Ministers vote to annex Jordan Valley


Yesh Atid, Hatnua are likely to appeal vote on bill that would apply Israeli law to the area, significantly limit PM, Livni in peace talks; Erekat: Bill shows Israel’s “indifference” to international law, undermines peace efforts.
MK Miri Regev.

MK Miri Regev. Photo: Facebook

The government may be on the way to annexing the Jordan Valley, with the Ministerial Committee for Legislation approving a bill to that effect Sunday.

The proposal by MK Miri Regev (Likud Beytenu) would apply Israeli law to the area, significantly limiting Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Justice Minister Tzipi Livni in peace talks.

If the bill becomes law, Netanyahu would be unable to accept the American offer to put the Jordan Valley and border crossings into Jordan under Palestinian control, with IDF soldiers posted at the border and the US providing additional security.

“The ministerial committee’s approval of this bill now, when there are talks with the Palestinians, is a clear statement by the government that the towns in the Jordan Valley are a strategic and security asset of the State of Israel that must stay in our hands,” Regev said.

According to Regev, the Jordan Valley is the “safety belt” on the eastern border.

Interior Minister Gideon Sa’ar worked to convince the committee to approve the bill, saying “there is no separation between settlement and security, and the Jordan Valley is a consensus among Israeli citizens. There’s nothing wrong with everyone knowing that the Jordan Valley will remain Israeli in any final status agreement.”

Eight ministers on the committee, all from the Likud, Yisrael Beytenu or Bayit Yehudi, voted in favor of the bill, while Hatnua and Yesh Atid ministers opposed.

Regev thanked Interior Minister Gideon Sa’ar and Housing and Construction Minister Uri Ariel for pushing the bill through the committee. She and Sa’ar plan to visit the Jordan Valley later this week.

Livni, Finance Minister Yair Lapid and Health Minister Yael German said they would submit an appeal of the vote.

Following their appeal, the bill would be brought back to a second vote by all of the ministers, where the combination of Bayit Yehudi, Yisrael Beytenu and Likud ministers, minus Netanyahu, would give it a broad majority.

Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat condemned the bill, telling Ma’an the vote in favor of it shows Israel’s “indifference” to international law, as well as undermining US Secretary of State John Kerry’s efforts for peace.

Erekat also said the Palestinian response to the bill should be to seek statehood recognition from all international bodies.

MK Nitzan Horowitz (Meretz) said the committee’s approval of the bill indicates that “Netanyahu suffers from a split personality, or he’s a serial cheat.”

“On the one hand, he frees murdering terrorists and with the other he allows the extremists in his party pass laws that stop negotiations. On the one hand he sends Tzipi Livni to talk to the Palestinians and on the other he builds settlements. Either way, he is hurting the citizens of Israel,” Horowitz said.

“This government is being outrageously irresponsible,” MK Nachman Shai (Labor) said. “Instead of promoting the only way to save the State of Israel from becoming a binational state, it is ruining any chance of a treaty and deteriorating us to international isolation.”

According to Shai, the vote reveals the government’s real face, even though it is negotiating with the Palestinians.

In the coalition, Yesh Atid faction chairman Ofer Shelah called the bill “irresponsible and dangerous, which causes harm even if it does not become law in the end.”

“The fact that all Likud ministers voted for this bill raises questions about the prime minister’s party’s seriousness, since he decided to enter negotiations with the Palestinians while his ministers support a bill that will tie Israel’s hands in those talks and makes us look like we’re doing everything to sabotage them,” Shelah said.

December 29, 2013 | 91 Comments »

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50 Comments / 91 Comments

  1. CuriousAmerican Said:

    Are you more interested in solving the problem or getting the Arabs to pay?

