by Majid Rafizadeh, GATESTONE • November 25, 2023 at 5:00 am
- Germany is the top European trade partner buying oil and non-oil commodities from Iran.
- “UANI [United Against Nuclear Iran] said that research had led to the identification of 2,500 businesses around the world, suspected of having involvement with Iran, with hundreds in Europe. They will publish their names if they do not receive satisfactory answers.” — The National, September 22, 2023.
- The EU’s trade with Iran, increasing the Iranian regime’s revenue, is doubtless making it easier for the theocratic establishment to provide weapons to Russia, repress its own people even further, strengthen its military presence in Venezuela and Cuba, help its proxies escalate their goals of trying to annihilate Israel and the Jews, and above all, top off its nuclear weapons program with which to blackmail everyone.
- If this is the damage the Iranian is doing without nuclear weapons, just think what it will do with them.
- The Europeans’ continuing business with Iran repeats the same mistake they made with Nazi Germany: feeding a war machine that will ultimately turn on them. Appeasing anyone will only encourage him to become an even greater threat. Although Europe and the US most probably will not do it, the time has come to stop.

In spite of the Iran’s increasing involvement in the war against Ukraine and against Israel and Jews, the European Union, as well as the US, appear more than happy to continue appeasing the Iran’s ruling mullahs. Shouldn’t this make them considered accomplices?
Iran and Russia are fast making headway constructing a plant based in Russia that will mass-produce Iranian-designed kamikaze drones, presumably to help Moscow attack Ukrainian targets.
Yet, no sanctions or pressure have been imposed either by the United States or the European Union just on this project, let alone Iran’s lethal nuclear program or the 60+ attacks on US troops in Syria and Iraq just since October 17.
According to a recent report by the Institute for Science and International Security:
Michael…I agree with the analyses made based on history . This is never a dogma but it is a model.
The problem with your model is that it does not incorporate true fact, including true facts of recent history.
In this case it is the foundational historical facts of Russia and Ukraine.
I ask you here only about ONE in hopes of you considering and answering one
That is the events in 2014 when Viktor Yanukovych was overthrown
What did happen ?
Note that Russia is Iran’s active partner. The others are merely opportunists.
BTW, Ukraine is in the process of being thrown under the bus by its friends. Ukraine first, then Israel.
It’s quite obvious that Israel is the canary in the coalmine. If the Iranians attack Israel with atomic weapons, there are two possible results:
1. Israel will retaliate and be condemned by the international community irrelevant of the damage caused by either side, proportionality be damned.
2. If Israel is no longer able to retaliate, there is no reason to panic. The UNSC can sit down with the Iranians and reach a new agreement until the next attack, likely in NYC.
At the end of the day, everyone left alive and not contaminated with radioactive fallout will be happy. Those are probably the BRICS nations and a few others not immediately in the path of the fallout. The EU may join BRICS at this point…