Why does the left so passionately want to venerate criminals?

By Patricia McCarthy, AM THINKER

If there is one thing that characterizes the left today, it is the fervent need to pretend men like George Floyd, Daunte Wright, Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, Rayshard Brooks, Eric Garner, and others are pillars of society, hapless victims of police brutality and racism.  Those mentioned above all died resisting arrest.  All had criminal records, some of them extensive and for violent crimes.

Not one of them complied with the police when pulled over for a traffic stop or when they were in the process of being apprehended after committing a crime.  All of them attempted to resist, flee, or harm the police who were present.  In nearly all these cases, their own behavior brought about their demise, however tragic they may have been.

The verdict in the Chauvin trial was mob justice, not due process.  The conviction on all three charges was media-bullied overkill, a complex case decided by the jury in but a few hours.

More white men have been killed by police as well, for the same reasons — non-compliance or violence — but those incidents never make the media forefront.

The public is astonishingly misinformed as to the truth, thanks to the media.  Nor do the hundreds, even thousands of black-on-black murders that take place routinely in Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, and other cities merit much media notice.  Black Lives Matter does not lift a finger or donate a dime to fighting black-on-black homicide.

Just the other day, again in Minnesota, BLM gathered to protest the shooting of a carjacker by police.  They assumed that the carjacker was Black.  When they learned he was white, they turned tail and fled back to their haven at Brooklyn Center, where Daunte Wright had been killed while resisting arrest for an outstanding warrant.  Their protests are only about degrading police, not at all about Black lives.

Then, in Columbus, Ohio, a policeman responding to a 911 call shot and killed a young girl trying to stab another unarmed teen.  The potential victim has thanked the cop for saving her life, but that’s irrelevant to Biden, Psaki, and the leftmedia.  They are thrilled to have another cop to demean and threaten as LeBron James quickly did with an odious tweet: “You’re next.”  Valerie Jarrett also let loose with a shameful tweet.

The left now has a principal tactic for winning and keeping power: indicting this nation’s founding, its legacy of slavery, and all people not “of color” for “systemic racism.”  It’s a ridiculous charge, given the fact that nearly 700,000 lives were lost to freeing the slaves and that it was the Democrats that fought freeing the slaves so hard that even after losing the Civil War, they put Jim Crow laws into place.

Remember that the KKK was the military arm of the Democrat party.  The Democrats have been the party of racism from the beginning.  It was the pernicious slave system that led to the founding of the Republican Party, and its first president, Abraham Lincoln, who signed the Emancipation Proclamation.

It was the Democrats who opposed integration in the 1950s and early 1960s.  Joe Biden was one of the Democrats who was the most overtly racist for most of his career.  Chances are he still is.  His administration is dedicated to the notion that (1) blacks cannot navigate the process of attaining legitimate identification and (2) they are and will always remain victims of white people.  Talk about soft bigotry of low expectations!

Oprah Winfrey, a multi-billionaire, basks in her own perceived victimhood, as do all those multi-millionaire athletes “of color.”  We must be grateful for the many, many black conservatives who have not and never will fall victim to the oppression meme — Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, Larry Elder, Allen West, Candace Owens, Vernon Jones, Tim Scott, Jason Riley, Carol Swain, and others.  But these folks are reviled by the left, for they threaten leftists’ plan to render all black people Democrats for life, to accept the second-class status to which the left means to condemn them.  Their job?  To hate all white people.

Driving racial hatred is what motivates the academic inculcation of Critical Race Theory.  The goal of CRT is to effect the permanent guilt of white people generations removed from slavery and Jim Crow laws and enforce the permanent victim status of all African-Americans.  Our Black citizens surrender at their peril, and their children’s and grandchildren’s certain submission to the Democrat party’s version of slavery.

It is the left, as it has always been, that seeks to enslave American Blacks.  That is why so many of them voted for President Trump.  They saw his “What have the Democrats ever done for you?” challenge and took it to heart and then saw that he was right.  Trump’s control of the border led to greater employment for all minorities, as did his de-regulation of business and tax cuts.  Under Biden, all those successes are being reversed.  Biden’s shuttering of our energy production is hurting the working poor the most.  The throngs of migrants streaming over our southern border without regard for COVID status or family is a gift to the cartels’ business of drug-smuggling and human sex-trafficking of children.

