Seven Dead Doctors in 14 Days Don’t Lie

Does this seem normal to you?

By Wayne Allyn Root, FPM

Have you ever heard of seven doctors dead in a 14-day period (from July 13 through July 28)? How about five dead doctors in a few days, in one city (Toronto)? How about 14 dead doctors in the past nine months? And these dead doctors were mostly YOUNG.

Do these headlines catch your attention? Because they’re all true. Confirmed. Fact. It all just happened in Canada, a small country of 30 million (one-tenth the size of America).

In Canada they’re obsessed with the COVID-19 vaccine. The government is ruthless to the point of appearing criminally insane. If you don’t get vaccinated, it’s difficult to live a normal life. And you absolutely can’t practice medicine anywhere in Canada.

And they don’t count you as vaxxed if you took one or even two COVID-19 vaccines. Nope. In Canada, you need four vaccines.

Virtually everyone is vaccinated. There is no choice — if you want to avoid arrest, keep your money, keep your dog, keep your job and participate in society. I think there’s a country music song in there somewhere!

So, we know all the Canadian doctors are triple- or quadruple-vaccinated. That’s a certainty.

And yet we also know five doctors died in a matter of a few days in one city — Toronto. FIVE.

We also know seven Canadian doctors died in one 14-day period.

We also know 14 Canadian doctors (at least) died in the past nine months. One of my heroes, Steve Kirsch, just wrote about this development.

Steve is a lifelong Democrat megadonor to the Democrat Party who has become a Republican because of injuries and deaths linked to the vaccine. Despite donating $20 million to Democrats, he tried calling many Democrat senators and representatives (whom he donated to) to inform them about all the vaccine deaths and catastrophic injuries. They wouldn’t return his calls. He appeared on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show recently to talk about it.

Back to all these dead doctors — mostly young dead doctors. Have you ever heard of anything like this? Of course not, because it’s never happened in my lifetime. I’m guessing it’s never happened in history. Perhaps it happened during the plague in the Middle Ages (known as “the Black Death”).

Maybe we should start calling the COVID-19 jab “the Black Death II.”

Did you know about any of these dead doctors? Of course you didn’t. It’s been a total media blackout. Why would five dead doctors in one city be worthy of media coverage? Or seven dead doctors in 14 days in one small country? Nothing to see here. Just move along.

Canadians are freaking out. The shrieking noise on social media got so hot and heavy that a Canadian newspaper was forced to publish a story. A Toronto hospital was forced to admit in that newspaper story that five young doctors had in fact died. But they warned readers not to jump to conclusions. The vaccine had absolutely nothing to do with it.

Of course the vaccine had nothing to do with it. And former President Bill Clinton never had sexual relations with that woman. And President Joe Biden says we’re not in a recession. And Biden also says inflation is now at zero. And the 2021 withdrawal from Afghanistan was flawless. You can always trust those in authority to tell the truth, right?

Something is very wrong. It’s apparent the vaccine is killing, crippling and disabling thousands per week. Deaths in the United States are skyrocketing higher than ever seen in history. So many of these victims are dropping dead “suddenly” and “unexpectedly.” Those are the words in almost every obituary nowadays.

They’ve even developed a name for it: SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome). One day they’re perfectly healthy, but the next day they have died in their sleep, died in the middle of a business meeting, died while swimming, died while driving or died while playing sports.

Heck, last week a Saudi ambassador dropped dead in the middle of a speech, right in front of the TV cameras.

And then there’s the dramatic explosion of cancer. Rare cancers. Fast-growing cancers. Stage 4 cancers. And these victims all just happen to be vaccinated (most of them with the booster).

Does this seem normal to you? Have you ever seen this before in your lifetime? The government knows what’s happening. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention knows. The life insurance companies know — they can’t afford the massive losses. The funeral homes know — business is booming. The honest doctors know — they’re just afraid of losing their license if they go public. Big Pharma knows — the deaths and injuries were reported in the vaccine trial data that they tried to keep secret for 75 years.

