Surprising poll of Labourites

Poll of Labor Party members: Allow construction in settlement blocs 50%:33%,
Strengthen Jordan Valley settlements 60%:26%

Dr. Aaron Lerner Date: 28 March 2007

In your opinion, should the Jewish settlements in the Jordan Valley be strengthened? (AL: located beyond the Green Line) – Yes 60% No 26% Other replies 14%

The environmental organizations oppose the erection of a continuous separation fence in the Judea desert and suggest erecting a separating area via electronic security devices that would not harm the environment. Which solution do you support – continuous fence or electronic devices? – Continuous 38% Electronic 49% Other replies 13%

Should the separation fence being erected in Judea and Samaria encircle and include within it the existing settlement blocs or should the fence be on the Green Line? – Settlement blocs 31% Green Line 53% Other replies 16%

How should the illegal outposts in Judea and Samaria be dealt with? Evacuate with force, Evacuate after discussions and prior agreement with the residents or keep them as is? – Forceful evacuation 23% With prior agreement 64% Leave them 7% Other replies 6%

There are those who maintain that in order to avoid unnecessary conflict with the settlers it would be proper to postpone the evacuation of the illegal outposts until the stage during which the permanent agreement (AL:with the Palestinians) is signed within whose framework in any case permanent communities and the outposts near them will be evacuated. What is your view?
Evacuate without waiting 44% Wait for permanent agreement 40% Don’t ever evacuate 5% Other replies 11%

In order to build in existing settlements today in Judea and Samaria it is necessary to receive the advance permission of the minister of defense. Do you think, in light of natural growth and the needs to the residents, that the minister of defense should or should not authorize construction in communities and settlements that are outside the fence being erected in Judea and Samaria?
Yes 28% No 57% Other replies 15%

Do you think that the minister of defense should or should not authorize construction in communities that are within the fence and in settlement blocs such as Maaleh Adumim and Ariel?
Yes 50% No 33% Other replies 17%

March 29, 2007 | Comments Off on Surprising poll of Labourites