Yamina official: Govt. will collapse if peace process resumes

Deputy Minister Abir Kara: “I will also dismantle the government over the evacuation of settlements. The days of land for peace are over.”

‘I wouldn’t invite someone who pays murderers to my home’

V. Sharpe. Abir Kara is correct. What Bennett, Gantz and Lapid are doing is totally unacceptable and a betrayal of the Jewish state. Dealing with the terrorist and Holocaust denier, Abbas, whose very own policy is to pay his terrorists to murder Jewish men, women and children is detestable.

It would be better to end this sell-out Israeli government once and for all than to allow its shameful policies of appeasement to the fraudulent Arabs who call themselves Palestinians.

Yamina and all true patriotic Israeli parties – which excludes the Arab anti-Zionist Raam party and all those on the Left – must topple any Israeli government which tries to sow the seeds of a looming repeat of the ‘land for peace’ disaster. Has Israel not suffered enough past betrayals from too many of its own leaders?

By Hezki Baruch , INN

Deputy Minister Abir Kara responded to the meeting held last night between Defense Minister Benny Gantz and Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas at Gantz’s residence.

Kara tells Israel National News that “Abu Mazen (Abbas) is the head of a Palestinian Terrorist Authority that pays money to terrorists. At the same time I trust the prime minister and defense minister and former chief of staff Ganz who are working for security coordination. I would like to mention that people in the previous government were also sent to meet with the Palestinian Authority.”

Does the Yamina party have a red line? Kara is adamant: “If the political process is renewed – the government will disintegrate. I will also dismantle the government over the evacuation of settlements. The days of land for peace are over.”

“I am not deceiving myself or your readers,” he reiterates, “I know we will not be able to implement Israeli law over Judea and Samaria, but you can be sure that we will not evacuate an inch of one of the existing settlements.”


Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz approved a number of measures to benefit the Palestinian Authority, following his meeting with Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas.

The benefits package, which the Defense Ministry described as a series of “confidence-building measures,” includes advances for tax payments collected by Israel on the PA’s behalf, amounting to 100 million shekels and status approvals on a humanitarian basis for 6,000 residents of Judea and Samaria, and an additional status approval for 3,500 Gaza residents.

Furthermore, the package includes approval for 600 entry permits for Palestinian businessmen, and 500 additional permits for business people to enter Israel with their vehicles, and dozens of VIP permits for senior PA officials.

During the meeting with Abbas, Gantz offered a number of economic benefits for the PA, including the possible reduction of fees for purchases between Israel and the PA, easing import conditions at the Israel-Jordanian border – which also serves the PA – and other measures which could increase revenue to the PA by hundreds of millions of shekels annually.

December 30, 2021 | 12 Comments »

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12 Comments / 12 Comments

  1. Victory is the correct concept.

    In order to achieve actual victory one must destroy PA/PLO, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, etc and supporting terrorists.

    1. Apply Israeli Civil Law to all of Area C, including the Jewish Towns and Jordan Valley.

    State that Israel reserves the right to apply Israeli Civil Law to anywhere else in Judea/Samaria.

    2. Build in all of Judea and.Samaria. Focus on E1, the Jordan Valley, Gush Etzion to start.

    3. After destroying the terrorist groups. Take over and administer the Arab PA Cities and surrounding villages. Any villages or cities that turn violent will be closed off and workers will not be allowed to exit to work in Israel.

    4. Form an NGO to buy Palestinian Properties in Jerusalem and elsewhere in Judea/Samaria starting with Area C in villages next to Jewish Towns. Resell these properties to Jews and recycle the money to buy more Arab owned properties.

    5. Form a different NGO to help Arabs quickly move to other countries. Provide financial incentives to help them go. Make sure they receive their funds when it is confirmed they are leaving.

    6. Residency for Arabs in new areas where Israeli Civil Law is applied shall only be possible after a vetting process which determines they are not a security risk.
    They will need to demonstrate loyalty to the Jewish Democratic State of Israel.
    This will require learning Hebrew; your children will be required to provide civil national service at age 18 to 20.