I believe it’s clear this vaccine is a disaster. It’s time to stop the vaccine before there are no doctors left. Then who will be left to treat the millions of victims who are vaccine injured? Think about that.

Seven dead doctors in 14 days don’t lie.

August 31, 2022 | 14 Comments »

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14 Comments / 14 Comments

  1. @peloni

    When I said “you”, I didn’t mean you personally, it was a general statement.

    I should have said “one” instead of “you”.

    Don’t get pre-insulted and don’t insult me.

    “Ad hominem”, not “ad hominy” (hominy is grits to the best of my knowledge).

  2. @Reader

    And this is how you end up thinking that “the ends justify the means” is a moral statement or that, at least, nothing is seriously wrong with it.

    You don’t know me well enough to judge me as you attempt and fail in this statement – you own no expertise on my nature and I grant you no privileged to characterize me as you like to do. We were speaking of the medical profession, and medical professionals, and other things, but nowhere in this thread have I raised your character or my own for review or derision. Consequently, please stop these ad hominy attacks, as they are not germane to the topic and they stand far beneath your potential. Ad hominy is the tool of those who lack the skill to speak and think at once, and I do not believe that this is representative of your abilities. Furthermore, I think it uncomely to devolve the pleasant and intellectual conversations which are typical here on Israpundit with further examples of such low standards as this. Thank you for your cooperation in this.

  3. @peloni

    “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” It is a cynical notion, but it is an honest truth

    It is only true because of how these people were taught to think since their earliest childhood – that truth is relative (everyone has his own truth), that success is the most important thing in life, that business is sacred, that your “worth” is equal to the amount of wealth you possess, that everyone is your current or potential competitor, and that everything and everyone has a price and can be bought, etc.

    And this is how you end up thinking that “the ends justify the means” is a moral statement or that, at least, nothing is seriously wrong with it.

    I think it is the defining feature of the “Western civilization”.

  4. @Reader

    all they care about is their incomes and profits and not about changing the system

    Naturally. They are just people, they aren’t idealists, they aren’t saints, and they aren’t exceptionally brave. They have spent a great deal of time being educated, while usually taking on a great deal of debt and have no interest in making their lives more difficult or less rewarding than necessary when they get out of school – and are less inclined to do so as they become more capable of withstanding the consequences over time. And Obamacare has made it much much worse, as the healthcare professionals are held withing a hospital system, so if they are terminated due to some dispute, they can’t practice anywhere near any of the hospitals in that system, and they won’t be hired by any hospital in that system. If they have to move to a different state, they have to be boarded in the other state and if they aren’t, they have to re-qualify, not impossible, but not on anyone’s bucket list to be certain. As with any captured group, they go along, they get along and everyone gets paid, and if they buck the system, the system bucks back, and the result is neither pretty, fair, nor rewarding.

    Again, they aren’t the only such captured group caught by the corruption of the system, unwilling and unable to single handedly bring about reform or raise awareness. As to everyone acting together, they can’t and they won’t. The younger set are still saddled with upwards of 2-500K debt, sometimes more, and the older set have their position and titles. These facts are meaningful to them, just as was true with the bankers and hedge fund managers in 2008, and countless other corrupt groups held fast by greed, necessity and circumstances which is satisfied by the system in which they are employed. They could do something. They should do something. But they will actually do nothing.

    “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” It is a cynical notion, but it is an honest truth, and not just for the medical professionals.

  5. @peloni

    In so far as blaming the govt, this crime has all been completely built upon govt fiats.

    Of course, but you forget that the government (the decision makers) is owned by the huge corporations, so it is easy to blame the “leftist politicians who promote socialism” when in reality it is those corporations and the super-rich who promote fascism through the government they came to own with the express permission of the Supreme Court (SEE: unlimited corporate donations to the politicians’ election coffers).

    Look for “the men behind the curtain” – they are there.

    Note, that if the medical professionals had any morals, they would rebel all at once in response to the “government fiats” but all they care about is their incomes and profits and not about changing the system.

  6. @Reader

    I feel no compassion for the “medical professionals” who will now be blaming the government for their own moral failures.

