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Smotrich to Gallant: Security officials working to replace Hamas with PA

Finance Minister says defense officials acting against Cabinet decision not to deal with issue of who will rule Gaza after Hamas defeated.

  Nov 19, 2023, 9:29 AM (GMT+2)

Gallant and SmotrichArutz Sheva

In the letter, which was published by Israel Hayom, Smotrich stated that “From the information I have received, it appears that parts of the security system have begun to formulate the position of the State of Israel for the day after victory in the war. At the political level, they have consciously decided not to deal with the question of ‘the day after’ at the moment. The Justice Minister and the security establishment do not have the authority to do this themselves, to put the cart before the horse and determine facts on the ground in preparation for the replacement of Hamas by the Palestinian Authority in Gaza.”

Smotrich added that “we will deal with the issue of the administration of the Strip after we, God-willing, achieve victory in Gaza. Dealing with this issue and this stage will inevitably cause internal disputes and bring us into conflict with the American government, which will harm our national resilience and degrade our ability to win and achieve our goals in this war. For this reason, I am not currently dealing with the question of the day after. However, I cannot accept a situation in which, while we act responsibly and avoid dealing with questions that may cause controversy, there will be someone who will take advantage of this to promote their own agendas, deal with it from their point of view and put the State of Israel on a dangerous path that will be difficult to extricate ourselves from.”

“The IDF and the Defense Ministry must be immediately ordered to cease dealing with this issue and disband the teams established for this purpose,” Smotrich said. “Israel after October 7 – is not the same country. Things we held true in the past are no longer relevant. Bodies that were part of and even led the old conceptions [which led to the massacre] cannot be in charge of the efforts to formulate the solutions.”

November 19, 2023 | 2 Comments »

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2 Comments / 2 Comments

  1. This was inevitable once the anti-Netanyahu forces were invited into the government. In addition, there is the possibility that the Israeli security institutions have many progressives on board who think that going along with the Obama/Biden plan is the best thing for Israel’s security going forward.

    Thomas Sowell wrote a book Compassion vs. Guilt and Other Essays in which he hypothesized that those who are motivated by guilt develop policies that are ineffective compared with those who are motivated by compassion. Those motivated by compassion, for example, respect the agency in others no matter how poor or disabled they are. They offer opportunities for those people to advance themselves. The people motivated by guilt want to give people an income upon which they can live, as if these people are not capable of earning a living.

    I believe Israel has a problem with its leaders some of whom are motivated out of guilt about the Palestinians. These people always come up with ideas that do not work or can no longer work if they ever did.

    These progressives, be they in the US or Israel, are always willing to compromise the citizens of the country in favor of helping others who do not do their part. In Israel this is a suicidal set of ideas. Helping people who want to kill Jews is not a plan for Israel’s security.

    The idea of Israel giving up the hard won security of Gaza to anyone other than Israelis is a sick idea. These are people who should wear signs that say, “Kick me.”

    The “son of Hamas” in a video I saw just cannot understand Israelis or other Jews who think like this: explaining away the reality that murderers who want to do more just like October 7th are living in the West Bank and/or Gaza, and some Israelis want to give up the security control to the PA? Are they insane?


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