Taming International Law — Two Books

By Paul Mirengoff, POWERLINE

No aspcet of the modern leftist project poses more danger than the left’s approach to international law. By definition, interational law is in tension with national sovereignty, but the “transnationalist” approach to international law advanced by leftists threatens to run roughshod over sovereignty. And, in the case of the United States, a threat to sovereignty means a threat to democracy — to the ability of Americans to govern themselves.

Two new books deal with this issue. The first, Taming Globalization: International Law, the Constitution, and the New World Order by Julian Ku and John Yoo, deals explicitly with the threat to our democratic institutions posed by aggressive transnationalism. The authors propose three ways in which the U.S. can minimize that threat.

The second book is Israel and the Struggle over the International Laws of War, by our friend Peter Berkowitz. Peter shows how terrorist groups and their state sponsors use international law as a weapon, with liberal democracies — particularly Israel and the United States — their targets. The threat posed by international law that Peter identifies is not just to sovereignty, but to national security.

I recommend both books to those with an interest in this subject matter. I will be writing separately about them soon.

May 13, 2012 | 1 Comment »

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  1. I await to see what you have to say about these books.

    I speak as a trotskyist and totally as a revolutionary socialist. Also as you know I fought on Israpundit to oppose the intervention in the Balkans on the side of Islam by all sections of the US Establishment, foremost in this was Joseph Lieberman and McCain.

    So this attack on national sovereignty came most of all from the US Establishment.

    Indeed there were jewish people on Israpundit who could not make up their minds about the rightful sovereignty of Yugoslavia and who supported the US led attacks on the Serbs.

    Jared Israel has written about how most American Jewish organizations lined up with their US imperialist masters to label the Serbs as Nazis. the Serbs you see according to these American Jewish leaders were treading the same path as the Nazis, and were creating a “massacre” of the Muslims.

    It was out of that prepared political situation, prepared by these American Jews among others, that the ground was ploughed and hoed over for the presentation of the greatest lie we humans have ever known, the lie of the so-called “Srebrenica massacre”