Barack Obama the Vindictive Enforcer

By Jeannie DeAngelis, AMER THINKER

The definition of “vindictive” is to have or show a “strong or unreasoning desire for revenge.”  As an observer of the ongoing humiliation and persecution currently directed toward Donald J. Trump and anyone who supports him, what America may now be witnessing is an unparalleled display of malicious revenge.

One might ask, “Who is driving this retribution?”  The most obvious answer to that question is that it must be a self-absorbed force with a notorious reputation for spiteful exoneration.  Judging from past conduct, that force would be none other than former president Barack Obama.

This man thrives on adulation.  Even the casual observer is aware of Obama’s inability to accept criticism.  Refuse to genuflect, and Mr. Obama’s ire is immediately directed like a laser toward the defiant.  Just ask “tea baggers” or victims of a weaponized IRS.  Judging from Obama’s self-identification with his ideology, retribution isn’t just politics; it’s personal.  Defy him, and the former president looks for any forum, weapon, policy implementation, or cruel injustice to vindicate his vendetta and somehow manages to accomplish this either publicly or privately.  The man’s skin is so thin that, if not for his godlike status among his minions, his juvenile reactions would be considered embarrassing.

Obama’s list of vendettas is long and ugly — just ask the SCOTUSDinesh D’Souza, honest journalistsconservative groupsthe nation of Israel, Vladimir Putin, suburban property owners, individuals with private health insurance, WWII veterans, prolifers, ex-military, Second Amendment advocates…and the list goes on and on.

Think back.  From the start, “I won” Obama planned to “fundamentally transform” the United States from “the world as it is” into the “world as it should be,” which, judging from its present condition, is beginning to resemble the Marxist hell-hole of his dreams.

Obama’s game plan: “level playing fields,” “share the wealth,” encourage worldwide contempt toward the U.S., enable mass illegal immigration, redefine democracy, rehabilitate Islamic terrorists, impose high taxes, usher in shoddy health care, encourage a weak military presence, foster energy dependency, stir racial unrest, insult allies, demonize law enforcement, install totalitarian diktats, desecrate the Constitution, and more.  Mysteriously, at a dizzying rate of speed, seven years after he left office, these are the very revenge tactics being enacted as we speak.

How can this be?

Starting with the presidency of Joe “Which Way Do I Go” Biden, the political enemies of America’s wannabe third-termer are currently reaping their just reward for perceived noncompliance.  Joe is so befuddled, incompetent, clueless, and embarrassing — what better humiliation on the world stage than the current commander in chief?  Making America a laughingstock with the weakest of weak leaders smacks of Obama-style spitefulness.

As “Obama’s legacy and her dreams of the presidency lay shattered at Donald Trump’s feet,” in 2016, Hillary wasn’t the only one livid as election results delivered the agony defeat.  Trump’s win was a repudiation of eight years of Obama rule.  Thus, judging from the current course of events, could both Trump, who rolled back Obama policy, and the voters who put him in office be suffering the ramifications of being on Obama’s hate list?  Could Biden be a vindictive adviser’s suggested punishment for choosing Obama’s antithesis?

The former president’s inability to endure rejection may explain why whoever is secretly directing the White House from an underground bunker in Kalorama decided that 2020 recompense should arrive in the form of Mr. Magoo.

Let’s face it: it is highly unlikely Joe Biden came up with the idea to cut open Trump’s border wall in Arizona.  Nor is it likely that the guy who couldn’t find his way to a podium accomplished the goal of abandoning U.S. soldiers Benghazi-style or haphazardly arming the Taliban with billions of dollars in military war weaponry.  Every policy decision, from the diminishing supply chain to destroying energy independence to the economic crippling of the middle class to the devastating invasion at the border to the vaccine mandates, hints at the forced exoneration of Obama’s hurt feelings  — on steroids.


Jeannie hosts a blog at

August 27, 2023 | 6 Comments »

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6 Comments / 6 Comments

  1. I don’t like all this talk about DT possibly being assassinated. The more it is talked about, the more likely it becomes….kind of like nuclear war. If it does happen, Hilary will be involved. She’s the queen of political assassinations.

    Here’s a possible scenario: DT is assassinated, mass protests follow, martial law is declared, the elections are cancelled, one party rule….and everyone is forced to take the next vaccine (:>o.

  2. The USA is clearly deteriorating or in serious decline:
    Border Out of Control
    Crime including murders growing all over USA
    Homelessness is rampant and growing rapidly with inclusion of illegal immigrants in cities across USA.

    Country no longer rationally contesting political differences. It is now the Blue Camp (not Democrats of old who believed in USA, Constitution and elections) versus Red Camp (not GOP anymore).

    Yes there are Independents and moderate GOP who would if there was a light at the end of the tunnel who would try to find common group so the country could try and function. A leader to do this is needed to be found.

    I actually also believe if Trump is nominated by the GOP that their will be attempts to murder him.

    The USA is in decline and unless a leader takes center stage to try and move the country in the right direction its problems will only get worse.

  3. @Michael

    I don’t expect a S election to be held in 2024

    Or, there is this possibility:

    Tucker Carlson on Democrats trying to stop Donald Trump: “We are speeding towards assassination obviously… They have decided that’s there’s something about Trump that’s so threatening to them, they just can’t have it.”

    Patrick Byrne first acknowledged his fear of this more than six months ago, and has more recently made known that he is more convinced of this possibility.

    I grow more disturbed by this conclusion every time I think about it, and only share it now because it is going viral on Twitter.

  4. ….the ongoing humiliation and persecution currently directed toward Donald J. Trump and anyone who supports him, what America may now be witnessing is an unparalleled display of malicious revenge.

    One might ask, “Who is driving this retribution?” The most obvious answer to that question is that it must be a self-absorbed force with a notorious reputation for spiteful exoneration.

    Yes, it could be Barak Obama, but my money is on Hilary Clinton. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.