    Are you more interested in solving the problem or in getting the Jews to pay?
    I guarantee that every arab transferred across the border will be paid for by the responsible parties: UNRWA who is already there, UN who funds refugee camps can move their money to the receiving entities, adjoining arab nations can choose to absorb them, resettle them or be destabilized by them, EU can transfer their money to the same people in different locations. Everything would happen once the transfer is made because there would be no recourse to Israel to solve the problem Your approach is extremely unrealistic with way too many dependencies on others. My approach has absolutely NO dependencies on others, is completely unilateral and everything naturally follows from the initiation. The only issue is to convince the Israelis.
    It can be done in phases over time giving the world a chance to evaluate their choices to seriously deal with resettlement or not.
    It is even better than yours as a plan for individuals. Just dump individual terrorists, militias over the borders to start. No price beyond transportation costs. Why bother with paying individuals when they can be dumped as individuals. the only issue is convincing Israel
    the globe will fall into place once Israel creates facts on the ground. Any attempt at sanctions will speed up deportations. Who will go to war with Israel who is not already at war. If egypt does then their borders are opened to transfers, if jordan does their border becomes open to transfer. Under my plan everyone seeking to harm Israel is automatically creating a worse scenario for the Pals and themselves
    You have never seriously looked into the elegant details of my plan and its natural permanent sustainable solution on every projected level from the beginning to the end. It is legal, moral, practical, Your plan is tortured and a drop in the bucket relying on everyone else to succeed. Individually it is foolish and en masse it is unrealistic.

  2. @ bernard ross:
    Bibi, I think has defined (in his own mind) the demilitarized Palestinian State that would come from the negotiations as an autonomous self run area. I do not believe he thinks this would be a full blown state. I also believe he is in error in doing this.

    If I were a Palestinian I would agree to his terms more or less and get more land and freedom and just do what I wanted to afterwards. I do not think they will do this because they are caught in their own BS rhetoric and anyone who would agree to a Jewish State or compromise on the old city of Jerusalem and the attached Arab neighborhoods would be deemed a traitor and murdered.

  3. @ bernard ross:
    On the contrary: you do not factor in arab leadership death threats; your plan requires the agreement of various SA countries with no dog in the race.

    South American countries have open immigration laws. They could be persuaded with payments of cash to the governments to allow in refugees who come with enough money to set themselves up.

    Brazil and Argentina accepted a flood of Europeans recently.

    Argentina’s constitution will allow any immigrant from Europe – without a criminal record. Arabs are considered whites.

    Furthermore, you do not ask the responsible parties to pay.

    I do not really care who pays; but the Arabs are NOT going to pay. You know that.

    Are you more interested in solving the problem or getting the Arabs to pay?

  4. Bear Klein Said:

    Netanyahu, Schiff says, also holds out the prospect of increasing the percentage allocated to the Palestinian entity over time or to reducing it in order to accommodate settler demands.

    do you have any links to this schiff piece and how does this jibe with BB appearing to only want temporary security outposts in the JV? Your plan has Israel getting the JV. there appears to be no discussion where Israel permanently seeks to claim or retain the JV.

  5. @ Bear Klein:
    The Arabs are not moving in mass by paying them to go. They are literally scared to death of the death sentence that would be imposed on them (by the PLO and/or Hamas) and perhaps their families if they sold property to move elsewhere .

    You go to individual youth. You pay them and give them papers and fly them out the same day before they can be killed.

    Dr. Martin Sherman calls this process atomization. You avoid the group, and go the individual.

  6. @ CuriousAmerican:
    The Arabs are not moving in mass by paying them to go. They are literally scared to death of the death sentence that would be imposed on them (by the PLO and/or Hamas) and perhaps their families if they sold property to move elsewhere .

    They do not even vote in East Jerusalem when they want to because of fear of the PLO and Hamas warnings against voting.

    You or anyone else thinks this is a solution (for more than isolated cases) simply do not understand the reality on the ground.

    I have no conceptual issue of finding or raising monies (from 3rd parties) but I do not think this is a realistic solution. You saying again and again (to pay them to leave) which I am sure you will does not change reality.

  7. Bear Klein Said:

    Bibi had a plan longtime ago called the “Allon-Plus” Map ( I could see him doing something similar to this (updated)

    do you have any links to this, and why do you belive he has not changed in the same way he has changed to a 2 state solutions?
    apologies, I see the link further up

  8. CuriousAmerican Said:

    The Alon Plan requires co-operation from Jordan. Why would Jordan give such co-operation?

    It is not Israels responsibility if the pals are uncooperative with anyone just as it is not Israels responsibility to give the faux pals a state. You keep raising sill red herrings. If the pals are uncooperative with jordan they can starve just like in egypt now. they are responsible for their results as they have always been responsible.

