Uprooting terrorism from its Islamic source

Islamic terrorism has become routine, but the West fails to understand its roots – Western intellectuals ignore the human longing for a life filled with faith, content, and ideals, whether good or bad.

By Rabbi Eliezer Melamed, INN

Islamic Terrorism
The rise of terror in Europe raises the need to speak about the social and religious circumstances which bring about these horrific attacks.

The Growing Tension between the West and Muslims

There was nothing new about the terrorist attacks in London. For years, Muslim terrorists have murdered hundreds and thousands of people every month. They murder members of other religions, and moreover – members of rival factions in Islam. The number of murdered people is steadily increasing, and is spreading to other countries.

Nevertheless, the leaders of the powerful countries in the West, despite the shock, continue business as usual. They think these are simply frustrated, emotionally disturbed people who are unemployed, or an oppressed “people” demanding its “rights” from the Jews who conquered their homeland. They ignore the sheer hatred that the Muslims openly express – towards the West in general, and Israel in particular.

Criticism of the West and its “Experts”

The “experts” in Western countries believe that everyone wants to emulate them. And those who do not wish to do so, feel that way only because they are still underdeveloped; the process of advancement will inevitably lead them to the Western approach, according to which all people desire freedom, material prosperity, and the independence to choose a belief, or some other hobby they fancy.

The technological and economic advantage achieved by Western “experts” (in no small part thanks to significant contributions of Jews), make it difficult for them to understand man’s deep longing for a life filled with meaning, idealism, and imbued with faith. The plethora of luxuries creates a type of screen which blinds them from seeing the fiery flames burning in the depths of the human soul and mind, which can explode in a negative direction of fanaticism, destruction and hatred, or in contrast – in a positive direction of faith, productivity and change for the better. As a result, they find it difficult to understand the motives of their enemies and rivals. No less severe, they also fail to analyze the roots of the crises befalling their countries, reflected in the loss of identity, the breakdown of the family, and the serious difficulties in educating children.

The Religion of Islam

Religious Islamic perception views God as an omnipotent conqueror, to whom everyone must submit and whose absolute authority everyone must accept. Out of the five major precepts of Islam, four of them deal directly with the honor of God and surrender to him: 1) declaration of faith in him. 2) praying to him five times a day, mostly involving kneeling and reciting seven verses 17 times praising Allah and accepting his lordship. 3) The Ramadan fast. 4) Pilgrimage to Mecca (the other precept is giving charity to the poor, which also expresses the idea that money belongs to Allah, and not man).

Even praise and thanks to Allah are performed out of feelings of submission and respect.

Islam’s Influence on Inter-Personal Relations

This approach extends to all interpersonal relationships, which are based on honor. A wife must highly respect her husband, and a husband is obligated to take care of, support, and protect his wife – this being his honor. Needless to say, children are also required to honor their parents. Interpersonal relationships as well are based on great respect, emitting a sense of noble generosity, giving room for hospitality and brotherhood.
Since honor is so important, offending a Muslim is intolerable, because it undermines the very foundation of his existence; consequently, he is obligated to respond with extreme severity, leading to the familiar and horrifying “family honor killings.”

Since force and control are vital to Islam, as a result, a ruler who is not perceived as being strong, and even cruel, is incapable of surviving in Muslim culture. Consequently, the democratic system is incapable of providing stability for Islamic countries. For them, the ideal government is an authoritarian rule which protects and grants respect to all its citizens, similar to a compassionate father who cares for the welfare of his children.

Islam – A Religion of War

Islam also has positive aspects, but our focus right now is on the difficult ones. After the five major precepts of Islam, the next most important precept is jihad. Those faithful to Allah must model themselves after him, follow his ways, act courageously as he did, and forcibly subdue those who do not succumb to his authority. “Muhammad lives by the sword!”

Power and the sword play a central role in the Muslim religion. They emphasize the actual strength of the religion, enhancing the greatness and honor of Allah by imposing his beliefs on all mankind. Even the calls to prayer over loudspeakers by the muezzin day and night are an expression of imposing the religion over wide-spread areas, both towards the believers themselves and towards others.

