The Modern Left’s Moral Rot

By Evelyn Gordon, COMMENTARY

Israeli journalist Amira Hass has finally explained a mystery that long puzzled me: how the European Union manages to reconcile its policy on the Middle East with its self-image as a champion of morality, human rights, and compassion. In one short sentence, she neatly encapsulates the moral rot at the heart of the modern multicultural left: “We don’t rate suffering.”

The great European mystery is the fact that the Syrian conflict remains far below the Palestinian-Israeli one on Europe’s foreign policy agenda, even though on both moral and practical grounds, the Syrian crisis clearly deserves precedence. Not only has it killed more than 10 times as many people in four years as the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has in seven decades, but it’s currently flooding Europe with refugees and creating, as German Chancellor Angela Merkel noted, an even greater threat to European unity than the euro crisis.


Nor can this order of priorities be excused by claiming Western helplessness in Syria: Pundits as ideologically diverse as COMMENTARY’s Max Boot and theNew York TimesNicholas Kristof agree that no-fly zones could enable most Syrians to remain safely in their homeland. Enter Hass, a Haaretz columnist, red-diaper baby, and disciple of hard-left theory who is best known for her radical pro-Palestinian/anti-Israel views. Two weeks ago, she published acolumn that compares and contrasts the Holocaust and the Palestinian Nakba, a term she uses to mean everything Palestinians have suffered due to their conflict with Israel for the last 70 years. She graciously acknowledges that the two aren’t equivalent, inter alia because the Nazis perpetrated genocide while Israel has done no such thing. But then she explains why this non-equivalence doesn’t really matter:

No one has the right to compare in any way the suffering of peoples and human beings, or to quantify it, rank it, calculate it … We don’t quantify. We don’t rate suffering.

This, in a nutshell, is the moral abdication at the heart of today’s multicultural left: In its ostensibly noble desire to ensure that no suffering goes unnoticed or unattended, it has abandoned the very essence of morality – the ability to draw distinctions, which is essential to make moral choices.

In an ideal world, all suffering would be alleviated. But in the real world, with its finite resources of time, energy, and money, choices must be made. And there’s no moral way to decide which causes deserve priority without doing precisely what Hass deems morally untenable – rating suffering. Essentially, it requires a moral version of triage: Suffering we can alleviate merits greater attention than suffering we can’t; suffering that’s more intense or widespread merits greater attention than suffering that’s less intense or widespread; the suffering of innocents merits greater attention than the suffering of the guilty; and when these three indicators don’t all point in the same direction, they must be weighed against each other as well.

On the most basic level, we do this instinctively: If, for instance, a cop saw an attempted murder and an attempted robbery happening simultaneously, we’d expect him to focus on preventing the murder rather than the robbery. But at any level more complex than that, intellect comes into play. And the intellectual principles of the modern multicultural left dictate that, “We don’t rate suffering.”

But if so, then we have no moral obligation to alleviate the greater suffering rather than the lesser one, because we can’t determine which is which. And thus the left can justify resorting instead to a criterion whose immorality ought to be patent, but which has the virtue of being easily determinable: not how much suffering is caused, but who caused it. No moral person would deem an individual murder more or less important based solely on whether the perpetrator was, say, French or British. But it has become completely morally tenable in Europe to consider wartime deaths more or less important depending on whether they can or can’t be blamed on Israel (or America).

Since we can’t rate suffering, it’s completely reasonable for millions of Europeans to demonstrate against a war that killed 2,000 people in Gaza last summer but not against a war that has killed 250,000 in Syria. Since we can’t rate suffering, it’s completely reasonable for the Reykjavik municipality to decide last week that it will boycott Israel but not Syria or its Russian and Iranian enablers. Since we can’t rate suffering, it’s completely reasonable that when the EU’s top foreign policy official addressed the European parliament last week, her office’s website billed the Israeli-Palestinian peace process as her top agenda item while the Syrian conflict didn’t even make the list. And on, and on.

In a fascinating article in The Spectator this weekend, veteran leftist Nick Cohen described “Why I’ve finally given up on the left,” sickened by the moral rot epitomized by the Labour Party’s new leader, Jeremy Corbin. But leftists like Cohen can’t combat the rot in their own camp without understanding why it has set in – the fundamental abandonment of moral calculus so aptly summed up by Hass. As a very different Israeli leftist, Amos Oz, presciently warned in June, “Anyone who cannot rank different degrees of evil may end up a servant of evil.”