    Arab residents will be required to inform on anyone planning terrorist acts including family members. This will be a condition of residency!

  2. I am late to this conversation but wanted to add a few remarks.

    I note that Israel at least recognizes that it should not wobble on its commitment to stopping Iran. That’s why I disagreed with Bennett’s remark about a good deal.

    Unfortunately Israel, for whatever reason, keeps the door open to the two state solution. I believe that the door should be slammed shut. This means no negotiations.

    Along comes Ganz and offers the PA “confidence building measures” which is in reality the same as the hated “gestures”.

    The PA provides salaries to terrorists, convicted or otherwise, which Israel condemns. What else is there to discuss? Game over. But Israel totally undermines this my getting in bed with the PA.

    I am remined of the Kol Nidrei footnote:

    “Rabbi Amnon was pressured to convert to Christianity. As a delaying tactic, he requested three days to consider the offer; immediately he regretted intensely giving even the pretense that he could possibly accept a foreign religion. After spending the three days in prayer, he refused to come to the archbishop as promised, and, when he was forcibly brought to the archbishop’s palace, he begged that his tongue be cut out to atone for his sin. Instead, the archbishop ordered his hands and legs amputated — limb by limb — as punishment for not obeying his word to return after three days and for refusing to convert. At each amputation, Rabbi Amnon was again given the opportunity to convert, which he refused. He was sent home, with his severed extremities, on a knight’s shield.”

    The point is, Israel shouldn’t waiver. It must be strong in its resolve. It should be bold like the Arabs at Khartoum in 1967, and proclaim her own three “no’s”. No to nuclear Iran, no to a two state solution, no to a binational state.

    Israel shouldn’t give mixed messages.

    I have not given up on the Jordan Option and thank Peloni for referring to it. For obvious reasons I can’t say more than that.

    When Trump was still in office, I would often talk with Mudar about what was going on regarding the management of Area A and B. He said they would remain enclaves of Jordanian citizens and he as leader of Jordan would be responsible to replace the PA.

  3. I believe that Israel should be preparing for the day it collapses. But it isn’t.

    I also believe that propping them up makes them stronger to fight us. and to incite violence.

  4. @Bear

    Now what do you propose the Israeli government this or a new government hopefully with all right-wing

    Very hard question to easily broach, which is why I did not actually attempt to answer it, as I will likely make a poor mastermind of what might be possible, but lets see what can be reasoned.

    The context of your question is well based to suggest, if I read your meaning correctly, that this current govt will never agree to do anything of a significant nature such as this issue with the PA. Still, even should a new govt come in, there is a great limit of what Israel can control. The PA is going to fall. They are going to continue to kill Jews and reward their murderers with gold and glory til they actually do fall. Israel has no way to provide a substitute toady for Abbas against the Arabs’ will to the contrary. What comes will be ugly, and costly. Still, none of this can be prevented.

    One thing comes to mind. Israel has had this challenge of Hamas, the PA, Lebanon and Iran upon her plate for many years now. Delaying solutions to some day in the future when it might be more politically expedient to solve the problem has only led to making the problem more impossible to approach and likely more deadly to resolve.

    Hamas will take over the PA. Like so many govts that exist against their public’s interest and will, the PA has a rotten core that has eeked to every surface of its existence. The military cooperation with Israel will not survive the fall of the PA and war will likely result if this is true. The reason this has to unfortunately be resolved today or someday soon is because it was not resolved on a month of Sundays now past. We can’t change that, nor can we or should we hold Abu Mazen in his life of splendor killing our people with our support.

    Following this inevitability, the policy of head hunting the Hamas leadership was suppose to have been part of the consequence of the May war but seems never to have been mentioned again. Though it may cost the current govt its govt, this policy should be restarted immediately. There is nothing that these barbarous villains appreciate more than being too afraid to act for fear they will be acted upon. All such threats that are made should be followed thru or never spoken.

