again? But this time, rape Americans under the guise of giving massive aid to Ukraine under siege. Media shots of brutality, bombed out buildings, refugees fleeing. Americans of course want to give aid to Ukraine. But who’s dipping into the till and skimming off the bottom? Again. Russia is the bad guy here. Granted. But who are really the bad guys? Who is amassing millions not only off Burisma, and Ukraine aid, but how about 1.4 billion delivered in cash on an airplane in the middle of the night? Who skimmed off the bottom? Who now owns massive real estate properties and is currently building a fortress in Hawaii? Who engineered the “withdrawal” of American troops from Afghanistan and left behind 85 billion dollars in equipment, weapons, ordnance, Black Hawks, etc.? Into the hands of the Taliban?? Who skimmed off the bottom of that despicable series of calculated events? Who’s really running the show as civilians die, starve, are murdered?
My apologies. My comment was meant for @zionsharav and not yourself and I addressed it to you by mistake.
It is biased to see ‘the other’ as “the bad guy” and not understand the nature of America’s involvement. As to the Heroic – yes, perhaps – or crazy? But not a Jew of faith.
Is he? Is he really? Would a pan-Russian champion abandon a fellow enclave of Ukrainian Russians to make their stand against the combined might of an established Ukrainian army and the state sponsored development of Nazi battalions, whose raison d’être was to destroy this enclave of Russians? Add to this fact that the Ukrainian Russian community which was under siege for 8yrs was directly adjacent to the Russian border, and during this 8yr period, there were no arms or troop transferred to aid the Ukrainian Russians as stipulated by Jacques Baud, the UN emissary to NATO, which was actively looking for evidence to the contrary.
What was the real context of the Russian invasion? It was coincident with the return of the Obama crew to the US White House, when Zelensky and Biden coordinated alternating statements of threat and abuse towards Russia, and still Russia did not stir to aid the Russians on the Ukrainian side of the border. These verbal taunts culminated in the Dec 2021 declaration by Ukraine that they had been granted assurances by Biden of entering NATO, and still Russia did not stir. During the latter half of 2021, Ukraine had also been massing an enormous army of 120K+ men, trained, armed and funded by NATO, ostensibly for the purpose of destroying the Russians in Dombas, and still Russia did not stir, not even when this force opened the most intense bombardment of the area since the end of WWII. Then Zelensky went to the Munich Security Conference on February 19 2022 and made the threat of reacquiring nuclear weapons to employ against, not the Russians in the Dombas, but the Russians in Russia. Five days later, was the timing of the Russian invasion.
More than this, it was during the Istanbul peace talks, only ten weeks later, in which Russia had offered to return to the pre-war boundaries and thus once again leave the Ukrainian Russians in Ukraine.
Are these really the actions of a pan-Russian Champion which you describe Putin as being? I think not. But perhaps you have something more to back up your claim? If so, speaking for myself, I would be quite happy to hear it.
Russia has 185 ethnic groups and only one of these are Russians. Putin held the Dombas Russians at arms length in hopes that the matter in Ukraine would be settled by Ukrainians as a nation, and he made several moves to achieve this very goal. To add a bit of clarity of Putin’s interest in the Dombas, it was in May 2014, after the Trade Union Massacre in Odessa, that Putin actually pushed for the Russians in the Dombas to NOT carry out their referendum establishing themselves as a separate entity. When the Russians in the Dombas ignored Putin’s request, Putin simply ignored their status as being that of an independent state or states. He also failed to act to negotiate on their behalf which gave the Ukrainian Nationalists their excuse for stymieing the Minsk Accords. Putin all but ignored the plight of the Russians in the Dombas, beyond diplomatic entreaties, that is, until 2022 after the seismic threat made by Ukraine at Munich.
Now, it is a rational question, why would such a threat as made at Munich be seen as more significant than the threats of Ukraine to invade Russia which had been made over the past year. It is a fair question. The answer is that, though, Ukraine did not have in its possession the means to make a nuclear bomb, they easily had the materials and scientific ability to create a dirty bomb. Furthermore, they had the contents of the American Bio-labs. I would suggest that these facts have always been at the forefront of Russian concerns, as was revealed by the fact that it was the bio-labs and the nuclear power plant at Zaporizhzhia which were among the first targets of the Russian invasion.
Hence, I do not believe your thesis of Putin being a pan-Russian champion is easily supported. It is however easier to argue that he is instead simply a Russian Champion, ie a Russian Nationalist, which stands quite contrary to your claim.
I do not agree at all, for one nation cannot unilaterally upend the global order. Russia least likely to be allowed to do it. Especially not to Ukraine and not for the reasons they gave. One cannot get past the logic and the history in 1, or the law, 2.
REF 1:
REF 2:
Ukraine is not a partisan issue. It is not a crazed Russified Tuckerite issue either:
REF 3:
The author happens to be a friend of mine. He is very much an expert.
A little history for you zionsharav
Thank you for that link. There are many more things that could be said in support.
Russia is very much “the bad guy” and I am embarrassed to see any Israeli kissing up to the Russian Ambassador for reassurance. Putin is now being recast as an anti-globalist champion; he is, in fact, a pan-Russian champion. Eyes open, people. Let us support a free Ukraine led by a heroic, Jew.
I agree with you. So does this guy