Gaza Update

By Ted Belman

Both sides say open to truce. Probably Hamas started their rocket barrage hoping to get a truce which would include Israel’s assassination of their leadership and operatives worldwide. There should be no truce that doesn’t include a ceasation of smuggling.

Palestinian militants launch approximately 120 rockets and mortars at Israeli communities near the Gaza Strip over the weekend; 19 Palestinians killed in IAF retaliatory attacks.

Lieberman wants to topple Hamas

Yisrael Beiteinu to demand that toppling of Hamas rule in Gaza be designated a ‘strategic target’

Tough stance: The Yisrael Beiteinu party intends to demand that the ruling Likud party apply clause 11 in the coalition agreement, designating the toppling of Hamas’ rule in the Gaza Strip as a strategic Israeli target.

The issue is expected to be raised in Yisrael Beiteinu’s conference, to be held Wednesday. The party’s chairman, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, will be seeking his colleagues’ backing to lead the move. [..]

Meanwhile, Ynet learned that another issue expected to be brought up during Yisrael Beiteinu’s upcoming conference is the party’s demand to resume construction in Judea and Samaria. The event will also feature discussions on the party’s positions on issues pertaining to security, foreign affairs, the economy, aliyah and settlement activity.

April 10, 2011 | 3 Comments »

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  1. Gaza No-Fly Zone
    Posted by Joe Settler
    While (hopefully) not likely to happen, the Arab League is asking the UN to impose a no-fly zone over Gaza, against Israel.

    We’ve been expecting this ever since they imposed a no-fly zone of Libya, after all, if it’s possible there, then they’re definitely going to consider it here.

    I’m not personally worried that at this stage something like that would be seriously considered (perhaps after September).

    Meanwhile, no word from the Arab League when they plan to ask Hamas to stop trying to kill Jewish civilians, particularly children.

  2. Meanwhile… at the United Nations…

    Interesting idea, a no fly zone over Gaza. Maybe the Arab League will volunteer for the job?