    Electricity should be used to gain their support, and all building supplies should be ceased, as Israel is building her enemies bunkers for them. These are all pretty simple and obvious moves that should be used to control what can be controlled, but there is a limit of what can be designed against the will of an angry mob intent to depose their govt.

    Should Mudar be successful in the coming months with his endeavors, the govt should do what is needed to support him with the programs of the Jordan Option, of course, and help to financially facilitate the reunion of the Pals with their side of the River.

    In truth, a great deal of what Israel will do will depend upon what Hamas does once they establish their control.

    You often have some keen insights into such matters so I am curious of your own input here as well as others.

  5. Mahmoud Abbas is complaining to Putin about Israel’s policies right after getting his perks from Gantz:

    Abbas tells Putin Israel risks ‘explosion’ in Judea and Samaria
    PA chairman speaks with Russian president by phone, says Israeli policies angering the Arab street
    Gary Willig
    ?”? ???? ???”? 23:52 30.12.21

  6. I basically agree with everything you wrote.

    Now what do you propose the Israeli government this or a new government hopefully with all right-wing and centrist parties only can do or should do.

  7. @Bear

    There is much in this article that I disagree with, but I most profoundly disagree with every word stated in the final paragraphs.

    Neither Bennett nor Israel gains anything by boycotting the PA president. On the contrary, it makes Israel appear as the recalcitrant party in this conflict, which is an inaccurate reflection of reality.

    Even if Israel believes peace is but a distant mirage, it – and its leader – must strive to be seen in the eyes of the world as the party trying to make that mirage real.

    These steps taken to support this mirage ignores the reality that this mirage is not a dream unkept, but rather a nightmare thus far avoided. This policy of supporting these murderers and paying their price in blood and cash are reprehensible as we should consider the degree to which these steps make the Israeli state involved in the culpability of the coming victim in this blood tithe to support this nightmare which should be set aside completely.

    The stated goal in this article you share is somewhat obscured in the center, but here it is:

    and when the time does come for serious diplomatic discussions. That address can only be the PA; it can’t and won’t be Hamas.

    The author’s purpose is to return to Oslo, as does Gantz and Lapid, as do the Americans and the EU. Yet, Israel should have no similar goal in this desire. This path will only result in the cost of more Jewish blood, and with the kind assistance of the Jewish govt in Jerusalem.

    Beyond this, the PA is not unpopular because of Israel’s lack of support for their governance. It is unpopular because it is a despotic, clan dominated power base in which the ruling clan has no path to restore their support among the people, and no interest in finding such a path, even if it did exist. Israel can not save the PA. Acting to support this puppet against the people will only require Israel to become more and more a party to this entity for which Israel should have no close association at all.

  8. Just for the purposes of discussion. Here is the argument why the current government policy makes sense.

    Gantz-Abbas meeting makes good common sense – editorial
    Israel has an interest in propping up the PA, as flawed and corrupt as it is, because security cooperation with the PA is important in keeping a lid on the violence in the West Bank.</a>

    What currently makes sense as a practical alternative to propping up the PA? What could one implement in the next month or two? If it is not propped up it will fail. Do we want it to fail? If yes what is a realistic alternative?

  9. I concur with the sentiment of this article.

    Another very bad thing for Israel occurring under this government is the Meretz’s Tandenburg is the Minister of Environmental Affairs.

    She is seriously hampering the additional drilling for more Natural Gas which will hurt Israel’s economy and its reputation as a reliable exporter of Natural Gas.

    Also she will not issue more permits for Oil freighters to dock in Eilat. This effectively will stop Israel – UAE pipeline deal to circumvent the Suez Canal, which would make both the UAE and Israel money.

    I hope the Likud replaces Bibi with Barkat, so we can end up with a majority right-wing government which exclude both Raam and Meretz.