A Palestinian state is NOT the answer

By Arlene Kushner
[This is lengthy but comprehensive. Arlene is an informed analyst and author.]

Within many quarters of the N. American Jewish community, which in the main prides itself on being moderate, there is still that hope: Maybe, if PA President Mahmoud Abbas can be strengthened, he can take on Hamas and act on his moderation. Then there can be negotiations for a Palestinian state, and that much elusive peace will be closer.

It is good to be hopeful, but this is a hope built only on air.

Within many quarters of the N. American Jewish community, which in the main is also politically correct, there is also the notion that Israel has some unmet obligation towards the Palestinian Arabs, and that eventually we must give them a state, because it is simply the right thing to do. [I might add in Israel also.] CONTINUE

January 23, 2007 | Comments Off on A Palestinian state is NOT the answer