    I did not mention the “medical professionals” in my comment, just the “medical profession” which is not the same thing.

    I do appreciate the trap in which the medical professionals stand, but I do not sympathize with them, if that was your meaning. The medical community have a great deal for which to answer and I would be quite pleased to see them answer for their crimes, particularly the pharmacists and hospitals who blocked the prescribed treatments made by doctors who were literally placing their livelihoods on the line to provide their patients with proper care.

    In so far as blaming the govt, this crime has all been completely built upon govt fiats. Every news agency, every social media company, every healthcare professional, every airplane company, every school, every store, every venue and every business which took part in the clear violation of the Nuremberg Code did so due to govt mandates implemented by a govt gone rogue. The simple reality is that none of this would have been possible if the govt was not the active architect providing the structure for the coercion and manipulation of the entire enterprise.

    There was a structure coercing the public to submit to the medical experimentation, and the actors who actually carried out the crimes. So there is culpability enough to go around, but it was not the medical community alone, though they are responsible for a great deal, as I have said.

  7. @peloni

    the medical profession is literally being overrun by the state and federal authorities to manipulate their ethics, their judgement and their prescriptions.

    But first the medical professionals sold their souls to insurance companies and to the pharma who manipulated (and still do) “their ethics, their judgement and their prescriptions” for decades.

    I feel no compassion for the “medical professionals” who will now be blaming the government for their own moral failures.

    now the NIH is even promoting it [Ivermectin]

    Well, the pharma is flush with cash for now, lets wait for the next collective psychosis.

  8. BREAKING: Did The NIH Just Admit Ivermectin Treats COVID?

    The NIH (National Institutes of Health) has just added Ivermectin to their treatment list.

    On the NIH’s official site under the Covid-19 treatment guidelines Ivermectin along withs everal other antiviral medicines were reportedly listed as a treatment method to Covid-19.

    According to the site itself it says Ivermectin “is an antiparasitic drug that is being evaluated to treat COVID-19”.

    Just six months ago major political voices were banned and even ridiculed for ever talking about Ivermectin as a treatment method against Covid and now the NIH is even promoting it.

    People sharing this information on Twitter and elsewhere are still being banned for doing so.

  9. @Michael
    Thank you. It is a sad, terrible reality that the medical profession is literally being overrun by the state and federal authorities to manipulate their ethics, their judgement and their prescriptions. And yet here we are.

  10. Peloni, I thought you micht be interested in this:

    California Will Now Punish Doctors For Refusing To Comply With The Establishment COVID Narrative
    Tyler Durden’s Photo
    by Tyler Durden
    Wednesday, Aug 31, 2022 – 02:00 PM

    This is criminal, treasonous insanity.

  11. This is abject insanity:

    Today, the FDA approved “Bivalent Ba.5 Booster” because of an unspecified “emergency”. The booster was tested on, drumroll, 8 mice. That’s it. It will be given to millions of people next week.

    How is approving a completely untested product, not medical quackery?

    The FDA also refused to convene even its own “expert committee” known as the VRBPAC. The committee, comprised of FDA stooges, approved the craziest things before — but some members of it, like Paul Offit, sounded their opposition to the Ba5 plan.

    So, to make sure that the public is certain that these boosters are “safe and effective”, the FDA decided against convening VRBPAC — to prevent Offit from expressing his opinion.

    Mind you, I do not like any members of the VRBPAC, including Offit, because they have not held their duty to keep us safe, above their careers. Offit is not a hero. He is simply smarter than the rest of the FDA careerists and he probably is looking into where he will fit in the post-Covid-vax world. He realizes that there is criminal liability lurking in the shadows.

    It should be recalled that Paul Offit has been a solidly strong advocate for the Covid injections since before their rollout and continues to spout “safe and effective” in every interview, just to give some context to his objections here.

  12. @riverfred123

    apparently the vaccine can cause blood clots.

    Thank you for sharing your daughter’s experience. This is a terrible tragedy.

  13. My daughter calls on doctors in the Chicago IL area and personally knows of several doctors who died shortly after receiving the vaccine, apparently the vaccine can cause blood clots.