  9. CuriousAmerican Said:

    but in the end, if Jordan closes the door, all you have is a re-zoned Judea and Samaria, not the Alon Plan.
    Israel has to start dealing with Palestinian individuals, and stop trying to cut a deal with Arab authorities which will NEVER agree to any plan with helps Israel.

    although I do not agree with the plan your comments are in error. the door gets closed on gaza. When the door is closed they must suffer and the choice is theirs as to whether they behave peacefully or become a jail this is not rocket science. You keep bringing up false bogey men and red herring to scare the jews into giving to the pals. Nothing need be given, whatever is given or not given will not reduce attacks on the Jews. They can be in Jail if they like, its their choice.

  10. CuriousAmerican Said:

    The problem with these plans is that the Arabs will NEVER act reasonable. At least my suggestion deals with individual Arabs and does NOT require group consensus. Paid compensation to individuals to relocate to South America does NOT involve Jordanian or PA approval.

    On the contrary: you do not factor in arab leadership death threats; your plan requires the agreement of various SA countries with no dog in the race. Furthermore, you do not ask the responsible parties to pay. If the UN, arabs, EU and church do not agree with your plan they can all thwart it because your plan depends on others to be realistically implemented. My plan ensures that they will all be on board once refugees are transferred across the borders becuase they have a stake in resettling those refugees and it attmpting to get Israel to solve their problem will be futile. they will resettle the refugees or implode. They will have to divert UNRWA money for Israel to somewhere else where it is needed.
    Why don’t you ask the UN to pay: they are currently invested in maintaining the status quo.
    Even if Israel wanted to pay it cannot work until everyone else is on board. My plan is totally unilateral and coerces the players to be payers by facts on the ground. They will have no choice but to resolve the crisis. Israel will only be concerned with external military threats and sanctions which it already has. It’s internal threat will be vastly reduced. This can happen in phases over a period starting with the transfer of the PLO, fatah and militias. If sent to gaza they can fight with Hamas and be “engaged” indefinitely. At that point the arabs, UN, EU and churches can be invited to implement your plan and pay t for the resor get the transfer of the rest first with its ensuing chaos in the reciving lands. They will be highly motivated under my plan. They will do nothing from the goodness of their hearts. In this I agree with you wrt the EU, UN, Arabs and Church. My plan needs no agreements and depends solely on the will of the israeli people.

  11. yamit82 Said:

    The left will be 100% unified and I doubt those on the right will not split or not vote, (abstain).

    We keep returning to the problem being a disunited right when it comes to YS. However, it may also indicate that those for YS are a small minority.
    I do not understand the religious sector disunity regarding YS or the Mount; it appears that a significant amount of them are willing to give them to the Muslims

  12. CuriousAmerican Said:

    That observation is true. Israel has to decide one way or the other; or look dishonest.

    what looks “dishonest” is how you have identified BB as being Israel.
    note what acually was said in your quote:

    CuriousAmerican Said:

    Either way, he is hurting the citizens of Israel,” Horowitz said.

    CuriousAmerican Said:

    So MK Nitzan Horowitz might be one who would accuse Israel of being dishonest by virtue of a Netanyahu leadership.

    and yet later on you intentionally repat a lie in order to support your spurious clain. Horowitz was clearly NOT identifying BB with the state of Israel but as a danger to Israel. You twisted this to support your own usual agenda to defame Israel.
    Who is the dishonest one?

  13. @ David Chase:
    Bibi is openly managing the conflict and making ugly decisions practically no Jew likes (e.g. releasing terrorists from prison).

    He is doing a balancing act to appease Obama. He is getting close to the rights red line that is why the bill to annex the Jordan Valley was brought. This is also to show Kerry we will not remove settlements from the Jordan Valley.

  14. @Ted Belman – Bibi had a plan longtime ago called the “Allon-Plus” Map ( I could see him doing something similar to this (updated) but I am not sure if the people to the right of him would consent nor those to the left as Israel still does not have an Israel plan) Below the parameters as written in the past.