Thousands of these migrants are criminals, even terrorists — and no one is checking.  They are being moved into unsuspecting cities throughout the nation.  As the left continues its war on police and coddling of the criminal class, we will see our once civil society erode into chaos.  New York is now as lawless as Chicago and Baltimore; homicide rates are up in virtually all Democrat-run cities.  Could that be because criminals are no longer held for bail or not charged with crimes at all if some Soros-elected D.A. feels sorry for them?

Criminals now have the upper hand throughout America.  The left thinks turning them loose among law-abiding citizens is compassionate, when in fact it is just stupid and dangerous.  San Francisco is nearly uninhabitable, given the number of car break-ins that are not even investigated.

Rioters and looters around the country are not charged with the obvious crimes they commit, while having attended Trump’s speech on January 6 is regarded as a crime most foul by the DOJ.  With people like Maxine Waters and her fellow race-baiting Dems all frothing at the mouth about how racist this nation is (Waters is a perennially re-elected corrupt pol who lives not in her district, but in a $4M mansion) we are fast becoming some kind of vast sanctuary nation for lawbreakers. Biden and his fellow Dems can’t wait to strip us all of our constitutionally-guaranteed rights, especially the Second Amendment.  They never fail to express their contempt for law enforcement, and they seem intent upon destroying the United States as founded, one criminal at time.  It’s got to stop.

When will the Republicans stand up and as a collective and shout “no more!”?  Most of them are as cavalier about the left’s affection for criminals as the Democrats are.  It is the hardworking, law-abiding American people who have made this nation great.  Giving free rein to those who have no respect for our laws is a death knell for our Republic.

April 22, 2021 | 14 Comments »

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14 Comments / 14 Comments

  1. I don’t believe that the leftist fascists venerate criminals; they use them to promote their message. And they use them to collect money primarily from corporations and other useful idiots by threatening violence so that the leaders of such organisations as Black Lives Matter can buy mansions in white neighbourhoods and live the good life. Once these criminals lose their usefulness, they are forgotten and the search is on for the next useful symbol.

  2. @ Adam Dalgliesh:
    Thanks Adam for the compliments. deserved or not. Ted found and posted both. You yourslef were the major suffererer of this very problem for quite a while, but, as I notice, not lately at all.

    Maybe Ted’s computer works on some key buzz word, even if used inocuously.

  3. @ Edgar G.: I feel terrible that you are having trouble getting your comments posted, Edgar. I have no idea what to suggest. I know that you have been in touch with Ted about it. I hope and expect he will help you Your comments are always valuable contributions to Israpundit’s conversations

  4. @ Edgar G.: All excellent suggestions, Edgar. Thanks for the additional information about George Floyd.

    Notice that the picture of him at the top of this column portrays him as a handsome man, when in fact he was almost incredibly ugly with an extremely bloated face.

  5. TED, I’ve lost TWO responses to Adam’s post at the top of this subject. The last one was just now with about 3 mins left in Edut.

  6. @ Adam Dalgliesh:

    Adam, I sent you a response a couple of hours ago, I saw it posted and it now is gone.
    I just added that the previous year the same Floyd was involved in a similar incident where he crammed a load of drugs into his system, became comatose and was shlepped off the hospital where only the most frantic efforts , revived the apparently dead Floyd.

    One’d think it would have taught him a lesson, but no. He could have expired at any time, with or without a drug overdose. Chauvin got a rotten pre-determined guilty verdict. He seemed t have expected it and didn’t look particularly upset. I suppose that his lawyer pointed out a dozen different reasons for a mistrial, and there certainly will be an appeal, and a much different location.

    They should try to get it movd to Texas or Arizona.

  7. @ Adam Dalgliesh:
    Everything you’ve said resounds exactly as truth. I need not comment on it because there is nothing I can add.

    But on the Floyd drugs ovedose, I have a comment, not that you are not correct, as you most certainly are, but that just the previous year, a very similar drug overdose caused that he was brought to hospital in a comatose condition, and saved only by desperate efforts of the medics.

    This didn’t teach him any sort of lesson. He was an icorrigible. and could have died at any given moment-even without a drug overdose. .

