S Arabia and Iran ganging up on Israel- will US join in?

By Ted Belman

With the Mecca Accords, Saudia Arabia re inserted it self in Palestinian affairs. Although there is some aspect of the deal that distances Hamas from Iran, we should not be thankful.

Now it appears S.A. has negotiated a deal with Iran over the conflict in Lebanon.

Could the object of this diplomacy be to unite the “moderates” together with the radicals so that they can concentrate on the Arab version of the final solution?

In Israel’s man in Mecca, Caroline Glick highlights Saudi Arabia’s machinations and its embrace by Livni and Olmert.

JNewswire advises,

Jordan’s King Abdullah II arrived in Washington on Monday on a quest to educate the US administration on the importance of strong-arming Israel into accepting a pan-Arab “peace” offer.

The object of the entire exercise of Saudi Arabia is to destroy Israel.

March 6, 2007 | Comments Off on S Arabia and Iran ganging up on Israel- will US join in?