    Netanyahu’s map maintains fidelity to a number of long-standing Israeli geostrategic principles outlined in the Allon Plan; Ariel Sharon’s “A Vision of Israel at Century’s End,” published in 1977; and the “Peace Map” of the Third Way political party issued last year. According to the principles, “defensible borders” for Israel and its strategic superiority throughout the territory require these factors:

    Israeli sovereignty in a 15 km wide belt including the Jordan Valley and its western mountain ridge and in the Judean Desert running west from the Dead Sea (except for a small area running north of Ayn Fashka).
    Expansion of the territorial bridge between Jerusalem and the Mediterranean coast by widening Israeli sovereignty northwest of the city to the settlement of Beit Horon and south to the Etzion Bloc.
    Expansion of metropolitan Jerusalem by the annexation of territory north to the settlements of Givat Ze’ev and Beit El, east to Ma’ale Adumim, and south to the Etzion Bloc.
    Disruption of the territorial continuity of the Palestinian entity in the West Bank by the placement of Israeli settlements under Israeli sovereignty and the creation of four transport “corridors” of indeterminable width running in an east-west direction connecting Israel to the Jordan Valley.
    Disruption of the territorial continuity between the Palestinian populations straddling the Green Line border between the western slopes of the West Bank Samarian plateau and the Israeli region between Kfar Kasm and Um el Fahm. Implementation of this objective requires expanding Israeli sovereignty east from the Green Line.

    The proposed map acknowledges that while most of Israel’s 140-odd settlements, with their population of 160,000, will be annexed to Israel, some settlements–and settlers–will find themselves in Palestinian territory. These include fewer than 20 isolated and sparsely populated outposts near Nablus and Jenin. Curiously, Netanyahu’s map also appears to exclude the settlements of Kiryat Arba, with its population of 5,000, and Hebron from annexation by Israel. According to Ha’aretz defense editor Ze’ev Schiff, however, Netanyahu is proposing functional solutions for holy places such as Jerusalem’s Haram as Sharif/Temple Mount and Hebron’s Ibrahimiyya Mosque/Machpela Cave that will preserve Islamic and Jewish rights respectively. Netanyahu, Schiff says, also holds out the prospect of increasing the percentage allocated to the Palestinian entity over time or to reducing it in order to accommodate settler demands.

    The requirements reflected in the Netanyahu map demonstrate the time-tested strategic considerations shared by the vast majority of Israelis. Sharon has noted that, “the details may vary but, in principle, the essence [of the Netanyahu map] is very much the same” as one he proposed in 1977.

  15. Opponents of this bill are right that for BB to steer full passage of the bill in the Knesset, will be a pre-emptory rebuff of the anticipated Obama-Kerry plan to allow Israel to remain in control for a limited time of the Jordan valley, to ultimately be replaced by a UN force, will anger Palestinians who will blame Israel for scuttling peace talks and provide a pretext to pursue a UN Resolution declaring Palestinian nationhood and a state of indeterminate borders and will of course anger the international community and Obama-Kerry in particular who might direct their UN Ambassador to vote in favor or abstain from a Security Council vote to so declare the Palestinians a people, a nation, that the Palestinians have a state and Israel must immediately go out of occupation of the West Bank or face sanctions.

    What opponents of this bill fundamentally miss is that Palestinians have not back down from any of their demands and indeed have continued to add to those demands, that these negotiations are going nowhere, that historically, even interim partial deals reached by Israel with Palestinians has led to an uptick in Palestinian terrorism, that the uncertain status quo without ongoing direct talks, at least seems to better ensure calm and fewer attacks against Israel than when Israel is actively engaged in talks and the fact that past history of the international community and UN forces seeking to secure peace anywhere in the world, is batting a 1000% failure rate, to just cite several factors these opponents of the bill ignore.

    Israel is in a tough, hostile and Jew-Israel hate filled part of the world. Neither the U.S. nor the international community are at immediate existential threat, though those in the Mid East and North Africa that hate Israel and Jews, hate the West almost as much.

    As we have been witnessing over the past decade or so, without the Saturday people in Muslim countries to persecute, the Muslims in those nations are lethally persecuting the Sunday peoples.

    The U.S. and EU communities in particular see a need to ensure an influential presence in the Mid East and North Africa. That need has largely been based on oil needs, particularly the EU. As America becomes increasingly energy self sufficient that self interested oil based agenda becomes less imperative, though old habitual thinking dies hard. America thus remains right there with the EU oil hungry nations to press Israel to make concessions to Palestinians that they believe will further their own interests in shoring up and even advancing their interests in the region.

