US denies report of 3-way deal between Israel, PA, Hamas in peace plan

T. Belman. Many of the things mentioned in the report of the deal have been mentioned before.  In fact Bibi was the one pushing for things like the industrial zone in Sinai and a port and airport for the Palestinians. This report is fake news. My information is that Bibi is obstructing the real plan.  He is against it.  As long as Bibi runs the country he is the stumbling block to a great deal for Israel.

So the hope is that Saar replace him in the currrent primaries or that Blue and White form the next government with Ganz as PM.

White House official says rumors about content of plan are false.

By ERIC  CORDELLESSA, TOI Today, 3:31 am

Tourists look at a view of the Dome of the Rock and the Temple Mount from the lookout of the Mount of Olives overlooking the Old city of Jerusalem, on November 28, 2018. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
Tourists look at a view of the Dome of the Rock and the Temple Mount from the lookout of the Mount of Olives overlooking the Old city of Jerusalem, on November 28, 2018. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

WASHINGTON — The White House on Tuesday denied reports from a Lebanese television channel that its supposed peace plan will include a three-way deal between Israel, the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, the Islamist terror group that rules the Gaza Strip.

“Rumors about the content of the Trump Administration peace plan are false,” a senior administration official told The Times of Israel. “We are confident that the so-called source has not seen the plan.”

The report — by the pro-Hezbollah Al-Mayadeen — features details that starkly contradict the limited information that Washington has released about the proposal, and that stand at sharp odds with known US and Israeli positions.

For instance, the report, which was widely covered in Hebrew-language media Monday, said the United States would end its economic support for Israel if its government rejects the deal. It also said the plan provides for establishing a Palestinian state in Gaza and parts of the West Bank to be called “New Palestine.”

The settlement blocs in the West Bank would be annexed into Israel, along with isolated settlements, the report claimed. The Jordan Valley would remain under Israeli control. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has in recent weeks said he has US agreement to annex the Jordan Valley.

The same ending of support was said for the Palestinians, although the report claimed that if Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad groups balk, and the PLO accepts, it would distinguish between the Ramallah leadership and the terrorist groups.

The report further claimed that, in the deal, Saudi Arabia would become custodian of the highly sensitive Temple Mount. The Jerusalem holy site is currently under Jordanian and Palestinian custodianship and secured by Israeli police. Israel would apparently retain overall sovereignty at the Mount, the report indicated.

The details outlined in the Al-Mayadeen differ dramatically from comments made about the plan by US officials, including senior adviser Jared Kushner’s repeated indications that the plan would not provide for Palestinian statehood.

Purported leaks of the content of the plan have occurred frequently in recent months, with the US administration routinely dismissing them as unfounded speculation, and noting that it will make the details public at a time of its choosing.

The Trump White House has repeatedly delayed publication of the peace proposal. Earlier this year, officials said it would unveil the plan after Israel formed a new government following its March elections.

They later said they would wait until the conclusion of the November elections, after Netanyahu failed to form a government.

Now, with Israel heading into an unprecedented third elections in less than a year, the administration has put the proposal on the back burner once again, officials told The Times of Israel.

Times of Israel Staff contributed to this report. 

December 19, 2019 | 2 Comments »

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2 Comments / 2 Comments

  1. PM Netanyahu proved to me that he can play 3 dimensional national security “chess” in the way that he improvised his moves around The B. Obama Administration.
    Is there a Palestinian State after 10 years of Obama. One might have expected one given the trajectory of Obama’s steadfast effort to cripple Israel over the long term.
    Under Netanyahu’s watch Israel benefited from The Trump Administration’s initiatives in moving the embassy, the cancellation of The Iran Nuclear Deal, The change in Golan and Judea and Samaria.
    Netanyahu gets credit for all of these things and in return he is being railroaded.
    Many of his former supporters are suggesting throwing him under the bus.
    There is a lot of money to be made here for anyone who can wrestle the government from Israel and set the wheels in motion for an EU inspired Palestinian State.
    Some insist they are going to be more pro Israel than Netanyahu, like Sa’ar.
    You know, during the Begin Administration do you know who played that same series of jive lines: Ehud Olmert. It was a big lie and the electorate allowed him to be PM. Are you telling me this kind of error can not occur again. You better believe it is happening now. The International Criminal Court’s sudden break out of charges is part of this along with the indictments of Bibi. The Democrats vilify Netanyahu as if he were a Trump Clone. Bibi came first, then Trump followed. He has done an excellent job overall. He just recently appointed N. Bennet to be DM. That proves something about Netanyahu’s thinking. It is complex. Israeli politics is complex.
    Do not sell this PM down the river because it will be bad karma for the entire country of Israel. Anyway….it seems quite obvious to that The Israeli Electorate will do so at their own peril.

  2. How can Ted write ‘that nutunyahoo is obstructing the real plan.’ No doubt ,many of us will be against any plan not based on L of N mandate. If nutunyahoo knew of any of the plans content the world would know. Is there an Israeli politician who can keep its mouth shut?