September 22, 2015 | 26 Comments »

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26 Comments / 26 Comments

  1. @ SHmuel HaLevi 2:

    Another subject:
    The Pope just delivered a demand for the US and others to accept the marauding Islamic hordes as refugees.

    WoW! You are really on top of what is happening in the West. The MSM is sickening…..building this pope up. Most of our tv here in Canada comes from the U.S.

    How much money does the Catholic church owe Israel in back taxes? They act like it’s their land to do as they please.

    I firmly believe the MSM is hat tipping to the Pope to send a message to us Jews.

    Here is my message back. Stop expecting sovereign nations to keep paying for your sins and then expecting us to wipe the slate clean. Pay the piper first and then we can talk!!

  2. You are a clever and very curious “abeja” That is beside being a very funny “queen of the one liners”.
    Try this site. It will answer some of your many questions. Subscribe to it and, weekly you will receive information in your email.
    Do not worry about yamit82. The indian women in that part of the country will probably take care of him. There is also the possibility that if he does not behave, they might skin him alive and make some nice crafts out of him.
    We are not geniuses but, between all of us you can get lots of information. Bernard, Mr.HaLevy and others including Klein will always be ready to help. Everyone likes you. My help is limited but people who live there are full of first hand information. Thanks to all of them.

  3. @ honeybee:
    I lived at Sde Boker in the 1970s. One of the people I worked with (and spent time talking to) was a fellow who did Archeologically Research and conducted tours on places in the Negev. He however was famous or infamous for fighting the British. I just found this link on Yeshoua Cohen. It examines the period you are asking about. Yehoshua Cohen I think you may find it interesting. His son was also involved in some very high profile operations against the PLO in the 1970s in Lebanon. You can safely say this family was made up of tough brave Israelis. The mother also fought the British.

  4. @ Bear Klein:

    Thank you so much. I appreciate every ones assistance. Yamit82 was a no show. Still hiding in the Santa Elena canyon eating crickets and saltamontes, kosher you know.

  5. SHmuel HaLevi 2 Said:

    How about that the VATICAN brings in 10000 or more “refugees” to the Vatican itself. Provide housing, food, health care, citizenship, etc.

    il papa said the vatican would take 2 families to set an example. 😛 😛 😛
    the vatican is anti immigration and does not even allow women unless they are married to their swiss guards. Its a celibate mens club that likes to dress up in frocks and pontificate to the world while doing dirty deeds behind the curtain and under the table. This MO got them billions and global power.

  6. keelie Said:

    Those named on “the list” should be given an opportunity to take a good look at it, because right now their arrogance and simple-minded over-confidence make them believe they are invulnerable.

    It matters not to me whether hitler, wannabe hitlers, those spreading blood libel, anti semites……… it matters not that they see who they are……. what matters to me is that they are damaged, weakened, destroyed and that their evil intentions are thus destroyed with them……
    such a process has been taking place around Israel with the anti semites and now beginning in earnest in europe where the root of anti semitic evil still thrives and carries its vicious virus into the world. Hopefully, we will see those who spread the libels, in Israel and the diaspora, also receive their just rewards.

    It was not long ago when those who now flee their homes and flood europe were marching in “kill the Jews” parades back in their homelands. Even Jews have forgotten and appear to have alzeheimers. I did not forget and therefore I did not weep for them.

  7. @ keelie:
    I believe that such list exists already. I’ll look into it and report. Originally it included some 900 virulent unJews with extensive files on each of them.

    Another subject:
    The Pope just delivered a demand for the US and others to accept the marauding Islamic hordes as refugees.
    How about that the VATICAN brings in 10000 or more “refugees” to the Vatican itself. Provide housing, food, health care, citizenship, etc.

  8. @ bernard ross:

    I think, looking at all your postings, what what you are implying is that it’s time to create a list (if one has not already been created).
    Those named on “the list” should be given an opportunity to take a good look at it, because right now their arrogance and simple-minded over-confidence make them believe they are invulnerable.
    Time for the Hunter to become the Hunted.

  9. @ bernard ross:

    P.S. there appear to be many libelous websites which today which spread the libel that the Jews bombed the hotel as a false flag to blame the “palestinians” whereas the Irgun took responsibility for the bombing. If someone hunted down each one of those website owners and assassinated them i would not be upset. I consider the spreading of the “blood” libels to be equal to murder and genocide. I was in support of the hunting down and assassination of the munich athletes killers and any other covert operation which assassinated anti semites.