    The Obama-Kerry full court press to force Israel to make a deal with Palestinians will according to reports be fully disclosed at the start of the New Year. Based on any fair analysis of what details have been leaked so far of their new strategic plan for peace, it is virtually certain that plan and the pressure anticipated to put the plan into effect, will not augur well for Israel.

    This bill to annex the Jordan Valley holds both promise of good and bad. If Netanyahu appears to push for ultimate passage of the bill or he leaves it there to be yet dealt with, may reflect that annexation of the Jordan valley is his goal or that he only intends to use it to blunt and deflect the anticipated Obama-Kerry New Years peace plan.

    If Netanyahu does not intend to go through with this bill, but to only use raising its prospects as a negotiating tactic to resist U.S. pressure, that will not be such a bad thing.

    With New Years just around the corner, we will know soon enough just how Netanyahu will play the hand this annexation bill has dealt him.

  16. The Bill is just a screen that will last while the various Netanyahu planned acts against the Jewish people will take place. Just as “construction”, “Pollard release”, etc, are used by the unJews as screens.
    Israel and all of us are required to take a different tack. A JDL styled renewal to start with. Start a mass action movement and promote hundreds of true leaders. Those are people that will never join the putrid combina.
    I recall fondly how Netanyahu was smashed on a TV debate by one Mordechai. Mordechai called him a liar in public and on the air. Netanyahu squirmed like splashed worm. Conveniently, Mordechai was later found to have had illegal sexual interests…

    Nothing but a stern action movement willing to mix it up and to remove the unJews from offices of state. “Elections” here are a well organized bread and circus show.

  17. When MK Horowitz says that “on the one hand” Netanyahu releases terrorists and sends Tzipi Livni to the negotiations and “on the other hand” builds settlements. First, when did we agree to stop. Oslo permits it. Are the negotiations over. Second, if Netanyahu is making “goodwill gestures” does that mean it’s a foregone conclusion that we already agree to all the Palestinian demands. Since when are the Palestinians so consistent- Why doesn’t Horowitz ask the question why the Palestinians signed the Oslo agreements which, for one, call for the eradication from their charter calling for Israel’s destruction and then initiate an intifada and, second, actually PERMITS building in Judea and Samaria and now claim it’s a sign of bad faith to build. It’s ridiculous.

  18. @ Ted Belman:
    Yes and no. Whenever on has a neighbour (Jordan)both must cooperate to permit the passage of goods and people. So in that sense cooperation is essential for normality. The Alon Plan envisaged an Arab enclave that would have access to Jordan. If Jordan closes the door, they closed the door. That’s all. The Alon Plan stands.

    Ted, you are reifying a proposed plan as if it were its own reality.

    If Jordan closes the door, the plan evaporates. It stands only in the minds of the authors and proponents; but not in reality. Israel may divide the land according to Alonian rules, but in the end, if Jordan closes the door, all you have is a re-zoned Judea and Samaria, not the Alon Plan.

    Israel has to start dealing with Palestinian individuals, and stop trying to cut a deal with Arab authorities which will NEVER agree to any plan with helps Israel.

    Plans which are not implemented are worthless – like the yearly determination of the US Congress to balance the budget.

  19. CuriousAmerican Said:

    The Alon Plan requires co-operation from Jordan.

    Yes and no. Whenever on has a neighbour (Jordan)both must cooperate to permit the passage of goods and people. So in that sense cooperation is essential for normality. The Alon Plan envisaged an Arab enclave that would have access to Jordan. If Jordan closes the door, they closed the door. That’s all. The Alon Plan stands.


    The Alon Plan requires co-operation from Jordan. Why would Jordan give such co-operation?

    The problem with these plans is that the Arabs will NEVER act reasonable.

    At least my suggestion deals with individual Arabs and does NOT require group consensus. Paid compensation to individuals to relocate to South America does NOT involve Jordanian or PA approval.

  21. @ yamit82:
    Who are those who would accuse Israel of being dishonest?

    Those who have noticed Israel’s ever changing policy, as evinced by Netanyahu.

    For ex:

    From the Article

    MK Nitzan Horowitz (Meretz) said the committee’s approval of the bill indicates that “Netanyahu suffers from a split personality, or he’s a serial cheat.”

    It would seem that MK Nitzan Horowitz used a term “serial cheat” indicating dishonesty. While it refers to Netanyahu,Netanyahu is driving Israeli policy; and Israel is made to look bad.