It is no coincidence the Arabs have succeeded in imposing Islam on many nations, to the point where today there are approximately 1,400,000,000 followers. Islam’s genetic code is aimed at a steadfast war to impose Muhammad’s religion on the entire world by means of the sword. To achieve this goal, everything is legitimate. The nations they conquered realized this, and opted to convert to Islam rather than die.

True, all nations attained their achievements through wars and victories, however in Islam, unlike other cultures, the principle of compromise is intolerable – especially a territorial compromise. Compromise is an expression of weakness, whereas a Muslim is obligated to represent the heroism and strength of Allah, and must always clutch the sword to be prepared for the battle of imposing the religion on the entire world.

When a Muslim realizes he lacks the power to defeat his enemy, he is permitted to agree to a cease-fire (‘tahadiya’ in Arabic), while preparing for the continuation of the religious war. Such thinking is based on the treacherous behavior of Muhammad, in particular, towards the tribe of Quraysh.

How to Deal with the Islamic Threat

The only way to relieve a Muslim from his duty to jihad is to create a situation in which he is controlled and  lacks the ability or prospect of succeeding. Only then, according to Muslim law, is he exempt from the necessity to wage war. At that time he must wait for years, or even generations, confident that when the time comes, he will return to wage war.

Conversely, any attempt to compromise with Islam will inevitably lead to continued terrorism and war, for compromise is perceived as a weakness because according to Islamic culture, if the Western countries had the power to defeat them, they wouldn’t possibly be seeking a compromise. This can only mean that they find it difficult to face the heroic attacks of Allah’s faithful, the glorious martyrs, and hence, their downfall is close at hand. Similarly as far as Israel is concerned – any attempt at compromise or presenting a “political horizon”, instills hope within the Arabs that they can defeat us, and encourages terrorism and war.

Anyone who desires peaceful and quiet relations with Muslims must first defeat them, avoid any talk of peace, and strive for a stable truce while managing a respectable relationship.

The Detrimental Social-Welfare Policy

As a follow up to the issue I dealt with in previous articles, even the conventional social welfare policies of Western countries are perceived by Islamic followers as a weakness that promotes militancy. They believe that Christians who did not accept upon themselves the religion of Islam must pay a high tax to the Muslim rulers – a tax which among other things, is meant to express the superiority of Islam. Consequently, many Muslims have no gratitude for the child benefits and welfare payments they receive in Western countries, for naturally, they are superior to all Christians and entitled to receive taxes from them. This is the religious justification for demanding increases in benefits, and the indignation when they are reduced.

Leftist Policies Creates Ungrateful People

And this is in addition to the basic problem, namely, that the position of the political left, which maintains the state must provide for the welfare of all its citizens, corrupts the morality of welfare recipients, in that it makes them ungrateful.

The punishment imposed upon Adam to work hard for a living corrects his sin, and turns him into a positive person who understands the value of work and creativity, and by means of his responsibility and diligence in earning a living, he becomes a partner with God in tikun olam (improvement of society). In contrast, when child benefits and welfare payments enable many Muslims living in England to maintain a higher standard of living than in their countries of origin without any effort or responsibility, they become exploiters and ingrates. And in order that their conscience doesn’t torment them, they are forced to hate and hurl accusations against those that grant them the benefits for not properly respecting them and their prophet, and for not giving them more benefits.

The Crisis in Islam

Throughout the world Islam is in a state of crisis, frustration, and decline. This is reflected in a huge drop in their birthrate. Terrorism represents an attempt to escape the crisis, and efforts by the West for reconciliation and compromise add fuel to the flames. At any rate, in leading countries such as Iran and Turkey, the population has been shrinking because the average woman gives birth to fewer than two children. Western countries are the only places where Muslim population has grown – thanks to the child allowances.

The same thing happened in Israel at the time when child allowances were particularly high, and happens today to a lesser extent with other benefits. An example of blatant foolishness in Israel is the granting of a benefit of 1,500 shekels for each child of a divorced woman if the courts rule that the father of her children is unable to pay child support. Thus, it turns out that the State of Israel encourages polygamy in the Arab and Bedouin sectors, because their husbands divorce them fictitiously in order to make a living off the increased allowances for their children and their supposedly divorced wives, who are recognized as single mothers. This money, of course, returns to the honorable husband, who, thanks to the State of Israel’s foolishness, is able to maintain an exploitative Muslim lifestyle ideally. We are only left to thank him for accepting it, and not taking part in terrorist attacks.

