David Friedman urges Trump to dump Kanye and Nick Fuentes

November 26, 2022 | 6 Comments »

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  1. @Tanna

    The notion that most Jews have in their heads (because of their inability to face reality) that most people are OK with Jews but there is a relatively small number of the uneducated, confused, traumatized, evil, crazy, stupid, etc., etc. who are antisemites IS WRONG.

    It’s the other way around – there are almost 8 billion real or potential antisemites (“Jew haters” is a better term) with a very small proportion of those who either don’t hate Jews and/or are willing to come to their aid if necessary.

    How do I know that?

    It’s very simple – look at the whole of the Jewish history and, more specifically, at what happened in WWII to the European Jews and the number of people from the countries with the populations in tens of millions who actually tried to help the Jews then.

    The Germans, the French, the Dutch, Ukrainians, Poles, Latvians, Lithuanians, Estonians, the governments of the US and the UK who knowingly trapped the European Jews in Europe to be slaughtered using all sorts of “valid” excuses didn’t go crazy all of a sudden – they saw a good opportunity to kill the Jews and were positive that they would never face punishment for it (and the VAST MAJORITY never did).

    IT WAS THE WILL OF THE MAJORITY which did it and not just a few evil people as the historians would have us believe.

    I think we are facing a repeat of the same thing because we never learn from our own history.

  2. @Reader
    Tanna is quite correct, Donald Trump is absolutely not an antisemite, and if he were an antisemite, we Jews should all profit from having a nation of such antisemites at our back.

    It is also not accurate that Trump has nothing to fear by pandering to antisemites since the Jews do not vote for him, because while there are about 70% of the Jews who will not vote for him, this leaves the remaining 30% who actually do vote for him, and even more pivotal than this is the pro-Israel Evangelicals who are a sizeable portion of Trump’s MAGA coalition.

    As Trump stated, he met with Ye to help him with his business situation. Indeed Trump noted that Ye is a ‘seriously troubled man’ who “has always been very good to me”. In fact, while Ye was off popularizing antisemitic tropes and sharing vicious characterizations about our people, it was Trump who suggested that Ye might need medicating. Perhaps Ye was upset regarding this suggestion by Trump and plotted the sandbagging event at Mar a Lago as his revenge – recall that Trump’s statement was similar to the comment which was made to him and set Ye on his month long tirade against all things related to the Jews. It is also possible, however, that Ye and Trump were both targeted by one of Ye’s two companions, one of which is a former FBI informant and the other a vicious antisemite who has been striving to gain a meet and greet with Trump for the past 6yrs, all the while Trump refused any association with the vile character.

    It should also be noted that Ivanka is not just Trump’s daughter, it is a well known fact that she is his favorite child. Furthermore, contrary to the notion that Trump was upset at his favorite daughter marrying Kushner, he has embraced Kushner with such confidence that he placed him into a position far more significant than he did for any of his own sons, and found it too difficult to bring himself to fire Kushner from a position which he himself supposedly expressed a desire for Kushner to be terminated.

    Trump is a true friend of the Jews, a true friend of Israel, a doting father Ivanka and Jared, and quite an adoring grandfather to the only Jewish grandchildren of a sitting President to enter the oval office.

    We should not abuse our friends on the behalf of our enemies, as doing so speaks quite poorly of us, while it also places us in the precarious position of being seen as flagging friends to those who actually do embrace us as only a true friend might.

  3. @ Reader

    I get your point. however, Trump would not have gone out of his way to help Israel if he was as big an anti-semite as some think. He could have taken another position. The Jews in America only vote for the demo-party who work for abortion, destroying the American family, LGBTQ – and so forth. “Only a handful of Jews vote on the basis of the candidates’ “support for Israel.” “Jewish voters look like other voters with high levels of education,” says Ira Foreman, co-editor of Jews in American Politics, writing in the Israeli daily Haaretz. The main difference is that they are more liberal: “Jews place more emphasis on civil liberties than their non-Jewish counterparts. Jews support abortion rights at higher levels than other Americans. Jews support the concept of separation of church and state. Jews support gay marriage and civil unions at higher levels than non-Jews.”

    With 7 million jews in USA, American Jews tend to favor Democratic candidates, with 71% of Jewish voters choosing Democratic candidates on average and 26% choosing Republicans since 1968. So, trump must not be pandering to the Jews vote. But he could be pandering to the Christian vote. What about the black vote historically they also vote for the Demo-party.

    you said, “there are 50 million Blacks in the country (2/3 of whom are, allegedly, antisemitic), and an untold millions of white antisemites or their sympathizers” I would disagree with those numbers. As I have said, before to label others without listening to their grievance’s does no good it just shuts down the conversation.

    The forward states: “While the term “Black anti-Semitism” is bandied around, though, there has been no consistent definition of what this actually means – nor is there empirical evidence that anti-Semitism in the Black community is meaningfully different than anti-Semitism in the White community. While attitudinal studies have at times shown that anti-Semitic beliefs are more prevalent in the Black community, these are often correlated to lower levels of education, as was the case in a major study by the Anti-Defamation League in 1998. And while the content of these beliefs may hew to the concerns of the Black community, the provenance of these anti-Semitic beliefs in conspiracy theories of Jewish control is not qualitatively different than white supremacist anti-Semitism.

    I agree “antisemitism is only going to grow as the economy tanks.” but, ignorant people always want to blame the other instead of taking responsibility for themselves. One conclusion one can draw from this copy and paste of quotes, “High levels of education” and “lower levels of education” seem to be parallel tracks running the train to nowhere.

    I do not agree Thump is an Antisemite, but we shall see if he gets back to the white house.

  4. @Tanna

    “This don’t make no sense”

    Actually, it does.

    Let’s say, a Jewish man’s daughter marries a Christian man, converts to Christianity, has her children baptized and brought up as good Christians – is her Jewish family supposed to be happy about it, even though the family members might choose to keep quiet about it and not sever the relationship with her?

    Same thing here – why is Trump supposed to be happy about his daughter’s marriage and conversion, especially that he constantly presents himself as a Christian (or at least as a Christian sympathizer) and a conservative?

    It is lso a question of his projected presidential campaign – he has absolutely nothing to gain from the Jewish voters (see the link below from 2007 – nothing has changed since then) but there are 50 million Blacks in the country (2/3 of whom are, allegedly, antisemitic), and an untold millions of white antisemites or their sympathizers, plus antisemitism is only going to grow as the economy tanks.

    “[Expletive] the Jews. They didn’t vote for us anyway”: Republicans and Israel
    By Jon Wiener, Contributor
    Contributing editor, The Nation; professor of history, UC Irvine; author, ‘How We Forgot the Cold War: A Historical Journey Across America’

    It is a simple cost/benefit analysis on his part – he knows who he has to cater to if he wants to win the presidency.