    So MK Nitzan Horowitz might be one who would accuse Israel of being dishonest by virtue of a Netanyahu leadership.

  22. @ bernard ross:

    It means that if the opponents all vote and the supporters all vote it’s close to a tie or passes by a vote or loses by a vote plus minus but if some from Likud and Israel betaynu either don’t vote or vote against the bill it falls. The left will be 100% unified and I doubt those on the right will not split or not vote, (abstain).

    Therefore I give the bill zero chance of passing even if BB supports it I showed that the opponents with the Arabs could muster 58-59 votes against and for the bill to pass the proponents would need at least 59 votes and I don’t see it.

  23. yamit82 Said:

    Lets say it passes all three readingstill not be implemented due to a number of political, military and political reasons.

    Sounds like Levy and E1. I am wondering what makes Israelis classify BB as being on the right?

  24. ArnoldHarris Said:

    I wonder what generals Grant and Lee would say to one another about all that, in some meeting in a heavenly Appomattox Courthous

    They were classmates at WestpointThe fought with TX’s Great great Grandf ather during the Mexican American War. Stationed in Castroville,Tx.

  25. ArnoldHarris Said:

    Between the States was ultimately won by Beijing and not by Washington

    I travel through Pan-Handle Texas in Oct. Cotton is still king!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So is

  26. @ honeybee:
    Honeybee, maybe the North won the war and maybe the South won the peace, but the Chinese and much of the rest of Southeast Asia produce all the cotton goods. Which means the War Between the States was ultimately won by Beijing and not by Washington. Which is okay, I suppose, because I always have preferred chow mein rather than pizza.

    I wonder what generals Grant and Lee would say to one another about all that, in some meeting in a heavenly Appomattox Courthouse.

    Arnold Harris
    Mount Horeb WI

  27. bernard ross Said:

    @ yamit82:
    although this is unrelated I thought you might find this amusing
    Nancy Salgado has worked for the fast-food corporation for over 10 years yet still earns $8.25 an hour, barely more than the $7.25 federal minimum wage. With help from the worker’s rights group Low Pay Is Not Ok, she phoned the company’s employee hotline, known as McResource, attempting to find some answers on how to improve her situation… the McDonald’s representative said she “definitely should be able to qualify for both food stamps and heating assistance.” – See more at:
    therefore, the taxpayer picks up the corporations’s shortfall

    Who said slavery ended in the civil war?

  28. bernard ross Said:

    Perhaps the PA needs the talks to fail as it might end their rule and corrupt perks if they succeed.

    Lets pretend they get a state. Do you think any of the Kleptomaniacs now stealing 50-60% of the aid and donations will continue to receive the support they now do. Will Israel continue to subsidize them? Even their currency is the Israeli Shekel and all we need to do to destroy them is to change the currency and not accept those shekels they hold for redemption. With out the conflict with Israel they will disappear from the news and the consciousness of the world. What’s the difference if there is another failed state in the world? Would Abbas and any successor be pleased and capable of administering sewers and public services? They would be reduced to the level and status of a mayor of a large city. Nobody will invite them and nobody will come to visit. The people left to their own devices and remaining in character will begin in earnest to kill each other.

    Their only option for maintaining some sense of order and stability is to continue the conflict against Israel at all costs. If they became a state those crooks with all the money will leave for greener pastures where they already have invested their loot and where their palaces and mansions are located.

  29. bernard ross Said:

    I would like to know from Israelis here if this is really achievable or can BB quash it through Livni or BB cronies in Likud? If it can be quashed by Livni then we know why he appointed her. If vote his cronies in likud cause its failure then we know BB’s agenda is to be a mole.

    BB has several options.
    He can support the legislation.
    He can apply massive pressure on his coalition and ministers to vote no in the next round challenged by Livni. All of Yesh Atid and Livni’s 2 ministers will vote against that’s an automatic 7 no’s. If the likud and Lieberman split the vote the bill falls.

    If the Bill passes the requisite ministerial committee and goes to the plenum and Lapid (19) Livni(6) Labor (15) Meretz (6) Arab parties (10) Kadima (2)That’s (58) and religious and shas parties abstains (16) all vote against against. The bill is defeated.