Europe’s Response

After the horrendous murders the Europeans committed for centuries in the name of nationalism and religion, particularly against the Jews, many proponents of morality in Europe today have turned to the other extreme, the left, which advocates complete equality of rights for all. And so, they are allowing jihad thinking to flourish in their countries. Let us hope they come to their senses.

Rabbi Eliezer Melamed 
The writer is Head of Yeshivat Har Bracha and a prolific author on Jewish Law, whose works include the series on Jewish law “Pininei Halacha” and a popular weekly column “Revivim” in the Besheva newspaper. His books “The Laws of Prayer” “The Laws of Passover” and “Nation, Land, Army” are presently being translated into English. Other articles by Rabbi Melamed can be viewed at: www.yhb.org.il/1

June 5, 2017 | 4 Comments »

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  1. For our purposes they are murderous Islamic Terrorists. How they define themselves is irrelevant. Extremists are not the enemy, Islam is….. Islam is a scourge that must be defeated on all fields, the battle field and ideologically. Their god (Allah) must be shown to be a weak false god, that’s how they view the world and their place in it. Their defeat must be so total that they cannot deny the truth…… Judaism understands this principle in relation to the Jews: The Exile is the personification of Jewish weakness, defeat, flight, persecution, torture, humiliation, genocide, holocaust, degradation. And because of this, it must – in the eyes of the gentiles – personify the weakness, so to speak, of the G-d of the Jews. To the enemy of the Jew, Jewish defeat is proof of the inability of the G-d of Israel to give His people strength and triumph and glory. Such a G-d is either impotent or non-existent… “Israel’s degradation is the desecration of the Name of the L-rd.” (The Biblical commentator Rashi, Ezekiel 39:7)…………………Be strong, and let us fight bravely for our people and the cities of our God. The LORD will do what is good in his sight.” 2 Samuel 10:12 (Cities of our G-d) Jews should be the first to understand Islam!!!!! So much in common. That’s why they can never accept a sovereign Jewish State in Lands once conquered and owned so to speak by Islamic conquests,

  2. Good article except the author clearly thinks that Terrorism is a sign of despair when it is actually one prong of an effective military strategy. Decline in birth rates is irrelevant. That is normal in industrializing nations, couples have fewer children later; Israel is an anomoly in that regard. This book — in pdf form online, by a military analyst — discusses this strategy at length.

