Obama during playing of national anthem.

Senator Barack Obama, Governor Bill Richardson, Senator Hillary Clinton and Ruth Harkin stand during the national anthem.

Barack Hussein Obama’s photo (that’s his real name)……the article said he REFUSED TO NOT ONLY PUT HIS HAND ON HIS HEART DURING THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, BUT REFUSED TO SAY THE PLEDGE…..how in the hell can a man like this expect to be our next Commander-in-Chief????

The article, it turns out was erroneous. The picture is of the candidates during the playing of the national anthem.

October 31, 2007 | 13 Comments »

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13 Comments / 13 Comments

  1. Ted Belman wrote:

    In a separate story, Obama did refuse the pin.

    That was not the issue. As far as I understand it, the pin is not an official US ceremonial of any kind, but a partisan political manifestation. We know that Obama is not a Republican. What is your point? You insisted that:


    But you did not cite an article. Now you cited an article where it didn’t say that. I could cite any number of articles that don’t say that.

    Ted Belman wrote:

    I simply copied what I received. I did not make it up. Nor did I take the trouble to look for the source.

    That’s how social diseases get passed on. It is more blessed to give than to receive, right? I “receive” lots of things. I get letters from people claiming to be Jesus Christ, and from people claiming that the Jews control America. I get letters claiming they stopped teaching about the Holocaust in the UK, and letters claiming that Bush is the anti-Christ and so on. I would think that anyone who has a Web log would have the good sense not to pass on anything without checking the source. Otherwise you just become a conduit for rubbish.

    Ted Belman wrote:

    He is not even standing at attention. Very casual I would say. Patriotic people don’t deport themselves in such a way.

    LOL. Now you are going to choose US presidents based on their posture. If that is all you can find wrong with this guy, it is really stretching it. As I recall, people said Lincoln tended to slouch. I don’t know what he did when the anthem was played. Franklin D. Roosevelt never stood at attention for the anthem either.


  2. Ami

    In a separate story, Obama did refuse the pin. Whether his not putting his hand on his heart means he refused the pledge or simply made it another issue, I’ll let you decide. He is not even standing at attention. Very casual I would say. Patriotic people don’t deport themselves in such a way.

    I simply copied what I received. I did not make it up. Nor did I take the trouble to look for the source. I’ll try to find where those words came from.

    You may be right.

  3. I have found the article which I reproduce below.
    1- It says nothing whatever about Obama’s behavior during the pledge, does it? Therefore what you wrote is incorrect.
    Apparently, you ARE writing creative fiction at Israpundit. Either that, or you were thinking of a different article.

    I do not see anything in the text below that would justify your statement:


    Regarding that article, the statement is simply not true.

    2- It notes that everyone should be facing the flag . Richardson isn’t doing that at all. Harkins and Clinton are doing it somewhat.

    If there is a problem with Obama, then let’s find the problem, not try to nickel and dime the guy on juvenile issues or made up stories.
    If there is no problem, there is no problem.

    Obama: No Hand on Heart for National Anthem
    Photo of Mark Finkelstein.
    By Mark Finkelstein | October 20, 2007 – 15:50 ET

    During rendition of the national anthem when the flag is displayed, all present except those in uniform should stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Men not in uniform should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. — United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10, Sec. 171

    Turns out that not wearing a flag lapel pin isn’t the only way Barack Obama chooses to show he’s a different kind of Democrat.

    Have a look at the photo from the October 1, 2007 edition of “Time.” It shows Obama, Hillary and Bill Richardson at the Steak Fry of Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) on September 17 in Indianola, IA during [according to the photo caption] the National Anthem. Richardson and Clinton have their hands on their heart. But not Obama. Does he perhaps believe that, like wearing the flag pin, the hand on the heart isn’t “true patriotism”?

    View video of anthem-playing here, showing that Obama never placed hand over heart. Warning: prepare ears for fingernails-on-blackboard rendition of anthem.

  4. Frankly, I don’t care where Obama’s hand is when the anthem is playing. I see that he has it over his crotch to protect himself where it counts.

    What concerns me is his affiliations with certain people and a church that some say have bad reputations.

    The baggage that a candidate brings to the table must not be swept under the carpet. Why has nobody asked him about this baggage? It is the job of a responsible press to get answers.

  5. There is a guy who doesn’t bow down to the king. He is the odd man out. Hang him. His name is Mordechai, the Jew.

    Obama was standing in front, and couldn’t take his cue from others, who may have been imitating Richardson or not.
    Frankly I think he is a lousy candidate, but I think they all are except possibly Biden and McCain. Every one of them has got at least one major drawback and most are clueless about foreign policy. But that is not the issue. The issue is not if Obama is a lousy candidate, or even if it is significant or not if someone puts their hand over their heart during the pledge. The question is, whether the incident every happened at all, and whether the “article” you cited exists.

    You did not answer the question Ted. You mentioned an article. Where is the article? Who wrote this mysterious article, someone who was there or someone who made it up?? Who got

    What you are telling me, is that there was no story, and that your accusation is a fabrication???

    Either there was an article, or you were mistaken or you are writing creative fiction at Israpundit?? Which is it?

    If you made a mistake, then why not retract?

  6. Ted Belman wrote:


    And what article might that be?
    I found this photo here: http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,1662530_1446035,00.html
    The caption doesn’t say anything about the pledge of allegiance. It states:

    Senator Barack Obama, Governor Bill Richardson, Senator Hillary Clinton and Ruth Harkin stand during the national anthem.

    While it is customary to stand during the anthem, AFAIK it is not obligatory to put your hand over your heart. The others do not seem to be able to locate that part of their anatomy very well, by the way.

    Is there an article somewhere, written by someone who was actually there, that states that he refused to put his hand on his heart during the pledge? If it is true, it would prove he is an unbelievably stupid politician, but probably not much else.

  7. The problem with Obama isn’t that he won’t say “Under God”

    I realize that. I wasn’t referring to obama. I was just responding in general to South’s comment about people who won’t say “under God” when reciting the pledge.

  8. Shalom Laura,

    Yes, relevant to me.

    It is relevant to me because it is an indicator of political factions present.

    It is not an indicator of political allegiance.

    The roving band of the Topeka, Kansas “Baptist” church (funeral desecrations ) is important to know if they are present.

    Ditto re the Buchanan Brigade.

    Ditto re ACLU.

    Yes, had heard Ike added the 2 words.

    and all of you be on the alert.
    JOSHUA 8:4

    Kol tuv,

  9. Just listen to who does and does not articulate the words “under God” when reciting the Pledge.

    This is relevant to you? Why? If one chooses to leave out “under God” when they recite the pledge, they are not a true American? This sounds like Mcarthyism to me as well as it being a religious test. Are you aware “under God” wasn’t always in the pledge of allegiance?

  10. This photo is a gift from Providence.

    Anyone who attends political meetings can ascertain the factions present.

    Just listen to who does and does not articulate the words “under God” when reciting the Pledge.

    Kol tuv,

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