How Trump and Ryan are cooperating

December 10, 2016 | 4 Comments »

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  1. @ yamit82:
    one of my thoughts on this is that his goal may include getting rid of the waste in the various cabinet depts… hence having people who can relate and know the details of operations might be important. Military people in a chain of command dept can know where the military waste is. Perhaps a guy like Tillerson knows how to identify and get rid of the entrenched political appointees at state.
    Also, he perhaps pick folks who can understand what he wants and understand the culture of the dept he will run so trump does not need to deal with the details… its effective delegation.
    I would think that a guy like trump is a thousand years ahead in competency at running anything than a community activist who played senator, or a corrupt lawyer who played senator and SOS, or most of the lawyers who vie for these jobs. I welcome a new approach here even if I dont get it at first.

  2. yamit82 Said:

    Running America as a business may sound fine but unfortunately America is NOT a business and the rules vastly differ from a business model and any expectations derived therein.

    first define America… is it the american people or the american gov? Its the gov which is being run, not the people. the gov is there to make the rules and provide the services. The rules are provided by congress the legislature and the executive branch of the presidency provides the services and carries out the rules. Hence, the executive branch is basically a business which is owned by the people who are also its customers to carry out the missions assigned by them or their reps in congress. The owners, shareholders and voters expect their exec admin to carry out their instructions in an economical way. For decades I have heard of waste in the various depts running our gov. which would not be tolerated in a business.

    yamit82 Said:

    I can see that there might be problems wrt Senate Republicans like McCain

    20/20 vision there
    yamit82 Said:

    Don’t like or TRUST Ryan, he has his own ambitions and agenda and a lot of power.

    I agree, but Trump has no choice but to deal with him as he is speaker of house. Hence Priebus who speaks congress language but is employed and commissioned to carry out Trump instructions.
    yamit82 Said:

    Not happy or excited about most of his picks for cabinet positions.

    Me neither, but I am making no conclusions now, just observing. The approach of a businessman developer would be very different fro m a pol. The first thing I notice is that he has avoided politicians for the top jobs. I suspect he seeks a profile like an employee selected for the purpose of carrying out his instructions. Perhaps he is looking less in some cases to the “beliefs” of the employee at his last job as opposed to his abilities to get things done in the environment he will work in. I would think the most important thing to trump is the competence and ability of the person because he is used to firing non performers with their own ideas or agenda. In the corporate world your agenda must follow your employers agenda, you are legally bound as such and can be liable for diverging from contract. In the corporate world your beliefs may differ from your employer but you are evaluated on performance. I think he wants workers and not profiling pols… perhaps he wants them to stay at the congress.
    yamit82 Said:

    I can see Trump using social media to browbeat and threaten his congressional opposition which could be interesting to watch.

    I love watching him freak them all out…. he is like the big mouth at the posh ball who leaves all mouths agape. fact is, he is often right. I thought that his reply to obama’s and the dems big “serious” accusations and investigation of the “russian hacking” was perfect..” its the same guys who said saddam had WMD”
    this guy is brilliant,he used their own narratives as a complete description to say the source is corrupted. He didnt name the source as the cia as the source is anonymous and likely instructed by a political appointee, …. but he was clear that the source is corrupt which also at the same time implies the corruption of obama and the dems in using this “fake news” source. Trump has now involved obama in the corruption of the clinton dem party campaign corruption… he has warned obama that his actions tie him to a corrupt course of action…. Trump has a way of exacting revenge after giving his warning. If I was Obama, I would back off and leave the witch and podesta to hang… distance myself from them in the hope that Trump would not come after me too, as I am sure that Obama has prosecutable offenses to expose and chase.

  3. @ bernard ross:

    Running America as a business may sound fine but unfortunately America is NOT a business and the rules vastly differ from a business model and any expectations derived therein. I can see that there might be problems wrt Senate Republicans like McCain and a few other never Trumpers like Cruz 2 seat majority in Senate could in fact be less than 50. Don’t like or TRUST Ryan, he has his own ambitions and agenda and a lot of power. Not happy or excited about most of his picks for cabinet positions. I can see Trump using social media to browbeat and threaten his congressional opposition which could be interesting to watch. 🙂

  4. good interview and good show. the theme of the Trump admin appears to be built around “getting things done”… and according to Ryan keeping the promises on the specific platforms as nearly as possible. It will be interesting to see how some of the picks dovetail with that mission.