  8. @ Edgar G.: All true, Edgar. But the huge amount of drugs in Floyd’s system was well over the usual fatal overdose, and was the cause of death.. Even without a heart condition, even without his resisting arrest and arguments with the police, and even without Chauvin’s foot on his neck, Floyd would have died within a few hours at most.

    If the “liberals” had any genuine compassion and humanity, they would work to find ways to prevent so many people, including whites as well as blacks and Hispanics, are hopelessly addicted to drugs, and increase the availability of professional rehabilitative treatment (rarely available at present for the poor). They would also work to make it easier for police and prosecutors to put away the drug dealers for life, or at least twenty years. Also, they would work to put away habitual thieves and those committing senseless acts of violence, like the 15 -year-old girl in Columbus that a policeam=n was forced to shoot, for long sentences. Once such indivuals are separated from the honest, non-violent people in poor neighborhoods, this large group of non-criminals and reasonably healthy people would move up in the world, achieve decently -paying jobs and solid vocational training.

    Allowing police to get tough on criminals, instead of treating policemen as criminals just for doing their job honestly and protecting innocent people, would also be greatly to the advantage of many of the criminals, provided some necessry reforms in prison administration are made. Their chances of survival in prison would be much, much higher than on the street, and their
    chances of becoming law-abiding, productive citizens when released will also be much better.

    The liberals belief that they are somehow atoning for the past racism of American society by persecuting innocent policemen, preventing them from doing their jobs, and allowing drug addiction and crime to exponentially increase is insane.

    More work desperately needs to be done to understand and find ways of preventing mass, collective mental illness and delusional behavior–not just treating individuals who are mentally ill. Mass mental illness via “groupthink is a major threat to humanity.

  9. @ bailey.marc:
    Even assuming that people still have these attitudes…how can peoples’ FEELINGS be legislated. Even our Sages said “how can one believe in what one does not believe”..!! This phrase was also used is several of the infamous Medieval “Disputations”…

  10. @ deanblake:
    You may not have read the collection of absolving points I posted yesterday. Floyd had very serious heart disease whch under any stress could have caused a fatal heart attack, without the other many added triggers.

    I specifically pointed out that the it looked as if the heart attack. which killed him, began when he was still in the car resisting arrest, He uttered several times…….”I can’t breathe”, and on having been pulled out eventally, asked to lie down on the ground.. Within 5-6 minutes he was gone.

    Chaevin, using his manual textbook training as he had done for 17 years, was only a very incidental contributor. The mouthful of assorted drugs Floyd crammed into his mouth and swallowed, (other than the couple which fell from his overfull mout)h, were also a major contributor -in my opinion-.His drug supplier, sitting beside him int the car, was not allowed by the judge to testify-not that he wanted to…But. he SAW and heard everything.

    Floyd will be in police history as the world’s ONLY felon who died from the knee across the neck-or shoulders-……..!!

    Lynch law a work.

    My late brother age 74, healthy, the CEO of a very successful Group, felt ill, and went to his local hopital, which throroughly checked him out, to be O.K.. He returned home and died of atrial fibrillation 2 hours later, sitting in his arm chair..

    The same cause that the deefnce’s last and most impressive expert witness, says, caused Floyd’s death, not knee or neck compression etc.

  11. My friends call me a liberal health care lawyer but I endorse this article and think Chauvin wrong in his actions but not guilty as charged. Breathing and heart failure is a ‘chicken and egg’ problem. I say this from personal experience. Heart failure such as Floyd’s isn’t instantaneous. As the drugged and enlarged heart expands under anxiety and physical distress efficiency decreases and the brain triggers a deep breathing response. Gasp all you want but it’s not capable of increasing oxygen circulation, it’s downhill from then till death or timely administration of supplemental pure oxygen. Ditto Eric Gardner. This anti-law enforcement movement is the result of desire for moral leadership and the Xtian espousal of its philosophy of love over that of law. When a maniac roams the street with a machete they think you should call for a social worker. Stupid to think that adult criminal behavior that should have been extinguished in childhood by good parenting, schools and churches can be rectified in adulthood by mental health ‘professionals’. Reducto ad absurdum.

  12. While the facts in your comment are probably all true, you seem to be missing the point. Although people of colour have made great strides over the last 100 years they still