    Bernard, you are right on target as usual. Same feelings about anyone who libels Israel. Thank you for your accurate and insightful analysis and thoughts.

  10. bernard ross Said:

    not sure which meaning you are citing for “shama”

    Disgrace !!! Of course the ” clock boy” was a set up as was the the almost immediate response of the White House et al.

  11. @ honeybee:
    I fully agree with Bernard Ross with reference to the attack on the British operational staff located at the King David’s Hotel during the War of Independence early clashes.
    The British Mandate military systems methodically detained, tortured and executed many Jewish fighters here and also intentionally blocked the arrival of Jewish refugees escaping Nazi regimes. The Nearby Acco prison saw the British murdering many of our best people.
    About a kilometer from our home is one of the many Taggart Towers erected by the British from which they operated snipers against Jews traveling the Acco Tzefat road. My father in law was a truck driver and was attacked several times.
    I would not have warned the British at the Hotel. Blowing them up to shreds was what was coming to them.

  12. honeybee Said:

    My Father was horrified and called it a Shama.

    not sure which meaning you are citing for “shama”

    The King David Hotel bombing was an attack carried out on Monday July 22, 1946 by the militant Zionist underground organization Irgun on the British administrative headquarters for Palestine, which was housed in the southern wing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem.

    the British were responsible for the deaths of many jews escaping the nazis, they were responsible for the Jordan invasion of Israel, they were responsible for swindling the Jews while acting as a trustee for jewish settlement…..
    The Jews warned the british beforehand of the bombing….
    I am in support of the liquidation of jew killers, wannabe jew killers, spreaders of libel which incite pogroms and murder of jews,those that fund and facilitate the funding of the libels and the jew killing orgs, anti semites, etc etc etc

    read the history of the British in Palestine and you will know immediately my position on the King david hotel bombing.

    P.S. there appear to be many libelous websites which today which spread the libel that the Jews bombed the hotel as a false flag to blame the “palestinians” whereas the Irgun took responsibility for the bombing. If someone hunted down each one of those website owners and assassinated them i would not be upset. I consider the spreading of the “blood” libels to be equal to murder and genocide. I was in support of the hunting down and assassination of the munich athletes killers and any other covert operation which assassinated anti semites.

  13. I remember the same whining and intelectualizing in the sixties when the leftist jews supporting the blacks became disapointed by the black rejection of Jews and Israel. Gosh, will these dumb Jews ever wake up? Apparently Jews only wake up when under an attack they cannot deny exists. the time is getting short for such poor jugement.

    Jews should remember that the greatest vehicle and tool for europe lynch mobbing of Israel and the diaspora Jews is facilitated and carried like a virus by Israel leftist Jews similar to Dahlia Scheindlin who features in an article here by Ted. BDS crowd, the muslims who kill Jewish children in france, those that revenge burned the Israelis for the false accusation of the Duma arson, those israeli babies stoned to death… all those begin with the lies and libels spread by israeli Jewish leftists. Surely these lying israeli leftists who collaborate with pallywood fake productions are as guilty as those who stoned the Jewish babies and revenge burned the Israelis. Whether Jews are slaughtered in europe or israel it is the Israeli Jewish leftists who should be brought to justice just as we would a medieval blood libelist or an adolf hitler before he had the power to implement his lies. we know that screaming fire in a crowded theater is a crime but this is much worse because the result is intentionally orchestrated by lunatic Jews who full well know that the libels they spread are lies.

    Here is an example of 3rd grade schoolchildren in the small town of Ithaca NY being brainwashed by serial muslim provocateurs and liars from the west bank and how the Jewish leftist arranged for this brainwashing to occur from Israel. The result will be the intentional brainwashing of those children to hate Jews and to beleive all the evil lies about Israel and the Jews. In my opinion these blood libel incitements originate with the dahlia scheindlin’s of Israel. In the article we can see how the tamimi family is a fraud and a family of terrorists and yet the Israeli Jews who support this arrange for these inciters of pogroms against the Jews through their international leftist global connections.

