5 Spaniards killed in attack on UNIFIL patrol in south Lebanon

Five UN Spanish peacekeepers killed, 3 injured in blast which damaged two of their armored vehicles in S. Lebanon

DEBKAfile reports: The vehicles hit a mine or a bomb trap near Al Khiyam, close to the Israeli border, further raising military tensions which have been high since the Katyusha attack on Kiryat Shemona exactly a week ago.

This was the first terrorist attack on UNIFIL forces. For some weeks, al Qaeda-linked groups controlled by Syrian military intelligence in Lebanon as well as Hizballah have been threatening the lives of the international peace keepers assigned to South Lebanon by the world body after the 2006 war.


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June 24, 2007 | 1 Comment »

1 Comment / 1 Comment

  1. AT LAST! This maybe the start of something good!! Hopefully more will follow: It certainly puts the Hizbolla in a spot when other groups are protecting Islam more than them. They may have to move up their timetable in order to compete. Sunni vs. Shia may yet save us.

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