A Match Made in Heaven

Shmuel Rosner

Why do evangelicals support Israel so strongly? Is the American Jews’ fear of fundamentalist Christianity based on constitutional principle, or social and cultural snobbery and political partisanship?

Zev Chafets is an author and columnist who just published the book A Match Made in Heaven: American Jews, Christian Zionists and one Man’s Exploration of the Weird and Wonderful Judeo-Christian Alliance. Born and raised in Pontiac, Michigan, he moved to Israel in 1967. After a decade in the army, government and politics, he was appointed Director of the Government Press Office, a post he held for five years under Prime Minister Menachem Begin. More recently, he is the author of ten books, both fiction and non-fiction, the founding managing editor of the Jerusalem Report, a columnist for the New York Daily News and, most recently, a frequent contributor to the New York Times Magazine and other international publications (more bio here).

A Match Made in Heaven is a funny, readable, book. It is the most entertaining way to struggle with questions such as “Why do evangelicals support Israel so strongly? Is their philo-Semitism just a front for their true purpose to convert Jews? Do the evangelicals, as their opponents charge, really want to use the Jews as cannon fodder at the battle of Armageddon? Or are they simply responding to the biblical commandment to love Israel? Finally, is the American Jews’ fear of fundamentalist Christianity based on constitutional principle, or social and cultural snobbery and political partisanship?” CONTINUE

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