    Anti-Israel activism hits elementary school in Ithaca, NY

    I believe, that in the future, we will see many more dead jews in the diaspora and in Israel as a result of the lies spread by Israeli leftist Jews

  14. although the article is true, the times are way past this ongoing MO of Jews whining to their enemies and detractors for understanding and pity.

    What Jews need now are articles which clearly point out and target who their enemies are,especially those who masquerade as allies. It is the covert enemies who operate behind the scenes with libel, swindling,funding of jew killers using their institutions, media, courts, parliaments who need to be exposed as the really deep evil behind the scenes…. the darth vaders. Europe is the prime enemy of the Jews and this is proven by their ongoing, serial, relentless, chronic, perennial stalking, libeling, swindling,etc. Whether they are secularist, gov, BDS christian, they collaborate on one thing, the defamation, delegitimizing and destruction of Israel as the proxy of the Jews. The insane and delusional Jews still have not figured this out when daily they are seeking to destroy Israel and the Jews: they lie about Jewish illegal settlement, they illegally, build muslim homes in the Jewish homeland, they are again labeling jewish goods for boycott… and the idiot Jews do nothing!

    labeling of products manufactured in Israeli settlements in the West Bank will begin effective October 1.

    after Jews have figured out the obvious as to who their enemies are……. there needs to be articles which clearly enunciate how those enemies can be weakened, destroyed, damaged, sabotaged, liquidated, given dirty tricks, lawfare, assassination, etc etc etc. We haven’t heard a thing about how BB is going to counter this anti semitic attack on the Jewish people by their 2000 year stalkers. So far he has done nothing to stop them from building in YS. Perhaps he wants them to do these things so as to move Israel public opinion to fear of the consequences and to abandon and delegitimize settlers in YS. Gosh, doesn’t that MO fit what he just did with rivlin and yaalon when they formed a lynch mob to blame settlers without evidence of the arab duma murders? At that point will he invite Herzog in to collaborate in the giving away of YS who subscribes to enemy narratives?

    The official added that Brussels will consider further punitive measures if the Israeli government announces plans for more construction beyond the Green Line in east Jerusalem and the West Bank.

    No self respecting people would stand for these insults from those who pushed them into cattle cars and slaughtered them by the millions a few decades ago. If BB believes that Israel is to weak to withstand the BDS euro inspired boycotts then it is his duty to inform the people that there is an enemy who threatens and seeks to destroy Israel by sanctions and we are incapable of withstanding their onslaught. Israel and the Jews must be informed so they can make the choice on existential issues and not this one man.
    I see no lawfare, no counterattacks of meaning only yap yap yap BS rhetoric that accomplishes Nothing. the only significant legal attacks were from shurat ha din… the GOI appears ot incompetent or negligent in this aspect of warfare. The same is true on every other front, he appears to react to things coming a long time as if they suddenly arose by coincidence. At the very least, unless Israel intends to capitulate to the euro threats and attacks it should have a plan to annex area c, cut off a & b like gaza and begin to drain the swamp of undesirables by deportation of the PLO families who were allowed to return under Oslo. there is no reason to do anything for them. The worse it is the more will leave. arms and weapons are easier to control on the west bank if a cordon is thrown around a & B and nothing goes in except food. If sanctions are brought Israel will have a limited time to drive out the jew killers like syrian refugees.

    the only blessing comes from the arab spring and the flooding of europe by the honor killers, but none of this is due to any Israeli activity. Israel should explore every avenue whether overt or covert to destroy those who seek to incite pogrom and lynch mobs against Israel and the Jews.

  15. The international socialists have committed mass murder in China and Russia and Vietnam and Cambodia and the list just goes on and on. The national socialists laid waste to Europe. Liberalism is depravity, but there is crippling cognitive dissonance because everyone has an Uncle Clyde and Aunt Bonnie who vote liberal and yet are charming companions at Thanksgiving Dinner. History is replete with seemingly nice people who facilitate evil.

  16. It is high time that the unJews experience suffering as they they have inflicted intentionally since Oslo to Israelis at large and to religious and patriotic Jews in particular.
    Detentions using the “administrative detention” artifact they freely use against Jews.
    Fabrication of files.
    Destruction of their collective villages, homes and farms.
    Elimination of their operatives from: Foreign Service, police command functions, Radio and TV anchor functions, Tenured teaching positions, etc.

    The unJews intentionally caused thousands of deaths by using their Islamic proxies as tools.
    This subject must be brought to the fore and acted upon by NEWLY elected courts.