Obama Will Unilaterally Announce US Defense Secrets…

by Jim Hoft,Gateway Pundit

The dismantling of America continues…

This is far left insanity.

The Obama Administration will unilaterally announce US secret missile tests and satellite launches in the hope that other regimes will do the same.

The LA Times Top of the Ticket Blog reported, via FOX Nation:

President Obama has decided to pre-announce to the world once-secret American ballistic missile tests and satellite launches.

The Democratic administration’s goal is to show a friendlier face to other countries and to coax Russia to do the same.

It’s part of a confidence-boosting initiative launched, so to speak, last fall when Obama suddenly abandoned the U.S. missile-defense system in Eastern Europe that had exercised the Russians, though it was aimed at potential future missiles from Iran.

Obama hoped such a unilateral U.S. forfeiture would encourage Russia to put pressure on Iran to halt its nuclear weapons development. So far, no good on that.

Of course, the point of secret tests by any state in an insecure, suspicious world is to deny advance notice to potential enemies, making it more difficult if not impossible for them to gain intelligence by monitoring the tests themselves.

According to George Jahn of the Associated Press, a confidential U.S. note sent to 128 other countries two weeks ago said:

    “The United States … will provide pre-launch notification of commercial and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) space launches as well as the majority of intercontinental ballistic and submarine-launched ballistic missile launches.”

Security experts note that Obama left himself some wiggle room by using the phrase “majority of intercontinental and submarine-launched ballistic missile launches,” many of which depart from Vandenberg Air Force Base on the California coast.

Washington’s hope is that Russia will resume doing the same.

No wonder pundits are already noticing how the United States has lost its prestige in the world.

This is insane.

May 24, 2010 | 13 Comments »

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13 Comments / 13 Comments

  1. There was a time when scum like this would not have dared to display such placards.

    Ayn, scum is too nice of a word to describe these Arabs.

  2. “I am an American, so unlike you I place the interests of America over Israel.”

    That is the poorest excuse I ever heard from an American Jew not supporting Israel.

    First of all I support and have a definite interest in Israel because Israel is a true friend, ally, a democracy and a peace loving nation.
    This friend has been the stabilizing force in the ME. This is the kind of friend you want.

    If you are Jewish is not unpatriotic to support Israel, in fact if you are Jewish you are tied to Israel by faith, heritage and by G-d.

    His problem is he is trying to be un-Jewish to look good with his non-Jewish friends. Well someone please inform this jerk if he had true friends being Jewish and supporting Israel would be more than acceptable.

    Shame on him

  3. Haaretz really, really hates Israel (a lot!)

    haaretz should relocate headquarters to Tehran or damascus.

    Kudos to Glenn Greenwald, whose patriotism is so vast that he supports a Palestinian terror movement which danced for joy on 9/11 and has murdered many Americans and has threatened to visit the United States to kill many more.

    As with other leftists, Greenwald’s patriotism consists of hating Jews more than loving America.

    It’s interesting that ordinarily America-hating leftists suddenly claim their unwavering patriotism when it comes to disparaging anyone supportive of Israel.

  4. Has any commander ever defeated his own forces in a battle before engagement…

    I can only think of two.


    And Colonel Sanders.

  5. We are unilaterally losing the war. Has any commander ever defeated his own forces in a battle before engagement with foreign armies? But Obama thrives on the defeat of America and eats shame as if it were a delicacy. There is no need for the enemy to attack, yet. We will be defeated more thoroughly and more quickly if they leave us alone. Until the time to administer the final blow, our enemies can scorn and laugh as they behold “Nero” burn “ROME”.

    “We have met the enemy and it is us.”

  6. Yesterday, my close personal friend and kindred spirit mbrach mentioned that he participates in Salon.com forums featuring the works of Glenn Greenwald. Greenwald dismisses all Jewish supporters of Israel using this bon mot: “I am an American, so unlike you I place the interests of America over Israel.”

    Reading between the lines (but hardly requiring an electron microscope to do so), if you are a Jewish supporter of Israel, then you are unpatriotic.

    Kudos to Glenn Greenwald, whose patriotism is so vast that he supports a Palestinian terror movement which danced for joy on 9/11 and has murdered many Americans and has threatened to visit the United States to kill many more.

    As with other leftists, Greenwald’s patriotism consists of hating Jews more than loving America.

    And when confronted with this point, Greenwald…well…I don’t want to ruin the suspense for my bosom buddy mbrach.

    But think “bucket/water/Wicked Witch of the West”.

  7. Think of all the spy’s that will be added to the unemployment lines. Obama is making the profession redundant.

    I think in light of the obama Glasnost policy of giving away American military secrets he should at least release Pollard. Pollard is already in

    year 26 and he only gave secrets to Israel not the whole world.

    Obama should impel any thinking America to do away with Affirmative Action. See the results?

  8. Obama is a spaz.

    That is what Mark Levin just called him.


    A spaz.

    Childish insult?


    Totally insensitive and astoundingly politically incorrect?


    But it just came out of the blue and was good for a hard laugh on a gloomy Monday afternoon.

    So thanks, Mark.

    I can always use a laugh when the commander-in-chief is tipping off America’s enemies to our military secrets.

    Otherwise, I would cry.