    Even if by some quirk of circumstances the bill somehow passes first reading it could fall on the next two and the Knesset chairman could delay bringing the bill up for a vote for ages on technicalities, insuring that any vote takes place after the next national elections. Lets say it passes all three readingstill not be implemented due to a number of political, military and political reasons.

    BB has many options. If he agrees or seems to agree I believe he will be looking for some tradeoff from OBAMA AND EU,to kill the Bill early so as not to give the Palis, EU and Americans reasons for blaming Israel FOR NEGOTIATIONS FAILURE. In any event he is allowing the right to vent and spin their wheels to take the immediate attention away from the act of releasing murderers tomorrow. That’s been his MO when he announces new construction in Y&S and E-1 then kills it mostly quietly but it pacifies the right in the short term.

    As a true political animal he still wants another term and still needs his political base and party to support him. Vast majority of Jewish Israelis oppose his releasing murderers. His strength is there appears to be no one else prominent and qualified to be PM from the right . It’s like the Republican party many wannabees and all lackluster. Few like or trust him but until he is challenged seriously we Israelis have little choice or options.

  30. @ yamit82:
    although this is unrelated I thought you might find this amusing

    Nancy Salgado has worked for the fast-food corporation for over 10 years yet still earns $8.25 an hour, barely more than the $7.25 federal minimum wage. With help from the worker’s rights group Low Pay Is Not Ok, she phoned the company’s employee hotline, known as McResource, attempting to find some answers on how to improve her situation… the McDonald’s representative said she “definitely should be able to qualify for both food stamps and heating assistance.” – See more at:
    therefore, the taxpayer picks up the corporations’s shortfall

  31. CuriousAmerican Said:

    That observation is true.

    Is it true?

    Partially true?

    Or not true at all?

    CuriousAmerican Said:

    Israel has to decide one way or the other; or look dishonest.

    Who are those who would accuse Israel of being dishonest?

    Should we Israelis care what anyone thinks?

  32. I have been awaiting such an action by the Knesset of Israel on behalf of the Jewish nation and world Zionism, ever since 1973, when my wife and I extensively toured the Jordan valley and the shoreline of the Dead Sea, following which, through my graduate studies in city and regional planning as applied to the whole of Eretz-Yisrael, during the fellowship year 1973-1974 with the Department of Geography at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

    If this is all borne out, I think haShem shall bless this day and give courage to the leadership of the State of Israel to ignore both the threats and blandishments of all the Israel-hating goyim of the world, and the self-hating Jews who facilitate their efforts to destroy the Jewish state and return the Jewish nation to the subjugation of the past 3000 years.

    And if this momentous step takes place, let it be just another step in a series of annexations that shall put all Eretz-Yisrael back under control of the Jewish state and the Jewish nation.

    Arnold Harris
    Mount Horeb WI

  33. Netanyahu has no core ideology or principles.

    Meretz is right about his dishonesty but he is not one to go against a bill supported by the majority of the coalition.

    His sole interest is in staying in power and he will tack to wherever the political winds blow.

  34. Livni, Finance Minister Yair Lapid and Health Minister Yael German said they would submit an appeal of the vote.
    Following their appeal, the bill would be brought back to a second vote by all of the ministers, where the combination of Bayit Yehudi, Yisrael Beytenu and Likud ministers, minus Netanyahu, would give it a broad majority.

    I would like to know from Israelis here if this is really achievable or can BB quash it through Livni or BB cronies in Likud? If it can be quashed by Livni then we know why he appointed her. If vote his cronies in likud cause its failure then we know BB’s agenda is to be a mole.

  35. MK Nitzan Horowitz (Meretz) said the committee’s approval of the bill indicates that “Netanyahu suffers from a split personality, or he’s a serial cheat.”

    “On the one hand, he frees murdering terrorists and with the other he allows the extremists in his party pass laws that stop negotiations. On the one hand he sends Tzipi Livni to talk to the Palestinians and on the other he builds settlements. Either way, he is hurting the citizens of Israel,” Horowitz said.

    That observation is true. Israel has to decide one way or the other; or look dishonest.

  36. This is a good thing.

    The peace process is a sham. This will kill it; and rightly so.

    This should be enacted ASAP.

    Will Israel offer to enfranchise the Arabs in the Jordan Valley as they do in Jerusalem? Just asking. Not criticizing.