    At the strategic level, how can Arab-Muslim militants achieve victory in their
    quest to destroy Israel and expel the U.S. from the Middle East in view of the vast,
    objective military superiority of the two nations they seek to defeat?
    Given their objectively weaker military capabilities, Arab-Muslim militants are
    seeking strategic victory in their struggle against the U.S. and Israel in the cognitive
    domain of war.
    The United States and Israel enjoy unchallenged supremacy on the battlefield, but
    they are, nonetheless, losing a war. As if to demonstrate the current rules of warfare,
    elements of the Iraqi Air Force literally buried their aircraft in desert sands before
    Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). The great majority of Iraqi ground forces melted away
    and, in a decidedly unconventional form, remnants of disparate regime elements set to
    work on an insurgency that has since grown beyond Coalition control, destroyed
    thousands of American and Iraqi lives, weakened American citizens’ resolve, and
    endangered prospects for long-term, regional stability.1
    If these American enemies
    succeed, that is, if jihadists perceive that they forced an American withdrawal as they
    perceive that they forced a Spanish withdrawal in 2004, their victory will not have been
    achieved through tactical military means, nor will their prize be territory or materiel.
    They will have achieved their victory despite American military superiority, and their
    greatest prize will be a moral one: renewed Islamic vigor and militant empowerment on a
    global scale.
    To the west, Israel faces a similarly implacable enemy and essentially the same
    problem in a different context. After four conventional wars and four humiliating
    defeats, the Arab nations and Palestinians gave up their dream of crushing Israel with
    brutal, overwhelming force. Now they leverage proxy forces in guerilla, terrorist, and
    media campaigns to slowly exhaust the Jewish state and wreck its internal cohesion. In
    several cases they have succeeded, forcing Israeli concessions or withdrawal, and without
    offering concessions of their own or—notably—achieving any tactical military victories.
    Israeli forces withdrew from the Gaza Strip not in exchange for peace or Palestinian
    “Iraqi Aircraft ‘Buried in Desert,’” BBC, 1 August 2003, URL: , accessed 5 July 2005.
    concessions, but as part of Ariel Sharon’s “disengagement” policy.2
    Hamas has since
    taken control of Gaza through violent and democratic means and shows no sign of
    softening its genocidal ambitions, despite the recent ceasefire.3
    Before Sharon, Ehud
    Barak, having failed to elicit any peace agreements from Lebanon or Syria, unilaterally
    withdrew the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) from southern Lebanon. Rather than quelling
    friction with Hezbollah, this action boosted the group’s morale and prompted it to
    continue its militant endeavors. Moreover, many Palestinians took note, inferring that
    Hezbollah’s path was effective and worthy of replication. This positive lesson led
    directly to the failure of Barak’s Herculean effort to achieve a comprehensive peace
    agreement with the Palestinian Authority (PA) at Camp David just weeks later. By most
    significant, first person accounts of those negotiations, Yasser Arafat deliberately
    torpedoed the summit, refusing to accept any Israeli proposal or offer one of his own. As
    discussed in later chapters, the reason would soon become clear: having witnessed
    Hezbollah’s success, elements of the PA would engineer the second intifada (discussed in
    chapter six).
    Surely Israel’s and the United States’ enemies know that their military endeavors
    are doomed to failure. Surely they know by now there can be little hope of real, tactical
    Ehud Barak, former Israeli prime minister, is best known for his Herculean effort and
    monumental failure to make peace with Yasser Arafat in 2000. That failure and the subsequent “al-Aqsa
    intifada,” engineered by the Palestinian Authority, spurred many Israelis to vote for Sharon in 2001.
    Sharon claimed in the wake of the Camp David failure and the riots that Israel had “no peace partner” in
    Arafat or the Palestinian Authority, and that Israel must make unilateral decisions about borders dividing
    Palestinian and Israeli territory. 3 Dictionary.com, under “Genocide,” URL: ,
    accessed 30 April 2008. According to The American Heritage Dictionary entry at this site, genocide is the
    “systematic and planned extermination of an entire national, racial, political, or ethnic group.” The Hamas
    charter unequivocally calls for the political annihilation of Israel and Zionism by way of violent jihad, and
    internally directed rhetoric, i.e. that which Palestinians—not Westerners—are meant to see, commonly calls
    for and celebrates the indiscriminate killing of Jews. This will be discussed in more detail in chapter seven.
    Israel and Hamas agreed on a cease-fire. See “Israel’s Barak uncertain about how long cease-fire with
    Hamas will last,” International Herald Tribune, online ed., 19 June 2008, URL: , accessed 20 June 2008.
    or operational success against the American and Israeli militaries. Yet, by his own
    admission, Arafat and the PA closed down schools to send armed children against the
    IDF during the al Aqsa intifada. In its 2006 bout with the IDF in southern Lebanon,
    Hezbollah fired a multitude of rockets into civilian Israeli targets knowing that there was
    no military value to the attack. As mentioned above, Hamas continues to do precisely the
    same thing from Gaza.
    Analysts asking why this is so, that is, why these groups are militant when there is
    so little hope of military success, can find at least a partial answer in yielded results. Just
    as the United States withdrew from Vietnam and Somalia, so too did Israel twice
    withdraw from Lebanon, Gaza, and the majority of population centers in the West Bank.
    But it is obvious that the IDF did not leave these areas in retreat, decimated by jihadist
    forces or unable to withstand their fiery onslaught. The violent element of the conflict
    clearly has a role or it would not exist, but what is that role precisely and, more
    importantly, what other tools are the groups employing to effect these withdrawals and
    concessions? …” (cont. – it’s almost 300 pages)
